Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2007.09.15.remarks_to_the_naacp_in_charleston_south_carolina originally had 5444 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

oh my good __PUNCT__ i veri appreci on a person_level for that wonder introduct and it is a great pleasur for me to serv alongsid such a great leader as congressman clyburn __PUNCT__

i don't think there ani doubt in anybodi mind that he is a big dog __PUNCT__

and he a big dog who lead the pack for our countri and i veri grate that he would be here becaus obvious i am well awar there is a histor footbal_game be plai tonight __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ when i heard that the dinner wa go to compet with the game between the univers of south_carolina and south carolina state_univers __PUNCT__ i thought for a moment that it might just be presid scott and me here __PUNCT__

but i appreci that so mani of you ar commit to the work of the naacp here in charleston __PUNCT__ throughout the state __PUNCT__ and inde across the countri __PUNCT__

and i am deepli honor that i could be with you __PUNCT__

i want to thank our two mc __PUNCT__ who have done a wonder job thi even __PUNCT__

thank to both octavia and rafael __PUNCT__

i also want to thank our two music perform who i thought were unbeliev special __PUNCT__ daniel davi and crystal brown gibson __PUNCT__

it wonder be here with so mani elect_offici and i grate thei ar here to be with your mayor __PUNCT__ whom i known a veri long_time and am veri proud of the work that ha been done under hi leadership in charleston __PUNCT__

and of cours __PUNCT__ it give me a lot of pleasur to thank dot scott and to call her madam presid __PUNCT__

i love the ring of that __PUNCT__

and i wa veri move by the tribut to your fallen firefight __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ as a senat from new york __PUNCT__ i have some understand of the pain and the loss __PUNCT__ the grief and shock that lose those nine brave firefight ha caus in thi commun and particularli to their famili __PUNCT__

it remind us everi dai of the precious of life and the both opportun and oblig each of us ha to do our part to advanc the caus of freedom __PUNCT__ to care for on anoth __PUNCT__ for walk our individu journei with a sens of a destin that is better for everyon __PUNCT__

and that what the naacp ha done for so mani year and now with thi __NUM__ annual freedom fund banquet __PUNCT__ it continu the tradit __PUNCT__

dot and i went over and met some of the young_peopl __PUNCT__ the next gener of leader for the naacp __PUNCT__ for thi citi __PUNCT__ thi state __PUNCT__ and thi countri __PUNCT__

i want to thank everyon who understand the mission of the naacp __PUNCT__

it is a big dog __PUNCT__ but it a dog with a conscienc __PUNCT__ that an unusu combin __PUNCT__ call us to understand that __PUNCT__ as american __PUNCT__ we have to keep faith with all that came befor __PUNCT__

the naacp leadership wa evid these past few week __PUNCT__ as you call the nation_attent to an exampl of present_dai discrimin happen in jena __PUNCT__ louisiana __PUNCT__

and the naacp and peopl of goodwil everywher stood up and made sure their voic were heard __PUNCT__ ask tough_question about the administr of justic __PUNCT__

and yesterdai an appeal_court heard those voic and it took anoth look and said justic wa not done __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ there is no excus for the wai the legal_system treat those young_peopl __PUNCT__

thi case remind us that the scale of justic ar serious out of balanc when it come to charg __PUNCT__ sentenc and punish african_american __PUNCT__

and we cannot forget thi is not over yet __PUNCT__

there ar still question unansw __PUNCT__

the case in jena cri out for a full investig by the depart of justic civil right divis __PUNCT__

and it reaffirm my convict that the next presid must have a justic_depart devot to justic and a civil right divis that work for all american __PUNCT__

thi case remind us that we have so much work yet to do __PUNCT__ america_long long_march to freedom __PUNCT__ equal and opportun ha been mark by mani mileston like the creation of the naacp __PUNCT__ or the montgomeri bu boycott __PUNCT__ the sit __PUNCT__ in at the orangeburg lunch_counter organ by a young jim clyburn __PUNCT__ that fate sundai march across the petti bridg in selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__

