Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.08.20.speech_to_the_veterans_of_foreign_wars originally had 6317 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i am deepli honor to be here __PUNCT__ and i greatli appreci the privileg of address you and the invit to do so __PUNCT__

i couldn't help __PUNCT__ as i wa prepar to come here todai __PUNCT__ think about my late father __PUNCT__ a world_war_ii veteran __PUNCT__ serv as a chief petti offic in the navi train young_men dure world_war_ii at the great lake naval station __PUNCT__

i imagin he is look down and sai __PUNCT__ i never thought i would see my daughter address the vfw __PUNCT__ and i sure mani of you didn't either but i am so excit to have thi chanc and i want to start by express my deepest gratitud to all of you and to the veteran you repres across our countri for the servic you and thei have render to our nation __PUNCT__

i also want to thank the command in chief __PUNCT__ thank you gari for that veri kind introduct __PUNCT__

i want to acknowledg and congratul your senior vice command in chief who assum the command in chief posit __PUNCT__ georg lisicki __PUNCT__

and i want to acknowledg both the nation ladi auxiliari presid linda meader and senior vice_presid virginia carman __PUNCT__

becaus it is alwai true that when we send on of our veri best to serv our countri __PUNCT__ particularli when thei go to war __PUNCT__ their famili serv as well __PUNCT__

and i am grate for the servic of the famili_member who ar here todai __PUNCT__

i want to acknowledg a few of your guest and friend of mine __PUNCT__

i know that governor corzin wa here earlier __PUNCT__ i saw him as he wa leav __PUNCT__

two member of congress who do an excel job not onli for their constitu but for their countri and particularli for the valu and secur of america __PUNCT__ congressman emanuel cleaver and congressman denni moor __PUNCT__

and two old friend of mine and of your __PUNCT__ hershel gober and mari lou keener who have serv with distinct in the pentagon and the veteran administr and i am veri pleas that thei could be here with me __PUNCT__

i also know you be hear from other who ar pursu their parti nomin and immedi after i conclud a friend of mine and a genuin american hero will stand here befor you __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__

i want to acknowledg not onli john servic to our countri __PUNCT__ hi heroism in the face of unspeak atroc __PUNCT__ but hi continu leadership __PUNCT__

i wa privileg to go to iraq and afghanistan with senat_mccain __PUNCT__

he and i were in baghdad and fallujah and kabul togeth and i have the greatest respect for him __PUNCT__

just like him and all of you __PUNCT__ in america darkest hour you answer the call __PUNCT__ come from everi corner of our nation __PUNCT__ serv everi part of the world __PUNCT__ on beach and in jungl __PUNCT__ across desert and mountain and through bullet __PUNCT__ scar street __PUNCT__

you came from differ background __PUNCT__ from all walk of life __PUNCT__ but you serv becaus you know that freedom is never grant __PUNCT__ it is earn by each gener __PUNCT__

the histori of america is forg and sanctifi by the men and women who love their countri enough to sacrific their live for it __PUNCT__

you and your fallen comrad know that in the face of tyranni __PUNCT__ cruelti __PUNCT__ oppress __PUNCT__ extrem __PUNCT__ sometim there is onli on choic __PUNCT__

when the world look to america __PUNCT__ america look to you __PUNCT__

and you never let her down __PUNCT__

i know how deepli my own father care about the young_men he sent off to the south pacif and how heartbroken he wa when so mani of them never return __PUNCT__

when he di __NUM___year_ago i receiv letter and pictur from mani of the men he help to train and look at those pictur of all those young face remind me of the incred sacrific that not onli that greatest_gener but everi gener of american have made __PUNCT__

as the poet __PUNCT__ archibald macleish __PUNCT__ remind us in hi poem __PUNCT__ the young dead soldier do not speak __PUNCT__ those we have lost __PUNCT__ have a silenc that speak for them at night __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ we have done what we could but until it is finish it is not done __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ our death ar not our __PUNCT__ thei ar your __PUNCT__ thei will mean what you make them __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ we leav you our death __PUNCT__

