CMU 15-539: Computer Science Pedagogy, Fall 2017
Week8 Team Reports
Critical Path Student Teams
Items Completed
- Deployed API
- Added registration code
- Uploaded backend media
Upcoming Items
- Investigate LMSs
UX Design
Items Completed
- Alpha interactive and styled version of the IDE has been passed off to Frontend
- Have built the first prototypes of a classroom experience
- Have built the first prototypes of the student portal
- Includes a “current day” view
- Includes a course map
- Includes a navigation for gradebook
- Met with marketing and got advice on style going forward
Upcoming Items
- Go over all the designs and give feedback for visual consistency
- Send current IDE Design to Marketing
- Iterate on the deliverable designs
Frontend/UX Implementation
Items Completed
- IDE v0.1.1 release at ide.cmu-cs-academy.com
- Core IDE components
- Text editor using ACE Editor
- Canvas with full animation framework support (lacks app.title and app.author)
- Console output with interactive shell input
- Registration page
- Sign in page
- Save, Save As, and Load via the File Storage service
- Demo of the lesson navigation components (static data currently)
- Github v0.1.1 release
- Code review of Register Page
- Code review of Navigation
- Removed sonarlint from Travis build
- Conflicts with eslint, which is more important for conformance.
- Corrected eslint setup
Upcoming Items
- Complete initial Editor styling
- Identify the future Ace editor team.
- Complete testing framework
- Issues:
- Implement local storage migrations in redux persist
- Browsers unintentionally persist form state (autofill)
- Auto saving
- Add title and author functionality
- Handle File Storage errors cleanly
- Run linter
CS1: Scope+Sequence; Content
See class homeworks.
Critical Path Internal/Staff Teams
Items Completed
- Completed mid-semester deliverable
- Draft of pre-alpha animation autograder
- Includes implementation notes
- Autograding approaches document
Upcoming Items
- Have ‘blue sky’ design meeting with Prof. Kosbie
Graphics/Animation Framework
Items Completed
- Bug fixes
- Documentation
- Initial release
Items Completed
- Discussed the need for browser testing. Supporting schools means supporting
all operating systems, and legacy browsers.- Automation is key here, the eng hours it would take to do manual tests
like this would be a severe drain.
- Automation is key here, the eng hours it would take to do manual tests
- ES Lint is now configured in the frontend repo, before it was not examining
all files - SonarLint for JS and ES Lint can conflict, and SonarLint is not providing
much benefit.- We will remove SonarLint from conformance tests/CI, so it does not have
to pass to submit - We will leave SonarLint available as a script, so that it can still be
used by conscientious devs to find non-style related bugs
- We will remove SonarLint from conformance tests/CI, so it does not have
Upcoming Items
- Remove SonarLint from frontend Travis CI
- Look into logging services/frameworks
Items Completed
- Graded homework 6
- Graded mid semester deliverables
- Effort based student grades
- Mid semester grades
Upcoming Items
- Grade homework 9
Outreach Management
Items Completed
- went on two high school visits this week: Taylor Allderdice and PPS Sci Tech
- got some really great insights and notes from teachers
Upcoming Items
- set up relationship with Winchester Thurston
- start talking to teachers about Professional Development and got some insights there
Additional High-Priority Student Teams
Items Completed
- Finalize gitbook and Jupyter implementations
- Toolchain Competetive Analysis
- Team Advertising/Filtering
- Presentation
- Midsemester report
- Finalize decision on software
Upcoming Items
- Meet with accessibility on our textbook implementation
- Begin work on the decided software
Items Completed
- Finalized mid-semester deliverable
- Tested new tool for automatic accessibility analysis of HTML files
Upcoming Items
- Meet with front end team to discuss accessibility concerns and review process
- Meet with UX design team to go over accessibility requirements
Video Team
Items Completed
- Recorded and edited a demo video with an overlayed speaker video
- Recorded and edited a demo video with a green screen
- Complete the midsemester report
Upcoming Items
- Figure out password issues in embedded Vimeo videos
- Implement quiz checkpoints for the frontend video component
- Decide on a microphone
- Further competitive analysis
- Design title and end screens
Extended Framework
Items Completed
- Pivot based on deliverable draft feedback from last Thursday
- Cost is a big concern - we really need free APIs, or at a minimum
open source libraries that we can host ourselves - IDE integration is better than something that is cool in standard Python.
Switch focus to Brython and/or JS. - Found a (free) webkit speech to text setup to use in place of
third-party APIs. - Found a free iTunes API, was able to use that from JavaScript to
get some results - Worked with the bing image search API from Brython. Using the IDE,
canvas integration was fairly simple.
Upcoming Items
- Work on JS-Brython integration
- Move iTunes to Brython
Media Team
Items Completed
- Cleaned up the media shared Google drive
- Finished the mid-semester deliverable
- Added media content from Scratch to our own media collection
- Includes many sprites, backgrounds, and sounds in addition to what we already had
Upcoming Items
- Research similar projects to Scratch to see if there are other sources of media well-suited for our target projects and demographic that we may be missing
CS Pedagogy/Competitive Analysis
Items Completed
- Rubric Created
- All information so far compiled into central hub
Upcoming Items
- Compile more competitive analysis / pedagogy
- Find more ways to integrate this into the Design
- Picking out important pedagogy / features