but these mileston do not mark the end of the journei our countri ha been on __PUNCT__

thei ar wai station along that journei __PUNCT__ the march is not over __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ america need the naacp and it leadership as much as we ever have befor __PUNCT__

i been travel across our countri __PUNCT__

i came todai to be with you from california __PUNCT__ i crisscross the countri __PUNCT__ from on coast to the other __PUNCT__ from north to south __PUNCT__ and i see the strength and the dynam of our great_nation __PUNCT__

but i also hear the voic of so mani american who ar worri about our futur __PUNCT__

thei not sure of the direct we ar head and thei ask with concern and even insecur __PUNCT__ what next __PUNCT__ thei awar that we have an incom gap that ha grown like a chasm in our countri __PUNCT__

between the veri veri best off in america and all the rest of us __PUNCT__ and it a gap that is even greater between african_american and white_american __PUNCT__

we have a health_care gap __PUNCT__

the access to health care is not even in our nation __PUNCT__ we all know that __PUNCT__

the rate for diseas and the failur to treat those diseas is a dispar that we should not toler __PUNCT__

we have an achiev_gap between the rate of graduat and access to higher_educ __PUNCT__ between the gleam corridor of suburban school and the deplor condit along the corridor of shame __PUNCT__

and we have an invest gap when inner citi and rural_america ar left behind becaus we ar fail to invest in either the physic infrastructur or the human_potenti __PUNCT__

and inde we even have a democraci gap right now in america __PUNCT__

when some american __PUNCT__ particularli peopl of color __PUNCT__ have to wait at the poll for hour while other down the road or in the next town cast their vote within minut __PUNCT__ there someth wrong __PUNCT__

and as we have seen __PUNCT__ most recent __PUNCT__ we have a justic gap __PUNCT__

reverend darbi refer to the dispar in sentenc when it come to cocain __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ that is just on of the disparities.15 __PUNCT__ of drug_user in america ar african_american __PUNCT__ but african american make up __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all drug_offend sent to prison __PUNCT__

so how do we close all of these gap __PUNCT__ how do we move_forward toward a more perfect_union __PUNCT__ continu that progress that ha been the hallmark but we cannot let it stop now __PUNCT__

i start with my convict that our famili and commun __PUNCT__ our church and civic organ __PUNCT__ our state __PUNCT__ and our countri have to work togeth to help each child live up to hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

that __PUNCT__ to me __PUNCT__ is the ralli_cry for america __PUNCT__ but instead of tap that potenti and work to bring america togeth __PUNCT__ too mani american_todai feel as though thei ar invis __PUNCT__ that their problem __PUNCT__ their daili struggl __PUNCT__ ar not cover in the media __PUNCT__ not the concern of peopl in public_life or in the boardroom of america __PUNCT__ and inde that thei ar be forgotten instead of enlist in thi great_american commit to a better futur __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ inde that what happen in the last year __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we had an attornei_gener who doesn't respect the rule of law or enforc the civil right law on the book __PUNCT__

we seen suprem_court_justic turn the clock back on brown vs __PUNCT__ board of educ __PUNCT__

tax_break have been given for drug_compani ahead of health_care for poor_children __PUNCT__

no __PUNCT__ bid contract given to halliburton __PUNCT__ while more than __NUM___peopl still live in trailer along the gulf_coast __PUNCT__

in short __PUNCT__ we have seen the creation of a govern that turn american valu on their head __PUNCT__ a govern of the few __PUNCT__ by the few __PUNCT__ and for the few __PUNCT__

it break tradit becaus __PUNCT__ for us __PUNCT__ we want to believ that our govern repres all of us __PUNCT__ don't we __PUNCT__ it taken mani year of struggl to get to that point __PUNCT__

