Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.05.31.hillary_clinton_speech_and_qa_on_innovation originally had 5407 tokens. You can view the original text here.

it is a real pleasur for me to be here __PUNCT__ speak to the silicon_vallei leadership group __PUNCT__ which i understand ha been around for nearli __NUM___year __PUNCT__

it is hard to believ that __NUM__ year have pass but it is clear that those __NUM__ year revolution our countri and our world __PUNCT__

and i am grate for the contribut that all of you have made to that revolut __PUNCT__

you know it as well as anyon __PUNCT__ the benefit that spring from global __PUNCT__

it ha lift more peopl out of poverti around the world than probabl ani other advanc in recent_histori __PUNCT__

it ha certainli help expand our prosper here at home in mani import wai __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ it is inevit __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ there is no escap thi and what we have to do in america_todai is figur out how to best har the forc of global to ensur a continu qualiti of life and standard of live __PUNCT__

but i have to tell you __PUNCT__ here in the silicon_vallei __PUNCT__ base on the work that i have done for mani year __PUNCT__ and in particular as a senat from new york for the past six and a half_year __PUNCT__ and now as a candid for presid __PUNCT__ there is a deep_sens of anxieti in america __PUNCT__

it is an anxieti that is root in the realiti that for mani american __PUNCT__ thei have seen their wage stagnat __PUNCT__

thei have seen the price of everyth els that thei need in life __PUNCT__ health_care to colleg_tuition to the price of ga at the pump __PUNCT__ continu to go up __PUNCT__

and thei believ that somehow thei ar not get ahead __PUNCT__ despit the fact that mani of us here __PUNCT__ and million of other of us around our countri ar __PUNCT__

i think that the fear that our prosper will not be share ha veri seriou consequ for not onli our economi but for our societi and for our polit __PUNCT__

and certainli the polici of the last six year have done littl to assuag the fear that peopl_feel __PUNCT__

over the past six year __PUNCT__ while product ha gone up __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ averag_famili famili_incom ha gone down __NUM___dollar __PUNCT__

the result is a pessimist view that america can't win in the global_economi unless the middl_class lose __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i believ we ought to hit the restart button on the __NUM___centuri becaus america not onli can but must succe in the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__

and it time for a thoroughli modern and optimist __PUNCT__ progress vision for how we do that __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i given a seri of speech outlin what i believ that vision should be __PUNCT__

i talk about reform our govern so it work for the vast_major of american __PUNCT__

i outlin a seri of step to ensur that prosper is share and that equal_opportun is real __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ i want to discuss polici that i believ would help us promot innov and step to spread the benefit of that innov throughout america __PUNCT__

that mean dedic more resourc to area like altern_energi and basic research and involv more peopl in the innov economi __PUNCT__

there is no doubt in my mind that american ingenu is the kei to greater prosper in the face of global_competit __PUNCT__

that what set us apart in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and combin with the right polici to creat opportun for all __PUNCT__ it will set us apart in thi centuri __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ while other nation have march ahead __PUNCT__ we been march sidewai __PUNCT__

over the past twelv_year __PUNCT__ while american invest in research and develop ha remain rel static __PUNCT__ china ha doubl the share of it nation wealth invest in r&d __PUNCT__

the european_union ha set a goal of increas r&d invest by member_state to __NUM__ percent of gdp by __NUM__ nearli match us __PUNCT__

the educ pipelin __PUNCT__ the sourc of futur innov __PUNCT__ reveal the same trend __PUNCT__

between __NUM__ and __NUM__ as mani as of you know too well __PUNCT__ america_global share of phd in scienc and engin declin from __NUM__ percent to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

that rate is expect to drop to __NUM__ percent in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__

too few of our colleg_student ar studi the stem subject __PUNCT__ scienc __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__ engin __PUNCT__ and math __PUNCT__

our innov infrastructur is fall behind __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

we drop consider in our broadband deploy __PUNCT__

depend on which survei you look at __PUNCT__ it go to be __NUM__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the bottom_line is it is not good new for what we try to achiev __PUNCT__

