
  • Instructors: Danny Sleator (sleator@cs), Elaine Shi (runting@cs)
  • TAs: Abby Li (abigail2), Aditya Sundaram (arsundar), David Tang (davidtan), Efe Cekirge (ecekirge), Joel Manning (jamannin), Jonathan Liu (jsliu2), Nick Grill (ngrill), Summit Wei (elwei), Yoseph Mak (ymak)

Class Hours

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 12:30pm-1:50pm, GHC 4401 Rashid

Recitations (Friday & Monday)

Sections A and G are Friday sections and the remaining sections are on Monday.

AAbby & David1:00-1:50pm (F)GHC 4102
GEfe & Joel3:00-3:50pm (F)WEH 5409
BYoseph & Jonathan10:00-10:50am (M)BH A53
CAbby & David11:00-11:50am (M)BH A53
FJoel11:00-11:50am (M)DH 1112
DAditya & Nick12:00-12:50pm (M)HH B103
EAditya & Summit1:00-1:50pm (M)MM 103
HEfe4:00-4:50pm (M)BH A36

Office Hours

The office hour schedule can be found on the course calendar below. Although most time slots are regular every week, they may occasionally change and be rescheduled, so always double check the calendar before deciding to go!

Note that Elaine's office hours (Saturday 4-5 pm) are held both in-person at GHC 6001 and virtually through Zoom. Sign up for a 15-minute slot at this link.

Course Calendar