This speech titled 2007.08.08.remarks_on_infrastructure originally had 5756 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i honor to have the keychain __PUNCT__ actual the keychain is pretti us __PUNCT__
i will be a proud user of that __PUNCT__
and i veri grate to the mayor and i appreci hi comment becaus i think what he said realli set the stage for what i want to talk to you about thi morn __PUNCT__
it is a problem that ha liter affect our entir countri of cours we were watch the new thi past week with a heavi heart at the sight of that broken bridg and those submerg car and the griev famili and the heroic rescu and recoveri effort that ar still ongo __PUNCT__
and i know that our thought and prayer ar with everyon who wa touch by thi terribl accid __PUNCT__
there mai be noth that we individu can do to try eas the pain and the difficulti that the bridg collaps ha caus the peopl of the twin citi area __PUNCT__ but there is a great_deal we can do as a nation to ensur that accid like that don't happen in new hampshir and across america __PUNCT__
thi is a real wake up call __PUNCT__
and over the last two year the mississippi_river __PUNCT__ that great river that goe down the middl of our countri __PUNCT__ first at it mouth __PUNCT__ ha remind us of the import of infrastructur with the collaps of the levi dure katrina __PUNCT__ and now at the near begin of the river __PUNCT__ we been remind onc again __PUNCT__ we face an infrastructur crisi __PUNCT__
i been talk about and worri about and work on infrastructur as a senat from new york for the past six and half_year __PUNCT__
it not a subject that usual get headlin __PUNCT__
peopl know we have problem __PUNCT__ but there alwai someth that seem more press for us to deal with __PUNCT__
and as the mayor wa so rightli sai __PUNCT__ there ar problem right here in rochest __PUNCT__ there ar problem throughout the state like there ar in everi other state __PUNCT__
but unless it a crisi __PUNCT__ we don't realli pai_attent __PUNCT__
well my point todai is __PUNCT__ it is a crisi __PUNCT__
it a silent crisi __PUNCT__
it a crisi with the potenti of not onli death and injuri __PUNCT__ properti loss and other kind of danger and inconveni __PUNCT__ but it is imper that we address thi crisi for our economi and for the kind countri we want to be in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
everi dai __PUNCT__ million of american inch their wai through bumper __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ bumper traffic __PUNCT__
thei drive over structur defici bridg __PUNCT__
million board buse and subwai which the feder_depart of transport ha deem poor __PUNCT__ substandard __PUNCT__ or mere adequ __PUNCT__
we get water from ag water pipe __PUNCT__ some of the pipe in new york ar over __NUM___year old __PUNCT__ and becaus of the leak the inevit come from corros and other problem __PUNCT__ thei wast a billion __PUNCT__ a billion and more gallon of water each month __PUNCT__
thei potenti expos our water __PUNCT__ and i have to sai new york_citi is consist rank among the veri best in public water __PUNCT__ so new york citi doe a great job __PUNCT__
but ani water_system that ha been there a long_time __PUNCT__ or hasn't been maintain __PUNCT__ ha the potenti of expos us to chemic and toxin __PUNCT__
and everi singl hour __PUNCT__ our good ar ship on under __PUNCT__ servic __PUNCT__ overburden railwai __PUNCT__
we had a rash of railwai accid in new york that i have follow veri close and work both with the state and with the railroad compani to try and remedi __PUNCT__
but derail ar becom more and more common __PUNCT__
good travel through unprotect __PUNCT__ overcrowd seaport or through waterwai fill with broken lock __PUNCT__
and we know all too well that the result can be tragic __PUNCT__
not onli bridg collaps in minneapoli and the levi collaps in new orlean __PUNCT__ but the collaps of the big dig tunnel ceil __PUNCT__ and the highwai overpass that collaps last week in california __PUNCT__
thi is a wake up call that is scream __PUNCT__
it like when you have an alarm clock and it get increasingli louder becaus we don't want to hear it or we hit it becaus we want to get a few more minut of sleep __PUNCT__
well we been asleep __PUNCT__
