Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.01.24.remarks_in_a_let_the_conversation_begin_webcast originally had 5619 tokens. You can view the original text here.

hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ hello and welcom back __PUNCT__

we have a lot to talk about tonight becaus last night wa the presid state of the union_address __PUNCT__ and i know we have been get a lot of question about that __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ we gotten ten of thousand of question in the last few night __PUNCT__

and i have realli been impress by how seriou peopl ar about the futur of our countri __PUNCT__

so let have that convers again tonight and let get start __PUNCT__

onc again __PUNCT__ crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our campaign blogger __PUNCT__ is here with me __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ crystal __PUNCT__ what tonight first question __PUNCT__ crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our first question tonight is from patricia in york __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__

she ask __PUNCT__ there wa no mention of the katrina disast in the state of the union __PUNCT__

did that strike you as odd __PUNCT__ isn't that a larg_part of the union __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ patricia __PUNCT__ that did strike me as odd __PUNCT__

i know from talk from my friend and colleagu from the gulf_coast __PUNCT__ particularli new orlean __PUNCT__ that the promis the presid_made ar just not be kept __PUNCT__

thei ar more empti promis __PUNCT__

it is so heart __PUNCT__ break becaus thi is a part of our union __PUNCT__

these ar our fellow_citizen and we need a much more seriou effort __PUNCT__

so i hope that with the democrat_congress __PUNCT__ we will be abl to push thing along __PUNCT__ that we be abl to try to sort out some of the continu bureaucrat snafu that have present peopl from get what thei need and make_decis about their futur __PUNCT__

there ar thousand of peopl who ar still displac from their home in southern louisiana and even along the mississippi coast __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ let figur out what we go to do to try to help those peopl __PUNCT__

thi wa on of the worst blot on presid_bush record __PUNCT__

it wa disgrac the wai thei were so inattent and differ __PUNCT__

it ha been equal disgrac how incompet and realli inadequ their respons ha been __PUNCT__

so i go to continu to talk about katrina __PUNCT__

i go to continu to work with my colleagu from the region as well as other of us that ar concern about thi to see if we can't make some progress now that we have a democrat_major __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our next question come from alexand in palm spring __PUNCT__ california __PUNCT__

after hear the state of the union_address last night __PUNCT__ do you agre or disagre with presid_bush bush_plan for medic insur for the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__ if you disagre __PUNCT__ what would you do differ __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ alexand __PUNCT__ we didn't get a lot of detail last night __PUNCT__

it wa a coupl of line in a nearli hour __PUNCT__ long speech __PUNCT__

so i try to make sure that i understand exactli what the presid is propos __PUNCT__

and what i worri about is that the presid plan want to cap the deduct that you get for the cost of health_care and essenti us that to try to help uninsur peopl get some tax benefit to go out into the marketplac and bui_health health_insur __PUNCT__

there is no real market yet __PUNCT__

thi would requir that we would have to tell insur_compani thei would have to insur peopl __PUNCT__ even with preexist condit __PUNCT__ which thei don't want to do __PUNCT__ that thei would have to keep their cost down in order for a lot of the peopl who ar insur and peopl who ar just abov that line to be abl to afford it __PUNCT__

so i go to be focus on a more comprehens approach becaus the other problem that i have with the presid plan is the wai he would help to pai for thi is by cut feder_fund for public hospit and commun health_center __PUNCT__

that is realli a fals_choic in my book __PUNCT__

we shouldn't be cut the monei that goe to actual give peopl health_care to get them into the insur_market __PUNCT__

i will be propos in the next week or so my own plan about how we get to univers_coverag __PUNCT__

i pleas __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ let me add that the presid wa will to talk about health_care and come forward with a propos __PUNCT__

i have told member of hi administr that a good sign and we need to figur out how we can work togeth to try to make_progress __PUNCT__

