This speech titled 2012.01.04.remarks_announcing_the_end_of_presidential_campaign_activities originally had 1457 tokens. You can view the original text here.
entrust to everi american is the respons to watch over our republ __PUNCT__
from the pilgrim __PUNCT__ to william_penn __PUNCT__ to our found_father __PUNCT__ we ar encompass about with a great cloud of wit that bear_wit to the sacrific made to establish our countri and the preciou principl of freedom that make it the greatest forc for good on the planet __PUNCT__
each gener serv as the next step stone down the path of liberti __PUNCT__
everydai i am remind of the connect we have to the principl of freedom and justic by a paint __PUNCT__ howard chandler christi scene at the sign of the constitut of the unit_state __PUNCT__ which hang in the east grand stairwai of the unit state_capitol __PUNCT__
but never wa the paint remind more poignant than on the even of __DATE__ the dai obamacar wa pass __PUNCT__
stare out from the paint is the face of ben_franklin as a consist remind of the fragil republ he and the founder gave to us __PUNCT__
that dai serv as the inspir for my run for the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ becaus i believ firmli that what we had done in pass obamacar endang our republ __PUNCT__
i believ that it wa my oblig to ensur that presid_obama program of social_medicin wa stop befor it becam fulli implement __PUNCT__
and so my messag ha been the necess for the complet repeal of obamacar in thi onc in a lifetim campaign cycl __PUNCT__
obamacar repres the largest expans of entitl_spend and playground of left wing social_engin in our countri histori and must be stop __PUNCT__
it repeal is more than just clich for me __PUNCT__ it is essenti to my core of convict becaus obamacar violat the fundament right of freedom at the core of our republ __PUNCT__ includ for the first time in the histori of the countri __PUNCT__ taxpay_fund abort __PUNCT__
deepli_troubl by the state of our countri __PUNCT__ i ran for the presid foremost as an american_citizen who believ in the foundat and great of our american principl __PUNCT__
our principl deriv their mean from the founder belief __PUNCT__ root in the truth of the bibl __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ while a congresswoman by titl __PUNCT__ a politician i will never be __PUNCT__
motiv not by vainglori or the promis of polit_power __PUNCT__ i have serv on singular purpos in washington dc __PUNCT__ to lead an effort begun by the peopl to restor america __PUNCT__
i ran as the next step stone of pass on and protect the torch of freedom __PUNCT__
that duti requir take on the charg of repeal_obamacar and dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__ which mandat ensur the elect of thirteen more republican_senat to guarante their demis __PUNCT__
the implement of obamacar will repres a turn_point for our countri and our economi __PUNCT__
and i worri what a futur paint in christi vain might depict should obamacar be place into effect __PUNCT__
would futur_gener ask of us __PUNCT__ what did we do and what did we give up to ensur the surviv of our republ __PUNCT__ i ran becaus i realiz that __NUM__ is our last chanc to get rid of obamacar and dodd __PUNCT__ frank __PUNCT__ and i knew how to get rid of them __PUNCT__
and i ran not onli for me __PUNCT__ but also to elect __NUM__ more unit_state state_senat who could help me repeal it __PUNCT__
i ran becaus i have believ that sinc dai on barack_obama obama_polici __PUNCT__ base in social __PUNCT__ ar destruct to the veri foundat of our republ __PUNCT__
i ran becaus i want my children and all of the children of thi countri to live_free and have better opportun than their parent had __PUNCT__
i ran to secur the promis of their futur __PUNCT__
and so i decid to stand up for our countri and fight __PUNCT__
and i keep fight the presid agenda of social __PUNCT__
and i keep fight for you __PUNCT__
fight for more liberti and less govern __PUNCT__
fight to stop the overspend in washington __PUNCT__
fight to keep our countri free __PUNCT__ safe and sovereign __PUNCT__
fight against croni_capit in washington __PUNCT__
fight to end excess govern_regul and a tax_code that is unfair and kill american competit __PUNCT__
fight to legal american_energi energi_product __PUNCT__
fight for american_famili __PUNCT__
fight to protect life from concept until natur death __PUNCT__
fight to protect tradit_marriag __PUNCT__
fight to secur our border __PUNCT__
and fight for religi_liberti __PUNCT__
i will fight for thi countri and for the american_peopl everydai in the wai that god allow me __PUNCT__
and so i came back here to thi wonder state where i wa born and rais and that i come to trust and love __PUNCT__
and i had just on messag __PUNCT__ to tell you that i mean what i sai and sai what i mean __PUNCT__
i told you the truth that our countri is in troubl and that thi might be the last elect to turn the countri around befor we go down the road to social to a burden of debt too heavi for our children to bear __PUNCT__
i didn't just tell you what the poll said you want to hear __PUNCT__
i didn't tell you what i knew to be fals __PUNCT__
i didn't try to spin you __PUNCT__
i listen to the peopl of iowa and all across america __PUNCT__ and thei agre that presid_obama and hi liber_polici must be stop and that we must repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__
i sought nomin of the parti of lincoln and of reagan that believ in the strength and good of the american_peopl and that america is the greatest forc for good on the planet __PUNCT__
we don't believ that govern ha the answer __PUNCT__ but that it should respect the right and opportun of the peopl to whom we ar account __PUNCT__
we believ that govern should do it job as enumer by the constitut and not your job __PUNCT__ and that it should do it without spend more than it take in __PUNCT__
last night the peopl of iowa spoke with a clear voic __PUNCT__ and so i have decid to stand asid __PUNCT__
i believ that if we ar go to repeal_obamacar __PUNCT__ turn our economi around and take back our countri we must be unit __PUNCT__
i believ we must ralli behind the person our countri and our parti select to be that standard bearer __PUNCT__
but make no mistak i will continu to be a strong voic __PUNCT__
i will continu to stand and fight for thi countri and for the american_peopl and for our freedom becaus mr __PUNCT__ franklin and all of the founder __PUNCT__ all of the men and women who given their last full_measur of devot ar watch us __PUNCT__
and we ow it to them __PUNCT__ to our poster __PUNCT__ and to our god to keep our republ free __PUNCT__
i will be forev grate to thi state and it peopl for launch us on thi path with our victori in the iowa straw_poll __PUNCT__
while i will not be continu in thi race __PUNCT__ my faith in the lord god almighti __PUNCT__ thi countri __PUNCT__ in our republ __PUNCT__ ha been strengthen __PUNCT__
as i have travel around thi state and the countri i have seen the veri best in america __PUNCT__ our peopl __PUNCT__
and i will alwai believ in the great of them and the great of our god __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ i am deepli grate to our entir campaign team __PUNCT__ here in iowa __PUNCT__ in south_carolina and everywher __PUNCT__
i have no regret __PUNCT__
we never compromis our principl and we can leav thi race know that we ran it with integr and that we made an import contribut __PUNCT__
i want to thank my husband __PUNCT__ marcu __PUNCT__ and my entir famili __PUNCT__
thei __PUNCT__ along with the lord provis of hi incompr faith __PUNCT__ have been my strength through the campaign __PUNCT__
i look forward to the next chapter in god_plan __PUNCT__ he ha on for each of us __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ if we will onli cooper with him __PUNCT__
he ha alwai had someth greater around the corner beyond what ani of us could have ever imagin __PUNCT__
i have live an incred bless life and am grate to have been part of thi presidenti_campaign __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ god_bless you and god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__