most of us in thi room tonight were not in our constitut __PUNCT__

it took a long_time befor we amend it to includ __PUNCT__ at least on paper __PUNCT__ constitut right for us all __PUNCT__

and to feel as though the clock is be turn_back is unaccept in our countri __PUNCT__

thi new vision of govern that ha been propag in washington __PUNCT__ that jim clyburn and i have been fight against __PUNCT__ is call the ownership_societi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ the realiti is thei own it and want you to work for it __PUNCT__

you on your own is a better descript __PUNCT__

if you take the first letter of you on your own __PUNCT__ it spell yo __PUNCT__ yo __PUNCT__ and that the wai a lot of peopl_feel __PUNCT__ somebodi els hold the string and move it up and down __PUNCT__

becaus if you ar a child in a crumbl school along the corridor of shame __PUNCT__ you ar invis __PUNCT__

and if you a young_man caught in the brutal revolv_door of low skill __PUNCT__ no job __PUNCT__ and a justic_system stack against you __PUNCT__ you invis as well __PUNCT__

if you a mother without health_care __PUNCT__ a father without a job __PUNCT__ a famili that can't get by on the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you invis __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

if you a voter __PUNCT__ turn awai from the poll for no good reason or vote on a broken machin that doesn't even record your vote __PUNCT__ you invis __PUNCT__

and if you stuck on a rooftop or strand at the super dome dure a hurrican __PUNCT__ you invis to thi presid __PUNCT__ even when you on cnn __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ these peopl ar not invis to the naacp __PUNCT__ and thei not invis to me __PUNCT__ and thei should never be invis to the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

these stori and these concern should be there on a daili_basi in the oval_offic becaus when we invis to each other __PUNCT__ we not work togeth __PUNCT__ we not roll up our sleev and try to solv_problem __PUNCT__ we not see each other or listen __PUNCT__ and we ar the poorer for it __PUNCT__

we got to get america back into the solut busi __PUNCT__

when i wa grow up __PUNCT__ i believ that my countri could do anyth we set our mind to __PUNCT__ and dure my lifetim __PUNCT__ i saw mani exampl of that __PUNCT__

i saw a suprem_court come down with the decis call brown vs __PUNCT__ board of educ __PUNCT__

i saw a presid who sent in troop to make sure children could go to school in littl rock __PUNCT__ arkansa __PUNCT__

i heard a presid sai we send a man to the moon and bring him back safe befor the end of the decad __PUNCT__

i watch as a presid_sign civil right law and vote right law and medicar and medicaid to care for the poor and care for the elderli __PUNCT__

republican and democrat_presid alik kept move us forward __PUNCT__

we have been in the grip of a danger experi in extrem the last six and a half_year __PUNCT__

it ha been __PUNCT__ it ha been a repudi of the bi __PUNCT__ partisanship that togeth ha move our countri __PUNCT__

jim quot abraham_lincoln __PUNCT__ a great republican_presid __PUNCT__ and you could pick mani other from both side of the aisl __PUNCT__

our current presid campaign as a compassion_conserv and it turn out he wa neither __PUNCT__

and we have been pai a price __PUNCT__ and thi is not about partisanship __PUNCT__ thi is about be an american again __PUNCT__

thi is about care that our countri ha these challeng and then work to overcom them __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ all of you in charleston know how import the ongo struggl is __PUNCT__ and i know later we have a chanc to join hand and sing __PUNCT__ we shall overcom __PUNCT__

well that stori of that song speak volum about the power of work with on anoth and look out for each other __PUNCT__

sixti_year year_ago the worker of the american tobacco compani here in charleston were on strike __PUNCT__

these women sang a song on the picket_line that mani peopl had known as __PUNCT__ i be alright __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ i overcom somedai __PUNCT__

but the women of charleston sang it with a veri import differ __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__ thei sang __PUNCT__ we will overcom somedai __PUNCT__