but at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ we go to have a much more comprehens approach if we ar go to tackl the problem of coverag so that everybodi is insur __PUNCT__ qualiti so what you ar insur for is good qualiti care __PUNCT__ cost becaus __PUNCT__ it wai too expens in america compar to the rest of the world and we don't even have the highest qualiti health_care compar to the rest of the world __PUNCT__

and competit __PUNCT__ we ar lose job becaus of the health_care_cost that ar impos on our busi __PUNCT__

so i have got a lot of idea __PUNCT__

stai tune __PUNCT__

we talk about that later __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ we ar go to take a break from the live question to respond to steve clemon who post the follow on the huffington_post blog __PUNCT__

would you be the kind of presid who gave your staff licens to challeng you __PUNCT__ to forc consider of everi last polici action __PUNCT__ to put bad new befor good new __PUNCT__ or do you like your team to valid your view and not challeng you __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ steve __PUNCT__ i think you can ask anybodi who work for me that i like peopl who challeng me __PUNCT__

i like peopl with expertis and experi and strong_opinion __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i mai push_back becaus i also have my opinion __PUNCT__ but i want that kind of give and take and debat __PUNCT__

i don't think ani on person __PUNCT__ and certainli no presid in these difficult and complex time __PUNCT__ have all the answer __PUNCT__

and i don't think you find answer from an ideolog start_point __PUNCT__

i believ in look at the fact and the evid __PUNCT__ try to understand what you try to achiev in term of the valu that you have and the object that you set forth in order to get result __PUNCT__

what we seen in the last six year is exactli the opposit __PUNCT__

it is as though there is a littl echo_chamber where everybodi is sai the same_thing where the presid __PUNCT__ from what we been told __PUNCT__ is rare challeng or confront __PUNCT__

that is not the kind of offic that i run todai __PUNCT__

that is certainli not the kind of white_hous that i would want __PUNCT__

anoth thing __PUNCT__ i would like to get a broad cross __PUNCT__ section of peopl __PUNCT__

i don't want peopl who alreadi agre with me __PUNCT__

i want honest __PUNCT__ experienc __PUNCT__ hard __PUNCT__ work patriot peopl who want to be part of a team __PUNCT__ the american team __PUNCT__ in order to understand what we have to do to meet the challeng of todai __PUNCT__

so i hope that if you ever run across anybodi who work for me __PUNCT__ you will probabl hear that i have got high_standard becaus there is a lot at stake __PUNCT__

i want peopl to work to the best of their abil and i want them to be part of a team __PUNCT__ even if the other member of the team disagre __PUNCT__

i think through that process you can come to better conclus __PUNCT__

and i alwai open to new evid __PUNCT__ new wai of look at thing __PUNCT__ ask those hard question about the direct we head __PUNCT__

i think it lead to better decis __PUNCT__ make __PUNCT__

and sometim it is a littl messi becaus you try to get to a point after hear all side and you want to keep search for the veri best outcom __PUNCT__ the consensu that go to stand the test __PUNCT__

but that __PUNCT__ to me __PUNCT__ is a better wai of make_decis than thi kind of top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ intimidatori style where you have to tell them what thei want to hear __PUNCT__

that been a disast and i certainli hope we can get beyond that __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our next question is from alic in corneliu __PUNCT__ north_carolina __PUNCT__

what ar your plan and propos for domest homeland_secur __PUNCT__ would you approv a budget that would aid in secur_servic such as the fbi and cia to carri out specif duti in fight_terror __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ alic __PUNCT__ thi ha been a princip concern ever sinc 9/11 __PUNCT__

as a senat repres new york on that horribl __PUNCT__ horribl dai __PUNCT__ i saw firsthand and i still deal with the consequ todai of our lack of prepared __PUNCT__ our failur to commun adequ of the stress we were face __PUNCT__

i have veri strong feel about thi __PUNCT__

i introduc some of the veri first legisl after 9/11 that would try to get monei to our law_enforc_agenc __PUNCT__ to our intellig_agenc __PUNCT__

