Michele Bachmann

This speech titled 2011.11.07.address_to_the_family_research_council_in_washington_dc originally had 3480 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i like to thank toni perkin __PUNCT__ tom mccloski and the famili research council for host thi event todai __PUNCT__

i can't think of a better place than the famili research council to discuss the core of my convict that will guid how i govern if i were to becom presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

the famili research council ha been a beacon of light in protect the famili unit __PUNCT__ and i thank them for their leadership __PUNCT__

the most import promis that ani presid make to the american_peopl is thi on __PUNCT__ i do solemnli swear that i will faithfulli execut the offic of presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and will to the best of my abil __PUNCT__ preserv __PUNCT__ protect and defend the constitut of the unit state __PUNCT__

so help me god __PUNCT__

too mani action by too mani presid demonstr that thi oath ha meant littl in recent_year __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ presid_obama appear intent on stretch __PUNCT__ bend __PUNCT__ and ignor the constitut by abus execut_power and pick and choos which law he will enforc __PUNCT__

my explan of constitut_govern is for someth far more import than a menu of polici detail __PUNCT__

i want you to know the principl that will govern my decis_make as presid __PUNCT__

when event aris and fact chang and congress interven __PUNCT__ polici have to adapt __PUNCT__

principl howev __PUNCT__ should be unchang __PUNCT__

thei should be the core of on convict __PUNCT__

the purpos of govern is to protect life __PUNCT__ liberti __PUNCT__ and properti __PUNCT__

presid_obama believ the purpos of govern is to provid for our need and some of our want __PUNCT__

and he is will to engag in massiv redistribut of wealth and the polit of envi to achiev thi purpos __PUNCT__

i will understand from dai on what the current presid doe not __PUNCT__ when the american_peopl entrust someon with the awesom power of the presid __PUNCT__ thei have given that person the privileg of serv under our constitut __PUNCT__ not a licens to put themselv abov it __PUNCT__

the presid econom_polici __PUNCT__ most notabl obamacar __PUNCT__ repres the most ambiti social __PUNCT__ econom engin project in the histori of thi countri __PUNCT__

and thei threaten to rewrit the fundament assumpt of the role of govern in american_live sinc the new deal and the great_societi __PUNCT__

the __NUM__ command teach those shall not covet thy neighbor __PUNCT__ good __PUNCT__

it time to act on thi self __PUNCT__ evid_truth __PUNCT__

america need to open it ey __PUNCT__

look at europ __PUNCT__

focu your attent on greec __PUNCT__

social is unsustain __PUNCT__

there simpli isn't enough monei to pai for all the want of all the peopl __PUNCT__

yet __PUNCT__ while greec is crash presid_obama ha call for more govern_welfar __PUNCT__ more govern_fund student_loan __PUNCT__ more govern mortgag __PUNCT__ more govern_spend to creat more govern_job __PUNCT__

presid_obama doesn't mere have the wrong polici __PUNCT__ he ha the wrong principl __PUNCT__

but sadli far too mani republican aspir to be frugal socialist __PUNCT__

the reason presid obama and some republican can get behind social_medicin is becaus thei share the same core polit_philosophi about the purpos of govern __PUNCT__

we cannot preserv liberti for ourselv and our poster if the choic in next __DATE__ is between a frugal socialist and an out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ control socialist __PUNCT__

the govern given to us wa a constitut_republ where the elect legisl make all of the law __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ the most import_question for ani organ is __PUNCT__ who make the rule __PUNCT__ thi is true of the nfl __PUNCT__ a colleg_student govern __PUNCT__ and it is certainli true of the unit_state __PUNCT__

when presid_obama issu execut_order about student_loan __PUNCT__ mortgag __PUNCT__ green_energi plan __PUNCT__ or anyth els that directli control privat peopl or privat_properti __PUNCT__ he is make_law __PUNCT__

the presid or execut agenc should not make law __PUNCT__

on of the most seriou problem with obamacar is the number of time that the legisl sai __PUNCT__ the secretari shall make rule __PUNCT__ the rule on abort fund __PUNCT__ and countless other area __PUNCT__ ar not found in the obamacar bill itself __PUNCT__ but in the ream of rule that have begun to emerg from the secretari of health and human_servic __PUNCT__

that is why i have been advoc for the repeal of obamacar from almost the minut it wa pass __PUNCT__

some have naiv said thei will issu waiver or execut_order to stop obamacar __PUNCT__ but onli the full __PUNCT__ scale repeal can stop the cancer of obamacar from metastas across all of healthcar and our economi __PUNCT__

we cannot afford to have a candid who doesn't understand the complex of obamacar or the urgenc of it repeal __PUNCT__