and your own septima clark would later help chang the word __PUNCT__ will __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ shall __PUNCT__

and thi version echo across contin and gener __PUNCT__ out of the mouth of protest and the mouth of presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i will overcom __PUNCT__ wa a fine song but __PUNCT__ we shall overcom __PUNCT__ move mountain and chang the world and we need a presid who will make that same chang in our govern __PUNCT__ the chang from __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ we __PUNCT__

we ar all in thi togeth __PUNCT__ and it time we make govern_work for all of us again __PUNCT__

it time that we make govern a true partner not just with those who ar alreadi privileg but with everi small_town __PUNCT__ everi small hamlet __PUNCT__ everi group of peopl in our countri __PUNCT__

i believ that on of the most import job of the next presid is to defin a new vision of prosper and fair for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ a vision for how we restor prosper for work and middl_class class_american who ar the heart and soul of thi nation and how we can achiev the promis of our found __PUNCT__ that we ar all creat_equal __PUNCT__ endow by our creator with inalien right __PUNCT__

and here what i believ __PUNCT__

the foundat of a strong economi is the invest we make in each other __PUNCT__ in educ __PUNCT__ in health_care __PUNCT__ in job and hous __PUNCT__

sarah ford talk about the problem we have across america and the veri great difficulti peopl ar face becaus of the mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__

we have so mani middl_class class_peopl who ar hang on and so mani who us to be in the middl_class fall_back into poverti __PUNCT__

dure the 1990 we saw the creation of twenti two million new job and more peopl lift out of poverti than at ani time in our countri histori __PUNCT__

last month we lost four thousand_job in america and peopl ar justifi concern about what will happen to their home __PUNCT__ their health_care __PUNCT__ their job __PUNCT__ their futur __PUNCT__

great ha come in america from our recognit that it is not rich_peopl who made america_great __PUNCT__ it is the hardwork middl_class and work_peopl who made america_great and continu to make us great __PUNCT__

we got to get back to creat good_job with rise wage and i convinc we can do that __PUNCT__

we have to move_back to fiscal_respons __PUNCT__

six and a half_year year_ago we had a balanc_budget and a surplu __PUNCT__

that ha been squander __PUNCT__

the presid ha had two major goal of hi presid __PUNCT__ tax_break for the wealthiest and the war in iraq __PUNCT__

but he ha not paid for either __PUNCT__

he put them on the credit_card __PUNCT__

the wai he fund them is to borrow_monei from the social_secur trust_fund and borrow_monei from countri like china everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

so we ar in __PUNCT__ hoc __PUNCT__ as a nation __PUNCT__

we borrow_monei even from mexico __PUNCT__

we need to get back to a sens of respons in the feder_govern and then we got to look at how we go to creat new job by a new energi plan that put_peopl to work in america by go ahead and combat global_warm right here at home __PUNCT__ someth import for coastal state like south_carolina __PUNCT__

we need to rebuild our infrastructur and i think that if we had a job_program base no energi __PUNCT__ the environ __PUNCT__ and infrastructur __PUNCT__ we would put million of american back to work again __PUNCT__

we need to provid a high qualiti_educ for everi singl child __PUNCT__ and i want to have a univers_pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program that is especi focus on children from disadvantag background __PUNCT__ i heard the mayor talk about that __PUNCT__

we know that if children get a good qualiti pre __PUNCT__ school educ __PUNCT__ thei stai in school __PUNCT__ thei do better __PUNCT__ and the evid is overwhelm that with a good qualiti pre __PUNCT__ school program in our countri we would cut by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ the achiev_gap between black and white youngster by the time thei graduat from high_school __PUNCT__

we got to make colleg afford again and i want to brag on the democrat_congress particularli with our leader here __PUNCT__ leader clyburn __PUNCT__ the democrat congress ha just pass_legisl to lower_interest_rate and increas the amount of pell_grant so we can get back to make colleg afford again __PUNCT__

