DateTopicReading/lecture notesQuiz/Homework
8/31Lecture 1: Introduction to cryptographyPages 1-12 of [JL]Quiz 1 
9/2Lecture 2: One-time pad and perfectly secure encryption$1.4, $2.1, $2.2, $2.3 of [JL]Quiz 2 
9/7Lecture 3: Computational security$3.1, $3.2.1 of [JL], $3.1 of [PS]Quiz 3 
9/9Lecture 4: Pseudorandom generator and computationally secure encryption$3.3 of [JL]Quiz 4 Homework 1 out 
9/14Lecture 5: Multiple encryption security$3.4 of [JL]Quiz 5 
9/16Lecture 6: Pseudorandom functions, CPA secure encryption$3.5, $3.6 of [JL]Quiz 6 Homework 1 due on Friday 9/17 
9/21Lecture 7: Message authentication code$4.1, $4.2, $4.3.1 of [JL]Quiz 7 
9/23Lecture 8: Message authentication code and collision-resistant hashing$4.3.2, $5.1, $5.2 of [JL]Quiz 8 Homework 2 out 
9/28Lecture 9: Collision-resistant hash function, hash-and-MAC$5.1, $5.2, $5.3.1Quiz 9 
9/30Lecture 10 Merkle hash trees and secure storage outsourcingStorage Outsourcing (On Canvas)Quiz 10 Homework 2 due 
10/5Lecture 11: Number theory$8.1.1- $8.1.4, $8.2.1, $8.3.1 of [JL]Quiz 11 
10/7Midterm 1   
10/12Lecture 12: Key exchange$10.1 - $10.3 of [JL]Quiz 12 
10/14Mid-semester Break, No Class Homework 3 out 
10/19Lecture 13: Public-key encryption, digital signatures$11.1, $11.2.1 $11.4.1, $12.1, $12.2, $12.4 of [JL]Quiz 13 
10/21Lecture 14: Secure two-party computation$6.2 of [PS]Quiz 14  
10/26Lecture 15: Secure two-party computation (continued) $6.2 of [PS]Quiz 15 Homework 3 due 
10/28Lecture 16: Oblivious RAMLecture notes posted on CanvasQuiz 16 Homework 4 out 
11/2Lecture 17: Zero-knowledge proofs$12.1, $12.2, $12.6 of [G]Quiz 17 
11/4Lecture 18: Zero-knowledge proofs (continued), Byzantine Broadcast$3 of [S]Quiz 18 Homework 4 due 
11/9Midterm 2   
11/11Lecture 19: Dolev-Strong, Blockchain protocols$3 of [S]Quiz 19 Homework 5 out 
11/16Lecture 20: Blockchain protocols, Streamlet$7 of [S]Quiz 20 
11/18Lecture 21: Bitcoin$14.1 of [S]Quiz 21 Homework 5 due (on Tuesday 11/22) 
11/23Lecture 22 Namakoto consensus and selfish mining attack$14.1, $15 of [S]Quiz 22 
11/25Thanksgiving break, No Class   
11/30Lecture 23 Differential privacy$1, $2, $3.1, $3.3 of [DR]Quiz 23 
12/2Midterm 3