and certainli what happen with katrina __PUNCT__ which wa a natur_disast that turn into a nation disgrac and becam intern embarrass and cost nearli __NUM__ of our fellow_citizen their live __PUNCT__ wa the loudest of all wake up all call __PUNCT__
and keep in mind __PUNCT__ the bridg in minnesota __PUNCT__ that the mayor us to live near __PUNCT__ wa on of nearli __NUM__ bridg across america __PUNCT__ more than __NUM__ of those bridg ar in need of seriou repair __PUNCT__
someth is veri wrong when __PUNCT__ at the dawn of the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ in the richest countri on earth __PUNCT__ peopl ar actual nervou about drive over bridg for fear that thei might collaps __PUNCT__
or thei worri that their leve might burst __PUNCT__ or their highwai might buckl __PUNCT__
and the degrad of our infrastructur isn't just a seriou threat to our famili __PUNCT__ safeti __PUNCT__ it is a threat to our homeland_secur as well __PUNCT__
more than five year after 9/11 __PUNCT__ we still have not secur our border __PUNCT__ our railwai __PUNCT__ our mass_transit transit_system __PUNCT__ our port __PUNCT__ our chemic plant __PUNCT__ our nuclear facil and more __PUNCT__
and in addit __PUNCT__ if we need even more argument about why we should act __PUNCT__ in addit to threaten our safeti and our homeland_secur __PUNCT__ the problem with our infrastructur ar also a grave threat to our economi __PUNCT__
did you know that those hour we spend sit in traffic cost as much as __MONEY___billion a year in wast_time __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ product and damag to our environ __PUNCT__ those railroad carri half of all freight not carri by air __PUNCT__
those waterwai carri roughli on __PUNCT__ sixth of our inter __PUNCT__ citi freight __PUNCT__
and those seaport ar our gatewai to intern_trade __PUNCT__
when there ar shutdown or delai or a lack of capac __PUNCT__ america busi and worker_pai the price __PUNCT__
we don't alwai think about thi __PUNCT__ but i wa listen to an npr report about the consequ of the collaps in minneapoli and there wa a man who own a truck firm and he said the price of everyth is go to rise __PUNCT__
becaus we go to spend more on fuel __PUNCT__ becaus we have to take detour __PUNCT__ and thei began to talk about thing we don't think about as consequ to the cost of the live and to the economi __PUNCT__
in short __PUNCT__ we try to run todai economi on yesterdai infrastructur __PUNCT__ and we jeopard tomorrow prosper __PUNCT__
it like try to run a compani todai with typewrit __PUNCT__ or mimeograph machin or rotari phone __PUNCT__
if you lucki __PUNCT__ you might break even __PUNCT__ but you sure don't expect to break much of a profit __PUNCT__
the american_societi of civil engin give our dam a d __PUNCT__ our power grid a d __PUNCT__ our drink_water water_system a d __PUNCT__ our road a d __PUNCT__
i have to ask __PUNCT__ do you realli think america is realli a countri that is satisfi with ds on our report card when it come to infrastructur __PUNCT__ that not the countri i us grew up in __PUNCT__ that not the countri i wa rais to believ in and it certainli not the countri we want for our children __PUNCT__
here in america __PUNCT__ we never been content to sit_back and make do with what work for our parent and grandpar and our great __PUNCT__ grandpar __PUNCT__
when we caught a glimps of a new frontier __PUNCT__ we built the infrastructur to reach it __PUNCT__
when we discov new opportun __PUNCT__ we built the infrastructur to seiz them __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ our infrastructur ha alwai been the engin of our aspir __PUNCT__
think back to the earli 1800 __PUNCT__
i just visit the portsmouth naval shipyard __PUNCT__
it wa start in __NUM__ as mani of you know __PUNCT__
think about the audac of thi new countri decid thei were go to build thi shipyard __PUNCT__
and thei kept at it now for __NUM___year __PUNCT__
think about earli 1800 in new york __PUNCT__ when the governor of new york __PUNCT__ who happen to be name clinton __PUNCT__ i like that too __PUNCT__ persuad the state_legislatur to construct a __NUM___mile canal connect new york_citi to the west __PUNCT__