give them their mean __PUNCT__

how do we give those live their mean __PUNCT__ how do we continu the work you start at normandi __PUNCT__ guadalcan __PUNCT__ chosin __PUNCT__ hue __PUNCT__ mogadishu __PUNCT__ sarajevo __PUNCT__ kandahar __PUNCT__ baghdad and so mani other place __PUNCT__ how __PUNCT__ in the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ do we preserv our democraci __PUNCT__ protect our shore __PUNCT__ keep our famili safe __PUNCT__ and continu to lead the world toward a better more peac futur __PUNCT__ your mission sai it all __PUNCT__

honor the dead by help the live __PUNCT__ through veteran servic __PUNCT__ commun_servic __PUNCT__ nation_secur __PUNCT__ and a strong_nation nation_defens __PUNCT__

but we have to begin with clear __PUNCT__ ei understand of the new challeng and threat we face in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

from my servic on the senat arm_servic_committe __PUNCT__ to my time as a first ladi and senat __PUNCT__ i have been privileg to travel to more than __NUM___countri repres america __PUNCT__

whether i wa meet in kabul with presid karzai about the threat of the taliban and al_qaeda __PUNCT__ or isra leader about the threat of iran __PUNCT__ or meet with defens offici in europ about share secur interest __PUNCT__ or press offici in china about human right __PUNCT__ i have confront the complex of the world as it is __PUNCT__ not as i hope it would be __PUNCT__

becaus you have to start with what the world is todai and with hope and determin and understand move it toward what we hope it can be __PUNCT__

but i have never lost faith in america essenti good and great __PUNCT__

i believ no challeng or threat is too danger or difficult for us to meet __PUNCT__

if we work togeth __PUNCT__ if we have sensibl polici __PUNCT__ if we cross the partisan_divid that too often substitut for reason and come togeth around our share valu and a commit to that futur we want for our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__

that the american wai __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__

throughout our histori __PUNCT__ when we face challeng to our posit in the world or threat to our secur __PUNCT__ we confront them head on without fear __PUNCT__ without delai __PUNCT__ without hesit __PUNCT__

and that is exactli what i intend to do as presid __PUNCT__

i will start by stand up everi singl_dai for the men and women who have stood up for us __PUNCT__ our veteran __PUNCT__

i know all too well that unfortun __PUNCT__ our veteran haven't alwai felt welcom __PUNCT__ respect and care for by the countri thei serv __PUNCT__

i think particularli about the young_men of my gener __PUNCT__ vietnam_veteran __PUNCT__ mani of whom felt like thei return to america __PUNCT__ but never realli came home __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ let me be clear __PUNCT__

everi servicememb is a hero who deserv our respect and our gratitud not just on veteran dai or memori_dai __PUNCT__ but everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

when thei put on that uniform __PUNCT__ when thei make that sacrific for our american_famili __PUNCT__ then thei ar all of our son and daughter __PUNCT__ and it time we start treat them that wai __PUNCT__

unfortun too __PUNCT__ we ar far from have a govern and a system worthi of our veteran __PUNCT__ sacrific __PUNCT__

the truth is that the deplor condit at walter reed were just on symptom of a much larger_problem __PUNCT__

i have met with soldier around our countri and around the world __PUNCT__

i have been honor to repres some of the veri best as a senat from new york __PUNCT__

i have been often to fort drum in northern new york __PUNCT__ home of the __NUM__ mountain divis __PUNCT__ the most deploi divis in the us armi __PUNCT__

i have been to militari hospit __PUNCT__

i have listen to the problem and concern of our veteran and our wound warrior and their famili __PUNCT__

heartbreak stori of have to confront red_tape and bureaucraci after dodg sniper bullet and escap improvis explos devic __PUNCT__

stori of struggl just to get the care and treatment thei need __PUNCT__

it embarrass and it disgrac that there is on veteran __PUNCT__ let alon score and hundr of them __PUNCT__ who have such stori to tell __PUNCT__

