CMU 15-539: Computer Science Pedagogy, Fall 2017
Week3 Team Reports
Critical Path Student Teams
Items Completed This Week
- Switched to Django instead of Java
- Released Homework 3
- Working on File API Spec
- Working on Authentication
- Working on Python wrapper for AWS S3
- Working on Dev ops for backend
Upcoming Items
- Review meetings for homework 3 to ensure high quality code
- Merge independent tasks from homework 3 into a working file service
- Flush out authentication service
- Start on authorization service
UX Design
Items Remaining From Week 2
- Split group into teams -> pushed until after we get first mock-ups of IDE
Items Completed This Week
- Reviewed IDE prototypes critique style
- Released Homework 3
- User desire post-it note generating session
- Answer important design decision questions about IDE
- Create first mock-ups of running code in the IDE using online tool
Upcoming Items
- Converge on user desires
- Converge on IDE designs as proposals
- Gain intuition and experience from 104 students, high school students, and Professor Kosbie
Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Completed This Week
- Interactive Bootstrap lecture on Tuesday
- Built a clone of Amazon.com
- Released hw3
- Go to React + Redux intro session (Friday 9/15)
- Set up Sublime Text for React development
- Do the React tutorial
- Watch the Redux intro course and provide proof of completion
- Create a React + Redux multiple choice application. Work with the following components:
- radio button, option text, option (which is composed of a radio button and an option text component), question statement, question, section of questions, paginated sections
- Delivery on Autolab and by submitting a PR to the uxi-hw3 repo
Upcoming Items
- Curated React presentation for Prof. Kosbie
- Create a prototype IDE using React
- Identify the future ACE editor team
- Need strong core JS skills
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
Items Completed This Week
- Complete Homework 2
- Assign Homework 3
Upcoming Items
- Assign homework 4
Critical Path Internal/Staff Teams
Items Completed This Week
- Performed high-level analysis on Autograding strategies
- Pixel based, object tree based, and goal-based
- Released Homework 3
- Come up with an exemplar exercise to evaluate Autograding strategies
Upcoming Items
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Graphics/Animation Framework
Items Completed This Week
- Review feedback from hw 1
Upcoming Items
- Build object based animation framework based off of feedback from hw1
Items Remaining From Week 2
- License file (in progress)
- Create conglomerate repo (waiting)
- Write contribution guide (waiting)
Items Completed This Week
- Github onboarding
- Slack onboarding
- Decided not to use git hooks, check linting serverside via Travis.
- Decided on Python3 for use with Django
- Decided Python3 Ops: PEP8 linter, yapf auto-formatter, virtualenv for management
- Decided on a code review process (2 per at least)
- Decided to look for static analysis tools
- React & friends example Repo
- Python (targeted towards exercises, not server)
Upcoming Items
- Add autoformatting and static analysis to react example repo
- Add autoformatting and static analysis to python example repo
- Create django example repo
- Decide on an editor for React/JSX
Items Completed This Week
- Graded homework 1
Upcoming Items
- Grade homework 2
Additional High-Priority Student Teams
Outreach Management
Upcoming Items
- Send Act153 Private Instructor form to act153@andrew.cmu.edu
Graphic Design Team
Items Completed This Week
- Met with CMU marketing, learned about branding requirements/flexibility
- Released Homework 3
- Make initial design guidelines (general to all teams)
- Review CMU’s marketing document, and summarize it for 15-539 internal use
Upcoming Items
- Make design guides specific to each team
- Start designing some components
Items Completed This Week
- Looked into free services for texbooks
- Examined tools discussed (brainstormed) earlier
- Homework 3:
- Use a tool described in hw2 to construct a lesson detailing a simple programming/cs concept
- Students describe their experience using said tools and developer support
Upcoming Items
- Offline Generation (technically in week 2 but it was not assigned for homework, it perhaps should be left for ~2 weeks from now.
- Grade homework 2
- Merging into teams of two to do small competititve analysis bewteen two tools
- Refine a lesson template for standard chapter and concept presentation (also probably not for week 3)
Items Completed This Week
- Released Homework 3
- Assigned each student a disability to research
- Compile a list of our obligations to students with that specific disability
- Give actionable feedback for how we can improve our content so it can be used by people witht that disability
- Studied legal guidelines for dealing with disabilities such as ADA, IDEA, etc.
- Created some guidelines for how we should be designing our content to maximize accessibility
Upcoming Items
- Make sure we have someone from CMU’s legal team make sure our findings are correct and that we satisfy all our legal obligations to students with disabilities
- Once all guidelines for accessibility have been compiled present them to other teams
Video Team
Items Completed This Week
- Ideation and analyzing competitors
- Released Homework 3
- Researching options and licensing for video editing softwares
- Ideation specific to content-videos (how similiar/different from 112 videos?)
- Set up the SCS Online Teaching Kit example and demo
Upcoming Items
- Finalize decision for editing software
- Present the SCS Online Teaching Kit to Kosbie (demo + walk-through) - next week
- Start creating the full sample video - due in 3 weeks
Extended Framework
Items Completed This Week
- A way for students to submit ideas
- Slack Channel
- Restructure team after changes (we had assigned pairs)
- Homework 3:
- Using the homework 2 described tool in order to create a small application demonstrating some basic use
- Describing dev process and integratability of said API/Extended frameworks
Upcoming Items
- Figure out what comes after hw3, uncertain about how we should proceed.
- If possible at least provide a small app in wich to put feature on top for basic testing.
Media Team
Items Completed This Week
- Collected media from different online sources
- Sprites, backgrounds, sounds, other images, etc.
- Also collected info about the license that applies to each source of media.
- Released Homework 3
- Trying to organize all of the media content
- Asked students to organize media into coherent collections (i.e. sprites, backgrounds, images, etc. that could go well together for a single lesson grouped into a folder)
Upcoming Items
- Finish organizing media content
- Make sure licenses on media are okay for our purposes
CS Pedagogy/Competitive Analysis
Items Completed This Week
- Investigated Khan academy, Codeacademy, books, etc.
Upcoming Items
- Assigned Homework 3 (which involved looking through resources for specific pedagogical features of interested)
- Presentations in class for research so far