Estimating Natural Illumination from a Single Outdoor Image

From a single image (left), we estimate the most likely sky appearance (middle) and insert a 3-D object (right). Illumination estimation was done entirely automatically.

Sun dial
Virtual sun dial

Sun probability map
Sun position probability

Detecting shadows from images can significantly improve the performance of several vision tasks such as object detection and tracking. Recent approaches have mainly used illumination invariants which can fail severely when the qualities of the images are not very good, as is the case for most consumer-grade photographs, like those on Google or Flickr. We present a practical algorithm to automatically detect shadows cast by objects onto the ground, from a single consumer photograph. Our key hypothesis is that the types of materials constituting the ground in outdoor scenes is relatively limited, most commonly including asphalt, brick, stone, mud, grass, concrete, etc. As a result, the appearances of shadows on the ground are not as widely varying as general shadows and thus, can be learned from a labelled set of images. Our detector consists of a three-tier process including (a) training a decision tree classifier on a set of shadow sensitive features computed around each image edge, (b) a CRF-based optimization to group detected shadow edges to generate coherent shadow contours, and (c) incorporating any existing classifier that is specifically trained to detect grounds in images. Our results demonstrate good detection accuracy (85%) on several challenging images. Since most objects of interest to vision applications (like pedestrians, vehicles, signs) are attached to the ground, we believe that our detector can find wide applicability.


Paper thumbnail "Estimating the Natural Illumination Conditions from a Single Outdoor Image"
Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, and Srinivasa G. Narasimhan.
International Journal on Computer Vision (IJCV),
June 2012.
[PDF] [BibTeX]
Paper thumbnail "Estimating Natural Illumination from a Single Outdoor Image"
Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, and Srinivasa G. Narasimhan.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),
October 2009.
[PDF] [BibTeX]

Poster - ICCP 2011

Poster thumbnail "Estimating Natural Illumination from a Single Outdoor Image"
Jean-François Lalonde, Alexei A. Efros, and Srinivasa G. Narasimhan.
poster in International Conference on Computational Photography, 2011.


Download the slides from the talk given at ICCV 2009 in the following formats:

[MS Powerpoint, 27.3MB], export from Apple Keynote
[PDF, 37.6MB]
[Apple Keynote, 36.4MB], original version used at ICCV 2009.


You can download a subset of 391 images that were used in the quantitative evaluation.


Here are some software packages relevant to that project: Sky model


This research is supported by:

- NSF CCF-0541230
- NSF IIS-0546547
- ONR N00014-08-1-0330
- NSF IIS-0643628
- Microsoft Research Fellowship
- Microsoft Research grant

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