Curriculum Vitae
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Principal Member Research Staff
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL)
201 Broadway, Cambridge, MA, USA, 02139
Ph: 617-621-7567
Email:  mylastname at merl dot com

Research Interests
Computer Vision, Image/Signal Processing, Computational Photography


, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park, MD  USA

Thesis: Scene Analysis under Variable Illumination using Gradient Domain Methods
Advisor: Prof. Rama Chellappa

Major: Communications and Signal Processing
Minor: Computer Engineering

Jan 2004 - May 2006
GPA: 3.92/4.0
M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park, MD  USA

Major: Communications and Signal Processing
Minor: Computer Engineering

 Aug 2001 - Dec 2003
      GPA: 3.92/4.0

B.Tech., Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur 

July 1996 - May 2000
GPA: 9.2/10.0
Academic & Professional Experience
Principal Member Research Staff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA

Member Research Staff, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA

Visiting Scientist, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA

Research Intern, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA

Graduate Research Assistant, UMIACS, University of Maryland

Graduate Teaching Assistant, ECE Department, University of Maryland

DSP Software Engineer, Hughes Software Systems (HSS), India

Apr 2011 - Present

May 2008 - Mar 2011

May 2006 - Apr 2008

July 2004 - Feb 2005

Aug 2001 - May 2006

Aug 2001 - Dec 2001

Jun 2000 - Aug 2001
SIGGRAPH & Eurographics Publications
Y. Taguchi, A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan, S. Ramalingam and R. Raskar, "Axial-Cones: Modeling Spherical Catadioptric Cameras for Wide-Angle Light Field Rendering", SIGGRAPH Asia 2010

A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan & R. Raskar, "Reinterpretable Imager: Towards Variable Post Capture Space, Angle & Time Resolution in Photography", Eurographics 2010

A. Agrawal, Y. Xu & R. Raskar, "Invertible Motion Blur in Video", ACM
Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2009

D. Lanman, R. Raskar, A. Agrawal & G. Taubin, "Shield Fields: Modeling and Capturing 3D Occluders", SIGGRAPH Asia 2008

R. Raskar, A. Agrawal, C. Wilson & A. Veeraraghavan, "Glare Aware Photography: 4D Ray Sampling for Reducing Glare Effects of Camera Lenses", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2008

A. Veeraraghavan, R. Raskar, A. Agrawal, A. Mohan & J. Tumblin, "Dappled Photography: Mask Enhanced Cameras for Heterodyned Light Fields and Coded Aperture Refocusing",  ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), Vol. 26, Issue 3, July 2007

R. Raskar, A. Agrawal & J. Tumblin, "Coded Exposure Photography: Motion Deblurring using Fluttered Shutter", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), Vol. 25, Issue 3, July 2006

A. Agrawal, R. Raskar, S.K. Nayar & Y. Li, "Removing Photography Artifacts using Gradient Projection and Flash-Exposure Sampling", ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), Vol. 24, Issue 3, July 2005

Other Journal Publications
A. Agrawal, Y. Sun, J. Barnwell & R. Raskar, "Vision Guided Robot System for Picking Objects by Casting Shadows", accepted in International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 2009

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3D Model Refinement using Surface Parallax", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 5, May 2006

Selected Conference Publications
A. Agrawal, S. Ramalingam, Y. Taguchi & V. Chari, "A Theory of Multi-Layer Flat Refractive Geometry", CVPR 2012 (oral presentation)

D. Wu, A. Velten, M. O’Toole, A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, "Decomposing Global Light Transport using Time of Flight Imaging", CVPR 2012 (
oral presentation)

N. Shroff, A. Veeraraghavan, Y. Taguchi, O. Tuzel, A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "
Variable Focus Video: Reconstructing Depth and Video for Dynamic Scenes", ICCP 2012 (oral presentation)