and let not forget all of the decent young_peopl who don't go to colleg __PUNCT__

let get more apprenticeship program __PUNCT__ more technic program __PUNCT__ thei deserv our help to have a job that make them competit in the global_economi __PUNCT__

i believ we can guarante everi singl american qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__

it is time __PUNCT__

we have __NUM___million_american without health_insur __PUNCT__

but it not just about insur the uninsur although i believ that is a moral_imper __PUNCT__

in some group that i speak to some peopl come up to me afterward and thei sai __PUNCT__ i don't know anyon that uninsur __PUNCT__

i sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ go to an emerg_room some night and sit in that emerg room and watch peopl come in becaus thei have no where els to go __PUNCT__

so it is a moral_imper that we come up with a health_care_plan to cover everyon __PUNCT__ but it not onli that __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that the peopl with insur actual get taken care of becaus too mani peopl with insur when their doctor sai thei need a certain treatment __PUNCT__ the insur_compani sai no __PUNCT__

i have thi problem all the time as a senat __PUNCT__

a man from northern new york call me and said __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ what have i done wrong __PUNCT__ i work for the same employ for year __PUNCT__

i alwai paid my premium __PUNCT__

my famili ha alwai been healthi __PUNCT__

now my son ha been diagnos with a rare diseas and the doctor sai there on place in the countri where he should be treat and the insur compani sai thei won't send him there __PUNCT__

or a mother from long_island __PUNCT__ ny call and sai her daughter ha leukemia and she need a stem_cell transplant but thei have to have a donor and it expens to search for a donor and the insur_compani won't pai for the search __PUNCT__

so i get on the phone and my staff get on the phone and we argu with the insur compani and thei afraid that we embarrass them and so final thei sai __PUNCT__ fine __PUNCT__ the boi can have hi oper and we pai for the donor search __PUNCT__

it should not take a unit_state state_senat to get the health_care that a mother and a father need for their son and daughter __PUNCT__

on mondai i be releas the third part of my health_care_plan __PUNCT__ the first part is lower_cost for everybodi __PUNCT__

premium cost have gone up __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in the last six year __PUNCT__ more and more employ can't afford to cover peopl __PUNCT__

insur is get more bare bone __PUNCT__ so let get cost down and let improv qualiti and that includ emphas prevent __PUNCT__

as dot and i were walk in __PUNCT__ there a poster outsid that sai __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of south carolinian have heart_diseas __PUNCT__

we stop and star at it __PUNCT__

i wa shock at that high figur __PUNCT__ mayor __PUNCT__

we got to do more to help peopl keep themselv healthi __PUNCT__

we don't pai for prevent in america __PUNCT__

if you ar diabet __PUNCT__ a lot of insur_compani won't pai for you to have your feet check or your ey check but if you have to have your foot amput __PUNCT__ thei pai for the oper __PUNCT__

that just upsid down and backward __PUNCT__

so we got to get to a point where we ar pai for prevent and then we have to cover everybodi __PUNCT__

i think the time ha come becaus doctor __PUNCT__ nurs __PUNCT__ hospit __PUNCT__ employ __PUNCT__ labor __PUNCT__ everybodi realiz we ar lose job in the global_economi becaus we don't have the health_care_system that can effect deliv health care with high valu at lower_cost __PUNCT__

but then we also have to restor compet to our govern __PUNCT__

now i never thought that would be an applaus line that you stand up and sai __PUNCT__ we got to get our govern to be compet __PUNCT__ but after katrina __PUNCT__

we have to end the no __PUNCT__ bid contract __PUNCT__ we have to get rid of the cronyism in govern and we have to get back to an old fashion idea of appoint qualifi peopl to the posit thei hold in the unit_state state_govern __PUNCT__

in particular __PUNCT__ we got to have a justic_depart that function again __PUNCT__

todai i releas my agenda to restor and strengthen the civil right mission of the depart of justic __PUNCT__

