Joe Biden

This speech titled 2007.04.03.remarks_at_the_drake_university_school_of_law originally had 3133 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 129 cue terms and an average lag of 21.4. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 unit_state 6
0.139 0.000597 0.861
0 0 0
2 civil_liberti 18
0 0.0585 0.103
0.00179 0.00219 0.834
3 constitut_govern 6
0 0.000597 0.0171
0.000199 0.0488 0.933
4 moral_compass 13
0.00597 0.000995 0.0515
0.00139 0.0205 0.92
5 moral_author 6
0.00498 0.000199 0.11
0.00219 0.000597 0.882
6 intern_terror 46
0.203 0.0189 0.0828
0.00438 0.000199 0.691
7 bush_administr 13
0.421 0.00716 0.00597
0.215 0.00896 0.342
8 unit_state 35
0.0999 0.000199 0.236
0.34 0 0.324
9 civil_liberti 62
0.00299 0.0669 0.428
0.00318 0.000796 0.498
10 nation_charact 6
0.00199 0.00279 0.0105
0.00498 0.0661 0.914
11 defeat_terror 4
0.000398 0.00179 0.00657
0.00716 0.0675 0.917
12 richard_nixon 28
0.00796 0.0265 0.0478
0.000995 0.0575 0.859
13 year_earlier 10
0.00418 0.00438 0.0147
0.00816 0.0766 0.892
14 constitut_system 40
0.00338 0.00935 0.101
0.00259 0.0549 0.828
15 __NUM___year 36
0.645 0.0153 0.0308
0.0153 0.0115 0.282
16 constitut_principl 40
0.00896 0.00657 0.636
0.0531 0.00577 0.289
17 extraordinari_rendit 23
0.00179 0.000199 0.132
0.00358 0 0.863
18 secret_prison 5
0 0 0.0181
0 0 0.982
19 habea_corpu 12
0.000398 0.0151 0.0269
0 0.00179 0.956
20 secret_prison 18
0 0 0.145
0 0 0.855
21 presidenti_power 26
0.00119 0.0135 0.0527
0.000199 0.000796 0.932
22 civil_liberti 10
0.00517 0.0372 0.0191
0.00179 0.0181 0.919
23 american_citizen 2
0.0199 0.000995 0.0113
0.0137 0.0436 0.91
24 unit_state 5
0.0834 0 0.0243
0.0503 0 0.842
25 central_role 8
0.0312 0.00199 0.0155
0.121 0 0.83
26 geneva_convent 4
0.00418 0.000398 0.0123
0.141 0.000796 0.841
27 moral_imper 26
0.0127 0.00358 0.074
0.0957 0.000995 0.813
28 american_soldier 15
0.00179 0 0.157
0.00796 0 0.834
29 moral_author 6
0.000398 0 0.0167
0.00816 0 0.975
30 justic_depart 34
0.05 0.0205 0.0691
0.00697 0 0.854
31 al_qaeda 161
0.0155 0 0.404
0.000995 0 0.579
32 unit_state 24
0.08 0 0.045
0.0173 0 0.858
33 higher_standard 14
0.0137 0.00119 0.0432
0.0693 0 0.873
34 al_qaeda 63
0.00756 0.000199 0.187
0.00995 0.000199 0.795
35 mass_destruct 21
0.196 0.00935 0.0336
0.0201 0.000398 0.741
36 al_qaeda 54
0.00398 0 0.306
0.00896 0 0.681
37 abu_ghraib 15
0.000398 0 0.0412
0.00358 0 0.955
38 american_soldier 7
0.00299 0 0.0155
0.00418 0 0.977
39 al_qaeda 4
0.000597 0 0.0113
0.00697 0 0.981
40 moral_author 4
0.000398 0 0.0103
0.00657 0 0.983
41 american_peopl 51
0.0738 0.00876 0.104
0.00119 0.000199 0.812