V. Chari, A. Agrawal, Y. Taguchi & S. Ramalingam, "Convex Bricks: A New Primitive for Visual Hull Modeling and Reconstruction", ICRA 2012 (oral presentation)

A. Agrawal, Y. Taguchi & S. Ramalingam, "Beyond Alhazen's Problem: Analytical Projection Model for Non-Central Catadioptric Cameras with Quadric Mirrors", CVPR 2011 (oral presentation)

M. Gupta, A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan & S. Narasimhan, "Structured Light 3D Scanning in Presence of Global Illumination", CVPR 2011

A. Agrawal, Y. Taguchi, & S. Ramalingam, "Analytical Forward Projection for Axial Non-Cental Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras", ECCV 2010 (oral presentation)

M. Gupta, A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan, & S. Narasimhan, "Flexible Voxels for Motion Aware Videography", ECCV 2010

A. Sankarnarayanan, A. Veeraraghavan, O. Tuzel, & A. Agrawal, "Image Invariants for Smooth Reflective Surfaces", ECCV 2010

A. Agrawal, M. Gupta, A. Veeraraghavan, & S. Narasimhan, "Optimal Coded Sampling for Temporal Super-Resolution", CVPR 2010

Y. Taguchi, A. Agrawal, S. Ramalingam, & A. Veeraraghavan, "Axial Light Fields for Curved Mirrors: Reflect Your Perspective, Widen Your View", CVPR 2010 (oral presentation)

A. Sankarnarayanan, A. Veeraraghavan, O. Tuzel, & A. Agrawal, "Specular Surface Reconstruction using Sparse Reflection Correspondences", CVPR 2010

M-Y Liu, O. Tuzel, A. Veeraraghavan, R. Chellappa, A. Agrawal & H. Okuda, "Pose Estimation in Heavy Clutter using a Multi-Flash Camera", ICRA 2010

A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, "Optimal Single Image Capture for Motion Deblurring", CVPR 2009

A. Agrawal &
Y. Xu, "Coded Exposure Deblurring: Optimized Codes for PSF Estimation and Invertibility", CVPR 2009

D. Reddy, A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Enforcing Integrability by Error Correction using L-1 Minimization", CVPR 2009

J. Chang, R. Raskar & A. Agrawal, "3D Pose Estimation and Segmentation using Specular Cues", CVPR 2009

A. Veeraraghavan, A. Agrawal, R. Raskar,  A. Mohan & J. Tumblin, "Non-Refractive Modulators for Encoding and Capturing Scene Appearance and Depth", CVPR 2008

T. Koh, A. Agrawal, R. Raskar, S. Morgan, N. Miles & B.H. Gills, "Detecting and Segmenting Un-occluded Items by Actively Casting Shadows", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2007 (oral presentation)

A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, "Resolving Objects at Higher Resolution from a Single Motion-Blurred Image", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2007 (oral presentation)

A. Agrawal, R. Raskar & R. Chellappa, "Edge Suppression by Gradient Field Transformation using Cross-Projection Tensors", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2006

A. Agrawal, R. Raskar & R. Chellappa , "What is the Range of Surface Reconstructions from a Gradient Field?", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2006 (oral presentation)

A. Agrawal, R. Chellappa & R. Raskar, "An Algebraic Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2005

J. Tumblin, A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, "Why I want a Gradient Camera", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2005

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Moving Object Segmentation and Dynamic Scene Reconstruction using Two Frames", IEEE ICASSP 2005. Winner of student paper contest (IMDSP category)

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Fusing Depth and Video using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter", First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PRMI), 2005

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3D Model Refinement in Scenes with Varying Illumination", IEEE MOTION 2005

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "Robust Ego-Motion Estimation and 3D Model Refinement using Depth Based Parallax Model", IEEE ICIP, 2004

A. Agrawal & R. Chellappa, "3D Model Refinement using Surface-Parallax", IEEE ICASSP, 2004

Contribution to Books
N. Vaswani, A. Agrawal, Q. Zheng & R. Chellappa, "Moving Object Detection and Compression in IR Sequences",  Chapter 5: Computer Vision beyond the Visible Spectrum, Springer pdf