it time we fought as hard for our troop and our veteran as all of you have fought for us go back to the begin of our countri __PUNCT__

and that is what i tri to do as a privat_citizen __PUNCT__ as first ladi __PUNCT__ and as a senat __PUNCT__

i rememb when i start get letter in the white_hous __PUNCT__

we have these massiv correspond unit __PUNCT__ hundr of thousand of peopl write the presid __PUNCT__ write the first ladi __PUNCT__ thei even write the pet of the first famili __PUNCT__

buddi and sock got a lot of mail dure those year __PUNCT__

and i rememb that the peopl_work in the correspond unit start come to me with letter that were address to me often from veteran or from their wive about what wa happen to peopl who had been in the gulf dure the first gulf_war and who had come home and now were suffer from undiagnos ill __PUNCT__

and i took the letter and i went to my husband and i said __PUNCT__ bill i think there someth happen here __PUNCT__

on or two or three letter __PUNCT__ that might be a coincid __PUNCT__ but dozen of letter __PUNCT__ where young_men who could run marathon and lift weight befor thei went to the gulf could hardli climb up stair now __PUNCT__ can't sleep at night __PUNCT__

and he said __PUNCT__ look into it __PUNCT__ find out what go on __PUNCT__

so i work to establish the commiss that recogn gulf_war ill for the seriou problem it wa __PUNCT__ and began to address it __PUNCT__

i still meet some of those veteran and their famili __PUNCT__

a lot of them ar still suffer but at least thei feel that we ar recogn that someth happen to them when thei were serv us __PUNCT__

so when i got to the senat __PUNCT__ i advoc for legisl to track our troop __PUNCT__ health befor thei were deploi and after thei were deploi __PUNCT__ so that we would have baselin examin __PUNCT__

becaus too mani of the peopl who came back from the gulf war were told that the va or that within the dod system that we have no evid that you weren't suffer from someth befor you went over and i said __PUNCT__ no wait __PUNCT__

we have to make sure that we have a system to track the health of each and everi person who serv us and then monitor them for ill __PUNCT__

i join with colleagu on both side of the aisl to increas militari survivor benefit from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ __PUNCT__ hardli ani kind of compens for the loss of a life but a wai of recogn the need of the famili who ar left behind __PUNCT__

and i work for four year with senat lindsei_graham __PUNCT__ from south_carolina __PUNCT__ to provid access to tricar for nation_guard and reserv member __PUNCT__

when i got to the senat i sure mani peopl_thought i would never talk to lindsei_graham __PUNCT__ let alon work with him __PUNCT__ but i decid that we had a job to do and he in south_carolina and i in new york were see the same_thing __PUNCT__ that is __PUNCT__ our nation_guard and reserv troop were be activ to go to iraq or afghanistan __PUNCT__ mani of them were consid medic unreadi becaus thei were uninsur in their privat civilian live __PUNCT__

thei work for employ who didn't provid insur __PUNCT__ thei were self emploi and couldn't afford it __PUNCT__ thei were young and didn't think that thei had to realli worri about their health but a thorough exam found problem __PUNCT__

so senat graham and i said we go to make sure that if you a nation guard or reserv member __PUNCT__ you will have access to healthcar and you be part of thi great_american american_militari from the veri begin __PUNCT__

we will take care of you and your famili __PUNCT__

i join with mani of you to fight the so call care commiss that tri to close down so mani va hospit __PUNCT__

well we fought them in new york and i proud to sai that we had more letter of support to keep canandaigua hospit in upstat new york open than ani other facil in the countri __PUNCT__

and we were abl to keep our hospit from canandaigua to manhattan __PUNCT__

at a time when we get more return veteran __PUNCT__ what sens doe it make to shut down facil when peopl have to drive hour and wait month befor thei can see a doctor at a va __PUNCT__

we need more facil __PUNCT__ more outpati __PUNCT__ more outreach in order to help our return veteran __PUNCT__

last year __PUNCT__ i author the hero at home act that will begin to help servicememb struggl not onli with post traumat_stress disord but with the new signatur wound of these war __PUNCT__ someth call traumat brain injuri __PUNCT__

