Joe Biden

This speech titled 2007.04.29.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 6984 tokens. You can view the original text here.

russert __PUNCT__ welcom __PUNCT__ senat biden __PUNCT__ to our meet the candid seri __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ good to be back __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ let me start with the vote in the senat on thursdai __PUNCT__

and here how it wa report __PUNCT__ the senat approv __MONEY___billion iraq_war spend_bill that would forc troop_withdraw to begin as earli as __DATE__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ __NUM___vote wa a triumph for democrat __PUNCT__ who just week_ago worri about the polit_wisdom of a veto showdown with the command in chief as troop fight on the battlefield __PUNCT__

but democrat ar hesit no more __PUNCT__

why did you vote for a bill that had a timet for withdraw __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ that languag is actual the languag that i __PUNCT__ that carl levin and i draft __PUNCT__ which said that __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you got to start move combat troop out of harm wai now __PUNCT__

the whole function of thi is to try to get thi presid to chang hi strategi __PUNCT__

he oper on the premis that __PUNCT__ if we put enough troop in the middl of a civil_war __PUNCT__ we can give breed room to a group of peopl in baghdad to get togeth and form a strong central_govern that a democraci __PUNCT__

that will not happen in your lifetim or mine __PUNCT__

i said that four year_ago __PUNCT__ i sai it now __PUNCT__

the onli ration purpos for troop in iraq now __PUNCT__ train iraqi __PUNCT__ prevent al __PUNCT__ qaeda from occupi larg chunk of territori __PUNCT__

and we should begin to decentr the govern __PUNCT__

that the underli essenc of what the languag in thi bill is about __PUNCT__

it sai __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ start now to redeploi and have as a target to get out by __DATE__ the bulk of the combat troop __PUNCT__

i strongli subscrib to that view __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ when you were here in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i ask you about some of these step __PUNCT__ and thi is how you respond __PUNCT__

let watch __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ i think it is unconstitut to sai we go to tell you __PUNCT__ you can go __PUNCT__ but we go to micromanag the war __PUNCT__

when we wrote the constitut __PUNCT__ the intent wa to give the command in chief the author how to us the forc when you author him to be abl to us the forc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ aren't you now micromanag __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ not at all __PUNCT__

did you hear what i said __PUNCT__ i said __PUNCT__ how to us the forc __PUNCT__

we have author to tell him how to us the forc __PUNCT__

if you get in there __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ and onc you tell him __PUNCT__ we have __PUNCT__ we have a respons to tell him what the mission is __PUNCT__

he doe not have the author to engag in a mission of the us of our forc in a countri or out of a countri that we do not author __PUNCT__

and that the thrust of what we try to do here __PUNCT__

we try to fundament chang what thi presid is us our forc for __PUNCT__

he in the midst of a civil_war with the object of __PUNCT__ a flaw object of establish a strong central_govern __PUNCT__

that will not happen __PUNCT__ and we have an oblig to push_back as much and as often and as thoroughli as we can __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ there ha been an evolut in your think becaus thi is what you said in __PUNCT__ to the brook_institut in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ tell it __PUNCT__ we can call it quit and withdraw __PUNCT__ from iraq __PUNCT__

i think that would be a gigant mistak __PUNCT__

or we can set a deadlin for pull out __PUNCT__ which i fear will onli encourag our enemi to wait us out __PUNCT__ equal a mistak __PUNCT__

you now set a deadlin __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ we not set a deadlin __PUNCT__

read what it sai __PUNCT__

it sai the target date __PUNCT__ left up to the gener to determin whether or not it is appropri to withdraw all forc __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ a target date is set a deadlin __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but it leav forc behind __PUNCT__

we try to chang the mission __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

the mission is all of us have been argu on except __PUNCT__ in both parti __PUNCT__ that you go to have to leav forc behind in iraq while thi new govern __PUNCT__ if we actual get on up and run __PUNCT__ is try to function and try to set up __PUNCT__

the __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ the problem here is thi is also a move target __PUNCT__

i also call for more troop in iraq __PUNCT__

i call for more troop on thi program a coupl year_ago __PUNCT__

that wa in order to stop a civil_war __PUNCT__

onc the civil war_began i wa on the program after that sai all the troop in the world cannot settl a civil_war __PUNCT__