now you can imagin that we had a lot of naysay in the 1800 just like we do todai __PUNCT__ why ar we build it __PUNCT__ it cost too much monei __PUNCT__ it never work __PUNCT__
if fact __PUNCT__ the naysay deem the project __PUNCT__ clinton ditch __PUNCT__
but here is what governor clinton said __PUNCT__ the citi will __PUNCT__ in the cours of time __PUNCT__ becom the granari of the world __PUNCT__ the emporium of commerc __PUNCT__ the seat of manufactur __PUNCT__ the focu of great monei oper __PUNCT__
and he wa right __PUNCT__
fifteen_year later __PUNCT__ the eri canal had made new york_citi america busiest port __PUNCT__
think about presid lincoln __PUNCT__ who decid to build the transcontinent railroad in the midst of the civil_war __PUNCT__
while he struggl to hold north and south togeth __PUNCT__ he ha the vision to lai the groundwork to connect east and west __PUNCT__
the complet of the railroad reduc coast __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ coast travel time from month to just a week __PUNCT__ and settler flock to the new frontier __PUNCT__
or think about presid eisenhow and hi belief that __PUNCT__ our uniti as a nation is sustain by free commun of thought and by easi transport of peopl and good __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we still reap the econom_benefit of the interst highwai_system he champion __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ these leader and so mani other understood that expand our infrastructur wa the kei to expand our economi __PUNCT__
thei knew we could start all the compani __PUNCT__ and manufactur all the product __PUNCT__ and grow all the food we want __PUNCT__ but if we couldn't get the good to the custom __PUNCT__ if we couldn't get the worker to the job __PUNCT__ the economi would never flourish __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ that same understand extend to everyth we need to do in both our physic infrastructur and our virtual infrastructur __PUNCT__ like expand broadband the critic worldwid infrastructur of the modern global_economi __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we also know that invest in infrastructur creat_job __PUNCT__
the estim ar pretti reliabl __PUNCT__
for everi __MONEY___billion spent on fix crumbl infrastructur creat nearli __NUM___job __PUNCT__
but instead of invest in the infrastructur of the futur and grow our economi __PUNCT__ we continu to make do __PUNCT__
we patch and repair __PUNCT__
we ignor the advic of our engin __PUNCT__ economist __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ commun_leader __PUNCT__
we try to build our children futur with our grandpar __PUNCT__ infrastructur __PUNCT__
and we ar fall further and further behind __PUNCT__
we don't need ani more warn __PUNCT__
we don't need ani more wakeup call __PUNCT__
it is time to stop wring our hand __PUNCT__ and start roll up our sleev and rebuild america __PUNCT__
it time to stop ask how we can afford to fix our infrastructur __PUNCT__ and start ask how we can afford not to __PUNCT__
it time to ask ourselv __PUNCT__ what if we could shave minut __PUNCT__ even hour __PUNCT__ off our commut __PUNCT__ what if we could shave hour __PUNCT__ even dai __PUNCT__ off our ship time __PUNCT__ what if our port could send and receiv ton of addit good each week __PUNCT__ safe __PUNCT__ what if we had public_transit transit_system and a rail system that dramat reduc our relianc on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ and our carbon_dioxid_emiss __PUNCT__ and our smog and air_pollut __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i here todai becaus i believ we can do all of these thing __PUNCT__
i consid myself a modern_american american_progress __PUNCT__
and in the spirit of those earli progress __PUNCT__ who were republican as well as democrat __PUNCT__ who i think put countri befor parti __PUNCT__ who made commit to bring us togeth and work side by side __PUNCT__ i think we can do thi __PUNCT__
and that why i have been work as a senat and why i think it imper to make thi a prioriti for my presid __PUNCT__
you know i co __PUNCT__ sponsor __PUNCT__ on a bipartisan __PUNCT__ the nation infrastructur improv act of __NUM__ with my colleagu __PUNCT__ senat voinovich from ohio __PUNCT__