i fight as hard as i can to expand my legisl which pass last year becaus thi is take a devast toll on our veteran and their famili __PUNCT__

i wa recent at walter reed and i met a young armi captain __PUNCT__

he lost hi right arm in an improvis explos devic attack in baghdad __PUNCT__

he also lost hi ring finger on hi left_hand becaus hi wed ring had melt into hi finger __PUNCT__

and i ask him __PUNCT__ i said __PUNCT__ well captain __PUNCT__ how ar you do __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ well senat __PUNCT__ i make_progress __PUNCT__

i get great help __PUNCT__

the prosthet is work __PUNCT__

i realli feel like i be abl to get mobil back __PUNCT__

but he said __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ where do i go to get my brain back __PUNCT__ he wa suffer from traumat brain injuri __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ if it weren't for my wife who ha move here to be with me and who give me a list everydai of where i have to go and what time i have to be there __PUNCT__ i don't know what i would do __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ senat i went to west_point and i can't rememb where i suppos to be at __NUM__ o'clock or __NUM__ o'clock everi morn __PUNCT__

that why i have propos provid famili_member the educ and train thei need to help their love on with tbi and give them the option to becom certifi caretak and pai them for provid thi care for their own famili member __PUNCT__

two week_ago i team up with senat chri_dodd to pass_legisl in the senat to extend the famili and medic leav act to famili of wound warrior __PUNCT__

thi wa a recommend from the commiss the presid appoint head by former senat bob_dole __PUNCT__ a great_american american_war war_hero and former health and human_servic secretari donna shalala __PUNCT__

thei said __PUNCT__ the famili medic leav act is great but it not enough __PUNCT__

if you go to give up your job and move from the west_coast to walter reed or somewher els in the countri to be with your love on who been injur __PUNCT__ you need more time and you need to make sure your job is safe while you there do the most import_work ani of us do __PUNCT__ care for those who care for us __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ i will continu thi work and thi record __PUNCT__

i will summon the resourc and will of thi nation to give our veteran the gold_standard health_care __PUNCT__ earn benefit __PUNCT__ and support thei deserv __PUNCT__

our veteran have serv america __PUNCT__ and it is time that america serv our veteran __PUNCT__

i will start first by ensur that my veteran affair depart is on your side __PUNCT__

and that my va secretari is a true veteran __PUNCT__ advoc who understand the problem of our veteran __PUNCT__

i not go to have a secretari of veteran affair __PUNCT__ i go to have a secretari for veteran __PUNCT__ someon who will be qualifi and commit and dedic everi singl_dai to help our veteran __PUNCT__

i will also work to guarante fund for va health __PUNCT__

it is outrag that veteran have to come everi year to the congress beg for the monei thei need to get the health_care thei deserv __PUNCT__

we go to work toward mandatori fund and end the yearli budget __PUNCT__

health care for our veteran is not an option __PUNCT__

it is a fundament oblig __PUNCT__ and we have seen what ha happen the last sever year __PUNCT__

when mani of us have fought for increas fund for veteran __PUNCT__ onli to be deni __PUNCT__ and then to come back later and have to put more monei in __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ how do you run a veteran health_care_system if you don't know what your budget is go to be __PUNCT__ from year to year __PUNCT__ you can't make the kind of chang that we were on the road to make in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__

former veteran secretari jess brown __PUNCT__ a great_american veteran __PUNCT__ who we lost too soon __PUNCT__ and hershel gober and other __PUNCT__ had the va head in the right direct __PUNCT__

we were streamlin the health_care __PUNCT__

we got the computer medic_record __PUNCT__ there ar articl be written in medic journal todai which sai that now the va system take better care of mani veteran with diseas like diabet and heart condit than out in the public __PUNCT__

and what did that mean __PUNCT__ more veteran start go to the va __PUNCT__

i thought that wa great __PUNCT__ the administr thought it wa a problem __PUNCT__

