This speech titled 2007.12.05.remarks_on_wall_street_on_housing_crisis originally had 4774 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__
it is a real pleasur to be here and i appreci those kind word __PUNCT__
it wonder be back in the citi __PUNCT__ and to have a chanc to come here again __PUNCT__ i believ for the fourth time __PUNCT__ and to have a chanc to speak with you about an issu that is on the mind of everyon __PUNCT__ whether i here in new york or in new hampshir __PUNCT__ or in iowa or ani of the other place i been travel to late __PUNCT__
it a topic of convers that ha to be put at the top of our nation agenda __PUNCT__
now we know that not far from here wall_street is hum __PUNCT__
the phone ar ring __PUNCT__ the blackberri ar buzz __PUNCT__
and peopl ar make billion of transact that rais capit for corpor and deliv valu to sharehold everi dai __PUNCT__
and what happen on wall street todai __PUNCT__ like everi dai __PUNCT__ will rippl across the countri and the world __PUNCT__
i proud to repres new york __PUNCT__ to repres the financi_capit of the world __PUNCT__
i see a lot of peopl who i recogn in thi audienc that ar integr to what happen in our market __PUNCT__ how we creat_wealth __PUNCT__ how we provid a dynam economi that will hold out the promis of a better life for so mani of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__ but inde for peopl far flung from here __PUNCT__
i do want to recogn speaker silver __PUNCT__ shelli silver __PUNCT__ thank you veri much for be here with me __PUNCT__
and we in new york __PUNCT__ probabl more than anyon anywher __PUNCT__ know how critic_import is it for our economi and for the global_economi __PUNCT__ that wall_street stai on the cut edg of financ and remain what it alwai ha been __PUNCT__ the global financ_capit of the world __PUNCT__
but we know that the standard for ani econom_system is not just that it creat growth __PUNCT__ but that it lift up famili across america who work_hard and dream big everi dai __PUNCT__
as we seen the home_foreclosur crisi these past few year build __PUNCT__ the rippl from wall_street we know __PUNCT__ can have a signific_impact on famili far awai in pahrump __PUNCT__ nevada __PUNCT__ where i recent wa and other place that might never give much of a thought to what goe on here __PUNCT__ but whose daili_live will be impact __PUNCT__
as we seen with the home_foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__ too mani american_famili ar not share in the growth that is creat and driven from thi citi __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ product ha risen __NUM__ percent among american_worker over the past six year __PUNCT__ yet wage have stai flat __PUNCT__ and famili_incom have fallen by nearli __MONEY__
there ar five million more peopl in poverti here in our countri than there were in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
on top of stagnant wage __PUNCT__ we seen a rise in econom anxieti __PUNCT__
student struggl with the skyrocket cost of colleg __PUNCT__ famili burden by health_care_cost __PUNCT__ premium have doubl in the last six year __PUNCT__ and we see the increas role that energi_price plai in peopl_live __PUNCT__
ga_price have doubl in the past seven year __PUNCT__
home heat cost continu to rise __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ the typic famili is pai___MONEY__ more for energi thi year than in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that like a __MONEY__ energi tax __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___time what the typic famili got under the bush_tax_cut __PUNCT__
we seen peopl hit hard by a deepen hous_crisi __PUNCT__
famili who work_hard __PUNCT__ thought thei were do the right thing __PUNCT__
who spent_year scrimp and save to bui a hous __PUNCT__ but their dream of homeownership ha turn into a nightmar of escal payment and threaten letter __PUNCT__
in short __PUNCT__ we seen too mani middl_class class_famili struggl in an economi that is simpli not work for them right now __PUNCT__
an economi that __PUNCT__ in recent_month __PUNCT__ ha been the subject of increasingli worrisom headlin about weaken consum confid __PUNCT__ about a declin dollar and balloon nation_debt __PUNCT__
now these econom_problem ar certainli not all wall_street fault __PUNCT__ not by a long_shot __PUNCT__
but the realiti of our interconnect economi is that what happen on wall_street impact main_street across america __PUNCT__
it happen sometim within minut __PUNCT__ sometim over the cours of month or even year __PUNCT__
