Joe Biden

This speech titled 2008.02.03.remarks_at_the_democratic_national_committees_winter_meeting originally had 934 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i want to sai i truli regret that word i spoke offend peopl i admir __PUNCT__

i humbl that so mani of these same_peopl __PUNCT__ as well as you in thi room __PUNCT__ view those word through the prism of my histori and my heart __PUNCT__

for that i be forev grate __PUNCT__

thi administr ha dug us into a veri deep hole __PUNCT__ america is more isol __PUNCT__

and american ar more uncertain about their futur than ani time in the last half_centuri __PUNCT__

the american_peopl ar look for someon to guid us through the difficult decad ahead __PUNCT__ who understand the problem and pressur face the middl_class __PUNCT__

thei ar look for someon to help restor america_great __PUNCT__

in iraq __PUNCT__ the presid took us to war unnecessarili __PUNCT__

without let the weapon inspector finish their work __PUNCT__

without enough troop __PUNCT__

without the right equip for the troop we sent or care for the veteran who return __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ most of all __PUNCT__ without a plan __PUNCT__ ani plan __PUNCT__

the price of that failur can be measur in the blood we have shed and the treasur we have lost __PUNCT__

__NUM__ dead __PUNCT__

more than __NUM___wound __PUNCT__

and over __MONEY___billion commit to a war with no end in sight __PUNCT__

my fellow_democrat __PUNCT__ we must end thi war __PUNCT__

to stop the sectarian cycl of reveng in iraq __PUNCT__ we must first separ the combat and give them a polit wai forward __PUNCT__

i have a plan to do just that __PUNCT__

give the faction breath room in their own region with control over their local_polic __PUNCT__

and over the fabric of their daili_live __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ marriag __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__

give the central_govern govern_respons for border __PUNCT__ currenc and the armi __PUNCT__

guarante the sunni their fair_share of oil revenu __PUNCT__

draw down our troop __PUNCT__ don't escal __PUNCT__ forc iraq leader to reach a polit settlement __PUNCT__

and make iraq the world problem by have the u.n __PUNCT__ conven a confer of the world major power to insist that iraq neighbor support that settlement __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ your surg is not a solut __PUNCT__ it is a tragic_mistak __PUNCT__

and i am do everyth in my power to stop it __PUNCT__

mr __PUNCT__

presid __PUNCT__ the major of american oppos you on iraq __PUNCT__

we ar not embolden the enemi __PUNCT__

that the on mission you have accomplish __PUNCT__

at thi moment in our histori __PUNCT__ american need a leader with a breadth and depth of experi in world_affair __PUNCT__

thi presid will leav the next on with no margin for error __PUNCT__

the next presid will have to end the war in iraq and immedi turn to other simmer hot spot befor thei explod __PUNCT__

here at home __PUNCT__ it will not be enough for the next presid to have the right plan __PUNCT__

the american_peopl must believ that our nomine understand what thei been deal with in their daili_live the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__

thei know we need an energi_polici to free us from the axi of oil and begin to revers global_warm __PUNCT__

but thei don't believ that washington understand just how hard it is to heat their home __PUNCT__ or fill up their tank __PUNCT__

i understand becaus i rememb __PUNCT__

i rememb be a kid and answer the door when the bill collector came to shut off the electr and tell him my mother wasn't home __PUNCT__

american know we need nation_health health_care __PUNCT__

but thei doubt washington understand what it feel like to lie in bed __PUNCT__ like __NUM___million_american without health_insur __PUNCT__ look over at your pregnant wife __PUNCT__ and wonder what happen if your babi is prematur __PUNCT__

will i lose my home __PUNCT__ i understand becaus i rememb be roll into a oper room __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ after thei told me that my chanc weren't good __PUNCT__ but thank god that at least my famili wouldn't be left in debt becaus i had insur __PUNCT__

american know that a colleg_degre is a ticket to the middl_class __PUNCT__

but thei wonder whether washington understand what it feel like for a father or mother to look in the ey of their child know there is no wai to pai to help them get there __PUNCT__

i understand becaus i rememb __PUNCT__

i rememb my father face as he wa refus a bank loan to send me to colleg __PUNCT__

i understand __PUNCT__ like mani of you in thi room __PUNCT__ these struggl and aspir of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

becaus thei ar our __PUNCT__

thei repres our valu __PUNCT__

america valu __PUNCT__

and i will fight with everi fiber in my be to keep america focus on the valu that unit us __PUNCT__ rather than the wedg_issu us to divid us __PUNCT__

the american_peopl ar readi __PUNCT__

and so am i __PUNCT__

for not onc in our histori have the american peopl let their countri down __PUNCT__

it ha been the histor_role of the democrat_parti __PUNCT__

from jefferson to jackson __PUNCT__

roosevelt to clinton __PUNCT__

to remind america of that legaci __PUNCT__ to summon us to the moment __PUNCT__ to make_america __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ the light of the world __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ i pledg to you __PUNCT__ as your presid that will be what i do __PUNCT__

god_bless_america __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ god bless our troop __PUNCT__