now in thi debat about how to move_forward __PUNCT__ too often polici_maker will wall themselv off into two compet camp __PUNCT__

there ar those who sai there is noth to worri about and other who sai there is noth we can do __PUNCT__

i have familiar with both camp __PUNCT__ and i believ both ar wrong __PUNCT__

for those who sai there is noth to worri about __PUNCT__ i think that their rosi scenario ar doom to failur and thei will be unfortun proven wrong __PUNCT__

but at what cost __PUNCT__ and for those who sai that just the wai the rest of the world work and we can't realli do anyth about thi __PUNCT__ i think that a streak of fatal that i find profoundli un __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__

america remain the preemin destin for discoveri __PUNCT__ but our global leadership and vision did not happen by accid __PUNCT__

it took smart __PUNCT__ forward think polici that us what wa right about america to make_america stronger __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ global_competit is a challeng __PUNCT__ but it is also an opportun to lead the world in new field like nanotechnolog __PUNCT__ while lift up our standard of live and open up new market to american product __PUNCT__

energi depend is the greatest innov challeng that america ha face in gener __PUNCT__

it is also an unparallel opportun to start new green industri and reduc our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

climat chang is a major threat __PUNCT__ but if we act to address it rather than ignor it __PUNCT__ we could move toward new renew_energi and creat million of new job here in america __PUNCT__

i mean just think about it __PUNCT__ america wa built on innov __PUNCT__

on of my favorit exampl is presid lincoln __PUNCT__ in the middl of the civil_war __PUNCT__ a war that no on could predict that he would win and keep the union togeth __PUNCT__ decid to give the go ahead for two major nation endeavor __PUNCT__ on to complet the intern __PUNCT__ in the sens of cross __PUNCT__ nation __PUNCT__ railroad __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ to be abl to go to from on coast to the other __PUNCT__

the second wa start a system of land __PUNCT__ grant colleg __PUNCT__

imagin the optim it took to be sit in the white_hous get so mani report of dire outcom in battl across the east_coast and to think when thi is over we ar go to need place to educ the next gener __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ we had the same_spirit of can __PUNCT__ do progressiv at the turn of the last centuri __PUNCT__ dure the great_depress __PUNCT__ there is a highwai_system under presid eisenhow __PUNCT__ put highwai where peopl didn't even live yet with the confid that thei soon would __PUNCT__

the space_program is a perfect exampl __PUNCT__

and we certainli can point in the privat_sector to two gui in a garag name hewlett and packard or a team of research work for the defens_depart on a technolog call __PUNCT__ stealth __PUNCT__ and see how the partnership that wa forg __PUNCT__ start in the 1950 and into the 1960 __PUNCT__ had such far reach consequ for both the public and the privat_sector __PUNCT__

a cultur that valu and invest in idea is part and parcel of the promis of america __PUNCT__

and we have alwai support that cultur with public_invest that accompani our entrepreneuri spirit __PUNCT__ the avail of capit __PUNCT__ and the best univers system in the world __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ what is happen todai is we ar not realiz either the benefit of those earlier invest or keep our ey on the horizon as to how we __PUNCT__ in thi gener __PUNCT__ in thi centuri __PUNCT__ will make our own contribut as a part of america innov agenda __PUNCT__

think about how the first lane of the inform superhighwai were laid by our research __PUNCT__

thei built a new wai of share_inform becaus of an insati appetit for data in the pursuit of discoveri __PUNCT__

huge consequenti advanc in logist were pioneer by american_compani __PUNCT__

and we know that america mai well be the land of opportun __PUNCT__ but it also the land where peopl keep their ey on opportun_cost __PUNCT__

the fire that wa spark here in thi vallei ha made such a differ but it can't just be allow to sputter out __PUNCT__

there ha to be a partnership again between our govern and our great compani and the entrepreneur who yet have not discov what it is that will revolution the wai we live todai __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ what ar we to do and how do we do it __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ todai i propos a nine __PUNCT__ point agenda to renew the promis of america __PUNCT__ creat good_job __PUNCT__ and bolster our capac to innov __PUNCT__

