CMU 15-539: Computer Science Pedagogy, Fall 2017
Week5 Team Reports
Critical Path Student Teams
Items Completed
- Authorization proposal
- User routes added to code base
- Implement authentication
- Implement file api
Upcoming Items
- Add token expiration
- Add a development and production settings.py file
- Remove namespaces from file storage api
- Secure key storage solution (environment variable)
- Add error code for bad request types (messed up path, invalid content type, etc)
- Launch an instance of the backend on AWS
- Permissions design meeting + finish technical spec for permissions
- Implement file ownership
- Create an integrated demo with frontend
UX Design
Items Completed This Week
- IDE Team: First wireframe of the IDE is done!
- Teacher Portal: First teacher meeting and first paper portal prototype done
- Exercise Team: Story board of exercises done + ideation
- Lesson Plan Team: Prototype + ideation done
Upcoming Items
- IDE Team will revise wireframe based on feedback
- Student Portal Team is spinning up from members of IDE Team
- All other teams will work on making wireframes of their prototypes
Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Remaining From Week 4
- Identify the future ACE editor team
Items Completed This Week
- Major code reorganization in react-example.
- Prefer modularity over code split by type.
- Instead of
, folders, keep all code related to a distinct feature in a self-contained module. - Use a top-level
to combine all the reducers in themodules
folder. - Use module-level ‘container’ components which hook into Redux state to manage ‘dumb’ components that are responsible for solely the view.
- Refined devops: mainly a clearner sonarlint pipeline (and the addition of a
- Pre-alpha version of the IDE complete.
- Proof-of-concept baseline that runs JavaScript code.
- Uses AceEditor and only provides console output (no canvas yet).
- Uses the entire Frontend stack, and can be used as example React + Redux code for beginners.
- Released Homework 5
- Training:
- Fetch docs
- Two implementation teams: navigation framework and ide prototype.
- Based on the IDEv1 mockup.
- Architecture overview document describing state tree and component split due for review by Friday.
- Delivery to frontend-hw repo.
- Intra-team code review required.
- Prototype implementation (critical path):
- Varied projects, involving login page and gradebook.
Upcoming Items
- Add animation framework to the IDE.
- Integrate backend file storage and auth API’s into the IDE and Navbar components.
- Create a prototype login path.
- Identify the future Ace editor team.
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
Items Completed This Week
- Completed Homework 4
- Class presentations on engaging graphics and ideas
- Assigned Homework 5
Critical Path Internal/Staff Teams
Items Remaining From Week 4
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Items Completed This Week
- Released Homework 5
- Complete pixel/object-based matching autograder prototype
- Design an sample graphics-oriented exercise to test the autograder
- Keep evaluating exercises that people make against the possible frameworks
- Initial implementation of pixel/object-based autograding
- Original pull request
- Support for phases (i.e. test cases)
- Each phase’s solution is specified by writing code in sections delimited by
, whereexpectation
is an autograding framework object that is eventually attached to the phase.
Upcoming Items
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Graphics/Animation Framework
Items Completed This Week
- Build object based animation framework based off of feedback from hw1
Upcoming Items
- Iterate on upcoming framework
Items Completed This Week
- Measured success of previous dev ops decisions
- Lots of code reviews
Upcoming Items
- Update process guide for key storage with environment variables
- Error handling, adding domain specific codes for 400 returns
- Look into logging service
Items Completed This Week
- Graded homework 3
Upcoming Items
- Grade homework 4
Additional High-Priority Student Teams
Outreach Management
Items Completed This Week
- Visited one local Pittsburgh high school
Upcoming Items
- Coordinate outreach with local Pittsburgh schools
- Manage 3 cases where Act153 clearance is not complete
Graphic Design Team
Items Remaining From Week 4
- Make design guides specific to each team
Items Completed This Week
- Started designing some components
- dropdowns
- header
- Created a filetype guide for general 539 use (especially media/graphics)
Upcoming Items
- Make design guides specific to each team
Items Completed This Week
- Met with peer groups for competitive analysis of textbook tools.
- Implemented lessons using various textbook tools.
- Developed comprehensive report on development usability of textbook cools.
Upcoming Items
- Proposal for which textbook formatter to use
Items Completed This Week
- Found several free tools that can be used to diagnose accessibility issues in web content
- Wrote an accessibility guideline for students to follow as they are creating content
- Will be revised this week and made public next week
Upcoming Items
- Create a policy for how we plan to enforce compliance with the accessibility guidelines we drafted
- Where will accessibility testing fit into our development process?
- How much accessibility testing can be automated?
Video Team
Items Remaining From Week 4
- Schedule SCS Online Teaching Kit to Kosbie demo
Items Completed This Week
- Reviewed 3 editing softwares (for including animations)
- Wrote an initial prototype for a code editing software for use in content videos
- Did in-depth research into Vimeo
Upcoming Items
- Plan, record, and edit the full sample video - due in 1 week
Extended Framework
Items Completed This Week
- API exploration homework
- Discussed comfort with using web APIs
- Discussed general vision, why it matters that we have a WOW factor.
- Modified homework to match experience level and goals
Upcoming Items
- Find APIs with a WOW factor and share them to slack for discussion
- Schedule an office hours/work session to help work through stumbling blocks
- Update this homework for a more realistic deliverable
Media Team
Items Completed This Week
- Further organized the media content we’ve compiled
- Divided based on categories
- Added all of our content into a shared Google drive so everyone has a single source for easy access
- Began compiling organized lists of resources for finding specific media types
- i.e. if we don’t have an image that’s quite right, but we have a lot of similar ones, there should be resources to find similar content online so we can find exactly the right media even if it is not on hand
Upcoming Items
- Decide on standard formats for storing different types of media
- Finish documenting all of our categorized media collections with online resources for finding similar content
CS Pedagogy/Competitive Analysis
Items Completed This Week
- Gathered multiple reviews on each source of competitive analysis
- Came up with snippets of pedagogy to show the class and help give everyone a broader understanding of how cs pedagogy works.
Upcoming Items
- Develop Rubric for Comp analysis
- What qualities to look for
- Ideas from competitive analysis
- Pedagogy
- Keep doing research but in more specific areas
- Pair Programming and development in classrooms
- Psychology of 9th graders
- Math classes for 9th graders in general and example tests and such