well i want to get back to where veteran want to go to the va __PUNCT__ where thei feel the choic is best for them __PUNCT__ and where we have the servic readili avail to take care of whatev problem ani veteran might have __PUNCT__

secondli __PUNCT__ i have propos a new gi_bill of right for the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ and when i presid __PUNCT__ we will pass it and i will sign it into law __PUNCT__

we have the biggest sign ceremoni in the histori of the white_hous __PUNCT__

the origin gi_bill of right wa on of the vfw signatur accomplish __PUNCT__

it didn't just help a gener of veteran build their live __PUNCT__ it help a gener of american build a thrive middl_class __PUNCT__

so i take person pride __PUNCT__ tremend person pride in the fact that the vfw ha endors my gi_bill of right __PUNCT__

and i want to pai tribut to my hous sponsor __PUNCT__ young congressman from pennsylvania patrick murphi __PUNCT__

i met patrick murphi when he wa a captain in the __NUM___airborn in baghdad in __NUM__ when i wa there on my first trip __PUNCT__

that wa still a time when we could get out of the green_zone __PUNCT__ we went to sadr citi __PUNCT__ and we met with member of the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ on of whom wa thi bright young captain name patrick murphi __PUNCT__

when he left the armi he decid to continu hi public_servic in anoth wai __PUNCT__

he ran for __PUNCT__ and won __PUNCT__ a seat in congress __PUNCT__

so when i wa think about what kind of bill of right __PUNCT__ a gi_bill of right we need for the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ he wa on of the first call i made __PUNCT__ becaus he had live it __PUNCT__

and togeth __PUNCT__ our bill provid educ opportun __PUNCT__ from colleg __PUNCT__ to trade and technic train __PUNCT__ to certif and licens program __PUNCT__

it expand opportun for veteran to bui __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__ repair and improv their home __PUNCT__

it creat a veteran micro __PUNCT__ loan_program to provid loan up to __MONEY__ at veri low_interest_rate and without collater __PUNCT__ so that veteran can start their own small_busi __PUNCT__

and i appreci your support and we ar go to get it done togeth __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i implement a new __PUNCT__ seamless career transit assist_program __PUNCT__

it will start the minut a servicememb step_back on our shore __PUNCT__ either at a base or at a medic_center __PUNCT__

each veteran will be provid a human_resourc counselor who will be respons for hi or her success re __PUNCT__ integr back into the civilian world __PUNCT__

the counselor will have to track and monitor the veteran progress __PUNCT__ and if a veteran is struggl __PUNCT__ he or she will not get lost in the weed of the red_tape and the bureaucraci __PUNCT__ but someon will be there to help him or her get back on track __PUNCT__

and let go on step further than that __PUNCT__

mani compani alreadi give prefer for veteran __PUNCT__

let make that univers __PUNCT__

our veteran have done an extraordinari job fight for our countri __PUNCT__ let make sure thei have the job thei need and deserv right here at home __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ i want to transform the bureaucraci __PUNCT__ we have a __NUM___centuri veteran __PUNCT__ infrastructur and we need a __NUM__ centuri system __PUNCT__

i will do it by appoint a singl __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ level experienc veteran __PUNCT__ in the white_hous __PUNCT__ report directli to me respons for streamlin and coordin all health_care __PUNCT__ educ and career program for veteran __PUNCT__

the reason i recommend thi is becaus my last trip to ft __PUNCT__ drum __PUNCT__ i spoke to __NUM__ of our __NUM__ mountain divis soldier who had just came back from afghanistan __PUNCT__ all of whom had been wound __PUNCT__

the depart of defens wasn't talk to the va __PUNCT__ the medic_record at dod didn't find them their wai to the va __PUNCT__ and thi made no sens to me at all __PUNCT__

we need a singl seamless system __PUNCT__ and the wai to get it done is to have someon in the white_hous report to the presid __PUNCT__ who will drive everi singl agenc of thi govern to take care of everi on of our veteran __PUNCT__ the wai thei deserv to be taken care of __PUNCT__

