CMU 15-539: Computer Science Pedagogy, Fall 2017
Week7 Team Reports
Critical Path Student Teams
Items Completed
- Remove directories after file storage tests run
- Custom enum type field
- Implement permissions
Upcoming Items
- Upload backend media
- Release and create live version of file api
UX Design
Items Completed
- Remy made a color palette and was onboarded to UX Design
- We combined Lesson Plan Team and Exercise Team -> Lexercise Team
- They have set deliverables and will have first hi-fidelity prototypes by Sunday 10/15
- We tabled Teacher Portal and moved one student to the Student Portal Team
- The Student Portal Team has made great progress toward hi-fidelity mock-ups
- We have gone through a couple iterations with Professor Kosbie using 3 different clickable prototypes
- The IDE team finalized animations and interactions
- We discussed and are determining our vocabulary and the granularity of the designs
Upcoming Items
- Meet with marketing
- Lexercise and Student Portal complete their hi-fidelity mock-up
- More hard-core testing of the IDE
Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Remaining
- Identify the future ACE editor team
Items Completed
- New student joined Frontend from UX Design
- Strong skills in CSS layout and styling
- Initial prototype Editor complete
- Features:
- Full animation framework integration
- Mouse and key bugs from last week fixed
- Full backend API integration (of existing API’s)
- Added File Storage this week
- Session persistence
- Saves entire state tree to browser local storage using
- Environment variable configuration using
- Register Page
- Added client-side field validation
- Added API error handling
- Refactored into
repository - Navigation
- Core functionality completed
- Refactored into
repository - SCSS preprocessing added
- Testing framework (in progress)
- Working out a few more bugs
Upcoming Items
- Code review Register Page
- Code review Navigation
- Improve test coverage of all components (blocked by testing framework completion)
- Complete initial Editor styling
- Identify the future Ace editor team.
- Complete testing framework
- Identify the future ACE editor team
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
See class homeworks.
Critical Path Internal/Staff Teams
Items Completed
- Homework 6
- Main focus on designed example exercises to be autograded.
- Stopped work on prototype autograders to wait for Prof. Kosbie to join the team.
Upcoming Items
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Graphics/Animation Framework
Items Completed
- Reviewed 2 rounds of animation feedback
- Fixed numerous bugs
- Added features such as groups, etc.
Upcoming Items
- Release alpha version
- Decide on app versus global
Items Completed
- Slow week, existing tasks are low priority, and dev ops are getting fairly
Upcoming Items
- Look into logging service for front end
- Look into custom SonarPython rules (e.g. should we enforce class-based views rather than function-based?)
Items Completed
- Graded homework 5
Upcoming Items
- Grade homework 6
Outreach Management
Items Completed
- We visited the Ellis School
- Drafted a protocol for taking notes at school visits
- Drafted a protocol for interviewing teachers
Upcoming Items
- Review and use these protocols in future visits
- Set up visits with these schools and Winchester Thurston
Additional High-Priority Student Teams
Items Completed
- Chapter Demo implementation with Runestone interactive
- Rough draft of toolchain competitive analysis
- Choice of top three textbook software (Runestone, Jupyter, Gitbooks)
- Rough draft presentation
Upcoming Items
- Finalize Jupyter and Gitbook implementation of lessons
- Finalize midterm report
- Figure out if we should go with our top choice or forgo it for a solid static renderer and let the code be done by the website
Items Completed
- Reviewed a prototype of the IDE provided by the UX team to ensure it met accessibility standards
- Overall strong feedback
- Font sizes should be larger
- Users should be able to navigate page using keyboard actions such as using the ‘tab’ key
Upcoming Items
- Compile documentation for mid-semester deliverable
Video Team
Items Remaining
- Figure out password issues in embedded Vimeo videos
Items Completed
- Edited the full (code-only) demo video
- Added basic animations to the demo video
- Planned out the next two sample videos (basic speaker video, and green-screen speaker video)
Upcoming Items
- Record and edit the next two demo videos
- Complete the mid semester report
- Figure out password issues in embedded Vimeo videos
- Implement quiz checkpoints for the frontend video component
Extended Framework
Items Completed
- Clarified direction of the team
- Put less emphasis on building cool lessons. We need examples of API
usage, but not necessarily lessons. - Put more emphasis on re-use of API
- Maybe wrapping, but potentially just boilerplate that CS content can
- Maybe wrapping, but potentially just boilerplate that CS content can
- Created mid-semester deliverable to represent these goals
- Put less emphasis on building cool lessons. We need examples of API
- Established important features of APIs we had been overlooking
- Cost-sensitivity - Even APIs with a “free” tier may not be usable for
us. We could look into Open Source projects that we can run on our own
servers. - IDE compatibility - As long as it can be used in the IDE, it’s fair game.
So JS is allowable, and python is restricted to Brython. - Key management - If we can’t force students to sign up for developer
accounts, we probably need to use one key server-side.
- Cost-sensitivity - Even APIs with a “free” tier may not be usable for
Upcoming Items
- Get APIs students been using with Python working in the IDE
- Ensure progress is being made (set intermediate deadlines)
Media Team
Items Completed
- Added some new media to our Google Drive
- Researched some methods for media distribution
- Easiest to support is probably to just use s3 and integrate media storage and distribution with existing file storage API created by backend
Upcoming Items
- Work with backend to create demo of media storage and distribution
- Compile all necessary documentation for mid semester deliverable
CS Pedagogy/Competitive Analysis
Items Completed
- Comp Analysis Rubric
- Currently combining it into a google doc. Using for next steps and making overall paper
- Talked about good rubric qualities
- Pedagogy
- Analyzed how college board approves classes.
- Researched math standards for 8th grade and 9th grade 2012
- Looked at gaming and teaching CS
Upcoming Items
- Mid semester deliverable