Official Syllabus for the Multimedia Course (20-859)


Topic & Link to Slides

Lecturer & Link to Video

October 22

Introduction to Multimedia
Hype vs. Reality
Outline of the course
Administrative Stuff

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

October 25

Multimedia Enabling Technologies: Image
Macromedia Flash Introduction and Demo

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

October 29

Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition Demo Video
Wearable Speech Video

Alex Rudnicky I
Alex Rudnicky II

November 1

Digital Audio
Digital Video Creation and Transmission

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

November 5

Speech Synthesis

Kevin Lenzo and Alan Black I
Kevin Lenzo and Alan Black II

November 8

Image Processing
(download & unpack powerpoint presentation ~50MB)

Jianbo Shi I
Jianbo Shi II

November 12

Digital Video (Cont'd)

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

November 15

Web Specifications and the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

November 19

Synthetic Interviews
A Multimedia Company (Experiences from the Field)

Scott Stevens, Virginia Pribanic I
Scott Stevens, Virginia Pribanic II

November 22

Digital Music and Music Processing
Music Demo I
Trumpet Accompaniment Demo II
Style Recognition Demo III
Ensemble Accompaniment Demo IV
Music Accompaniment Demo V
Vocal Accompaniment Demo VI

Roger Dannenberg I
Roger Dannenberg II

November 29

Informedia: Content Analysis of Digital Audio and Video
CoolMedia: Distributed Multimedia Retrieval Management.

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

December 3

Video Retrieval Evaluation and Testing
Multimedia Interface Design
Digital Libraries

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II

December 6

Case Studies
LISTEN:A Reading Tutor that Helps Children Learn How to Read
Listen Video
Listen Slides
Multimedia Use in the Future (e.g. Experience on Demand website   EoD Slides

Hauptmann and Christel I
Hauptmann and Christel II
Hauptmann and Christel III

December 10

Multimedia as Entertainment Technology
Virtual Reality

Randy Pausch Home Page