if we honest __PUNCT__ we need to acknowledg that wall_street ha plai a signific role in the current problem __PUNCT__ and in particular in the hous_crisi __PUNCT__
a __PUNCT__ see no evil __PUNCT__ polici that financ irrespons mortgag lend __PUNCT__
a bond rate_system riddl with conflict of interest __PUNCT__
a habit of issu complex and opaqu secur that even wall_street itself doesn't seem to understand __PUNCT__
i believ we need a new begin in our econom_polici __PUNCT__ on that strengthen our middl_class and ensur that prosper is wide_share __PUNCT__ and is base on an ethic of share respons __PUNCT__
a new begin that make wall_street shoulder it respons for thi crisi __PUNCT__ and that give homeown the breath room thei need __PUNCT__
on that make the most well __PUNCT__ off among us pai our fair_share and give the middl_class the help it need for educ __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ and retir secur __PUNCT__
our economi ha been at risk by invest scheme aim at make not just a few __PUNCT__ but mani extra dollar __PUNCT__ and we need to start insist on the right rule and transpar so thi doesn't happen again __PUNCT__
so i here todai to call on wall_street to do it part __PUNCT__ to help end the foreclosur crisi that is devast middl_class class_famili and threaten the health of our economi __PUNCT__
wall_street need to be part of a comprehens solut that bring to the tabl all those respons and call on them to do their part __PUNCT__
wall street help creat the foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__ and wall street need to help us solv it __PUNCT__
let start with an honest __PUNCT__ clear __PUNCT__ ei assess of what went so terribl wrong __PUNCT__
over the past seven year __PUNCT__ as incom fell and wage stagnat __PUNCT__ mani famili were lure into riski mortgag with rate that later jump beyond what thei could afford __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ we can debat what wa technic illeg __PUNCT__ we can debat what should be defin as predatori __PUNCT__
but there is no debat that what happen did not reflect the best of our financi_system __PUNCT__
it did not reflect prudenc __PUNCT__ transpar __PUNCT__ or even an understand that behind larg bundl of securit mortgag ar real famili who were led into bad situat by peopl who should have __PUNCT__ and even did __PUNCT__ know better __PUNCT__
as a result __PUNCT__ __NUM___million foreclosur notic have gone out thi year __PUNCT__ an increas of __NUM__ percent from last year __PUNCT__
and the worst mai be yet to come __PUNCT__
the rate on __NUM__ million mortgag ar set to escal over the next two year __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ there been an unpreced nation declin in home valu __PUNCT__
middl_class class_famili can't afford to refin their loan __PUNCT__ and it gotten a lot harder to sell their home __PUNCT__
mani famili ar find themselv trap __PUNCT__ stuck with mortgag thei can't pai and expens thei can't meet __PUNCT__
so thei face wrench choic __PUNCT__ pai their medic_bill __PUNCT__ or pai their mortgag __PUNCT__
put off retir __PUNCT__ or lose their home __PUNCT__
and mani peopl who work s hard and did try to follow the rule ar receiv that same grim letter in the mail that sai __PUNCT__ get out now __PUNCT__
i met a woman in derri __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__ a stai __PUNCT__ at __PUNCT__ home mom with three children __PUNCT__ whose husband lost hi good __PUNCT__ pai_job __PUNCT__
he wa in the comput industri __PUNCT__
thei kept make their loan payment for six month after he wa laid off __PUNCT__ but just at that time __PUNCT__ their interest_rate balloon from about __NUM__ percent to about __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
thei tri to file for bankruptci __PUNCT__ but the bank still foreclos on their home __PUNCT__
and even after her husband found a new __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ pai_job within a year __PUNCT__ thei were unabl to make their back payment __PUNCT__
basic the door wa shut in their face __PUNCT__
when i met her __PUNCT__ it wa liter the dai befor her famili wa be forc out of their home with nowher to go __PUNCT__
as the foreclosur mount __PUNCT__ the hous_crisi is also becom a municip crisi __PUNCT__
citi and town face the prospect of blight __PUNCT__ higher crime_rate __PUNCT__ vacant properti mar neighborhood __PUNCT__ cut_tax receipt __PUNCT__ and drag down properti valu __PUNCT__
and i believ the hous_crisi also threaten the economi as a whole __PUNCT__
even american who don't face foreclosur ar feel the impact __PUNCT__