thi act __PUNCT__ becaus we couldn't get the kind of program we want __PUNCT__ we set up a commiss to ensur we got the data that would provid the basi for congress ask __PUNCT__ with a new presid who actual care about our infrastructur __PUNCT__
we want to know __PUNCT__ can our infrastructur sustain_econom econom_growth for the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ we don't think so __PUNCT__
how do we get adequ fund __PUNCT__ obvious that big unansw question __PUNCT__
how do we develop comprehens recommend __PUNCT__ that instead of divvi up the monei on polit pork barrel spend __PUNCT__ we do it on the basi of a real plan for america __PUNCT__
thi legisl ha pass the senat __PUNCT__ i hope that it will pass the hous and i hope the presid will sign it becaus that will give me the basi for what i want to do as presid __PUNCT__
i want to set big goal as your presid __PUNCT__
big goal __PUNCT__ like univers_health_care __PUNCT__ qualiti __PUNCT__ afford healthcar __PUNCT__
i want to set a tripl goal of move us toward energi_secur and independ __PUNCT__ deal with global_warm __PUNCT__ and creat lot of job from deal with energi and global warm __PUNCT__
i want to end the iraq_war and bring that monei home __PUNCT__
and in addit to all the other goal on educ __PUNCT__ and stem_cell cell_research and reform our govern __PUNCT__ i want to make modern our nation infrastructur __PUNCT__ as the backbon of our prosper __PUNCT__ on of my goal as well __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ everi gener face tough challeng and thei requir tough choic __PUNCT__
we talk about the greatest_gener of my father __PUNCT__ my late father __PUNCT__ becaus thei surviv the depress __PUNCT__ thei fought and kept our countri go dure world_war_ii __PUNCT__ and thei deserv our thank __PUNCT__
but at the veri same_time thei were make commit to a countri that thei believ in __PUNCT__
and we have to ask ourselv __PUNCT__ what commit have we made __PUNCT__ what have we done to sacrific and share a burden that i think should be the respons of each american gener __PUNCT__ the realiti is that with what we seen in minneapoli and new orlean it hard to answer that question __PUNCT__
that is why i go to challeng us __PUNCT__ our gener and all of american __PUNCT__ to stand up and fix our countri __PUNCT__ to rebuild the fail infrastructur of the __NUM___centuri while we build the new digit and energi infrastructur of the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__
it go to take seriou resourc and a seriou nation_commit __PUNCT__
it go to take a nation partnership among all level of govern and between the public and the privat_sector __PUNCT__
it requir a smart __PUNCT__ comprehens plan __PUNCT__
and it requir that we deal not onli with repair and expand our infrastructur __PUNCT__ but solv the problem that ar creat by infrastructur __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ congest __PUNCT__ urban sprawl __PUNCT__ environment_degrad __PUNCT__
and that is what i want to talk with you about __PUNCT__
my rebuild america plan __PUNCT__ which will creat million of good new job __PUNCT__ elev our standard of live __PUNCT__ and enhanc our abil to compet in the world marketplac __PUNCT__
i start with three emerg initi to help state and local immedi review and repair critic_infrastructur __PUNCT__
and we got to have the feder_govern at the tabl __PUNCT__
i think we should provid __MONEY___million in __PUNCT__ emerg assess grant __PUNCT__ so that state can pull togeth the inform that is there __PUNCT__ conduct ani new assess and inspect that thei need to and give grant to priorit what thing thei have to do and in what order __PUNCT__
you know if everyth a prioriti __PUNCT__ noth get done __PUNCT__
if you set prioriti __PUNCT__ you can begin to assess them right awai __PUNCT__
at the same_time __PUNCT__ i invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year in an __PUNCT__ emerg repair fund __PUNCT__ to begin address the extens backlog of emerg infrastructur repair __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our bridg ar __PUNCT__ function obsolet __PUNCT__ mean that thei don't meet current transport standard __PUNCT__ thei could go ani time __PUNCT__
