Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification
Course Overview
High-profile bugs continue to plague the software industry, leading to major problems in the reliability, safety, and security of systems. This course teaches students how to write bug-free code through the process of software verification, which aims to prove the correctness of a program with respect to a mathematical specification. Along the way, students will learn how to:
- Specify correct program behavior
- Prove the correctness of their code
- Use formal semantics to reason about the soundness of proof rules
- Write practical and efficient verified code
- Use decision procedures and model checkers to reduce verification effort
Spring 2021: This course is REMOTE ONLY, using the ohyay platform for live lectures
Please check out the ohyay platform tips and login instructions before the first lecture
Lectures: Tue Thu 12:20-1:40pm, 15-414 Ohyay Course Space
Lecture Recordings: YouTube Channel
Office Hour Location: 15-414 Ohyay Course Space
- Ruben Martins, rubenm@andrew, Mon 1-3pm
- Frank Pfenning, fp@cs, Wed 12-1pm and Fri 10-11am
- Jatin Arora, jatina@andrew, Thu 6-8pm
- Aditi Gupta, aditig@andrew, Wed 4-6pm
- Deepayan Patra, dpatra@andrew, Fri 6-8pm
Piazza: piazza.com/cmu/spring2021/15414/home
Gradescope: www.gradescope.com/courses/236329
Software: This course will teach students how to use the Why3 deductive verification platform. Installation instructions will be provided with the assignments that use this software.