__NUM__ percent of the total wealth of middl_class class_famili resid in their home_equiti __PUNCT__
and home equiti withdraw account for more than __NUM__ percent of famili __PUNCT__ dispos_incom in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
so as hous_price declin __PUNCT__ peopl have less monei to draw on for everyth els __PUNCT__ from medic_bill to car payment to colleg_tuition __PUNCT__
we know that consum ar the backbon of our economi that ha been true from the begin __PUNCT__
it been especi true in the last year __PUNCT__
and right now consum ar hurt __PUNCT__
i talk with ceo of the some of our larg discount retail __PUNCT__
thei tell me that the amount of monei be spent is down __PUNCT__
the number of shop dai ha decreas __PUNCT__
peopl come in the begin of the month when thei actual get paid and in the middl of the month but otherwis thei much scarcer as consum than thei us to be __PUNCT__
with the holidai quickli approach __PUNCT__ a lot of middl_class class_famili ar feel the pinch __PUNCT__
and the global_financi financi_market ar also suffer __PUNCT__
riski_loan have been packag and sold around the world __PUNCT__
mortgag_compani have collaps __PUNCT__
financi_firm have record loss in the ten of billion __PUNCT__ and there predict for ten of billion more __PUNCT__
central_bank have had to step in to keep the system run __PUNCT__
and bank ar reluct to give out loan __PUNCT__ so compani ar find it harder and harder to get the capit thei need to grow and creat new job even if thei not in the home industri __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ who exactli to blame for the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that alwai a question that the press and peopl ask and i think there plenti of blame to go around __PUNCT__
respons belong to mortgag lender and broker __PUNCT__ who irrespons lower underwrit standard __PUNCT__ push riski mortgag __PUNCT__ and hid the detail in the fine_print __PUNCT__
respons belong to the administr and to regul __PUNCT__ who fail to provid adequ oversight __PUNCT__ and who fail to respond to the choru of report that million of famili were be taken advantag of __PUNCT__
respons belong to the rate_agenc __PUNCT__ who woefulli underestim the risk involv in mortgag secur __PUNCT__
and certainli borrow share respons as well __PUNCT__
homebuy who paid extra fee to avoid document their incom should have known thei were get in over their head __PUNCT__
specul who were busi bui two __PUNCT__ three __PUNCT__ four hous to sell for a quick buck don't deserv our sympathi __PUNCT__
but final __PUNCT__ respons also belong to wall_street __PUNCT__ which not onli enabl but often encourag reckless mortgag lend __PUNCT__
mortgag lender didn't have balanc_sheet big enough to write million of loan on their own __PUNCT__
so wall_street origin and packag the loan that common_sens warn might veri well have end in collaps and foreclosur __PUNCT__
some peopl might sai wall_street onli help to distribut risk __PUNCT__
i believ wall street shift risk awai from peopl who knew what wa go on onto the peopl who did not __PUNCT__
wall street mai not have creat the foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__ but wall street certainli had a hand in make it wors __PUNCT__
we also must recogn __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ that good_thing have happen in the hous_market __PUNCT__
home_ownership is at the heart of the american_dream __PUNCT__ and ownership rate rose to a record___NUM__ percent in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that mean million of new stakehold in their commun __PUNCT__
and the largest gain were among low __PUNCT__ incom and minor famili __PUNCT__
the challeng for us is to preserv the best of thi system __PUNCT__ which ha allow peopl to own their own home __PUNCT__ while get rid of the abus __PUNCT__
and to do that __PUNCT__ we need to look at thi problem __PUNCT__ as complex as it is __PUNCT__ honestli __PUNCT__
we also need a presid who understand the complex and magnitud of the challeng we face becaus obvious it not onli about the mortgag industri and the credit_crunch __PUNCT__ it about our debt __PUNCT__ about the declin dollar __PUNCT__ about all the challeng we face in the global_economi __PUNCT__
i confid we can navig through thi but we can't do so act like ostrich or in a fit of denial __PUNCT__
we have to be will to roll up our sleev and start do what we do better than anybodi in the world and that is solv_problem __PUNCT__
earlier thi week __PUNCT__ i wrote to treasuri_secretari paulson urg him to fashion an agreement with the mortgag industri and wall_street that match the scale of the problem __PUNCT__