invest in altern_energi and basic research __PUNCT__

strengthen our scienc __PUNCT__ engin __PUNCT__ and mathemat workforc __PUNCT__

reinforc our innov infrastructur through broadband with better incent for research and develop __PUNCT__

restor scientif integr in washington __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i propos a nation_commit to solv the energi and global_warm challeng __PUNCT__

a __MONEY___billion strateg energi fund __PUNCT__ paid for in part by close the tax subsidi and loophol that the oil_compani still enjoi __PUNCT__

it almost imposs to imagin we ar still subsid compani that have made the largest profit in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i do think there is a role for subsidi __PUNCT__ and i get to that in a minut __PUNCT__ but for matur compani in matur market __PUNCT__ that ha to be carefulli consid __PUNCT__

thi fund would invest in technolog avail right now __PUNCT__ to promot conserv and combat global_warm __PUNCT__ end our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

the fund creat an energi initi model on darpa __PUNCT__ the defens advanc research project agenc __PUNCT__

we bring togeth __PUNCT__ as we onc did in darpa __PUNCT__ the best mind in the public and privat_sector to think outsid the proverbi box __PUNCT__

to do high risk __PUNCT__ high reward research we can't even predict what the benefit will be __PUNCT__

i know that the silicon_vallei leadership group ha just put forth a __NUM___point campaign with an agenda call __PUNCT__ clean and green __PUNCT__ and i just receiv a copi of that and i look forward to look at it __PUNCT__

but win the __NUM___centuri energi race is as import and as potenti product and profit as win the __NUM__ centuri space race __PUNCT__

we can safeguard our environ __PUNCT__ grow the economi __PUNCT__ protect our secur __PUNCT__ and creat million of good new job __PUNCT__

i think that if you look at the experi of other countri __PUNCT__ you can certainli see the econom_impact of thi __PUNCT__

unit_kingdom sign kyoto when we didn't __PUNCT__

and not onli did thei meet their earliest kyoto target to reduc greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ but thei creat thousand of job __PUNCT__ thei kept unemploy low __PUNCT__ and wage_increas __PUNCT__

instead of lead the world in oil import __PUNCT__ america can lead in green_technolog export __PUNCT__

i know that thi organ is hold a seri of event on thi __PUNCT__ and that appli materi is do innov work with solar technolog __PUNCT__

i believ __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ that in the absenc of a nation effort __PUNCT__ model on the apollo project for exampl __PUNCT__ it will be veri difficult to bring to scale and commerci the chang that we need and that we can produc with the proper incent __PUNCT__

the countri that split the atom can end our depend on foreign_oil and launch an energi revolut __PUNCT__

we can call it energi __NUM__ __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will increas support for basic and appli research by increas the research budget at the nation scienc foundat __PUNCT__ the depart of energi offic of scienc __PUNCT__ and the depart of defens __PUNCT__

we boost fund by __NUM__ percent over __NUM___year __PUNCT__ with a greater emphasi on high __PUNCT__ risk __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ return invest __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ under the bush_administr __PUNCT__ spend on basic and appli research ha declin in real_term four year in a row __PUNCT__

darpa __PUNCT__ where basic research led to the precursor of the internet __PUNCT__ the comput mous __PUNCT__ and so much more __PUNCT__ is put less of it resourc into truli revolutionari research __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ darpa is becom much more problem __PUNCT__ solv orient __PUNCT__ and there is a reason for that __PUNCT__

when you look at how difficult it is to combat the improvis explos devic in iraq __PUNCT__ it understand that peopl would be put on overtim to try to figur out how to jam the signal __PUNCT__ how to do anyth to prevent them from explod or be place in the first place __PUNCT__

why is it an either __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ and why don't we continu to fund what we need to for our militari and their protect for both defens and offens purpos __PUNCT__ and put the monei in that we need to continu the kind of cut edg research that ha produc such great result __PUNCT__ often invest in basic research take decad to pai off __PUNCT__ as so mani of you know __PUNCT__ or thei don't pai off at all __PUNCT__

