18-213/18-613 Intro to Computer Systems: Homeworks

In addition to the labs, there will be weekly homeworks:

  • The first homework will go out on Tuesday August 27.
  • Homeworks are released and collected on Canvas as a quiz.
  • There are approximately 12 homeworks in all. Homeworks #6 and #7 are combined into one double-points homework (HW 6/7), which will be a low-stakes, open book, take-home midterm. Further details on HW 6/7 will be presented in lecture and posted to Piazza.
  • Homeworks (other than HW 6/7) are released on Tuesdays, and due 9 days later at 11:59 pm ET. There are no grace days. The late penalty is 15% per day. You can turn in a homework at most 3 days late.
  • The rules are different for HW 6/7. It is released on Monday October 9 and due on Friday October 13 at 11:59 pm ET. Unlike the other homeworks, HW 6/7 is 80 minutes self-timed, and you only get one attempt at your answers. There is at most one late day (at 15% penalty) for HW 6/7, i.e., it must be turned in by Saturday Oct 14 at 11:59 pm ET. This is because midsemester grades are due, and HW 6/7 is included in your midsemester grade.
  • We will drop your two lowest scores. The remaining are each worth ~2% of your course grade. HW 6/7 counts as two homeworks for this accounting.
  • The homeworks are designed to reinforce concepts from the lectures held the week the homework is released. HW 6/7 is designed as a low-stakes midterm covering the material through the September 28 lecture.
  • Although the midterm exam counts for two homework assignments, you are only able to apply one drop to it, so it necessarily counts at least as much as one homework toward your final grade.