i hearten that the administr ha heed an earlier call of mine to conven a __PUNCT__ crisi confer __PUNCT__ of hous stakehold __PUNCT__ lender __PUNCT__ investor __PUNCT__ mortgag_servic __PUNCT__ regul __PUNCT__ repres of homeown __PUNCT__ and other __PUNCT__ to convert unwork mortgag into stabl loan that famili can afford __PUNCT__
thi is a moment for share respons in america __PUNCT__
investor __PUNCT__ lender __PUNCT__ and homeown all have a part to plai and sacrific to make __PUNCT__
if the agreement is inadequ __PUNCT__ or the talk fail outright __PUNCT__ the cost to our economi will onli increas __PUNCT__
for thi __PUNCT__ crisi confer __PUNCT__ to succe __PUNCT__ wall_street must be on board __PUNCT__
wall street ha a respons for the past as well as an enorm stake in the futur __PUNCT__
so todai __PUNCT__ i call on investor who control the mortgag that need modifi to be part of the solut __PUNCT__
you ar at the end of a long chain of decis __PUNCT__ make and respons __PUNCT__
but without your cooper __PUNCT__ a voluntari solut can be of limit effect __PUNCT__
i urg wall street and the mortgag industri to voluntarili agre to the follow three step __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ we need a moratorium of at least __NUM___dai on foreclosur of subprim __PUNCT__ owner __PUNCT__ occupi home __PUNCT__
the moratorium will stop foreclosur until lender and servic have contact borrow and frozen mortgag rate __PUNCT__
it will also give financi counselor time to work with famili __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we need to freez the monthli rate on subprim adjust rate_mortgag __PUNCT__ with the freez last at least five year until the mortgag have been convert into afford __PUNCT__ fix __PUNCT__ rate_loan __PUNCT__
a rate freez is critic __PUNCT__
an averag of __MONEY___billion in loan will reset each month next year __PUNCT__ and the averag reset will increas monthli_payment by __NUM__ to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
these rate reset ar the major driver of the foreclosur cost __PUNCT__
the long rate __PUNCT__ freez will give the hous_market time to stabil __PUNCT__
it will give famili an opportun to rebuild equiti in their home __PUNCT__
it will also give the mortgag industri the time __PUNCT__ and incent __PUNCT__ to convert mortgag that were design to fail into loan that actual can be repaid __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ the mortgag industri must provid statu report on the number of mortgag it is modifi __PUNCT__
account is essenti __PUNCT__
despit all the media_coverag __PUNCT__ despit all the hear __PUNCT__ despit the secretari of the treasuri __PUNCT__ despit all that ha gone on in the last __NUM__ to __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ the mortgag industri ha onli modifi about __NUM__ percent of at __PUNCT__ risk mortgag thi year __PUNCT__
that __PUNCT__ is simpli not enough __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i hope everyon will voluntarili agre to these step __PUNCT__ becaus we cannot fail at thi __PUNCT__
the cost ar just too high __PUNCT__
if we cannot reach a voluntari agreement __PUNCT__ i will consid legisl to address the problem __PUNCT__
mortgag_servic can work with borrow to modifi their mortgag __PUNCT__
in the process __PUNCT__ thei can save famili their home __PUNCT__ save investor from loss down the road __PUNCT__ and help the economi __PUNCT__
but thi is unchart territori for them __PUNCT__ and mani ar worri about open themselv up to lawsuit from the investor who actual own the loan __PUNCT__
i prepar to consid give legal_protect to servic and other who administ these loan and who do the right thing by balanc the interest of homeown __PUNCT__ the investor __PUNCT__ and our economi __PUNCT__
all of these propos build on the work i done throughout thi year to urg immedi action on problem regard hous __PUNCT__
i call on the mortgag industri to observ a __PUNCT__ foreclosur timeout __PUNCT__
i put_forward a plan to crack down on unscrupul mortgag_broker __PUNCT__ to end lend abus __PUNCT__ and expand the financi counsel program that have been shown to reduc default and foreclosur __PUNCT__
i propos that we allow the state hous financ agenc to issu tax __PUNCT__ exempt bond to help famili refin their mortgag __PUNCT__
on mondai __PUNCT__ the bush_administr said it will give thi idea a try __PUNCT__ and i pleas to hear that __PUNCT__
but i wish thei done it when i propos it two month __PUNCT__ and more than __NUM__ foreclosur notic ago __PUNCT__