congress need to take back the respons to pass all the law for our countri __PUNCT__

if the law ar bad __PUNCT__ the voter need to be abl to fire the peopl who wrote them __PUNCT__

likewis __PUNCT__ the judiciari doe not make the law __PUNCT__

presid_obama believ judg can chang the mean of the constitut by reinterpret it word and by discov new unwritten right that the founder never contempl includ the us of un treati and other intern_law to interpret our constitut __PUNCT__

a suprem_court truli dedic to origin_intent __PUNCT__ would look to the origin mean of the constitut __PUNCT__ to the record of the constitut_convent __PUNCT__ the federalist_paper __PUNCT__ and other contemporan legal sourc __PUNCT__

the un ha noth to sai to us about the mean of the unit_state state_constitut __PUNCT__

i guarante that as presid everi singl judici nomine will have demonstr to my satisfact that thei ar unwaveringli commit to the rule of law __PUNCT__ as that law wa origin written __PUNCT__

presid_obama ha commit to the ratif of a number of un treati includ the un convent on the right of the child when that would bind us to legal oblig internation and domest __PUNCT__

accord to articl vi of the constitut __PUNCT__ onc ratifi __PUNCT__ a treati becom a part of the suprem_law of the land __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ ani state_law that conflict with a treati is void __PUNCT__

virtual all american_law regard parent and children is state_law __PUNCT__

and thi un treati contain score of rule that contradict exist american_law regard medic_care __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ religion __PUNCT__ and virtual everi area of parent decis_make __PUNCT__

thi treati threaten the most basic unit of govern that the famili research council and mani of the organ repres here todai attempt to defend __PUNCT__ the famili __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will withdraw the signatur of the unit_state from thi treati and everi other unratifi un treati of thi type __PUNCT__

the un is not the onli threat to the american_famili __PUNCT__

some american_offici have also gone too far in invad the legitim decis of american parent like be told by their doctor and insur_compani __PUNCT__ that feder hipaa regul prevent them from obtain their children medic_record and even medic test_result __PUNCT__

thi is ridicul __PUNCT__ i wa an earli co __PUNCT__ sponsor of the parent right amend and i will assur passag of thi as presid __PUNCT__

in troxel v __PUNCT__ granvil __PUNCT__ justic_scalia recent wrote that until parent right ar written into the actual text of the constitut __PUNCT__ there is no basi for a judg to protect parent right __PUNCT__

while he is just on justic __PUNCT__ the lower feder_court ar in disarrai with far too mani feder_judg reject the idea that parent right ar fundament __PUNCT__

judg mai be confus about the import of parent in the life of a child __PUNCT__

i don't share their confus __PUNCT__

make no mistak __PUNCT__ while not alwai possibl __PUNCT__ children ar best serv when thei ar rais in a home with a mom and a dad __PUNCT__ i will fight to protect the right of parent __PUNCT__ the famili and the institut of marriag __PUNCT__ those ar at the core of my convict __PUNCT__

the misinterpret of the commerc_claus and the gener_welfar claus in the constitut ar chiefli respons for the runawai debt and regulatori chao that threaten to crush our economi and curtail our liberti __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ congress us the commerc_claus to close all of the incandesc light_bulb factori in the unit_state and replac them with so __PUNCT__ call environment_friendli bulb __PUNCT__

in respons __PUNCT__ i introduc the light_bulb freedom of choic act __PUNCT__

but thi wasn't just about the right to choos what light bulb you wish __PUNCT__ it wa about our fundament right as citizen to not have the govern tell us how we ar to live out our daili_live __PUNCT__

at my core is the belief that it is the american_peopl and not the govern who know what is best for their live and that govern exist to protect that right to liberti and not to diminish it __PUNCT__

i believ the constitut assign on and onli on level of govern to deal with each area of polici __PUNCT__

the feder_govern ha exclus jurisdict over foreign_polici __PUNCT__ militari affair __PUNCT__ the protect of our border __PUNCT__ the mint of our monei __PUNCT__ and a few other topic __PUNCT__

state have exclus jurisdict over health __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ welfar __PUNCT__ famili law __PUNCT__ and the vast_major of crimin_law __PUNCT__

the tenth_amend tell us that if the subject is not assign to congress __PUNCT__ it remain by default with the state __PUNCT__

the peopl do not get doubl or tripl the servic when multipl layer of govern address the same issu __PUNCT__ we get conflict __PUNCT__ confus __PUNCT__ and unnecessari expens __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i guarante you two thing __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i will veto everi new law from congress that seek to add yet anoth layer of unconstitut regul under the guis of the commerc_claus __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ i will begin the process of revers the damag from decad of great_societi __PUNCT__ type program __PUNCT__