42 extraordinari_rendit 40
0.00259 0.000398 0.161
0.00358 0.000199 0.832
43 unit_state 102
0.114 0 0.182
0.00478 0 0.699
44 terror_suspect 4
0.00438 0.00279 0.0211
0.0961 0.00119 0.874
45 state_depart 9
0.0101 0.00458 0.0364
0.0714 0.00279 0.875
46 extraordinari_rendit 35
0.00199 0.000398 0.177
0.00716 0.000199 0.813
0.00796 0 0.88
48 unit_state 3
0.0121 0.000199 0.00677
0.0655 0 0.915
49 fight_terror 21
0.0139 0.00179 0.0468
0.0525 0.000398 0.885
50 american_militari 25
0.0299 0.00139 0.0492
0.0494 0.000199 0.87
51 militari_base 0
0.00219 0.000199 0.00259
0.0778 0.00139 0.916
52 unit_state 7
0.0235 0 0.0199
0.0693 0 0.887
53 arrest_warrant 15
0.0231 0.00597 0.0442
0.0673 0 0.86
54 unit_kingdom 9
0.00697 0.00139 0.0183
0.082 0.00537 0.886
55 european_union 3
0.00318 0.00159 0.00677
0.0854 0.00716 0.896
56 administr_polici 23
0.03 0.033 0.0681
0.0476 0.00836 0.813
57 secur_servic 11
0.000796 0.0159 0.121
0.00517 0.039 0.818
58 democrat_reform 38
0.00697 0.00537 0.0671
0.00199 0.0537 0.865
59 secret_prison 10
0 0.000398 0.0482
0 0.0543 0.897
60 american_secur 18
0 0.000995 0.0356
0 0.0543 0.909
61 secur_servic 0
0.000199 0 0.00219
0 0.0549 0.943
62 secret_prison 2
0 0 0.00995
0 0.0547 0.935
63 american_peopl 14
0.086 0.00836 0.039
0.00219 0.0523 0.812
64 press_coverag 52
0.129 0.0302 0.0896
0.0517 0.0547 0.645
65 intern_human 25
0.0695 0.00577 0.0501
0.137 0.0677 0.67
66 secret_prison 37
0 0.00159 0.309
0.000199 0.043 0.646
67 prison_system 0
0.000398 0.000398 0.000796
0.000995 0.0436 0.954
68 al_qaeda 49
0.0145 0 0.185
0.000796 0 0.8
69 nation_intellig 12
0.106 0.000398 0.0201
0.0203 0 0.854
70 secret_prison 9
0 0.000199 0.138
0.000398 0 0.861
71 abu_ghraib 3
0 0 0.0109
0.000199 0 0.989
72 guantanamo_bai 2
0.00896 0 0.00816
0.00199 0.000995 0.98
73 american_peopl 11
0.0356 0.00398 0.0255
0.0101 0.000995 0.924
74 abu_ghraib 27
0 0.000199 0.109
0 0 0.891
75 nation_secur 7
0.000199 0.0416 0.0121
0 0.00756 0.939
76 protect_america 9
0.00279 0.00597 0.0261
0 0.0472 0.918
77 constitut_govern 7
0.000199 0.00119 0.0137
0 0.0484 0.937
78 patriot_act 38
0.00657 0.0119 0.0501
0.000398 0.044 0.887
79 american_revolut 17
0.0394 0.00358 0.037
0.00816 0.0428 0.869
80 fourth_amend 15
0.0197 0.00179 0.0332
0.0446 0.0354 0.865
81 amend_guarante 0
0.00119 0.000398 0.00299
0.0649 0.0346 0.896
82 fight_terror 43
0.0521 0.000199 0.153
0.0599 0.00517 0.729
83 presid_bush 1
0.0101 0.00279 0.00259
0.113 0.00657 0.865
84 fourth_amend 8
0.00299 0.0302 0.04
0.0629 0.00736 0.857
85 defeat_terror 11
0.000398 0.0304 0.048
0.0119 0.0372 0.872
86 execut_power 16
0.00438 0.00617 0.0247