but equal_import __PUNCT__ get it to our local_commun __PUNCT__

thei ar the first line of defens with our local fire_depart and our polic_depart and our paramed and our health_depart and so mani other that ar work dilig to try to be prepar in the case of a natur_disast like katrina which we were just discuss or a terrorist_attack __PUNCT__

so from my perspect __PUNCT__ we need to do mani thing simultan __PUNCT__

we need to beef up our homeland_secur fund so we protect our border __PUNCT__

we protect our port __PUNCT__ our mass_transit transit_system __PUNCT__

we have done better with airlin passeng sinc 9/11 __PUNCT__

airlin cargo __PUNCT__ we still have work to do __PUNCT__

our vital infrastructur like bridg and tunnel __PUNCT__ some of our landmark build __PUNCT__

we have got to have the veri best secur __PUNCT__

it not just for the public_sector __PUNCT__

the privat_sector ha to be involv __PUNCT__

thei own a lot of our build __PUNCT__

thei ar landlord for build __PUNCT__

thei run our big mall and our sport stadium __PUNCT__

thi ha to be a partnership __PUNCT__

recent we got the administr to set standard for the chemic industri __PUNCT__

we have so mani chemic plant in our countri that could be disast if thei were ever attack and there were explos __PUNCT__

that could affect liter million of peopl in certain highli congest area __PUNCT__

we have to do a better job of share_inform among level of govern __PUNCT__

the feder __PUNCT__ state and local_govern __PUNCT__

we have to get all of our feder_agenc work togeth __PUNCT__ the homeland_secur __PUNCT__ fbi __PUNCT__ the cia __PUNCT__ counterterror center __PUNCT__

all of that ha to be much more streamlin and focus so that the polic on the beat in the car who stop somebodi that mai be suspici __PUNCT__ mai be somebodi that the fbi is look for __PUNCT__ thei will have that inform __PUNCT__ thei will be abl to immedi respond __PUNCT__

so we have a lot of work to do __PUNCT__

we have made progress sinc 9/11 __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the 9/11_commiss which did such a great job in analyz what happen on 9/11 came out with a report card last year and basic gave our feder_govern a d __PUNCT__ that not a veri good grade __PUNCT__

it mai not be a fail grade __PUNCT__ but i sure wouldn't want to bring it home to my mother __PUNCT__

we have to do a better job in try to work togeth __PUNCT__ get the monei to follow the threat which is what the 9/11_commiss recommend __PUNCT__ and then make sure that all level of govern and the public and the privat_sector ar work togeth __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our next question is from judi in seymour __PUNCT__ connecticut __PUNCT__

i am a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old widow of __NUM___year struggl to get by on social_secur __PUNCT__

i know there ar mani widow in my situat __PUNCT__

if you were elect_presid __PUNCT__ do you have ani interest in thi larg popul of american __PUNCT__ and if so __PUNCT__ what will you do to help __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ judi __PUNCT__ i have a lot of interest __PUNCT__

my __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old mother live with bill and me __PUNCT__

and i have mani friend who ar retir who ar widow or divorc __PUNCT__ but ar alon __PUNCT__

thei ar live on either social_secur and a small pension __PUNCT__ their own __PUNCT__ or mayb a late husband or their ex __PUNCT__ husband __PUNCT__

so i am veri concern about thi becaus as you know so well there ar so mani older women who ar live alon and it is great that thei healthi enough __PUNCT__ independ enough __PUNCT__

but as you get older __PUNCT__ you have __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ some challeng __PUNCT__

and certainli my highest prioriti is to protect social secur __PUNCT__

i consid it a solemn gener promis __PUNCT__

and i wa adamantli oppos to the presid plan to privat social secur becaus the veri peopl it would have hurt the most ar older women __PUNCT__

i worri ani move to undermin the guarante of social secur would throw a lot of women who ar onli abov the poverti_level todai becaus of social_secur __PUNCT__ i go to continu to do everyth i can to strengthen social secur __PUNCT__