i will draw a line in the sand and do onli what the constitut allow __PUNCT__

on of the kei to steve_job __PUNCT__ success wa that he said no to __NUM__ thing __PUNCT__

i guess he learn that wise principl from the founder __PUNCT__

the govern should do what it doe best __PUNCT__ protect the right to life __PUNCT__ liberti and the pursuit of happi and the privat_sector in what should be freest societi on the face of earth should do what it doe best __PUNCT__ nurtur the engin of econom_growth that ha made us the most prosper nation on the face of the earth __PUNCT__

we ar nearli __MONEY___trillion in debt becaus of an improp view of the gener_welfar claus __PUNCT__

the current view is that congress can spend unlimit monei on ani fool thing it want __PUNCT__

congress believ that the constitut impos no limit on it spend __PUNCT__

i beg to differ __PUNCT__

and i would point out that the found_father also beg to differ __PUNCT__

in butler v __PUNCT__ unit_state the suprem_court address the question __PUNCT__ what limit on feder_spend ar impos by the constitut __PUNCT__ the court point out that there wa a disput between alexand_hamilton and jame_madison on thi issu __PUNCT__

madison thought the spend power wa strictli limit to enumer_power __PUNCT__ while hamilton believ that there wa addit power to spend in the gener_welfar claus itself __PUNCT__

but hamilton view wa not the same as the theori in vogu in washington todai __PUNCT__

hamilton believ __PUNCT__ congress can spend_monei on program that ar truli in the nation_interest __PUNCT__ but onli for purpos that ar beyond the jurisdict of the state __PUNCT__

here is a practic exampl from histori __PUNCT__

thoma_jefferson worri that hi louisiana purchas wa unconstitut becaus there wa no enumer_power to make land purchas to expand the nation __PUNCT__

but hamilton believ the louisiana purchas wa justifi by the gener_welfar claus becaus it wa beyond the power of the state to make such purchas __PUNCT__

like the louisiana purchas __PUNCT__ todai space_program also pass thi constitut two __PUNCT__ part test for feder_spend __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it is for the gener_welfar and __NUM__ __PUNCT__ it is beyond the jurisdict of the state __PUNCT__

by contrast __PUNCT__ social_welfar welfar_program ar within the jurisdict of the state __PUNCT__

both hamilton and madison would agre that the feder_govern couldn't spend_monei on welfar_program __PUNCT__

educ also belong to the state __PUNCT__

the feder_govern ha no constitut jurisdict to spend_monei on educ_program __PUNCT__

i repeal feder educ law __PUNCT__ close the depart of educ and let the state keep the monei thei been send to the feder_govern to fuel the leviathan bureaucraci of the depart of educ where it employe make nearli doubl what the averag teacher in the classroom make __PUNCT__

our found_father were realli veri effici polit planner __PUNCT__

thei gave each area of govern_respons to on and onli on level of govern __PUNCT__

unless we want to go the wai of greec __PUNCT__ we have to adher to the organiz_structur of the constitut and stop the feder_govern from spend for purpos that ar onli within the jurisdict of the state __PUNCT__

as presid i will veto all new spend for new program that properli belong to the state and i will begin the systemat process of dismantl the current duplic __PUNCT__

i want to sai on veri import_thing about articl iv of the constitut __PUNCT__

thi articl sai that congress ha the duti to guarante a republican_form of govern __PUNCT__

the principl of self __PUNCT__ govern that there should be no taxat without represent wa the ralli_cry __PUNCT__ and that principl li at the heart of what it mean to have a republican_form of govern __PUNCT__

we ar violat the constitut commit to self __PUNCT__ govern for our poster by impos a crush burden of feder_debt on our children __PUNCT__ grandchildren __PUNCT__ and the gener beyond __PUNCT__

georg_washington warn against the __PUNCT__ progress accumul of debt which must ultim endang all govern __PUNCT__

for everi __MONEY__ of feder_spend we ar onli pai for __MONEY__ with current tax __PUNCT__

we ar send the bill for the other __MONEY__ with compound interest __PUNCT__ to the gener yet to come __PUNCT__

futur citizen will be tax tomorrow for monei that alreadi been spent to financ a welfar_state lurch toward declin __PUNCT__

yet __PUNCT__ futur_gener had no vote on whether to spend thi monei __PUNCT__

that is an immor act and __PUNCT__ it is an unconstitut taxat without represent __PUNCT__

it is unconscion that we continu to borrow from futur prosper to live more comfort todai __PUNCT__

much of that spend and tax occur becaus govern doe what both the constitut and decent moral prohibit __PUNCT__ that is cronyism capit __PUNCT__ or forcefulli take your monei for the purpos of pai off a politician polit friend __PUNCT__

