Carnegie Mellon

Computer Science Department |
15-410 Auditing Page
official policy on grades says, in part:
Audit Grades
Auditing is presence in the classroom without receiving academic credit,
a pass/fail or a letter grade.
The extent of a student's participation must be arranged and approved by the course instructor.
A student wishing to audit a course is required to register for the course,
complete the Course Audit Approval Form,
obtain permission of the course instructor and their advisor,
and return the form to The HUB prior to the last day to add a course.
Any student enrolled full-time (36 units) may audit a course without additional charges.
Part-time or non-degree students who choose to audit a course
will be assessed tuition at the regular per-unit tuition rate.
Auditing usually does not make sense for this class, at least not in that sense.
But sometimes a special circumstance justifies an audit.
If you believe there is a case for a formal audit of this class,
please discuss this case with your advisor.