so what i have to respond to __PUNCT__ like everyon els __PUNCT__ is the presid initi and hi failur that __PUNCT__ that requir differ circumst and differ answer at differ time __PUNCT__

but the fundament_principl the same __PUNCT__ we have an oblig to tell the presid of the unit_state if we disagre with the mission for which he us american_forc __PUNCT__

and the mission that he ha us on is to settl a civil_war through establish a central democrat_govern in baghdad __PUNCT__

that mission is strateg flaw __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you no longer have a problem set a date for withdraw __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ i no longer have a problem set a target __PUNCT__ a target that is flexibl __PUNCT__

there is no __PUNCT__ there noth in it sai that everi troop ha to be out on __DATE__ the __NUM__ __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you said thi back in __DATE__ of __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ we must be clear with the american_peopl that we ar commit to iraq for the long_haul __PUNCT__ not just the dai after __PUNCT__ but the decad after __PUNCT__

do you believ we be in iraq for a decad __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i said back then __PUNCT__ befor we went to war __PUNCT__ i wrote a report sai the decad after __PUNCT__ and everyon wa talk about the dai after __PUNCT__

and the point i wa make wa __PUNCT__ if you went in and us forc __PUNCT__ which he should not have done when he did it __PUNCT__ that we were commit and sign on to a decad __PUNCT__

that wa the __PUNCT__ that wa the minimum requir __PUNCT__

i also point out we need more troop __PUNCT__

i also point out at that time we would not be greet with open arm __PUNCT__

i also point out at that time oil would not pai for thi __PUNCT__

it wa a warn __PUNCT__ a warn to the presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ the object of us give you thi author is to get inspector back in __PUNCT__ bring the pressur of the world_commun __PUNCT__ which rememb __PUNCT__ at the time __PUNCT__ when we were sit here talk about thi __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ at that moment the issu wa ar we go to pull out of __PUNCT__ ar we go to lift sanction on iraq or ar we go to put more sanction on iraq __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ that wa the context in which that debat wa take place __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so when some of your oppon in the democrat_primari sai there will be no residu forc left in iraq __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ thei ar mistaken __PUNCT__

thei ar make a mistak that is not practic __PUNCT__

i don't know how that can work __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ senat reid __PUNCT__ the leader of the democrat in the senat __PUNCT__ senat feingold __PUNCT__ the senat from wisconsin __PUNCT__ have join togeth and introduc a bill __PUNCT__ and here the oper languag __PUNCT__ no fund appropri or otherwis made avail under ani provis of law mai be oblig or expend to continu the deploy in iraq after march __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

do you support that __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ why __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ for the reason i just state __PUNCT__

i think it __PUNCT__ mai __PUNCT__ we mai end __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ here where we mai end up __PUNCT__

thi presid mai so __PUNCT__ make it so difficult to reach the object __PUNCT__ the onli reason on i think avail __PUNCT__ which is to leav_iraq __PUNCT__ leav behind a countri secur within it own border __PUNCT__ not a threat to it neighbor __PUNCT__ that is a loos feder republ __PUNCT__

it mai get so bad that we do not have that option __PUNCT__ and all of the option we have avail to us is to withdraw and try to contain the civil_war insid iraq __PUNCT__

we ar not there yet __PUNCT__

and until we reach that point __PUNCT__ i am not prepar to sai there ar no circumst under which __PUNCT__ after a date certain __PUNCT__ we would not have a singl troop insid of iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so you will not vote to cut off fund for the war __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ that not what i said __PUNCT__

i just got finish tell you what i said __PUNCT__ which wa if __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ thi presid chang the circumst again __PUNCT__ where there lose all prospect of be abl to achiev the goal that i just set out __PUNCT__ which i think could be achiev if we decentr power in iraq __PUNCT__ if we have a limit feder_govern in iraq __PUNCT__ where we train the armi __PUNCT__ where thei have control of the border and their currenc __PUNCT__ where we give control over the fabric of the daili_live of the variou war faction __PUNCT__ includ their local_polic polic_forc __PUNCT__ their law relat to marriag __PUNCT__ divorc __PUNCT__ the thing thei kill each other over __PUNCT__ if we get to the point where that is no longer an option and the place ha total disintegr __PUNCT__ which it mai __PUNCT__ that a differ circumst __PUNCT__

you can't __PUNCT__ i don't know anyon who can sai __PUNCT__ i speak for myself __PUNCT__