it is a five __PUNCT__ point_plan that will meet the challeng of thi time __PUNCT__

the first is to begin undo the damag of the past_year __PUNCT__

i want an attornei_gener who will conduct a thorough review and report back with recommend on how to restor the depart tradit role in enforc civil right and respect the rule of law __PUNCT__

the attornei gener should also review charg of improp __PUNCT__ polit_motiv hire and fire to determin whether law have been broken __PUNCT__

rememb it wa republican u. attornei who realli sound the alarm about all the partisan activ go on in the justic_depart __PUNCT__

we cannot have that __PUNCT__ ladi and gentleman __PUNCT__

we have to believ that justic is blind in america __PUNCT__

and we have to fulli fund the civil right divis __PUNCT__

we got to get back to allow local_commun to look for wai to pursu integr and reduc racial_inequ __PUNCT__

the court action in it recent case wa a big setback to voluntari effort that local_commun had adopt themselv __PUNCT__ nobodi order them to __PUNCT__ thei decid what thei want to do __PUNCT__

and we got to give some monei and expertis to local commun to help them figur out how best to fulfil the mean of the equal_protect claus __PUNCT__

i want to lead a great effort to fight discrimin in the workplac __PUNCT__

a recent_studi studi_found a shock fact __PUNCT__

employ were twice as like to hire a white applic with the veri same qualif as a black applic __PUNCT__

and even hire at a greater percentag __PUNCT__ white applic with crimin_record over black applic without on __PUNCT__

anyon who sai that we have gotten beyond racial_discrimin is not live with their ey_open __PUNCT__

i believ we have to shine a bright light on ani discrimin __PUNCT__ whether it be against peopl of color or against women and make sure that we truli fulfil our law __PUNCT__ not just by the letter but by the spirit __PUNCT__

i also want to clean up our elect and i have introduc_legisl to do that and we attempt to get a bill through the congress __PUNCT__

we have to prosecut and punish decept practic __PUNCT__ you heard about them __PUNCT__

peopl come out of church and there a flier on the window __PUNCT__ under the windshield wiper and it sai you suppos to vote on wednesdai not tuesdai __PUNCT__

or peopl pick up the phone and a voic sai __PUNCT__ we just call to inform you that if you ever even had a traffic ticket you cannot vote __PUNCT__

all kind of decept practic __PUNCT__

and then we got the new challeng of the identif requir __PUNCT__ which ar in mani respect __PUNCT__ discrimin against the poor __PUNCT__ the elderli __PUNCT__

i see that in new york __PUNCT__ in new york_citi we have a lot of peopl that don't have a driver_licens becaus thei take the subwai and now in order to be abl to vote thei have to produc someth like a driver licens __PUNCT__

so we got to make sure that we ar not disenfranchis american after have spent fifti_year try to extend the franchis to everi singl american __PUNCT__

i would also like to see us modern and strengthen our law against hate_crime and gener reassert our belief that we ar stronger when we respect and protect the right of everi singl on of us __PUNCT__

and of cours we must begin to end the war in iraq and bring our troop_home as quickli and respons as we can __PUNCT__

the realiti is thi is a sectarian civil_war __PUNCT__ there is no militari solut __PUNCT__

our young_men and women who wear the uniform of our countri have perform heroic and with great honor and dedic and thei have done what thei were ask to do __PUNCT__

thei were given a mission and thei have fulfil it __PUNCT__

thei were ask to get rid of saddam_hussein and bring him to justic and thei did __PUNCT__

thei were ask to give the iraqi a chanc for free and fair elect and thei did as well and thei were ask to give the iraqi_govern the space and time to make the polit_decis that onli the iraqi can make for themselv __PUNCT__

so their mission ha been complet __PUNCT__

unfortun neither the iraqi_govern __PUNCT__ nor our govern __PUNCT__ have done what thei need to do polit and diplomat to deal with the challeng in iraq __PUNCT__