anoth __NUM__ __PUNCT__ ar __PUNCT__ structur defici __PUNCT__ includ that bridg in minnesota __PUNCT__ mean thei deterior and lose the capac to sustain their load __PUNCT__
right here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ __NUM__ of the __NUM__ non __PUNCT__ cover state and local bridg ar on the __PUNCT__ red list __PUNCT__
that mean thei bridg of greatest concern __PUNCT__
that includ the memori bridg __PUNCT__ which i just saw for myself todai __PUNCT__
in addit __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ nearli half the lock on our waterwai ar obsolet __PUNCT__ that a figur that if we do noth could rise to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ within the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__
it time that the feder commit step up and address these defici __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ state ar alreadi spend_monei on these project __PUNCT__
the feder_govern is also __PUNCT__ but togeth __PUNCT__ we not spend enough __PUNCT__
my fund will supplement what thei alreadi do __PUNCT__
we know state __PUNCT__ as the mayor allud to __PUNCT__ sometim put off even start certain repair becaus thei don't know where the monei will come from to finish the repair __PUNCT__
on of the problem with the feder govern is that we don't have a capit budget __PUNCT__
that mean we don't budget smartli for long __PUNCT__ term capit project __PUNCT__
if you go to fix the leve in new orlean you got know that go to take a coupl of year __PUNCT__
if you go to fix a lot of our infrastructur that an invest you don't get done in on year but the wai that our feder_budget run __PUNCT__ we budget everi year __PUNCT__
and that is just a realli foolish wai if you talk about get the biggest return on your dollar __PUNCT__
that someth that i will rais with the congress __PUNCT__
we tri it befor __PUNCT__
thei aren't like to respond veri favor becaus everi year thei get to make these decis but we need a capit budget __PUNCT__
that would help us set prioriti for some veri big project and then see them through __PUNCT__
i also believ it would save us monei __PUNCT__
becaus if we could actual plan for three to five year __PUNCT__ we would have a much better wai of control_cost __PUNCT__
so i hope that we consid that __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ my emerg repair fund will give state the predict to get certain project underwai and then we can alloc over time and peopl shouldn't have to worri about that __PUNCT__
we also need to upgrad the standard __PUNCT__
that why nation_academi of engin and the nation_institut of standard and technolog will be the institut i ask to give me answer to two critic question __PUNCT__
on __PUNCT__ i want them to review the safeti certif process and standard current in place __PUNCT__
those standard mai not be rigor enough for heavi truck or for increas traffic __PUNCT__
you know when some of these bridg were built in the 1960 the project for traffic and weight on them didn't take into account what ar now do __PUNCT__ __NUM__ or __NUM___year later __PUNCT__
two __PUNCT__ we got to set that prioriti list __PUNCT__
and i want an independ group to do that __PUNCT__
my second point in my plan to rebuild america involv invest an addit___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in our interc passeng rail system __PUNCT__ which carri __NUM___million passeng a year __PUNCT__ link more than __NUM__ commun __PUNCT__ connect commun with airport __PUNCT__ citi bu system __PUNCT__ provid addit conveni for passeng __PUNCT__
and with ga_price veri unpredict and traffic wors than ever __PUNCT__ airlin travel riddl with overbook __PUNCT__ overcrowd and delai __PUNCT__ train travel is actual becom increasingli appeal __PUNCT__
but there veri littl feder_fund for these rail system __PUNCT__
thei treat them as primarili a state respons and i think that the wrong approach __PUNCT__
train travel protect our environ __PUNCT__
it reduc our depend on foreign_oil and help allevi congest __PUNCT__
on of the reason that some of the asian_countri and some of the european_countri ar realli make_progress against us econom is that thei have heavi invest in train __PUNCT__
and those train ar high __PUNCT__ speed train __PUNCT__