i cannot sai for __PUNCT__ with absolut certainti what i will do on everi potenti conting becaus i have no control over thi presid foreign_polici and the direct he take us in iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but as of todai __PUNCT__ you would not vote to cut off __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ as of todai __PUNCT__ i would not vote to cut off all fund if the fund cutoff said there can be absolut not a singl solitari american_forc left anywher within iraq within a time certain __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ i want to go back to __NUM__ becaus it import as to what peopl were sai then and what the american_peopl were hear __PUNCT__

here joe_biden about saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ he a long_term threat and a short_term threat to our nation_secur __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we have no choic but to elimin the threat __PUNCT__

thi is a gui who is an extrem danger to the world __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ he must be dislodg from hi weapon or dislodg from power __PUNCT__

you were emphat about that __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ that right __PUNCT__ and i wa correct about that __PUNCT__

he must be __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ and rememb the weapon we were talk about __PUNCT__

i also said on your show __PUNCT__ that part of what i said __PUNCT__ but not all of what i meant __PUNCT__

what i also said on your show at the time wa that i did not think he had weapon hi materi __PUNCT__ but he did have __PUNCT__

when __PUNCT__ when the inspector left after saddam kick them out __PUNCT__ there wa a catalogu at the unit_nation sai he had x ton of __PUNCT__ x amount of __PUNCT__ and thei list the variou materi he had __PUNCT__

the big_issu __PUNCT__ rememb __PUNCT__ on thi show we talk about __PUNCT__ wa whether he had weapon them __PUNCT__

rememb you ask me about those flight that were take place in southern iraq __PUNCT__ where __PUNCT__ were thei sprai anthrax __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what would happen __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ so on and so forth __PUNCT__

and i point out to you that thei had not develop that capac at all __PUNCT__

but he did have these stockpil everywher __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ where ar thei __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the point is __PUNCT__ it turn out thei didn't __PUNCT__ but everyon in the world thought he had them __PUNCT__

the weapon inspector said he had them __PUNCT__

he catalogu __PUNCT__ thei catalogu them __PUNCT__

thi wa not some __PUNCT__ some chenei __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ pipe_dream __PUNCT__

thi wa __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ catalogu __PUNCT__

thei look at them and catalogu __PUNCT__

what he did with them __PUNCT__ who know __PUNCT__ the real mysteri is __PUNCT__ if he __PUNCT__ if he didn't have ani of them left __PUNCT__ why didn't he sai so __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ a lot of peopl sai if he had said that __PUNCT__ he would __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ embolden iran and so on and so forth __PUNCT__

but the point wa __PUNCT__ we were talk then about whether or not we could keep the pressur of the intern_commun on iraq to stai in the box we had them in __PUNCT__

and rememb __PUNCT__ you had the french and other sai the reason all those children were dy in iraq __PUNCT__ the reason why hospit didn't have equip is becaus of what we __PUNCT__ the unit_state __PUNCT__ were do __PUNCT__ impos on iraq these sanction __PUNCT__

and that wa the battl __PUNCT__

the battl wa do we lift these sanction or do we in fact increas the sanction __PUNCT__ and everyon at the time wa talk about __PUNCT__ from the secretari of state to even the presid __PUNCT__ that thi wa to demonstr to the world the presid of the unit state had the full faith and credit of the unit state congress behind him to put_pressur on the rest of the world to sai __PUNCT__ hei __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ you lift the sanction __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ we go to be on our own here __PUNCT__

don't lift the sanction __PUNCT__

get the inspector back in __PUNCT__

that wa the context of the debat __PUNCT__ to be fair about it __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but when you read the nation_intellig estim __PUNCT__ which ha now been releas __PUNCT__ there a lot of caveat put on the level of intellig about the aluminum tube and __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ gener zinni __PUNCT__ who been on thi program a few week_ago __PUNCT__ said that when he heard the discuss about the weapon of mass_destruct that saddam had __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ i never heard that __PUNCT__ in ani of the brief he had as head of the central command __PUNCT__

how could you as a u. __PUNCT__ senat be so wrong __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i wasn't wrong __PUNCT__

i wa on your show when you ask me about aluminum tube __PUNCT__ and i said thei for artilleri __PUNCT__

i don't believ thei for cascad __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you said saddam wa a threat __PUNCT__

