Jake’s Favorite Configurations

set -o vi

  • Turns on vim-style normal mode at the command line.
  • Super useful for navigating and editing long commands

The PATH Variable

Use cases:

  • You wrote a personal script or command
  • some software you installed puts its commands somewhere special
  • A course you’re taking has its commands in a specific folder

To use:

export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/some/folder"


  • An alternative to bash
  • Mostly the same syntax, so most config from your bashrc will transfer


  • Completions get cleared after selecting one
  • Syntax highlighting of commands
  • Expand shell globs and ranges

For more information: https://github.com/jez/starter-zshrc

  • Complete filenames the way Vim completes filenames
  • Automatically choose the first choice if ambiguous, press TAB to cycle through remaining


  • I have lots of these!

For more information: https://github.com/jez/dotfiles/blob/a92fe3d7649/util/aliases.sh

Solarized Dircolors

  • If you happen to like the Solarized colorscheme
  • Changes the colors ls uses to list files

For more information: https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized

Vim Superman

Open man pages in Vim. Why?

  • Can use the mouse to scroll
  • Get better syntax highlighting


This file lets you configure how you interact with shell prompts.

It configures any program which links against the readline library. Some examples:

  • bash
  • python
  • rlwrap


  • Edit lines with Vim keybindings (like set -o vi, but for all readline programs)
  • Turn tab completion to menu completion (like how Vim does it)
  • History search

For more information: https://github.com/jez/dotfiles/blob/master/inputrc

For how to do these things in zsh: https://github.com/jez/starter-zshrc


The terminal already supports bold and colored text.

We can make it support italic text.

For more information: https://alexpearce.me/2014/05/italics-in-iterm2-vim-tmux/


These are a sampling of some of my aliases which you might find useful.

alias ls="ls -p --color=auto"
alias cp="cp -v"
alias mv="mv -v"
alias rm="rm -v"

# so much easier to type than `cd ..`
alias cdd="cd .."
alias cddd="cd ../.."
alias cdddd="cd ../../.."
alias cddddd="cd ../../../.."
alias cdddddd="cd ../../../../.."
alias cddddddd="cd ../../../../../.."

# open multiple files in Vim tabs
alias vim="vim -p"
# open multiple files in Vim vertical splits
alias vimv="vim -O"

# I'm pretty proud of these ones
alias :q="clear"
alias :tabe="vim"
alias :vs="vimv"

# ----- aliases that are actually full-blown commands -------------------------

# list disk usage statistics for the current folder
alias duls="du -h -d1 | sort -hr"

# resolve a symlink in the PWD to a fully qualified directory
alias resolve='cd "$(pwd -P)"'

# How much memory is Chrome using right now?
alias chromemem="ps -ev | grep -i chrome | awk '{print \$12}' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)s+=\$i}END{print s}'"

# ----- git aliases -----------------------------------------------------------

alias gco="git checkout"

alias ga="git add"
alias gap="git add --patch"

alias gc="git commit -v"
alias gca="gc -a"
alias gcm="git commit -m"
alias gcam="git commit -am"

alias gs="git status"
alias gd="git diff"

alias gf="git fetch"
alias gfp="git fetch --prune"
alias gpf="git pull --ff-only"

alias gl="git log --graph --oneline --decorate --abbrev-commit --all"
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