there ar some fix we will probabl have to make in order for the whole system to keep oper and i go to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ be open to do that __PUNCT__

but i will never support privat thi basic guarante of financi secur in our older year __PUNCT__

i will also work to find differ wai of ad to the save that widow and singl_women have in their later year becaus social_secur is not enough and even social secur with a small pension is sometim difficult to get by on __PUNCT__

so i will certainli be attent and sensit to these concern __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ as a woman myself who ha a lot of friend __PUNCT__ either alreadi in your posit or veri close to it __PUNCT__ i consid it a veri import_part of my respons to do everyth i can to make sure that you get the help and support you deserv to have __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ virginia from jensen beach __PUNCT__ florida ask __PUNCT__ what will you do to ensur increas health_care for our militari_personnel return from iraq __PUNCT__ afghanistan and the middl_east as well as health_care for the lifetim career veteran face overcrowd facil and long wait_time for their appoint __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ boi __PUNCT__ i am glad you ask that question becaus you mai have notic in the state of the union last night that we didn't hear a singl word about veteran __PUNCT__

we heard a lot about our current serv young_men and women who we ar so proud of and so grate to __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ eventu __PUNCT__ thei will becom veteran __PUNCT__ and when thei return_home __PUNCT__ thei should be guarante access to the highest qualiti health_care through the va __PUNCT__

and unfortun __PUNCT__ we had to fight with the bush_administr everi year to fund the va __PUNCT__

i believ that we should have guarante fund for the va __PUNCT__

we shouldn't have to fight it out everi singl year in the appropri process that goe on in congress to decid how we ar go to spend the monei in the budget __PUNCT__

and the va ha made a lot of improv over the last ten or so year __PUNCT__

i veri proud of the chang that were made in the clinton_administr __PUNCT__ move toward inform_technolog so we don't duplic and lose the medic_record and the test_result __PUNCT__

i am veri proud of the power that wa given to the va when bill wa presid to allow the va to negoti for lower prescript_drug drug_price __PUNCT__

as your question impli __PUNCT__ there ar still long __PUNCT__ long_line __PUNCT__ wait period __PUNCT__

we just haven't put togeth the servic that ar need to take care of our return vet __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ as you probabl know __PUNCT__ we go to have so mani young_men and women with seriou condit go forward __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the battlefield is a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ degre __PUNCT__ 24/7 situat now __PUNCT__

and mani peopl ar abl to surviv wound that would have kill them in the first gulf_war and certainli vietnam or world_war_ii __PUNCT__

what that mean is that we have a lot of serious injur young_peopl with amput limb __PUNCT__ with traumat brain injuri __PUNCT__ with spinal cord injuri __PUNCT__

and we ow them everyth __PUNCT__

i will be a veri strong advoc for our veteran and not just in show up at veteran __PUNCT__ gather and make a patriot speech but in fight for veteran __PUNCT__ in fight for their health_care __PUNCT__ in fight for the va __PUNCT__ in fight for fair treatment for vet __PUNCT__

we have an all __PUNCT__ volunt militari now __PUNCT__

so to a great extent our militari is compos of young_men and women to realli want to make a commit to our countri __PUNCT__

we so proud of them and grate to them __PUNCT__

but let show it by take care of them __PUNCT__

let not just give lip_servic to their need __PUNCT__

let make sure that the va is fulli fund to meet the ongo physic and mental_health need of our veteran __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our next question is from jami in illinoi __PUNCT__

hiv/aid in the usa __PUNCT__ what will you do and make sure american ar care for __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thi is an issu for me for a long_time __PUNCT__

especi as a senat from new york __PUNCT__ we have a veri high popul of peopl_live with hiv and aid __PUNCT__

i believ we need to provid the full_rang of medic_care and support_servic for peopl who ar afflict with hiv and aid __PUNCT__

i have been a strong_support of the feder_program that fund treatment for peopl_live with hiv and aid __PUNCT__

