15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2024: Assignments

The assignments are the heart of this course. Much of what you learn in this course will be through completing these assignments.

  • All assignments are due 11:59pm on the due date shown.
  • The late penalty is 10% per day.
  • Each student has 5 late-day points for use during the semester. Use them wisely.
  • A one-person team can extend a programming assignment by one day using one point.
  • A two-person team can extend a programming assignment by one day using two point (either one from each student, or two from a single student).
  • You can submit assignments at most 3 days late.
  • All assignments are handed out via GitHub and turned in using Autolab and Gradescope.


Lab  Out Name Due

Assignment 1 Friday 8/30 Exploring parallel computing   Wednesday 9/11 (Note that students on the waitlist need to submit assignment on 9/6)
Assignment 2 Wednesday 9/11 GPU programing in CUDA Wednesday 9/25