while we work to solv the immedi hous problem __PUNCT__ i am also call on the administr __PUNCT__ the regul __PUNCT__ and the mortgag industri to ensur that the abus of recent_year don't happen again __PUNCT__
we need an industri __PUNCT__ wide commit to tighten underwrit standard and disclosur oblig __PUNCT__
we need to vigor enforc feder prohibit against abus lend_practic __PUNCT__
and we need to elimin prepay penalti __PUNCT__
thi ha been on of the most heart break element of thi crisi __PUNCT__
i did an event about thi down in orlando __PUNCT__ florida earli last spring talk with a lot of homeown who had gotten into sub __PUNCT__ prime_mortgag __PUNCT__
thei fit the profil __PUNCT__ mani were first time homeown __PUNCT__
on got in troubl becaus he thought he wa do the right thing __PUNCT__
hi famili and everyon told him __PUNCT__ well as much monei as you can save __PUNCT__ pai off the loan as fast as possibl __PUNCT__
so he began put more and more monei asid to begin pai over what hi mortgag_payment wa onli to find out he had trigger the prepay penalti and found himself with an increas interest_rate that forc him into foreclosur __PUNCT__
we obvious need to clean up the standard and make all of the disclosur much more understand to everyon but we do need to prosecut mortgag_servic fraud and foreclosur rescu fraud to the fullest extent of the law __PUNCT__
and we certainli need to expand financi counsel for homeown and buyer __PUNCT__
what i propos is a comprehens __PUNCT__ work out __PUNCT__ not a __PUNCT__ bail out __PUNCT__ of our most press econom_problem __PUNCT__
and i do hope that mani of you here and a lot of our leader on wall_street will join with me and other in help to find these solut __PUNCT__
i wa pleas that mayor bloomberg announc todai a fund that will be a non __PUNCT__ profit fund along the line that i been advoc to help homeown here in the citi face foreclosur __PUNCT__
becaus address thi issu with the right leadership and a commit to share respons will solv the problem __PUNCT__
but let rememb that address the hous crise is onli on piec of what ha to becom a broader agenda for creat share_prosper for american again __PUNCT__
that why i put_forward a packag of middl_class tax_cut that will help restor the basic american bargain __PUNCT__
if you work_hard you can get ahead __PUNCT__ with dignifi work __PUNCT__ a colleg_educ __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__ child_care __PUNCT__ save and wealth_creation __PUNCT__
we need to chang our tax_code to reward middl_class class_famili and by do so __PUNCT__ we can get monei into the pocket of ten of million of peopl who will spend it __PUNCT__
i also will extend middl_class tax_cut __PUNCT__ includ the child tax_credit __PUNCT__ the marriag penalti relief __PUNCT__
i want to give gener tax credit to help famili afford health_care __PUNCT__
my plan call the american health choic plan includ health care tax_credit so that individu and small_busi will be abl to afford health_care through the congression plan that i will open up to everyon __PUNCT__
it a realli good plan __PUNCT__
it not govern medicin __PUNCT__ it is govern __PUNCT__ administ and congress peopl_love it __PUNCT__
you get more than __NUM__ choic at an averag_cost that is less than what you can find through your employ or in the market place __PUNCT__
unfortun it is limit to feder_employe __PUNCT__
by increas the pool dramat we will lower_cost and be abl to deal with some of the other cost driver in the health_care_system __PUNCT__
i also offer up to __MONEY__ in match tax_cut to help famili save for retir __PUNCT__
we also have a save crisi __PUNCT__
we have the lowest rate of save sinc __NUM__ and coincident we have the highest incom_inequ gap sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that wa not a good year for america __PUNCT__
so i think we need to be smart about how we go to move_forward togeth __PUNCT__
i want to expand the earn_incom incom_tax_credit __PUNCT__ increas the educ tax_cut __PUNCT__
it wa interest as i start travel around the countri last winter __PUNCT__
i would be in small_group with my support and a lot of my wonder donor __PUNCT__ some of whom ar here todai __PUNCT__ and i go through my list of what i want to do as presid and i would sai i want to increas colleg afford and peopl would nod and thei would be in obviou agreement but if i said it in a gymnasium in front of __NUM___peopl in concord __PUNCT__ nh __PUNCT__ thei stood up and cheer and kick the bleacher becaus it ha becom so expens __PUNCT__
we ar shut the door on colleg for a lot of worthi and motiv young_peopl __PUNCT__
i believ we should tie the minimum_wage to congression salari __PUNCT__ so that congress can't get a rais unless work_men and women do too __PUNCT__