he had to be __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ he wa a threat __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ in what wai __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ the threat he present wa that __PUNCT__ if saddam wa left unfett __PUNCT__ which i said dure that period __PUNCT__ for the next five year with sanction lift and billion of dollar into hi coffer __PUNCT__ then i believ he had the abil to acquir a tactic nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ not by build it __PUNCT__ by purchas it __PUNCT__

i also believ he wa a threat in that he wa __PUNCT__ everi singl solitari u.n __PUNCT__ resolut which he agre to abid by __PUNCT__ which wa the equival of a peac agreement at the unit_nation __PUNCT__ after he got out of __PUNCT__ after we kick him out of kuwait __PUNCT__ he wa violat __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ the rule of the road either mean someth or thei don't __PUNCT__

the intern_commun sai __PUNCT__ we go to enforc the sanction we place __PUNCT__ or not __PUNCT__

and what wa the intern commun do __PUNCT__ the intern commun wa weaken __PUNCT__

thei were pull awai __PUNCT__

thei were sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ wait a minut __PUNCT__

mayb he not so bad __PUNCT__

mayb we should lift the no __PUNCT__ fly_zone __PUNCT__

mayb we should lift the sanction __PUNCT__

that wa the context __PUNCT__

and on your show __PUNCT__ you had that on sundai the vice_presid of the unit_state sai he reconstitut hi nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

i wa on a simultan program __PUNCT__ thei ask me the question __PUNCT__

i said either the presid __PUNCT__ either the vice_presid not tell the truth or he did not get the same brief i have or he fulli misunderstand what he wa told __PUNCT__

so i did not believ he had weapon hi materi __PUNCT__

but he did have materi that __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ could theoret be weapon __PUNCT__

and to let it sit there at the time __PUNCT__ i want the inspector back in to forc him that posit of have to give it up __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ you were ask on thi program a few month after the invas of mai of __PUNCT__ __NUM__ about your vote __PUNCT__

and you said __PUNCT__ there wa suffici evid to go into iraq __PUNCT__

and then in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ you said __PUNCT__ a year and a half ago __PUNCT__ i vote to give the presid the author to us forc in iraq __PUNCT__

i still believ my vote wa just __PUNCT__

then you went to iowa in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ run for presid and said __PUNCT__ it wa a mistak __PUNCT__

i regret my vote __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ that unfair __PUNCT__

i said that on your program it wa a mistak between __PUNCT__ and you make it sound like i went to iowa and all of a sudden i had peopl out there sai biden is __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ there wa a chang in your think from __PUNCT__ from be __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ a just vote to sai it wa a mistak __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ becaus i learn more __PUNCT__ like everybodi els learn __PUNCT__ about what __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ we were told __PUNCT__

even the stuff we were told __PUNCT__ the part that i believ about what wa go on with saddam __PUNCT__

we were told at the time __PUNCT__ rememb __PUNCT__ that all these iraqi gener were readi to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ to step up and take on saddam __PUNCT__ that we had __PUNCT__ it wa impli that we had thi abil to go __PUNCT__ to do a lot of thing we didn't do __PUNCT__

we had commit at the time from the presid that he would not move without the intern_commun with us __PUNCT__

there were a whole lot of thing that chang __PUNCT__ a whole lot of thing that chang __PUNCT__

the thing that i regret __PUNCT__ and i sai it again __PUNCT__ and i said it wai befor __PUNCT__ __NUM__ and go to iowa __PUNCT__ is that i regret have had the __PUNCT__ believ that thi administr had ani compet __PUNCT__

it is the most incompet administr i ever __PUNCT__ if i known thei were go to misus the author we gave them the wai thei did __PUNCT__ if i known that thei were go to __PUNCT__ onc thei us it __PUNCT__ be so incompet in the us of it __PUNCT__ i would have never ever __PUNCT__ ever given them the author __PUNCT__

if i were presid __PUNCT__ would i have ask for the author __PUNCT__ i would have ask for the author in order to demonstr to the world that thei better not be lift sanction __PUNCT__ thei better not be put_pressur on have no __PUNCT__ fly_zone __PUNCT__ and thei better join with us in put the screw onto saddam by screw down the sanction on saddam as oppos to lift the sanction __PUNCT__

that what the debat wa about at the time __PUNCT__

and the other thing peopl forget __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ is everybodi said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ how could you not know that __PUNCT__ almost everi major editori_board in the countri reach the same conclus that we reach about the valu of keep the sanction on saddam and the need to show the world thi pressur wa avail __PUNCT__