that why the privat_sector devot onli __NUM__ percent of all it resourc to basic research __PUNCT__

but when thi type of work lead to big breakthrough __PUNCT__ appli research __PUNCT__ and eventu to new tool and product __PUNCT__ the entir economi benefit __PUNCT__

and i think govern can work in partnership with the privat sector by take the lead in fund these kind of __PUNCT__ blue sky __PUNCT__ endeavor __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ i propos we increas the nation_institut of health budget by __NUM__ percent over five year with the goal of doubl it over the next decad __PUNCT__

what is happen with nih is particularli troubl __PUNCT__

we know that nih fund research have produc breakthrough and treatment for heart_diseas __PUNCT__ cancer __PUNCT__ aid and so much els __PUNCT__

the nih budget wa doubl between __NUM__ and __NUM__ and univers and research had high_hope for continu fund and we truli ar on the brink of so mani import breakthrough __PUNCT__

in the year sinc __PUNCT__ the rug ha been pull out from underneath a lot of our best mind __PUNCT__

the presid budget for __NUM__ actual cut fund __PUNCT__

the consequ of unpredict and declin resourc ar halt construct on new laboratori __PUNCT__ fewer grant for research __PUNCT__ uncertainti in current project __PUNCT__ and less support for creativ __PUNCT__ outsid __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ box idea be investig by younger research __PUNCT__

nobel_prize win biochemist roger kornberg recent said __PUNCT__ in the present climat especi __PUNCT__ the fund decis ar ultraconserv __PUNCT__

if the work that you propos to do isn't virtual certain of success __PUNCT__ then it won't be fund __PUNCT__

and of cours __PUNCT__ the kind of work that we would most like to see take place __PUNCT__ which is groundbreak and innov __PUNCT__ li at the other extrem __PUNCT__

america ha led the world in biotech research but we cannot rest on our laurel __PUNCT__

singapor is invest massiv in biotech __PUNCT__

european commun aren't stand still __PUNCT__

invest in nih will not onli help lead to cure __PUNCT__ but will grow the economi __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ i am propos renew commit to multidisciplinari research __PUNCT__ such as a combin of biotechnolog __PUNCT__ inform_technolog __PUNCT__ nanotechnolog __PUNCT__ a greater emphasi on public __PUNCT__ privat_partnership __PUNCT__ and new effort to promot collabor and off __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ grid idea __PUNCT__

here is an area where america ha a uniqu __PUNCT__ built __PUNCT__ in competit_advantag __PUNCT__

no other nation lai claim to the depth and breadth of excel across differ scientif and technolog field than we do __PUNCT__

by bridg area of expertis __PUNCT__ we can bridg gap in our understand __PUNCT__

and as well you know __PUNCT__ sometim the best answer involv approach an old question in a new wai __PUNCT__

for instanc __PUNCT__ we should increas invest in non __PUNCT__ health applic of bio __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__

nih fund effort domin life scienc research but few program explor non __PUNCT__ health applic __PUNCT__ such as bacteria that could dramat reduc the cost of clean up superfund site __PUNCT__

anoth import_step we must take is in health inform_technolog __PUNCT__

bring the effici of the inform ag to medic_care __PUNCT__ through electron medic_record __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ can save_monei __PUNCT__ save_live __PUNCT__ and prevent mistak __PUNCT__

i have been work on thi for more than four year __PUNCT__ i start with former senat frist in a bipartisan effort to creat a framework for health inform_technolog __PUNCT__

we final got it through the senat __PUNCT__ but it di in the hous __PUNCT__

we go to try to bring it back and get thi done onc and for all __PUNCT__

and i know some of the compani repres here have been veri help in think through the architectur of a health it system for our countri __PUNCT__

we should invest in e __PUNCT__ scienc to acceler the pace of discoveri __PUNCT__