and i will continu to do so __PUNCT__

here in our countri __PUNCT__ the fastest __PUNCT__ grow group of peopl that ar be infect with the diseas ar women of color __PUNCT__ ar women who ar poor __PUNCT__

thei ar often be left out of the servic system and the program that ar avail to treat peopl with hiv and aid __PUNCT__

i want to be sure that everybodi ha access to the medic_care that thei need __PUNCT__

we ar go to have to do some work __PUNCT__ excus me __PUNCT__ to get that done __PUNCT__

i think it is veri import that we recogn that the popul is grow in our southern_state __PUNCT__

and up until now __PUNCT__ there hasn't been enough treatment avail for peopl in those state __PUNCT__

i had a big fight __PUNCT__ you mai know if you follow thi issu thi past_year becaus the ryan white care_act is on of the princip vehicl for provid health_care to peopl_live with hiv/aid __PUNCT__

what i realli argu against wa instead of keep the monei at the same_level __PUNCT__ the feder_govern should increas the amount of monei avail __PUNCT__

and thei want to take monei awai from my state of new york which still ha the highest number of peopl in order to take care of the peopl who ar suffer in other state __PUNCT__

i want to take care of everybodi __PUNCT__

but why take it awai from peopl who need it to give it to other peopl who need it __PUNCT__ it is on of the reason why we need a new presid and why i am look forward to be that presid __PUNCT__ to make sure that we take care of everybodi who is afflict with thi diseas __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ brian from new york sai __PUNCT__ how will you handl the current nuclear crisi in iran and north_korea __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ let me get a glass of water here becaus i am lose my voic __PUNCT__

i have think i have done too much talk in the sever dai __PUNCT__

we ar in a terribl situat becaus of the wai thi administr ha mishandl both north_korea and iran __PUNCT__

with respect to north korea __PUNCT__ we had a crisi with north korea in __NUM__ and we were abl to prevent them from process plutonium __PUNCT__

that the fastest __PUNCT__ easiest wai to get what you need for a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

the north_korean be the north korean were cheat and thei were try to enrich uranium __PUNCT__

thei didn't breach the agreement about plutonium but thei were cheat on the side try to enrich uranium which is frankli harder to do __PUNCT__

when the bush_administr found out thei were cheat __PUNCT__ thei said we ar not go to talk to you anymor __PUNCT__

we ar take the inspector out __PUNCT__

we ar shun you becaus you were cheat __PUNCT__

that wa __PUNCT__ like __PUNCT__ an open invit to the north_korean to process plutonium __PUNCT__

as we have seen __PUNCT__ thei have produc some nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

i think that wa a backward approach __PUNCT__

we should have come down even harder on the north_korean __PUNCT__

we should have put even more inspector in and we should have been veri tough in negoti with them directli __PUNCT__

we made the same mistak with iran __PUNCT__

instead of negoti and deal with iran and figur out what thei were up to and try to understand who wa realli call the shot __PUNCT__ thi administr attitud is __PUNCT__ we don't talk to bad peopl __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i don't know why that a veri sensibl polici in their view __PUNCT__ but that their polici __PUNCT__

thei stop_talk to iran __PUNCT__

instead thei told the british __PUNCT__ german and the french __PUNCT__ you go talk to iran __PUNCT__

so that went on for year with no real result and iran is just continu to push_forward __PUNCT__

i have advoc direct contact __PUNCT__ engag with both of these regim __PUNCT__

do i agre with what thei do __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ not __PUNCT__

do i trust them __PUNCT__ absolut not __PUNCT__

we dealt with the soviet_union all dure the cold_war when thei had thousand missil point at us __PUNCT__

we didn't stop_talk to them even dure the cuban missil crisi __PUNCT__

we gain valuabl inform that enabl us to take step that led to the demis of the soviet_union __PUNCT__

i would urg that we do the same_thing with iran and north_korea __PUNCT__

i would like to see the administr begin do that sooner instead of later __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__