and why did thei think it __PUNCT__ thei thought it becaus he had act rel reason with regard to afghanistan __PUNCT__

the presid had act ration with regard to afghanistan __PUNCT__ and on your show __PUNCT__ i rememb be on your show at the end of that year __PUNCT__ and the question wa __PUNCT__ ha the presid becom an internationalist __PUNCT__ rememb that __PUNCT__ rememb that whole __PUNCT__ those __PUNCT__ those discuss __PUNCT__ so the idea that everybodi should have known that thei were go to be as irrespons in the us of the author __PUNCT__ that thei were go to overrul what __PUNCT__ what powel wa get done at the unit_nation __PUNCT__ that thei had inspector back in and then thei were go to di the inspector like the vice_presid and presid did __PUNCT__ mayb i should have anticip that __PUNCT__

but most peopl didn't anticip it __PUNCT__ and i __PUNCT__ and that my mistak __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ should you have gone or sought out peopl who had a dissent view on the level of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i did __PUNCT__

i did __PUNCT__

and when i wa chairman of the committe __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i can't tell you the detail __PUNCT__ but i call everi intellig_agenc befor the foreign_relat committe __PUNCT__ had them all sit there at onc __PUNCT__

and it wa on the aluminium tube __PUNCT__

and i point out to all my colleagu who came that there wa vast disagr among the intellig_commun __PUNCT__

i also said __PUNCT__ you rememb after thi period __PUNCT__ that i believ that the on part of georg tenet that i heard about hi book that i believ is right is that the __PUNCT__ it wasn't the administr got all bad intellig __PUNCT__ thei misus __PUNCT__ deliber misus the intellig thei had __PUNCT__

thei onli told you the down side __PUNCT__

thei did not tell you the doubt that exist within the intellig commun __PUNCT__

i met with gener zinni __PUNCT__ i met with all our major command at the time __PUNCT__ and thei were split about whether or not what he had __PUNCT__

but by and larg __PUNCT__ i don't think ani of them realli believ that somehow he had a nuclear_weapon in the wait __PUNCT__

nobodi believ that __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but despit the doubt you heard __PUNCT__ you vote for the war __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ despit the doubt i heard __PUNCT__ i vote to give the presid the author to avoid a war __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ he also had __PUNCT__ there wa no question in the mind __PUNCT__ rememb we were __PUNCT__ we were on thi show __PUNCT__ dick lugar and i __PUNCT__

we had the biden/lugar author through __PUNCT__ of the presid __PUNCT__ which wa much more constrain __PUNCT__ much more constrain than the author he actual got __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ and what __PUNCT__ what happen __PUNCT__ what happen wa __PUNCT__ i didn't know dick gephardt and joe_lieberman were separ negoti with the presid until i got a call on a mondai night from dick lugar sai __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ we go to lose our __PUNCT__ our __PUNCT__ our amend __PUNCT__ which is much more constrict on the presid becaus there been a separ deal be cut __PUNCT__

he had __NUM___vote no matter what __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but make no mistak about it __PUNCT__ the bill that you vote for author the presid to go to war __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ it allow the presid to go to war __PUNCT__

it did not author him to go to it __PUNCT__

you make it sound like it said __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ go to war __PUNCT__

it said __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ don't go to war __PUNCT__

it said __PUNCT__ go to the unit_nation __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ don't go to war __PUNCT__ try to get a deal here __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ get the inspector back in __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ tell us that that what you about to do __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ if all els fail __PUNCT__ you have author to us forc __PUNCT__

that what it said __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ do you believ we safer now that saddam is gone __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i believ we ar less safe as a nation now becaus what ha happen is the conduct of thi war ha so badli damag our readi __PUNCT__ the conduct of thi war __PUNCT__ and the __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and the blood and resourc we had to expend __PUNCT__ it ha limit our credibl around the world and limit our flexibl in term of the us of forc __PUNCT__

here we ar __PUNCT__ we could end the carnag in darfur tomorrow __PUNCT__ but why aren't we do it __PUNCT__ in part we not do it becaus we ar so ti down __PUNCT__