you know as well as anyon __PUNCT__ inform is onli as us as the mean of put it in us hand __PUNCT__

billion and billion of data point ar wait in laptop and flash drive and paper file __PUNCT__ wait to becom the next great medic discoveri or understand of how to stem global_warm __PUNCT__

by invest in new tool to help scientist collabor __PUNCT__ process inform __PUNCT__ and share data __PUNCT__ we can unleash a wave of discoveri and benefit to our societi __PUNCT__

promot these new collabor between univers and industri is also essenti __PUNCT__

we have to fill the gap left by the declin in great privat_sector research_institut like bell lab __PUNCT__ which produc technolog like the laser and mani world __PUNCT__ renown scientist __PUNCT__

on other idea __PUNCT__ let us competit prize to encourag innov __PUNCT__

we got all these realiti_show about sing and model and hair style __PUNCT__ and you name it __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ let do some realiti show about innov __PUNCT__ and let have some cash prize out there to get young_peopl to start think that wai __PUNCT__

i long said that if we could have some realli good program about math student and engin that would get peopl excit __PUNCT__

we have so mani kid who now want to go into forens becaus thei seen it on tv __PUNCT__

if we propos prize to be part of our budget at our research agenc __PUNCT__ we could seek out new idea from unexpect place __PUNCT__

we ought to try to construct build that us onsit renew_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__

i hold a contest to pick campaign theme song __PUNCT__ and my campaign got idea we never would thought of from veri unusu sourc __PUNCT__ look at youtub and you can see that for sure __PUNCT__

while invest in idea and research __PUNCT__ we should also invest in skill and educ __PUNCT__

thi ha becom almost a cliché __PUNCT__ hasn't it __PUNCT__ and i have had countless meet with peopl from the silicon_vallei and in silicon vallei bemoan the shortag in the skill that ar need __PUNCT__

but i hear that across the countri __PUNCT__

there ar auto mechan job we cannot fill todai __PUNCT__

thousand of them __PUNCT__ make __NUM__ thousand_dollar __PUNCT__

there ar airlin mechan job that we can't fill __PUNCT__ there ar so mani job that we can't get the right mix between the person and the skill and the job __PUNCT__

we need a much better approach to do thi __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ with respect specif to innov __PUNCT__ i propos tripl the number of nsf fellowship __PUNCT__ and increas the size of each award __PUNCT__

we need to treat our young scientist and engin with respect and provid real reward __PUNCT__

thei should know that our countri need them __PUNCT__ becaus in fact we do __PUNCT__

i talk to mani peopl who went into math __PUNCT__ or physic __PUNCT__ or chemistri after sputnik and the space_program which peak their interest __PUNCT__

thei all reach retir_ag __PUNCT__

you think there a skill shortag now __PUNCT__ project it out a decad and we go to be in real troubl if we don't figur out how to get the pipelin built __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ light_bulb moment requir electr __PUNCT__

and educ is the ultim innov prerequisit __PUNCT__

unfortun __PUNCT__ here again we ar cede ground to other nation __PUNCT__

__NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the undergradu in china ar earn degre in scienc and engin __PUNCT__ in america the rate is __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the u. __PUNCT__ institut nation scienc foundat fellowship in respons to the soviet_union and the space race __PUNCT__

in the decad sinc the number of grant is larg unchang __PUNCT__ despit a three __PUNCT__ fold increas in the number of colleg_student graduat with scienc and engin degre __PUNCT__

so we face differ challeng __PUNCT__ but we need a similar commit __PUNCT__

i co __PUNCT__ sponsor the america compet act __PUNCT__ which recent pass the senat __PUNCT__ to increas the advanc class for high_school school_student in math and scienc __PUNCT__ and to put more peopl in the scientif and engin pipelin __PUNCT__

we have to act now to improv educ and research in scienc __PUNCT__ technolog __PUNCT__ engin __PUNCT__ and mathemat in order to retain our leadership __PUNCT__

and we got to start us new idea __PUNCT__

my husband recent spoke at a school that he and i start in arkansa __PUNCT__ the arkansa math and scienc high_school __PUNCT__