thei move_quickli both peopl and good and thi should be a nation_prioriti __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ i think we also need to more to build up our intra __PUNCT__ citi transport_system __PUNCT__ the subwai and buse that compris our public_transit transit_system __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ american took more than __NUM___billion trip on local public_transport __PUNCT__
and those system serv as a lifelin for so mani low and middl __PUNCT__ incom_american and for mani senior_citizen who ar no longer abl to drive __PUNCT__
public_transport is also on of the best strategi for protect the environ __PUNCT__
believ it or not __PUNCT__ emiss from road vehicl account for more than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of air_pollut in america __PUNCT__
if we just increas our public_transport from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ we reduc our relianc on foreign_oil by roughli___NUM__ __PUNCT__ reduc carbon_dioxid_emiss by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and reduc smog __PUNCT__ caus nitrogen oxid emiss by about on third __PUNCT__
but despit the benefit of public_transit __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of public transit spend goe toward maintain exist capac __PUNCT__ onli just __NUM__ __PUNCT__ toward expand our system __PUNCT__
i want to chang that ratio __PUNCT__
so i want to increas feder_fund for public_transit by __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__
i want to get those fund to commun commit to us them effect __PUNCT__ commun commit to avoid sprawl by locat home __PUNCT__ job and store nearbi __PUNCT__ reduc the need for unnecessari car trip __PUNCT__
over the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__ mani of the build in which we live __PUNCT__ work __PUNCT__ and shop will be built or rebuilt __PUNCT__
so todai __PUNCT__ we have a uniqu opportun to encourag sustain_develop __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ i want to work with state and local_govern and the privat_sector to creat a nation_polici to modern our seaport __PUNCT__
you know thi is someth sort of out of sight of mind __PUNCT__
if you not in a coastal state like new hampshir or new york __PUNCT__ you don't think about seaport as much as we should __PUNCT__
twenti six percent of our gross_domest_product __PUNCT__ and a grow share goe through our seaport __PUNCT__
__NUM___unit unit_state port handl just __NUM___million contain __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ it wa up to __NUM__ million __PUNCT__
by __NUM__ we expect it to be __NUM__ million __PUNCT__
the port simpli ar just not keep up __PUNCT__
mani ar run out of space __PUNCT__
thei ar plagu by navig channel that ar too narrow __PUNCT__ or harbor that ar too shallow to accommod larger ship __PUNCT__
thei don't have modern technolog includ __PUNCT__ homeland_secur technolog __PUNCT__ yet there is not on __PUNCT__ singl feder_agenc respons for our port __PUNCT__
so while port ar of nation_econom signific __PUNCT__ respons for port fund ha fallen primarili to state and local_govern __PUNCT__
that why __PUNCT__ we need to bring out port into the __NUM___centuri and work with our state and local_govern __PUNCT__ but have the feder_govern provid support to upgrad technolog __PUNCT__ expand capac and reduc congest __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ i will want to make it a nation_prioriti to confront the grow nation problem of congest __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ traffic ha pretti much taken it place alongsid death and tax as on of those thing you just can't avoid __PUNCT__
and between __NUM__ and __NUM__ the amount of time american spent in traffic delai increas more than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ and gallon of fuel wast increas nearli __NUM__ __PUNCT__
if current trend_continu __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ moder dens area will experi the same_kind of traffic problem we see in gridlock in new york_citi or chicago or la __PUNCT__
and the rise of commun that ar further and further awai mean longer commut __PUNCT__
and when you think about wit the internet we need to be figur out how to promot more telecommut __PUNCT__