okai __PUNCT__

our next question come from new jersei __PUNCT__

andrea ask __PUNCT__ what do you like to do when you ar not work __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ sleep is a good option __PUNCT__ catch up on my sleep __PUNCT__

serious __PUNCT__ last night i talk about what i like to do outdoor __PUNCT__

i love to walk __PUNCT__

i love to hike __PUNCT__

i love to bike __PUNCT__

i love to swim in appropri weather __PUNCT__

and i love to go to movi __PUNCT__

bill and i go to movi as often as we can __PUNCT__

we love to go out to dinner with our friend __PUNCT__ sometim just the two of us __PUNCT__

there ar a lot of favorit littl place we enjoi go to __PUNCT__

i love to read for pleasur __PUNCT__

i just __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i just like to chill out and do as littl as possibl __PUNCT__

putter around in my garden which is __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i not that great a garden __PUNCT__

i try to avoid kill anyth i have __PUNCT__

but i love be out there and think about what i can ask somebodi els to do who ha a much greener thumb than me __PUNCT__

i love to spend_time with my friend __PUNCT__ just normal thing that give me some real pleasur __PUNCT__

sometim i like to clean my hous __PUNCT__ clean out my closet becaus there is a begin __PUNCT__ a middl and an end __PUNCT__

and a lot of the work i do __PUNCT__ there doesn't ever seen to be an end __PUNCT__

you worri about north_korea and iran and there is no wai to get your arm around it all __PUNCT__

kind of normal stuff i like to do __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ when i am not work __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ our next question is from jacquelin in welleslei __PUNCT__ massachusett __PUNCT__

as a colleg_student concern for the futur of our environ __PUNCT__ i wa wonder if you had ani plan to implement control on co2_emiss and further __PUNCT__ how do you plan to address the ever grow crisi of global_warm __PUNCT__

hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ i see that your messag is from welleslei __PUNCT__

i don't know if you ar a welleslei student or perhap go to on of the other fine institut around there or welleslei high_school __PUNCT__

i spent four wonder year at welleslei colleg and realli enjoi myself there __PUNCT__

i am glad you ar worri about the environ __PUNCT__

i think the chang we have to make ar go to be driven by young_peopl __PUNCT__

we have drop the ball __PUNCT__

thi administr ha wast six year __PUNCT__

it look like it will wast mostli the next two year instead of cope with and deal with the challeng of global_climat chang __PUNCT__

there is a lot we have to do __PUNCT__

i want to draw your attent to someth i will be involv in __PUNCT__

i sit on the environ committe __PUNCT__

it is now be chair by my friend and colleagu senat barbara boxer from california __PUNCT__

she is absolut commit as all the democrat ar on the committe to try to get a piec of legisl that we can __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__ get major support for that move us toward deal with co2_emiss __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we have a close divid senat so it won't be easi to do everyth that we all think we should do __PUNCT__

but we have got to make a start __PUNCT__

it is disgrac that our countri is not on record as deal with global_climat chang __PUNCT__

start next week in the environ committe __PUNCT__ we will start have forum on climat chang and global_warm __PUNCT__

we will be have an open forum with everi member of the senat invit to come and state their posit so we can try to figur out what the consensu posit __PUNCT__

we also go to be have later that week or next week __PUNCT__ i can't rememb which __PUNCT__ we ar go to be have a meet with peopl from other countri who have dealt with global_climat chang __PUNCT__

look at what great_britain ha done __PUNCT__

thei set veri strict standard about try to get back to the __NUM___level and thei do veri well becaus thei adopt both some carrot and some stick __PUNCT__

thei have incent for energi conserv and effici __PUNCT__

thei ar work with pollut power_plant __PUNCT__

thei have a comprehens program __PUNCT__

and the extra __PUNCT__ ad benefit is that it ha help to creat thousand of new job in great_britain becaus thei ar deal with a problem by put_peopl to work __PUNCT__ to actual make a differ __PUNCT__