i will also ask thi person to overse what ha been anoth disgrac __PUNCT__ becaus i will devot the resourc we need to process __PUNCT__ the endless backlog __PUNCT__ the disabl and life insur claim __PUNCT__

i have walk through va offic and seen stack of paper that have not yet been process __PUNCT__

i think we had enough of the delai __PUNCT__

i believ everyon should know that their govern is work_hard to give them what thei have earn __PUNCT__

i alreadi sponsor legisl __PUNCT__ call for an independ review of deni disabl claim __PUNCT__ and assign more lawyer and social_worker to help peopl through the claim process __PUNCT__

i propos_legisl to requir an independ review of everi singl traumat insur claim __PUNCT__

it anoth thing that the soldier at the __NUM__ mountain divis told me thei would call to get their insur claim process __PUNCT__ thei wouldn't get a human be voic __PUNCT__ thei would never get a call back __PUNCT__ well we go to end that __PUNCT__

no on should be wrongli depriv of their earn benefit __PUNCT__

and we go to make sure when i presid we clean up that backlog and make it work for everi singl on of our veteran __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ final we will end the prohibit on concurr receipt for our disabl veteran __PUNCT__

i a proud co __PUNCT__ sponsor of the retir pai restor act of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi rule is noth more than a tax on disabl veteran __PUNCT__ and when i presid __PUNCT__ we do awai with it onc and for all __PUNCT__

yesterdai we had anoth of the debat __PUNCT__ that ar seem to come earlier and more frequent in thi elect season __PUNCT__

and on of the question wa whether a candid repres chang or experi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i think we need both in our next presid __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ with me __PUNCT__ it not either or __PUNCT__

i have __NUM___year of experi fight for real chang and i will us my experi to chang washington start on dai on __PUNCT__

i know it won't be easi __PUNCT__ i know how difficult thi job is __PUNCT__ i have seen it in an up close and person wai for eight year __PUNCT__

and it go to be especi hard becaus of all the difficult issu we face __PUNCT__

but i believ we can do thi __PUNCT__ i confid and optimist that we can pull our countri togeth __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ our first order of busi here at home __PUNCT__ ha to be take care of our veteran __PUNCT__

but when all is said and done __PUNCT__ care for our veteran is about more than law we pass or program we fund __PUNCT__

it about the valu we promot and the cultur we creat __PUNCT__

a woman i met in iowa provid a perfect exampl of what i mean __PUNCT__

she told me that when militari peopl come into her salon for a haircut __PUNCT__ she give them a discount as a wai of sai thank you for serv our countri __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ can a presid_sign an execut_order or pass a law to requir thi __PUNCT__ of cours not __PUNCT__

but i believ it is the presid job to foster a cultur of gratitud and respect for the men and women who serv in our arm_forc __PUNCT__

so when i presid i will call upon our peopl to come togeth to support our veteran __PUNCT__ in larg wai as well as those small import kind and recognit that can mean so much __PUNCT__

whether it offer a job __PUNCT__ or invit someon to your child school to speak __PUNCT__ or sai a simpl thank you line at church or in the line at the groceri_store __PUNCT__

we ow them everyth and that mean confront our nation_secur challeng with courag __PUNCT__ strength and wisdom __PUNCT__

we all know that on of our kei challeng is what to do about the war in iraq __PUNCT__

i have met with our brave men and women serv in iraq __PUNCT__ and i have seen first hand __PUNCT__ the sacrific thei ar make __PUNCT__

and when the histori of the iraq_war is written __PUNCT__ i want futur_gener to know that our troop did everyth our countri ask of them __PUNCT__ everyth their command ask of them __PUNCT__ everyth their comrad expect of them __PUNCT__ everyth thei expect of themselv __PUNCT__

thei were ask to get rid of saddam_hussein and bring him to justic __PUNCT__ and thei did __PUNCT__

thei were ask to provid the iraqi_peopl with free_elect so that thei could elect their own govern __PUNCT__ and thei did __PUNCT__

thei were ask to give the iraqi_govern the space and time thei need to do what onli the iraqi could do to stabil their own countri __PUNCT__