i think we should of cours increas what we do to be smart about congest __PUNCT__ but why can't we be smart about give more peopl the opportun to work from home __PUNCT__ especi mother who ar balanc famili and work __PUNCT__ becaus right now we have good evid that it actual good for product but there a reluct to do it __PUNCT__
that true in govern __PUNCT__ that true in the privat_sector and i think we need to support initi that promot telecommut __PUNCT__
mayb not five dai a week __PUNCT__ mayb three dai a week but anyth we can do to try to limit the traffic congest actual increas_product and help our environ __PUNCT__
i think that when we look at technolog we don't realiz that todai we can collect real __PUNCT__ time inform on road and travel condit and we can actual detect traffic densiti and adjust their traffic signal and post the inform on electron road sign to warn driver of congest ahead __PUNCT__
we can have more effici electron toll system __PUNCT__ and make sure that we have a good camera system high __PUNCT__ traffic area to monitor accid and speed the deploy of ambul and tow truck __PUNCT__
san_diego even ha revers toll lane __PUNCT__ so when traffic is much heavier in on direct than anoth __PUNCT__ thei can revers a lane and eas the congest __PUNCT__
so let us technolog as our friend to get us out of these traffic jam that so mani of us experi __PUNCT__
and sixth __PUNCT__ we need to make a seriou commit to modern our electr_power power_system __PUNCT__
the averag power_gener station in our countri wa built in the 1960 __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ interrupt __PUNCT__ some of which ar big enough that thei realli shut everyth done __PUNCT__ some of which ar just sporad and happen in certain area __PUNCT__ but interrupt in our suppli of electr cost us roughli___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ the electr industri devot fewer dollar to research and develop than the dog food_industri __PUNCT__
we had a brown out in queen __PUNCT__
no bodi could figur what had happen __PUNCT__
and it realli interf with a lot of peopl who live in apart with no oper elev onc the electr went out __PUNCT__
it realli put a great burden on a lot of elderli peopl __PUNCT__
a lot of small_busi lost refriger __PUNCT__ floral shop __PUNCT__ ic_cream shop __PUNCT__
and i went to visit some of my constitu to figur out what we were go to do about it and i wa stand outsid of a littl restaur that ha lost thousand of dollar worth of food becaus of the shut down __PUNCT__ and a gentleman came up to me and introduc himself __PUNCT__
and he said to me __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i am from india __PUNCT__
i never thought i would move to the unit_state and see electr disrupt __PUNCT__
and it realli struck me __PUNCT__
becaus we think of ourselv of be so far advanc of ani other countri __PUNCT__ and yet we not keep that advantag __PUNCT__
i think we can do better __PUNCT__
that why i sponsor the electr reliabl act which ha been sign into law __PUNCT__ help to give our feder_govern more author to make our electr system more reliabl __PUNCT__
thi is a disast wait to happen __PUNCT__
we got an outdat grid __PUNCT__
an outdat transmiss and distribut system __PUNCT__
nobodi is respons for invest in it and it is the lifeblood of how we power our economi __PUNCT__
seventh __PUNCT__ we need to dramat_increas our invest in broadband deploy __PUNCT__
back in __NUM___america wa fourth in the world in broadband access __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we __NUM__ __PUNCT__
other countri ar invest heavili in broadband to connect up their entir countri __PUNCT__
and i have seen the power of broadband firsthand __PUNCT__
in new york __PUNCT__ we start a program where we brought togeth leader from the busi __PUNCT__ non __PUNCT__ profit __PUNCT__ univers __PUNCT__ bank __PUNCT__ and comput technolog commun __PUNCT__ includ e __PUNCT__ bai __PUNCT__ to give local_busi the capit and technic assist thei need to expand onto the internet __PUNCT__
i did thi becaus __PUNCT__ ani of you who have been up in the adirondack up in northern new york know how beauti it is __PUNCT__ but we have a lot peopl who can't make a veri good live becaus thei don't have big market for their good __PUNCT__
