Next Generation CiteSeer
Dr. C. Lee Giles
David Reese
Professor, School
of Information Sciences
and Technology
Professor, Computer Science
and Engineering
Professor, Supply
Chain and Information Systems
The Pennsylvania State
University Park, PA
CiteSeer, a public online computer and information science
search engine and digital library, was a radical departure from the traditional
methods of academic and scientific document access and analysis. CiteSeer, now
hosted at Penn State, has over 700,000 documents and
has become one of the most popular academic document search engines in science.
The current CiteSeer model, with some difficulty, is also portable and was
recently extended to academic business documents (SMEALSearch). CiteSeer is
based on these features: actively acquiring new documents, automatic citation
indexing, and automatic linking of citations and documents. The new Google
Scholar does similar citation indexing and linking. Why has CiteSeer been so
popular and how should it progress? We discuss this and the Next Generation
CiteSeer project, which will emphasize CiteSeer as a research tool, research service and
researcher facilitator. It will explore
new intelligent algorithms for providing improved and new indexes, enhanced
document access, expanded and automatic document gathering, collaboratories,
new data and metadata resources, active mirroring, and web services. As
example, we discuss our new work on automatic acknowledgement indexing, which
provides insight into the impact of acknowledged individuals and funding
Since 2000 Dr. C. Lee Giles has been the David Reese Professor at
the School of Information Sciences and Technology. He
is also Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Professor of Supply
Chain and Information Systems, Director of the Intelligent Systems Research
Laboratory, and Associate Director of Research at the eBusiness
Research Center
at the Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA. He has been associated with Princeton University,
the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia
University, the University
of Pisa and the University of Maryland.