0.00498 0.0639 0.896
87 senat_committe 28
0.000796 0.00657 0.0484
0.00199 0.0611 0.881
88 committe_chair 0
0 0.000796 0.00159
0.00239 0.0671 0.928
89 civil_liberti 6
0.000199 0.00517 0.0169
0 0.0649 0.913
90 foreign_intellig 42
0 0.00597 0.0444
0 0.0645 0.885
91 nation_secur 36
0 0.00418 0.0352
0 0.0661 0.895
92 foreign_intellig 3
0 0.000597 0.00458
0 0.0699 0.925
93 american_civil 3
0 0.000597 0.00478
0 0.0695 0.925
94 civil_liberti 0
0 0 0.00119
0 0.07 0.929
95 nation_secur 11
0.00418 0.00259 0.0127
0.000398 0.0661 0.914
96 __NUM___hour 88
0.0919 0.00299 0.157
0.00478 0.00219 0.741
97 __NUM___dai 10
0.0103 0.00219 0.0199
0.0852 0.00418 0.878
98 make_clear 12
0.0141 0.0115 0.0233
0.0802 0.00657 0.864
99 nation_secur 12
0.000995 0.0304 0.0446
0.0607 0.0161 0.847
100 constitut_author 50
0.00239 0.0157 0.0565
0.0597 0.0414 0.824
101 nation_secur 5
0.000199 0.00338 0.00517
0.0625 0.0545 0.874
102 presid_nixon 24
0.0169 0.147 0.0563
0.0621 0.0519 0.665
103 democrat_parti 12
0.0326 0.0304 0.0189
0.081 0.189 0.648
104 surveil_program 11
0.0117 0.00557 0.0273
0.111 0.188 0.657
105 patriot_act 52
0.00279 0.0265 0.348
0.0314 0.0308 0.56
106 nation_secur 3
0 0.00736 0.00338
0.0314 0.0587 0.899
107 judici_review 8
0.00458 0.00498 0.00796
0.0322 0.0649 0.885
108 nation_secur 32
0.000398 0.00259 0.0591
0.0159 0.0631 0.859
109 fight_terror 25
0.0575 0.000398 0.194
0.00756 0.00338 0.737
110 unit_state 14
0.0151 0.000398 0.038
0.05 0.000398 0.896
111 state_attornei 0
0.000199 0.00478 0.00378
0.0492 0.00498 0.937
112 nation_secur 6
0 0.0358 0.0203
0.00139 0.0115 0.931
113 habea_corpu 21
0 0.00239 0.034
0 0.0378 0.926
114 nation_secur 14
0 0.00597 0.0173
0.000199 0.0406 0.936
115 constitut_system 16
0.000398 0.00299 0.0195
0 0.042 0.935
116 habea_corpu 1
0 0 0.00338
0 0.0392 0.957
117 magna_carta 92
0.000199 0.00915 0.132
0 0.0255 0.833
118 alexand_hamilton 1
0 0.000398 0.00299
0 0.0338 0.963
119 habea_corpu 2
0 0.00139 0.00498
0 0.0318 0.962
120 federalist_paper 3
0.000398 0.000796 0.00617
0 0.0326 0.96
121 habea_corpu 32
0.000199 0.00299 0.0492
0 0.0306 0.917
122 unit_state 53
0.124 0 0.187
0.00219 0.000199 0.686
123 suprem_court 42
0.00577 0.0127 0.169
0.00896 0.000398 0.804
124 republican_nomine 3
0.00119 0 0.0171
0.0111 0.00736 0.963
125 abu_ghraib 44
0.000597 0 0.118
0.000398 0.00199 0.879
126 suprem_court_decis 33
0.0203 0.0147 0.0651
0.00119 0.00179 0.897
127 constitut_limit 50
0.000597 0.00478 0.129
0.000199 0.00816 0.858
128 presidenti_power 2
0.000199 0.00199 0.00975
0.000199 0.0121 0.976
129 suprem_court 4
0.00697 0.00139 0.00975
0.00279 0.0135 0.966