the problem is on set of standard for individu american and anoth set of standard for those who make polit donat to candid __PUNCT__

thi practic whether at the state_level or the feder_level is let the interest of the few outweigh the major of american who don't have access to the system __PUNCT__

i will end thi system of polit pai for plai that is out of control in washington __PUNCT__

the solut is beyond obviou __PUNCT__

what we all know what greec must do __PUNCT__ we must do ourselv __PUNCT__ and immedi __PUNCT__

i will honor the constitut by never send congress an unbalanc budget for their consider __PUNCT__ except in time of declar_war __PUNCT__

and if congress_pass an unbalanc budget __PUNCT__ thei better have two __PUNCT__ third of both hous behind their extravag __PUNCT__ becaus i promis you that i will veto such spend everi time __PUNCT__

in fiscal_year___NUM__ the unit_state gave awai __MONEY___billion to countri like china __PUNCT__ mexico __PUNCT__ egypt __PUNCT__ and other nation each of whom own at least __MONEY__ billion in u. __PUNCT__ treasuri_bond __PUNCT__

china own over __MONEY___trillion in these bond __PUNCT__

thi is a signific portion of our nation_debt __PUNCT__

give monei awai for free to the nation that own our debt instrument is like give your banker a larg gift while he still hold your unpaid mortgag __PUNCT__

i will stop such foreign_aid at onc __PUNCT__

if these nation ar rich enough to loan us monei __PUNCT__ thei don't need our aid and we can't afford it __PUNCT__

the financi gift we ar make to china and these other will come to a screech halt of the dai i am sworn into offic __PUNCT__

my concern for children is not limit to protect them from financi bondag __PUNCT__

first and foremost __PUNCT__ i believ that everi child ha the right to life becaus everi child is made in the imag and like of a holi god __PUNCT__

i am not confus by what it mean to be __NUM__ percent pro __PUNCT__ life __PUNCT__

i am both person and publicli pro __PUNCT__ life __PUNCT__

i believ it is the role of govern to protect life from concept to natur death __PUNCT__

i never be confus about that issu and you won't find you tube clip with me advoc otherwis __PUNCT__

for starter __PUNCT__ plan_parenthood will be zero out if i am presid __PUNCT__

i will also work to protect the american_famili from activist_judg who ar try to dismantl marriag as a legal institut sole between on man and on woman __PUNCT__

some republican_candid seem confus about thi issu __PUNCT__

i am not __PUNCT__ it is the core of my convict __PUNCT__

i want a feder marriag amend so the court cannot impos their will on us __PUNCT__

when on state judiciari legal same_sex sex_marriag __PUNCT__ the legal pressur on everi state to recogn such marriag is profound __PUNCT__

on feder_judg ha alreadi rule that the voter in california violat the feder_constitut by vote to limit marriag to on man and on woman __PUNCT__

and presid_obama ha order hi justic_depart not to enforc the defens of marriag_act __PUNCT__

that flaw analysi will be the path of futur activist court and an exampl for futur_presid to overrun the will of the peopl and the legisl_branch for their own will __PUNCT__

onli a feder marriag amend can prevent the court of on state from impos same __PUNCT__ sex_marriag on us all __PUNCT__

on year from yesterdai __PUNCT__ the american_public will make a decis about the futur direct of our countri __PUNCT__

we will decid what kind of nation we want to be __PUNCT__

i believ thi elect is the last exit ramp to regain our constitut heritag __PUNCT__

after that obamacar will be imposs to repeal __PUNCT__

do we want to be a free_nation __PUNCT__ a nation that aspir to protect life __PUNCT__ liberti __PUNCT__ and properti __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ do we want to be a socialist nation __PUNCT__ commit to central_govern provid all need for all peopl __PUNCT__ thi elect season ha been full of surpris __PUNCT__

i can assur you there ar no surpris with me __PUNCT__

i am far from a perfect person __PUNCT__ but i know who i am and i will never deviat from the principl that i have fought for all of my life __PUNCT__

i understand the challeng thi nation_face __PUNCT__ both domest and foreign and i understand who ar our enemi and our alli __PUNCT__ and i prepar to face them __PUNCT__

if we want to have a real choic next __DATE__ __PUNCT__ the bold color of differ that reagan describ __PUNCT__ then it is crucial that the republican_parti choos a candid in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and march who is commit as i am to liberti and who ha demonstr a life long commit to fight to protect constitut_govern __PUNCT__

i am the candid you can trust in offic becaus as presid i am and will be truli commit to preserv __PUNCT__ protect __PUNCT__ and defend the constitut of the unit_state __PUNCT__

that commit is the core of my convict __PUNCT__

i will be such a presid __PUNCT__