we could fundament chang the dynam in afghanistan __PUNCT__

why aren't we do it __PUNCT__ becaus we ar ti down __PUNCT__

so in a broad __PUNCT__ broad sens __PUNCT__ so when i come back on my __NUM__ __PUNCT__ if you invit me back __PUNCT__ or my __NUM__ trip here __PUNCT__ you don't sai __PUNCT__ well biden __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ you realli like saddam __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that not what thi is about __PUNCT__

what it about is saddam wa a butcher __PUNCT__ the world happi __PUNCT__ mai he burn in hell __PUNCT__

he deserv it __PUNCT__

but in term of our global __PUNCT__ global posit __PUNCT__ our geopolit strategi __PUNCT__ as the think __PUNCT__ tank gui down here talk about it __PUNCT__ we ar wors off than we were when we had saddam sit there becaus of the impact on our militari and the impact on our credibl __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the leader of the democrat __PUNCT__ harri_reid __PUNCT__ two week_ago offer some comment __PUNCT__

let me share them with you and our viewer and come back and talk about them __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ videotap __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__

major_leader harri_reid __PUNCT__ d __PUNCT__ nv __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ myself __PUNCT__ that the secretari of state __PUNCT__ secretari of defens __PUNCT__ and you have to make your own decis as to what the presid know __PUNCT__ that thi war is lost __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end videotap __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ do you believ the secretari of state __PUNCT__ secretari of defens believ the war is lost __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i believ the secretari of state and secretari of defens believ thei don't know what to do with it __PUNCT__ and thei plan on hand thi war over to the next presid __PUNCT__

i said that a year_ago __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ do you believ the war is lost __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ thi is __PUNCT__ thi is not a game show __PUNCT__ where you know __PUNCT__ a,a __PUNCT__ a footbal_game __PUNCT__

what thi is about is we have lost___NUM__ dead __PUNCT__ we have __NUM___wound __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and we still have an opportun to deal with the possibl of not trade a dictat for chao __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ but it will not happen unless we have a seriou chang in our oper strateg premis __PUNCT__

and that is we have to decentr __PUNCT__ not central thi govern __PUNCT__

we got to get the world_commun in on own part of thi __PUNCT__ by call an intern confer to put_pressur on the region power __PUNCT__

if we don't do those two thing __PUNCT__ i don't see a happi_end to thi whole undertak __PUNCT__

we mai be forc into a posit where there no option __PUNCT__ at some point __PUNCT__ to withdraw and try to contain the chao __PUNCT__

the fact of the matter is that there is __PUNCT__ i am worri about __PUNCT__ my son get angri with thi __PUNCT__

my son unit mai get sent to iraq __PUNCT__ and if it doe __PUNCT__ he goe __PUNCT__

i don't want that to happen __PUNCT__

but if it happen __PUNCT__ it happen __PUNCT__

but i don't want my grandson go __PUNCT__

and how we leav_iraq is go to determin not mere whether my son goe or not __PUNCT__ but whether my grandson goe __PUNCT__

so the idea of win and lose thi is the wrong languag __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__

it about salvag our interest __PUNCT__ or not salvag our interest __PUNCT__

and we veri close to not be abl to salvag ani of these polici __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but these ar seriou word __PUNCT__

if senat reid sai the war is lost __PUNCT__ that an import choic of word __PUNCT__ it an import messag __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ and it an import messag i not deliv __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ so you disagre with him __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ he can sai what he sai __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i stick by what i said __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but you sai __PUNCT__ if you __PUNCT__ if you come to the conclus that the war is lost __PUNCT__ then you have an oblig to try to end it and stop fund __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think you have an oblig to figur out how to salvag your interest __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ sometim the game is lost __PUNCT__ but what do you do __PUNCT__ you mai decid you go to make sure that your halfback end up win the score championship by let him run __NUM__ more time __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ thi is not absolut __PUNCT__

there noth absolut __PUNCT__

if you believ __PUNCT__ what is lost __PUNCT__ is lost the opportun to establish a democraci there __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that wa lost on the dai we got there __PUNCT__

but if it is about whether or not you can establish a stabl regim __PUNCT__ an environ so thi war doesn't metastas __PUNCT__ you do not have turkei in after the kurd __PUNCT__ you don't have the iranian in full __PUNCT__ bore __PUNCT__ you don't find thi thing blow up around the region __PUNCT__ that is not lost yet __PUNCT__