and so we work to put them on e __PUNCT__ bai and we prove that we could take somebodi who wa make fish rod in northern new york __PUNCT__ or make soap __PUNCT__ and give them a global_market place __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i believ in market __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__
market ar on of the great_advantag we have for make our economi dynam __PUNCT__
but when the market isn't work __PUNCT__ when the compani ar not wire certain area __PUNCT__ either underserv urban_area or underserv rural_area __PUNCT__ then the feder_govern ha to step in with plan grant __PUNCT__ and equip grant __PUNCT__ and tax_incent __PUNCT__
that what we had here with electr __PUNCT__
util didn't think it wa possibl to extend electr to certain part of our countri __PUNCT__
and so the feder_govern had to step in __PUNCT__
and i think if we focu on expand broadband and i recent call for an innov agenda to support state and local_commun to expand and develop broadband __PUNCT__ then we know we can make_progress becaus inform highwai ar to the __NUM__ what canal and railroad were to the __NUM___centuri and interst highwai in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__
eighth __PUNCT__ and final __PUNCT__ we don't just need to build the broadband and electr infrastructur of the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__ we need to build the clean_energi infrastructur as well __PUNCT__
that why i propos creat a __PUNCT__ green_build fund __PUNCT__ a __MONEY___billion invest in grant and low_interest loan to state to improv energi_effici in build __PUNCT__
it help us cut pollut __PUNCT__ combat climat chang __PUNCT__ and creat thousand of job __PUNCT__ what we can call __PUNCT__ green collar_job __PUNCT__
i sponsor legisl with my colleagu __PUNCT__ senat sander of vermont __PUNCT__ becaus we want to train peopl to do these job __PUNCT__
invest in energi_effici infrastructur is on of the cheapest __PUNCT__ cleanest __PUNCT__ fastest wai we know to cut energi us and reduc_emiss __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the depart of energi estim that energi_effici along __PUNCT__ could cut nation_energi us by __NUM__ percent in __NUM___year __PUNCT__
it a no __PUNCT__ brainer __PUNCT__ which is slightli higher_standard than the current on we have washington __PUNCT__
thi is an issu whose time ha come __PUNCT__
and i proud to co __PUNCT__ sponsor senat dodd and senat hagel nation infrastructur bank act that we just introduc to establish a feder __PUNCT__ back independ bank that will evalu and financ larg infrastructur project by subsidi __PUNCT__ loan_guarante __PUNCT__ and bond back by the full faith and credit of the unit_state __PUNCT__
that what our competitor ar do __PUNCT__
thei ar on the march __PUNCT__
you know japan __PUNCT__ and china __PUNCT__ and even india __PUNCT__ and certainli europ __PUNCT__ thei ar make_progress and we ar tread water and be swept backward __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ will all thi be easi __PUNCT__ of cours not __PUNCT__
but i believ that it is imper and it is truli on of the challeng that it is go to determin whether we up to the task of remain a great_nation with the strongest middl_class in the histori of the world __PUNCT__ and a rise_standard of live and qualiti of life __PUNCT__
i have faith that we will answer the call __PUNCT__
a countri that dug a __NUM___mile canal __PUNCT__ by hand with onli the help of mule __PUNCT__ that built a railroad from on coast to the other __PUNCT__ that connect commun across america with more than __NUM__ mile of highwai __PUNCT__ that sent a man to the moon __PUNCT__ that who we ar as american __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ on of the most discourag aspect of the bush __PUNCT__ chenei administr is the wai thei have talk down america __PUNCT__
thei have been fatalist __PUNCT__
i reject that out of hand __PUNCT__
we can do whatev we set our mind to __PUNCT__
we can roll up our sleev __PUNCT__
we can be problem solver again __PUNCT__
and i have faith that we will answer that call __PUNCT__
with your help we will rebuild america thank you veri much __PUNCT__