there is a vigor debat in our own nation __PUNCT__ and probabl among mani of you __PUNCT__ about the right wai forward in iraq __PUNCT__

i know we mai disagre about whether there is or isn't __PUNCT__ a militari solut to thi war __PUNCT__

have been there __PUNCT__ have studi it __PUNCT__ and have seen the heroism and the accomplish of our troop __PUNCT__ i do not believ that we alon can impos a militari solut __PUNCT__

and i do not think the iraqi ar readi to do what thei have to do for themselv yet __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ i think it is unaccept for our troop to be caught in the crossfir of a sectarian civil_war while the iraqi_govern is on vacat __PUNCT__

i that it is time that the iraqi govern took respons for themselv and their countri __PUNCT__

becaus the american_peopl and our american_militari cannot want freedom and stabil for the iraqi more than thei want it for themselv __PUNCT__

as we move_forward in these next month __PUNCT__ await a report from gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ we have some veri hard_decis to make __PUNCT__

i not sure there ar ani good option but on decis i know we will make is to continu to honor the servic of our own american_troop and to make sure that thei ar given the respect that thei so richli have earn __PUNCT__

some of us who disagre __PUNCT__ i think the best wai of honor their servic is by begin to bring them home __PUNCT__ and make sure that when thei come home that we have everyth readi for them __PUNCT__

but iraq is not the onli seriou challeng we face __PUNCT__

we have seen in the last month a resurg taliban and al_qaeda in afghanistan and along the border with pakistan __PUNCT__

i have been on of those who from the begin have said we never put enough troop into afghanistan __PUNCT__ and we should stai focus on wipe out the taliban __PUNCT__ and find __PUNCT__ kill __PUNCT__ captur bin_laden and hi chief lieuten __PUNCT__

now we plai some catch up __PUNCT__

but afghanistan is critic __PUNCT__ becaus it is in an arena where the afghan_peopl ar real alli __PUNCT__ their govern is work_hard __PUNCT__ thei ar try to build an independ __PUNCT__ strong militari __PUNCT__ and we cannot let them fail __PUNCT__

these ar just some of the challeng we face in thi increasingli complex world __PUNCT__

on area that i am particularli concern about is the spread of global terror __PUNCT__

as a senat from new york __PUNCT__ i am too familiar with the horror of the attack on our citi and our countri on 9/11 __PUNCT__

i wa there the dai after with a small_group of offic holder and i saw those fire fighter come out of that black curtain of smoke and debri __PUNCT__ we couldn't even see them until thei broke clear __PUNCT__ have work around the clock __PUNCT__ drag their fire ax __PUNCT__

and at that moment __PUNCT__ i certainli made a commit i have tri to follow through on __PUNCT__ and that is not onli to do everyth i could for our first respond __PUNCT__ who like our gulf_war war_veteran suffer becaus of the work thei did at ground zero __PUNCT__

mani of them not onli get sick __PUNCT__ but now dy of the exposur that thei breath __PUNCT__ start after the attack __PUNCT__

but i also made a full commit to martial american_power __PUNCT__ resourc and valu in the global fight against these terrorist __PUNCT__

that begin with ensur that america doe have the world strongest and smartest militari_forc __PUNCT__

we begun to chang tactic in iraq __PUNCT__ and in some area particularli in al anbar provinc it work __PUNCT__ we just year too late chang our tactic __PUNCT__

we can't ever let that happen again __PUNCT__

we can't be fight the last war __PUNCT__ we have to be prepar to fight the new war and thi new war requir differ tactic and strategi __PUNCT__

we have to be prepar to maintain the best fight forc in the world __PUNCT__

i propos increas the size of our armi by __NUM___soldier __PUNCT__ balanc the legaci system with newer program to help us keep our technolog edg __PUNCT__ reevalu the train and educ_program that servicememb need in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and let be sure that the american_militari doe not fight_terror alon __PUNCT__