Other Miscellaneous Publications
R. Raskar & A. Agrawal, "Handling Motion in Surveillance using Coded Exposure Camera", IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security 2007

R. Raskar, J. Tumblin, A. Mohan, A. Agrawal and Y. Li, "Computational Photography", State of Art Report, Eurographics, 2006

A. Agrawal, R. Meth & R. Chellappa “ Hierarchical DEM Refinement using Surface Parallax ”, 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando FL, 2004  

A. Agrawal & C. Shekhar, “Mapping Ground Video to Aerial DEM’s”, Advanced Decision Architectures, Collaborative Technology Alliances Conference 2003  pdf

Increasing object resolutions from a motion-blurred image, U.S. Patent No. 7,639,289
Method for deblurring images using optimized temporal coding patterns, U.S. Patent No. 7,580,620
Method and apparatus for acquiring HDR flash images, U.S. Patent No. 7,454,136
Method and apparatus for enhancing flash and ambient images, U.S. Patent No. 7,443,443
Method for Estimating Camera Settings Adaptively, U.S. Patent No. 7,403,707
Camera for directly generating a gradient image, U.S. Patent No. 7,038,185
10+ Patent Applications pending

Tutorials, Courses and Invited Talks
A. Agrawal & R. Horstmeyer, `Light Fields in Computational Photography’, CVPR 2011

A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan, S. Narasimhan, A. Mohan, ‘Coded Computational Imaging’, CVPR 2010

A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, Differential Techniques for Analysis and Synthesis in Vision and Graphics, CVPR 2008

A. Agrawal & R. Raskar, "Gradient Domain Manipulation Techniques in Vision and Graphics", ICCV 2007

Coding and Modulation in Cameras: Computational Photography beyond Photo Manipulations, CMU VASC Seminar (Host: Srinivas Narasimhan), Mar 2008

A Framework for Surface Reconstruction from Gradient Fields, Computer Graphics Group, MIT, Apr 2007

Exhibits, Demos & Tech Shows
Structured Light 3D Scanning in Presence of Global Illumination, Demo at CVPR 2011

A Practical and Robust System for Object Detection and Pose Estimation in Heavy Clutter using Active Illumination (Multi-flash Camera), Demo at CVPR 2010

3D Sensing Technology for Cell Robot Manufacturing, Mitsubishi Electric Press Release, Tokyo, 2008

Depth Edges in Real-Time using Multi-flash Camera, Demo at IEEE CVPR 2005

Camera Non-photo, Collision Senses, Cambridge, MA, 2004

Professional Activities
PROCAMS 2012 Program Committee Member
OMNIVIS 2011 Program Committee Member
Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2011 Program Committee Member

SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches and Posters Committee Member
SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Sketches and Posters Committee Member
SIGGRAPH 2009 General Submissions Jury Member

International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2012 Program Committee Member
International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2011 Program Committee Member
International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2010 Program Committee Member

                   IEEE CVPR 2007-, IEEE ICCV 2007-, ACCV 2007, ICCP 2009-
                   IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2005-)
                   IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) (2006-)
                   Eurographics 2005-, SIGGRAPH 2007-, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008-

Honors & Awards
Best Reviewers, CVPR 2011

Recipient of 2009 MERL Director’s Award

ICASSP 2005 Student Paper Contest Winner (IMDSP category)

Award for Excellence in PES project at Hughes Software Systems, India

Best trainee project award at Hughes Software Systems, India

First prize in Inter-Collegiate Hardware Design Contest at Techkriti 2000 at IIT Kanpur

All India Rank 272 in Joint Entrance Examination-1996 for IIT among ~100,000 participants

Silver medal in National Talent Search Contest in Mathematics (1994 and 1995), Science (1995) & General Knowledge (1993 and 1995)