This speech titled 2007.12.03.excerpt_of_remarks_in_clear_lake_iowa originally had 897 tokens. You can view the original text here.
hillari_clinton deliv remark in clear lake __PUNCT__ ia todai about her experi and vision for a new america __PUNCT__
the follow is an excerpt from her speech __PUNCT__ a coupl of my lead oppon __PUNCT__ directli and through surrog __PUNCT__ have spent month critic me without have to answer ani of their own question __PUNCT__
thei been attack my charact __PUNCT__
as i have said repeatedli __PUNCT__ i realli would prefer to attack the problem of the countri and let my oppon run their own campaign __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ but i have to set the record straight __PUNCT__
becaus often what you don't know can be far more import than what you do know __PUNCT__
the peopl of iowa __PUNCT__ i know __PUNCT__ ar good_peopl who ar try veri hard to make the right decis in thi caucu __PUNCT__
but peopl can onli act on what thei know __PUNCT__
and i heard a lot of talk about turn the page __PUNCT__ but what about the action to back it up __PUNCT__ when it come to health_care __PUNCT__ on of my oppon believ it accept to leav out __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__
that would be __NUM__ here in iowa __PUNCT__
leav them out from hi health_care_plan becaus univers_coverag might be too hard to achiev __PUNCT__
i disagre __PUNCT__
i don't think we should start by give up on __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__
that why my health_care_plan cover everyon __PUNCT__ when it come to social_secur __PUNCT__ on of my oppon us the republican_talk talk_point and ha been open to rais the retir_ag and cut benefit __PUNCT__
now he sai he is for lift the payrol_tax __PUNCT__ which would be a trillion_dollar tax_increas __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ i disagre __PUNCT__
i don't think we should fix social_secur on the back of our senior and the middl_class __PUNCT__
i have alwai fought for social_secur __PUNCT__ i have alwai stood up against privat __PUNCT__ and as presid __PUNCT__ i will restor fiscal_respons so we can keep social_secur as a sacr promis to our senior __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ when it come to iran __PUNCT__ i took a stand for aggress diplomaci __PUNCT__
on of my oppon made a differ choic __PUNCT__ he didn't show up for the vote __PUNCT__
he didn't speak out dure a presidenti_debat that night __PUNCT__
and final __PUNCT__ he decid to plai polit and claim that the vote he miss __PUNCT__ a vote for diplomaci __PUNCT__ wa realli a vote for war __PUNCT__
well if he realli thought it wa a rush to war __PUNCT__ why did he rush to campaign and miss the vote __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ there been a lot of talk about ye or no answer to complex question __PUNCT__
but most peopl don't know that for legisl who don't want to take a stand __PUNCT__ there a third wai to vote __PUNCT__
not ye __PUNCT__ not no __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__ which is kind of like vote __PUNCT__ mayb __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ in the illinoi state_senat __PUNCT__ on issu after issu __PUNCT__ my oppon vote __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__ instead of ye or no __PUNCT__
seven of those vote were on a woman right to choos __PUNCT__
two of those vote were on measur to protect famili from gun_violenc __PUNCT__ on of which wa a measur about fire gun on or near school ground __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ a presid can't vote __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__
a presid can't pick and choos which challeng he or she will face __PUNCT__
my oppon campaign said that vote __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__ wa a strategi to provid polit cover __PUNCT__
the chicago_tribun said the present vote were the equival of take a pass __PUNCT__
instead of look for polit cover or take a pass __PUNCT__ we need a presid who will take a stand and stand there and do whatev is necessari for their countri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ stand up for america valu and protect our countri and our peopl is the first job of the presid __PUNCT__
bring us togeth to end the war __PUNCT__ fix our economi __PUNCT__ and take on big challeng like immigr __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ energi_independ __PUNCT__ climat chang and so much els is what i will do __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ a presid can't dodg the big fight __PUNCT__ can't find polit cover __PUNCT__ or have word speak louder than action __PUNCT__
a lot of word we have these dai aren't match by action __PUNCT__
and much of the action i see __PUNCT__ i simpli disagre with __PUNCT__
i have a veri clear record on all of these issu __PUNCT__
a record of __NUM___year of fight for children and famili __PUNCT__ fight for work_peopl __PUNCT__ fight for our futur __PUNCT__ and as presid __PUNCT__ i will keep on fight __PUNCT__
but i run on more than just my record and my experi __PUNCT__
i am also run on my vision and agenda of a new begin for america __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we need a new begin on health_care __PUNCT__
we need to stand up to the drug_compani and the insur_compani and provid health_care for everi singl man __PUNCT__ woman and child __PUNCT__ at a price that peopl can afford and we go to give them the help to do that __PUNCT__