the peopl vote for chang in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

we have been fight for chang in the congress __PUNCT__

and i hope that the presid will work with us to start bring our troop_home __PUNCT__ engag in a veri concert effort to get the iraqi to make the tough decis thei have to make and start a diplomat process in the region and the world to try to bring more countri into the effort to stabil iraq go forward __PUNCT__

but if the presid doe not end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ then the next presid must __PUNCT__

that ha to be part of what happen as soon as possibl __PUNCT__

so i believ that america is readi for chang and it chang that is part of the american_charact and experi __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we believ in chang __PUNCT__

we ar the peopl of the futur __PUNCT__

when you travel around the world as i been privileg to do __PUNCT__ it strike how own in place near and far __PUNCT__ thei ar look backward not forward __PUNCT__

when i wa first ladi and i would repres our countri and i would go to meet with presid and prime_minist and other dignitari __PUNCT__ often just as an ic breaker __PUNCT__ i would sai __PUNCT__ so how ar thing go here in whatev countri i wa in __PUNCT__

i cannot tell you how mani time_peopl peopl_start their answer by talk about someth that happen __NUM__ or __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ well thing ar fine except __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ if it hadn't been for that war __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ thing would be a lot better __PUNCT__

we ar the peopl of the futur and we need to start act like that again __PUNCT__

there is no problem we face in the world that we cannot meet __PUNCT__

if we decid as american we will do that __PUNCT__

you cannot be a leader if no on is follow and right now our countri ha to rebuild our stand and posit in the world becaus there is no problem we face whether it be global terror or global_warm or global epidem that we can take on by ourselv __PUNCT__

so it import that we give back so that feel of confid and optim that ha mark our countri over these long centuri of progress and hope __PUNCT__

when jim wa talk about my own life __PUNCT__ i did start out as a young lawyer work for a nativ south carolinian __PUNCT__ marion wright edelman at the children defens fund and i rememb be so struck by how dedic she and everyon work with her were to make it possibl to chang live on at a time __PUNCT__

i went door to door find children who weren't in school becaus in those dai __PUNCT__ so mani children were kept out of school if thei had minor disabl __PUNCT__ if the had to take care of their sibl __PUNCT__

and that wa onli __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

we had million of children who weren't even go to school __PUNCT__

and then we pass the individu with disabl in educ act and we began to reach out to everi singl child __PUNCT__

that what i believ we do at our best __PUNCT__

we reach out to on anoth __PUNCT__

and i go to do everyth i can __PUNCT__ work with you to make the chang happen that america is yearn for __PUNCT__

i know it not easi __PUNCT__

there ar lot of reason why peopl would stop try to get health_care for everyon or try to get a new energi_polici that took the tax_break awai from the oil_compani __PUNCT__

if it were easi __PUNCT__ anyon would do it __PUNCT__

we do it becaus we ar american __PUNCT__

we can't let ourselv be stop by the partisan bicker or the divis or the enorm of the challeng we face __PUNCT__

there ar those who will sai it can't be done __PUNCT__

there alwai ar __PUNCT__

but as jame baldwin onc note __PUNCT__ those who sai it can't be done ar usual interrupt by other do it __PUNCT__

for nearli __NUM___year __PUNCT__ the naacp ha been interrupt the nai __PUNCT__ sayer __PUNCT__ chang law and chang live __PUNCT__

that why i honor to be with you tonight and i honor to walk alongsid you in the march for justic __PUNCT__

i look forward to continu that march in the month and year_ahead __PUNCT__

becaus it lead to the destin that is america destini __PUNCT__ that more perfect_union __PUNCT__ that place where not onli we look at on anoth and recogn those inalien right __PUNCT__ but we work to make sure that everi singl child ha a chanc to live up to hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

and that america good and great is recogn across the world __PUNCT__

thank you all and god_bless you __PUNCT__