CMU 15-539: Computer Science Pedagogy, Fall 2017
Week4 Team Reports
Critical Path Student Teams
Items Completed This Week
- Authentication proposal
- Serverside File API Spec
- Python wrapper for AWS S3
- Repo setup + Dev ops in place
- User + token API spec
- Validation + routes for file api in repo
- User schemas added to model.py
Upcoming Items
- Authorization proposal
- User routes added to code base
- Implement authentication
- JS client for file api
- Implement file api
UX Design
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Work out relationships with 104 and local teachers
Items Completed This Week
- Mock-ups of IDE done
- User stories for IDE Created
- Split up group into specialized teams
Upcoming Items
- Assigned HW4
- Specialized by team
- Pizza Party with 104 students to see how they interact with CodeHS, code.org, etc.
Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Create a prototype IDE using React
- Identify the future ACE editor team
- Need strong core JS skills
Items Completed This Week
- Dropped ‘UX Implementation’ name in favor of ‘Frontend’
- Split into a critical path subteam and a training subteam
- Released Homework 4
- Training:
- Redux video tutorial
- Immutable.js guide
- React-router guide
- Deliverable:
- Multiple choice app from last week with Redux, Immutable, and React-router.
- Focus on following best practices.
- Prototype implementation:
- Gradebook
- Login/create account page
- Tutorial/lesson plan
Upcoming Items
- Reorganize react-example for clarity
- Create a prototype IDE using the entire stack
- Identify the future ACE editor team
- Need strong core JS skills
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
Items Completed This Week
- Completed Homework 3
- Assigned Homework 4
Upcoming Items
- Assign Homework 5
Critical Path Internal/Staff Teams
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Items Completed This Week
- Released Homework 4
- Deep dive into a few CS1 exercises and evaluate our proposed frameworks
- Research competing autograding frameworks
- Implement basic pixel-matching autograding
Upcoming Items
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Graphics/Animation Framework
Upcoming Items
- Build object based animation framework based off of feedback from hw1
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- License file (in progress)
- Create conglomerate repo (waiting)
- Richard teaches Scott React
- Decide on an editor for React/JSX
Items Completed This Week
- Write contribution guide
- Created Django Rest Framework
- Added autoformatting and static analysis to react and Django repositories
- (Backend) assigned GitHub issues for tasks, and created projects to track them
- If this works well, we might want to have frontend do it, too
- Created design doc templates
Upcoming Items
- Lots of code review, track common problems
Items Completed This Week
- Graded homework 2
Upcoming Items
- Grade homework 3
Additional High-Priority Student Teams
Outreach Management
Items Completed This Week
- Send Act153 Private Instructor form to act153@andrew.cmu.edu
Upcoming Items
- Coordinate outreach with Taylor Allderdice
- Manage 4 cases where Act153 clearance is not complete
Graphic Design Team
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Make design guides specific to each team
- Start designing some components (now part of HW4)
Items Completed This Week
- Compiled design requirements from CMU’s marketing document and summarized it for 15-539 internal use
- Created initial visual vocabulary (general to all teams)
- Released HW4
Upcoming Items
- Make design guides specific to each team
- Start designing some components
- Write documentation on suggested file formats for different image types
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Schedule a weekly meeting
- Made peer reviewed lessons and preparing to implement them using various tool.
Upcoming Items
- Getting into peer groups for competitive analysis.
- Implement Lessons using previously discussed tools.
- Comprehensive report on dev usability.
- Chapter creation.
Items Completed This Week
- Researched our legal obligations to students with different disabilities
- Provided actionable suggestions on how to improve accessibility for students with those disabilities
- Released HW4
- Creating a single doc with all of our accessibility guidelines that can be released to other teams
- Look for new tools that can become part of our workflow that help detect accessibility issues
Upcoming Items
- Decide on some kind of way to actually test our content for accessibility
- Release accessibility guidelines to other teams
Video Team
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Finalize decision for editing software
- Present the SCS Online Teaching Kit to Kosbie (demo + walk-through)
Items Completed This Week
- Set up the SCS online teaching Kit and made a example video using it
- Found a good, free, video editing software
Upcoming Items
- Schedule demo/walk-through of the Teaching Kit
- Plan, record, and edit the full sample video - due in 2 weeks (part of HW4)
Extended Framework
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Schedule a weekly meeting
Items Completed This Week
- Held OH for API’s this monday (9/18). Might hold another next week.
- For hw3 we simplified the application creation but made it so that every submission was an implementation rather than a story board.
Upcoming Items
- Students will get into groups and tutor each other on the API’s they used last week. Those tutored will implement a similar (perhaps simpler) application to that of hw3 with their newly assigned API’s.
Media Team
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Continue to organize our media content (there was a lot of it, needed another week to sift through it all)
Items Completed This Week
- Compiled ~7-8 different collections of sounds and images that fit together coherently, which other teams can readily grab to make lessons, games, etc. (a lot of them are geared towards games)
- Met to discuss how we want to share content with our other teams (thinking shared Google drive for now)
- Released HW4
Upcoming Items
- Finish organizing media content
- Write up a guideline for how our workflow shouldlook
- How do other teams request media
- How do we handle those requests
CS Pedagogy/Competitive Analysis
Items Remaining From Previous Weeks
- Research into different tools
- Research into pedagogy papers
- Look for important tidbits to share with rest of class
Items Completed This Week
- Class presentation on Khan academy
- Did initial analysis on most tools
- Completed HW3
- Assigned HW4 (futher competitive analysis, also look into APCS-P content)
Upcoming Items
- Have multiple opinions on each source of competitive analysis
- Come up with snippets of pedagogy to show the class and help give everyone a broader understanding of how cs pedagogy works.
- Over the semester develop a large base of competitive analysis for other programs that do similar things