and it wa start becaus there ar a lot of young_peopl around the state who care about math and scienc __PUNCT__ but their high_school couldn't offer a veri challeng curriculum __PUNCT__

it a board_school and kid come from all over __PUNCT__ and thei come mostli from small_town __PUNCT__

there were onli __PUNCT__ i recal __PUNCT__ mayb __NUM__ graduat __PUNCT__ and thei brought in __MONEY___million worth of scholarship becaus in that environ __PUNCT__ which wa self __PUNCT__ select and which drove a realli high_standard __PUNCT__ thei respond __PUNCT__

so i think we should do even more to think about how we ar go to find these skill __PUNCT__

it mai be that we need more of these public board_school __PUNCT__

let think about how we realli make math __PUNCT__ scienc __PUNCT__ engin and technolog attract __PUNCT__

two of my propos were includ in the bill that pass __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ i would creat new fellowship at the nsf to allow math and scienc profession to becom teacher in high __PUNCT__ need school __PUNCT__ and to train current math_teacher with expertis to becom mentor and profession __PUNCT__

these ar model on two success program in new york __PUNCT__

i also includ a studi to be conduct by the nation_academi of scienc to investig promis practic in math and scienc educ __PUNCT__

we obvious need to do a better job of reproduc educ excel and we need to have nation_standard in math and scienc educ __PUNCT__

there not a differ in algebra across state_line and we act as though there is __PUNCT__ and it time to sai enough __PUNCT__

we need nation_standard __PUNCT__ at least __PUNCT__ in math and scienc __PUNCT__

sixth __PUNCT__ we have to open the door of scienc and engin to more peopl __PUNCT__ especi women and minor __PUNCT__

we done a great job bring the best and brightest from around the world but we have to do more to get women and minor to be involv __PUNCT__ and as presid i will try to promot that __PUNCT__ to tap new sourc of talent and to set exampl by have a greater public awar of what await __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ on of my favorit peopl is the presid of rpi in new york who previous wa the head of the nuclear regulatori commiss __PUNCT__

she the first or the second african_american american_woman to receiv a phd in nuclear physic __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i don't know if enough peopl know about her and know about what she ha done with her life and how she can __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__ serv as an exampl for other __PUNCT__

so we need to do more and we have to also recogn the shortag that exist now __PUNCT__

so i am reaffirm my commit to the h1b visa and increas the current cap __PUNCT__

let just face the fact that foreign skill_worker contribut greatli to what we have to do in be innov __PUNCT__

and certainli that understood well here in silicon_vallei where more than a quarter of highli_skill profession ar immigr __PUNCT__

but i would hope that we could do more of what i suggest simultan __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ increas the cap __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ try to get green_card for those who graduat from our colleg and univers after we train them so thei don't go home __PUNCT__ let try and keep them here __PUNCT__

there a lot we can do to deal with the overreact __PUNCT__ in mani wai __PUNCT__ post __PUNCT__ 9/11 __PUNCT__ but let also think about what els we go to do here __PUNCT__

on thing that i would offer for your consider is whether it is possibl to creat some kind of continu educ or curriculum that could be avail becaus what i find as i travel around the countri ar engin who come up to me and sai __PUNCT__ i been an engin at thi countri for __NUM___year or __NUM__ year __PUNCT__ and now i be ask to train my successor becaus my job is be outsourc __PUNCT__

what am i suppos to do __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ if that engin talent and skill truli ar not market in the current from __PUNCT__ then what can we do to try to make them market __PUNCT__ how can we creat that opportun __PUNCT__ seventh __PUNCT__ as presid i ensur we have a nation_commit to broadband __PUNCT__

now we need to invest in our infrastructur and __PUNCT__ what the railroad were to the __NUM___centuri and electr wa to the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ we know that innov tool like broadband ar essenti to the economi of the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__

we should not be satisfi with our stand slip year by year __PUNCT__

we ar the birthplac of the internet __PUNCT__ but our broadband infrastructur is stuck in adolesc __PUNCT__