but it could be lost __PUNCT__

what is the prize __PUNCT__ what ar we attempt to do here __PUNCT__ what i attempt to do is protect_american american_interest __PUNCT__ so that we do not end up a year __PUNCT__ three __PUNCT__ five and __NUM__ from now where there is total chao in the middl_east well beyond the border of iraq __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ the iraq studi_group said that your idea of partit iraq is __PUNCT__ is wrong __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ and would __PUNCT__ and would result in even wider civil_war __PUNCT__

jame_baker __PUNCT__ the chairman of that committe __PUNCT__ said that he talk to expert and thei believ it would trigger a __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ huge civil_war __PUNCT__

major_citi ar mix between the shiit and the sunni and that basic your plan just wouldn't work __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ basic __PUNCT__ baker in a minor __PUNCT__

henri_kissing sign onto that plan __PUNCT__

madelein albright ha sign onto the plan __PUNCT__

if you look at the baker report __PUNCT__ it goe on to sai __PUNCT__ we mai get where biden is talk about __PUNCT__

guess what __PUNCT__ we get there __PUNCT__

what is thi administr implicitli acknowledg by build a wall __PUNCT__ give me a break __PUNCT__

thei build a wall __PUNCT__ and thei talk about a central_govern __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ you know what happen in the balkan __PUNCT__

onc there wa an agreement reach as to thi __PUNCT__ polit agreement reach as to the separ of the parti __PUNCT__ from brcko to sarajevo to srebrenica __PUNCT__ there wa an incred diminut in the internecin warfar __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ becaus we in the context of an overal polit settlement __PUNCT__

what thi is all about is maneuv each of these group to determin who is go to call the shot __PUNCT__

onc you laid that out and you put yourself in a posit where __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ there never been a time in histori that i can think of __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__ where there been a self __PUNCT__ sustain cycl of sectarian_violenc that ha end even remot reason without a feder_system __PUNCT__

never __PUNCT__

what make jim baker and everyon els think that thi is go to be the first time in histori that it differ __PUNCT__ and mark my word __PUNCT__ everybodi come in the direct that i talk about __PUNCT__

there an inevit to it __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ befor we take a break __PUNCT__ rudi_giuliani __PUNCT__ on of the republican run for presid __PUNCT__ offer thi analysi of the democrat __PUNCT__

he said if a democrat __PUNCT__ elect_presid in __NUM___america will be at risk for anoth terrorist_attack on the scale of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ if a republican elect __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ especi if __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ him __PUNCT__ terrorist attack can be anticip and stop __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ but the question is how long will it take __PUNCT__ how mani casualti will we have __PUNCT__ giuliani said __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ if we on defens __PUNCT__ with a democrat_presid __PUNCT__ we have more loss __PUNCT__ it will go on longer __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i listen a littl to the democrat and if on of them get elect __PUNCT__ we ar go on defens __PUNCT__

the democrat do not understand the full natur and scope of the terrorist war against us __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ while rudi and hi friend were cheer on star war __PUNCT__ i made a speech the dai befor 9/11 to the nation_press club sai that becaus of the preoccup of thi administr of not focus on terror __PUNCT__ we ar go to have a major terrorist_attack and it like to come in the belli of a plane or in the hull of a ship __PUNCT__

rudi_giuliani continu to abid by and adher to thi utterli fail polici __PUNCT__

the messag rudi should be send is to the presid __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ you have not import ani __PUNCT__ not a singl solitari major recommend __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ of the 9/11_commiss __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid the major of american_citi still don't have ani interoper capabl __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ all those cargo contain that come ashor in my citi __PUNCT__ thei not be inspect __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__

i sai to rudi __PUNCT__ rudi __PUNCT__ you direct your __PUNCT__ your ir at the wrong gui __PUNCT__ the gui you continu to cling to __PUNCT__

thi administr ha been almost crimin neglig on what it ha done to deal with protect the homeland __PUNCT__

thei cut thousand of cop across the nation __PUNCT__

thei the on who go to find terrorist walk into an apart complex that been empti __PUNCT__

thei have not done virtual anyth the 9/11_commiss ha recommend __PUNCT__

rudi is be rudi __PUNCT__ and rudi is dead wrong __PUNCT__ and i realli look forward to debat rudi on thi subject __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ we go to take a quick break __PUNCT__

more of our convers with joe_biden __PUNCT__ democrat_candid for presid in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