so stai tune __PUNCT__

i think you ar go to see some posit action out of the democrat in the senat __PUNCT__

crystal patterson __PUNCT__ okai __PUNCT__

our final question for the even come from patrick in south_dakota __PUNCT__

he sai __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ my name is patrick __PUNCT__

i live in a small_town in south_dakota so my wife and i can stai close to our root __PUNCT__

we ar recent colleg_graduat and work_hard in colleg and continu to do so as graduat __PUNCT__

we ar find the contrast our societi live in now __PUNCT__ that is __PUNCT__ get an educ equal success __PUNCT__

what it should sai is get an educ equal debt with high interest_rate and the inabl to bui a home __PUNCT__ start a famili and live a good_life __PUNCT__

with the rise_cost of health_care __PUNCT__ interest_rate on student_loan __PUNCT__ rise hous_market and not be compens for our educ __PUNCT__ what would you sai to the youth of america to stai focus and go to school __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think that is the messag __PUNCT__ that i understand complet the problem that you have just outlin __PUNCT__

but we have to continu to educ our peopl in order to be competit global __PUNCT__

and i would hope that we can give you some relief from some of these rise_cost __PUNCT__

it is incred damag to someon prospect for the futur or the choic thei can make in their life __PUNCT__ if thei ar total focus on have to pai_back their debt __PUNCT__

so i want to get the cost of educ down __PUNCT__

i want to get the interest_rate on loan down __PUNCT__

i want to give more forgiv for debt for peopl who go into area of shortag or need in our societi __PUNCT__ like math and scienc_teacher or engin __PUNCT__

we have a lot of work that need to be done in america and we aren't go to be success if we make it so difficult for our young_peopl to afford to go to colleg __PUNCT__ stai in colleg and complet colleg __PUNCT__

so i hope that in the next few year __PUNCT__ and thi is on of the issu i am go to be run on for presid __PUNCT__ i hope that we can get back to page colleg afford again __PUNCT__ that we don't load peopl down with debt __PUNCT__ that we can deal with the rise health_care_cost in a sensibl wai and that we can also __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ try to close that gap between the veri well off and everybodi els becaus that not good for america either __PUNCT__

but i guess i would underscor the import of an educ __PUNCT__

despit the difficulti and the challeng __PUNCT__ i realli wish you and your wife well __PUNCT__

you ar exactli the kind of young_peopl that build commun and be close to your root __PUNCT__ you know how import it is to realli keep your famili go and make someth of yourself __PUNCT__

and i wish you well __PUNCT__ just as i do everybodi who is watch tonight __PUNCT__

i have to thank all of you for log on tonight and for the last two night __PUNCT__

it ha realli gone by wai too fast __PUNCT__

i have enjoi the convers __PUNCT__

i will be go out around the countri __PUNCT__

i will be in iowa thi weekend __PUNCT__ the follow weekend i will be in new hampshir __PUNCT__

i am go to be have face __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ face convers __PUNCT__

but i will continu to us thi medium as well becaus i want you to hear directli from me and i want to have your question __PUNCT__

i am so sorri we couldn't answer the ten of thousand of question that came in __PUNCT__

it wa realli overwhelm __PUNCT__

but i want to thank crystal for all of her help __PUNCT__

i hope when we launch our blog and crystal start report on the campaign that all of you will log on and share your thought with us __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ i look forward to keep the convers go __PUNCT__

and i wish all of you the veri best __PUNCT__

we got a lot of tough challeng in america but there is noth we can't handl if we work togeth __PUNCT__ we come up with sensibl __PUNCT__ practic solut and we keep our ey on what import __PUNCT__ to renew the promis of america and to restor the great and respect for our countri at home and abroad __PUNCT__

that what i intend to try to do dure thi campaign with idea and with my vision for thi countri __PUNCT__

and then in __NUM__ to have the chanc as your presid to do that as well __PUNCT__

thank you all and good_night __PUNCT__