and i propos an agenda to bring the inform ag economi to everi corner of our countri __PUNCT__

it is possibl to do thi __PUNCT__

we need nation leadership __PUNCT__

i introduc broadband propos __PUNCT__ we go to keep work on thi __PUNCT__ but it critic if we go to connect up the countri __PUNCT__

eighth __PUNCT__ i propos overhaul the research and experiment tax_credit __PUNCT__

let make it perman __PUNCT__ more effect __PUNCT__ and larger if necessari __PUNCT__

we will not get excit new applic unless we encourag compani to invest in research __PUNCT__ and do it in america __PUNCT__

the r&e tax credit is us by more than __NUM___compani who might not otherwis put mani dollar into innov idea __PUNCT__

we have fail to make the credit perman __PUNCT__ we alwai renew it year __PUNCT__ by __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__

it need to be made perman not onli for the practic but also as a symbol of what we believ about our futur __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ a cultur that valu innov requir a govern that valu fact __PUNCT__

i am just often struck by how hard thi administr ha tri to turn washington into an evid __PUNCT__ free_zone where the fact ar subordin to partisanship and where evid wa disregard in favor of ideolog __PUNCT__

the integr of scienc ha been under assault for six year __PUNCT__ and whether it wa mercuri in our water or carbon_dioxid in our atmospher or decis over women_health __PUNCT__ ideologu call the shot __PUNCT__

everydai __PUNCT__ here in the vallei __PUNCT__ you make_decis base on fact and evid __PUNCT__ not preconceiv notion __PUNCT__

i don't think it too much to ask that our govern doe the same __PUNCT__

in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ i outlin a comprehens govern_reform agenda __PUNCT__ and thi wa an import piec __PUNCT__

now wai back in the 1990 __PUNCT__ congress had an offic of technolog assess that wa charg with just on task __PUNCT__ tell us the truth about scienc __PUNCT__ sort out the compet claim __PUNCT__ and to the best of the scientist __PUNCT__ abil __PUNCT__ tell us what to believ __PUNCT__

for decad thei cut through the myth and the spin on everyth from star war to aid prevent to solar technolog __PUNCT__

it time to put thi offic back in busi __PUNCT__ becaus how can we as a democraci make_good decis if we either don't have the fact or if thei ar activ withheld from us __PUNCT__ and if we go to reap the benefit of innov __PUNCT__ we have to take everi step to ensur that our trade_partner adher to a standard of intellectu_properti protect similar to what we have in the unit_state __PUNCT__

i know that intellectu_properti piraci cost compani million of dollar everi year and that piraci and counterfeit hit our high __PUNCT__ tech_compani more than ani other sector in the economi __PUNCT__

so let get back to free and open scientif enquiri and the promis and proven of a free and open_societi __PUNCT__ and let also take the step necessari to protect the result of that free and open enquiri __PUNCT__

so do we face big challeng __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

is our economi chang __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__

but we done thi befor and i confid we can do it again __PUNCT__

call me an honest optimist or a practic visionari __PUNCT__ whatev __PUNCT__ but i believ thi is all doabl becaus we ar a nation of innov __PUNCT__ and you ar both the beneficiari and the benefactor of that innov cultur __PUNCT__

and it is a cultur of ingenu __PUNCT__ and in it absenc we cannot expect to continu the standard of live and the qualiti of life that have mark our countri __PUNCT__ that have serv as such an inspir rout to the american_dream __PUNCT__

we need leadership to get thi done __PUNCT__ i believ america is readi for chang __PUNCT__

obvious i offer myself to lead that chang becaus i believ it is on of the most import_issu confront us __PUNCT__ and i want to hear your idea and to work with you __PUNCT__

call thi version __NUM__ of my innov agenda __PUNCT__ so after collabor with some of you we perhap tweak it and fine tune it __PUNCT__ but the ultim consequ of thi ha to be leadership that onc again set our sight on the star and give us the tool to get there __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__