The Notung package can be downloaded from the Notung website in the file When the file is unzipped, it will create a folder called Notung-2.6 that includes: this manual; a folder of sample trees which contains a folder of a sample batch run; and the Notung program file, Notung-2.6.jar.
Notung is supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista; Mac OS X 10.3 and above; and Linux. To run Notung, Java must be installed on your computer. Notung has been tested under Java 1.4.2, but should work for newer versions of Java.
To download Notung-2.6:
To unzip
On Windows:
On Mac OS X:
On Linux:
If you do not know if you have Java:
java -versionNotung requires at least Java 1.4.
To get Java (if you do not have it):