our meet the candid seri continu right after thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ meet the candid __NUM___democrat democrat_presidenti presidenti_candid joe_biden right after thi station break __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ announc __PUNCT__ russert __PUNCT__ and we back __PUNCT__ talk to senat joe biden __PUNCT__

i wa up on your web_site look at some of your campaign posit and promis __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i should go on that site __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

here what you sai about energi __PUNCT__ biden would make a substanti nation_commit by dramat_increas invest in energi and climat chang research __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ expand health_insur for children __PUNCT__ reliev __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ famili and __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ of the burden of expens catastroph case __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ expand help for famili by increas __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__ deduct __PUNCT__ for tuition payment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ expand pell_grant to cover the averag tuition __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ public colleg for low_incom incom_famili __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ expand nation_servic program __PUNCT__ to help __PUNCT__ high_school school_student so __PUNCT__ thei can earn_monei for colleg __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ homeland_secur __PUNCT__ take back on year of the tax_cut for american who make over a million_dollar __PUNCT__ and put thi monei in a dedic homeland_secur and public_safeti trust_fund __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ crime __PUNCT__ biden prioriti is restor the nearli __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ been cut from state and local_law law_enforc __PUNCT__

all nobl goal for democrat __PUNCT__ but it more monei __PUNCT__ more monei __PUNCT__ more monei __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ but it __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ where you go to get it __PUNCT__ biden __PUNCT__ i tell you where you get it __PUNCT__

first of all __PUNCT__ we go to end thi war __PUNCT__

it __NUM__ __PUNCT__ __MONEY___billion a year we spend __PUNCT__

number on __PUNCT__ it __NUM___billion __PUNCT__

elimin the tax_cut for peopl_make over a million buck __PUNCT__ and thei go for it __PUNCT__

thei __PUNCT__ thei didn't ask for it __PUNCT__ thei know thei don't need it __PUNCT__

that __NUM___billion buck a year __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but that goe to the trust_fund __PUNCT__

you still have __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you have __PUNCT__ you have __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ health_care __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i got it __PUNCT__

i got it __PUNCT__

let go through them __PUNCT__ becaus i think you ask __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ a fair question __PUNCT__

elimin the __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ the tax_break for invest on dividend and __PUNCT__ which is __MONEY___billion is __PUNCT__ is __PUNCT__ is the cost of that __PUNCT__

and begin to do __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ on the crime side __PUNCT__ it point out in my crime bill for everi singl dollar we spent we save the public __MONEY__ dollar __PUNCT__

we have to have __PUNCT__ there a fanci word down here __PUNCT__ a littl new paradigm down here in washington __PUNCT__ as my republican friend like to sai __PUNCT__

invest in these area save_monei __PUNCT__

for exampl __PUNCT__ for __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__ i can insur everi singl solitari child under the ag of __NUM__ in the unit_state __PUNCT__

america doesn't have health_insur __PUNCT__

for __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__ i can doubl the invest we have on altern_energi energi_sourc and research __PUNCT__

for a billion_dollar a year i can put __NUM__ more cop back on the street __PUNCT__

and so thi is where __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ we talk manag number __PUNCT__

but the larger point here __PUNCT__ in my view __PUNCT__ the larger point here __PUNCT__ and i think distinguish me from democrat __PUNCT__ i think we got to start look at the direct save that come from the invest we make __PUNCT__

if we make an invest in well __PUNCT__ we save hundr of billion of dollar here __PUNCT__

and so we got to look at it differ __PUNCT__ tim __PUNCT__

but you need start __PUNCT__ up dollar __PUNCT__

the place i start off with is somewher over __MONEY___billion a year by the tax_cut and end the war __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ all you need is __MONEY___billion a year for the next five year to fund everi singl solitari aspect of the 9/11_commiss report __PUNCT__ and i would onli us __NUM__ of the __NUM___billion from the top___NUM___percent for that purpos __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we have a deficit __PUNCT__

we have social_secur and medicar loom __PUNCT__

the number of peopl on social secur and medicar is now __NUM___million_peopl __PUNCT__

it go to be __NUM__ million in __NUM___year __PUNCT__

would you consid look at those program __PUNCT__ ag of elig __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__

russert __PUNCT__ __URL__ of live __PUNCT__ put it all on the tabl __PUNCT__

biden __PUNCT__ the answer is absolut __PUNCT__

you have to __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ on of the thing that my __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the polit_advis sai to me is __PUNCT__ whoa __PUNCT__