Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Remaining from Week 10
- Add title and author functionality
- Integrate CMU Graphics into frontend repo and update it to v4c.
- Make multiple choice exercise accessible
Items Completed
- #120 Asynchronous load and execution of CMU Graphics
- #102 Multiple graphics instances bug
- #147 IDE Sidebar
- #126 IDE Running man animation
- #135 Stateful and reusable Navbar component
- #56 Dynamic username availability checks
- #134 Prototype of multiple choice exercise
- #130 Fix save as command, empty content bug
- #124 Selenium tests involving users logged in
- #16 Styling of IDE buttons using svg graphics
Upcoming Items
- Assessment MVP
- #148 Refine IDE layout
- #149 Quiz component
- #152 IDE code reconciliation (private and public)
- #146 Hook up submission service to functional backend
- #139 Unify CMU Graphics codebase and update to latest v4
- Miscellaneous
- #159 Add IDE keybindings and tooltips
- #136 Make multiple choice accessible
- #142 Investigate canvas containment issues
- #141 Investigate session persistence bugs
UX Design
See week 12 report.
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
See class homeworks.
- Grade homework 11
See week12 report.
Items Completed
- Code reviews for HW9 are complete.
- The “common feedback” is available here and is currently being cleaned up and reviewed.
Action Items (continued from last week)
- Add logging for Django
- Verify that Django logging integrates with EBS and CloudWatch the way
we expect - Ensure media-attribution service ends up on next week’s agenda
Outreach Management
See week 12 report.
See week 12 report.
Video Team
Items Completed
- User testing for the recording instructions