it is time that we demand that our allianc __PUNCT__ includ nato __PUNCT__ ar unit with us in thi fight and that their intellig __PUNCT__ law_enforc __PUNCT__ and homeland_secur secur_system ar work togeth with our __PUNCT__

and let not forget __PUNCT__ that the war on terror like the cold_war is fundament a battl over idea and valu __PUNCT__

i fight for a cold war medal __PUNCT__ for everyon that serv our countri dure the cold war __PUNCT__ becaus you were on the front_line of battl commun __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ now we ar on the front line of battl terror __PUNCT__ extrem __PUNCT__ and we have to win __PUNCT__

our commit to freedom __PUNCT__ to toler __PUNCT__ to econom_opportun ha inspir peopl around the world __PUNCT__ thei not just what we fight for __PUNCT__ thei can be our most power weapon in thi fight __PUNCT__

i want to get back to a point __PUNCT__ where peopl respect and admir the unit_state again not just becaus that would be a good_thing __PUNCT__ but becaus that critic on our fight against terror __PUNCT__

peopl have to root for america __PUNCT__ thei have to want to be on our side __PUNCT__

somebodi know that anoth member of their commun is perhap put togeth suicid_bomb kit ha to think twice about whether to sai noth or mayb to tell somebodi __PUNCT__

law_enforc in countri that could becom haven for terrorist have to believ that american valu ar not just about america __PUNCT__ but thei speak to the human_digniti that god given spark that resid in each and everi person across the world __PUNCT__

i want to end with thi stori becaus it sum for me what i hope to do as your presid __PUNCT__

it told to me by my friend __PUNCT__ and our former secretari of state madelein albright __PUNCT__

as some of you mai know she wa born in the former czechoslovakia __PUNCT__ her famili had to deal with the nazi __PUNCT__ thei had to deal with the communist __PUNCT__ thei came as refuge to america __PUNCT__

and in __NUM__ madelin wa ask if she would repres our countri at the __NUM___anniversari commemor of the end of wwii and she immedi said ye __PUNCT__

and she went to europ particularli to countri behind what we us to call the iron curtain and everywher she travel she saw american_flag but when she look more close she realiz that a lot of those flag had onli __NUM__ star __PUNCT__

she start ask peopl __PUNCT__ where did thi flag come from __PUNCT__ and everyon told her the same_stori __PUNCT__ that when the american gi liber europ __PUNCT__ thei pass out these flag __PUNCT__

and rememb __PUNCT__ back then hawaii and alaska weren't state yet __PUNCT__ that why there were onli __NUM__ star __PUNCT__

and peopl had save these flag like famili treasur __PUNCT__ pass them down from grandpar to parent to child often at great risk becaus if the soviet occupi had found them with an american_flag thei could have gotten into seriou troubl __PUNCT__

so madelin ask them __PUNCT__ why did you save these flag all these year know you could have gotten in troubl __PUNCT__ and everyon said the same_thing __PUNCT__ becaus we love_america and we love america valu and we alwai hope some dai we be abl to live in freedom like american __PUNCT__

thei never gave up on america ideal __PUNCT__ and neither should we __PUNCT__

these ar the ideal that will light our wai forward just as thei have illumin our past __PUNCT__

thei the ideal that inspir you to leav your home and famili and everyth you knew and love to fight for our freedom around the world __PUNCT__

stand here with you __PUNCT__ i feel that same sens of hope and optim that ha alwai mark our countri __PUNCT__

and i want to be the presid who restor those feel about america around the world __PUNCT__

we ar a good and great_nation __PUNCT__

we can renew the promis of america here at home and we can stand tall for freedom and democraci around the world again __PUNCT__

i believ that with the right leadership and with a countri commit to a futur that reflect the best of who we ar __PUNCT__ the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri will be america centuri __PUNCT__

and we will continu our histori in an unbroken line from those first soldier who fought for our revolutionari ideal that all men ar creat_equal to those young_men and women who ar fight for us and our ideal right now __PUNCT__

with your help and god help we can onc again be the countri that all of us love __PUNCT__ admir and know is worth fight for __PUNCT__

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__