we have to reform the altern minimum tax __PUNCT__ and i give congressman rangel a lot of point for courag in try to take thi on becaus it will increas the tax_rate on million of new york taxpay and million of other throughout america just at a time when we need stimulu so we got to deal with the amt __PUNCT__
it a stealth __PUNCT__ tax that most peopl were never meant to pai __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ the grow concern in our economi should prompt us to consid whether work_famili need more immedi assist in the form of econom_stimulu __PUNCT__
just like the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ the administr ha been asleep at the switch as overal econom_condit have worsen __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will wake up everi morn focus on keep our economi on track __PUNCT__
and if we wake up to the current econom forecast __PUNCT__ a vigil presid should be talk about the right kind of stimulu todai __PUNCT__
and by right kind i mean broad base __PUNCT__
we have __PUNCT__ as my husband and i often sai __PUNCT__ certainli benefit over the last seven year of thi administr as we seen the vast_major of american basic stall __PUNCT__
so if we talk about stimulu let talk about the right kind of stimulu __PUNCT__
more and more econom forecast and even just famili across america worri we mai face an econom set of issu that will stall growth even more __PUNCT__ hit much harder on the incom and the asset of peopl who ar live in what i call the __PUNCT__ trap door economi __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ on pink slip __PUNCT__ on miss mortgag_payment __PUNCT__ on medic diagnosi awai from fall through and lose everyth __PUNCT__
that why i have call for up to __MONEY___billion in immedi assist to help commun and distress homeown weather thi foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__
if we can help stabil the patient we have a lot better chanc of get all of us healthi again __PUNCT__
i call for __MONEY__ billion in emerg energi assist for famili face skyrocket heat bill thi winter __PUNCT__
we need to be aggress in get thi assist out fast to work_famili and senior so that thei can spend it and protect themselv __PUNCT__
these ar initi step and i believ we should be readi to take further step if the situat deterior __PUNCT__
we should do thi in a wai that make econom common_sens __PUNCT__
in __NUM___presid presid_bush us stimulu as an excus to forc through long __PUNCT__ term tax_cut for the most fortun among us __PUNCT__
the result wa a weak stimulu that continu us on a path to higher deficit __PUNCT__ balloon debt __PUNCT__ and increas borrow from foreign_govern __PUNCT__
thi time around __PUNCT__ let make sure we get it right __PUNCT__
let make the stimulu temporari and not an excus for long __PUNCT__ term fiscal reckless __PUNCT__
let focu on hard __PUNCT__ work_famili __PUNCT__
let support them becaus thei the most like to realli provid what the economi desper need __PUNCT__ a jumpstart __PUNCT__
the administr wa asleep at the switch but we can't wait until we have a new presid __PUNCT__
we need to make sure we do everyth we can to get thi presid and thi administr to take action __PUNCT__
and we need then to have a presid start in __DATE__ who is readi to chang our polici and lead our countri __PUNCT__
that mean anticip econom_problem that mai aris in the futur and take action to amelior or elimin them __PUNCT__
it mean call togeth immedi those who ar stakehold and decis __PUNCT__ maker __PUNCT__
america is at it best when we work togeth __PUNCT__
we haven't realli been call to do that in the last seven year __PUNCT__
mani of us in new york wait to be call for some kind of commit __PUNCT__ sacrific __PUNCT__ respons after we were so horrif attack on 9/11 __PUNCT__
the call never came __PUNCT__
i think it wa a miss opportun of histor proport __PUNCT__
what we need alwai to be readi to do is to respond as american __PUNCT__
we need to start act as our best selv again __PUNCT__
we need leadership who will summon us to do that __PUNCT__
and i call particularli on those who ar so abl and so smart and so resourc to help us find our wai forward here __PUNCT__
don't wait for the administr or secretari paulson to call __PUNCT__
call yourself __PUNCT__
make sure that you part of thi ongo __PUNCT__ work __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__ it the right thing to do for the economi __PUNCT__ but even more importantli it the right thing to do for america __PUNCT__
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__