This speech titled 2008.01.08.remarks_following_the_new_hampshire_primary originally had 995 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you so much __PUNCT__
i come tonight with a veri __PUNCT__ veri full heart __PUNCT__
and i want especi to thank new hampshir __PUNCT__
over the last week __PUNCT__ i listen to you and in the process __PUNCT__ i found my own voic __PUNCT__
i felt like we all spoke from our heart __PUNCT__ and i am so gratifi that you respond __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ let give america the kind of comeback that new hampshir ha just given me __PUNCT__
for all the up and down of thi campaign __PUNCT__ you help remind everyon that polit isn't a game __PUNCT__
thi campaign is about peopl __PUNCT__
it about make a differ in your live __PUNCT__
it about make sure that everyon in thi countri ha the opportun to live up to hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__
that ha been the work of my life __PUNCT__
we ar face a moment of so mani big challeng __PUNCT__
we know we face challeng here at home __PUNCT__ around the world __PUNCT__ so mani challeng for the peopl whose live i been privileg to be part of __PUNCT__
i met famili in thi state and all over our countri who have lost their home to foreclosur __PUNCT__
men and women who work_dai and night but can't pai the bill and hope thei don't get sick becaus thei can't afford health_insur __PUNCT__
young_peopl who can't afford to go to colleg to pursu their dream __PUNCT__
too mani have been invis for too long __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you ar not invis to me __PUNCT__
the oil_compani __PUNCT__ the drug_compani __PUNCT__ the health_insur insur_compani __PUNCT__ the predatori student_loan compani have had seven year of a presid who stand up for them __PUNCT__
it time we had a presid who stand up for all of you __PUNCT__
i intend to be that presid __PUNCT__ to be a presid who put you first __PUNCT__ your live __PUNCT__ your famili __PUNCT__ your children __PUNCT__ your futur __PUNCT__
i believ deepli in america __PUNCT__ in our can __PUNCT__ do spirit __PUNCT__ in our abil to meet ani challeng and solv ani problem __PUNCT__
i believ in what we can do togeth __PUNCT__
in the futur __PUNCT__ we will build togeth __PUNCT__
there will be no more invis american __PUNCT__
so we go to take what we learn here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ and we go to ralli on and make our case __PUNCT__
we ar in it for the long_run __PUNCT__
and that is becaus we ar in it for the american_peopl __PUNCT__
thi victori will serv_notic that peopl across our countri know what realli at stake __PUNCT__ that we will all be call upon to deliv on the promis of america __PUNCT__
we be call upon to deliv on the promis that the middl_class will grow and prosper again __PUNCT__ to deliv on the promis the govern will be of the peopl __PUNCT__ by the peopl and for the peopl __PUNCT__ not just the privileg few __PUNCT__ to deliv on the promis that everi gener will have their shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__ to deliv on the promis that we have the will and the wisdom to end the war in iraq the right wai __PUNCT__ to deliv on the promis to take care of our brave veteran and restor america stand __PUNCT__ respect __PUNCT__ and credibl around the world __PUNCT__
we know that for the promis of america to be real __PUNCT__ we ar call upon to deliv on that promis __PUNCT__
and if you join in thi call to great __PUNCT__ we will __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ answer __PUNCT__
so tomorrow __PUNCT__ we go to get up __PUNCT__ roll up our sleev and keep go __PUNCT__
i invit you to come join us at __URL__
we go to tap into all of the spirit __PUNCT__ the talent and just the plain grit of thi great_nation again __PUNCT__
we ar determin to tackl our toughest problem and stand up to those who most need a champion becaus we ar determin to make_america work again for all of our peopl __PUNCT__
we came back tonight becaus you spoke loudli and clearli __PUNCT__
you want thi campaign to be about you becaus there is so much at stake for our countri __PUNCT__
i have so mani peopl to thank __PUNCT__
i want to thank the two most import_peopl in my life __PUNCT__ bill and chelsea __PUNCT__
i want to thank them for their incred commit __PUNCT__ their passion and their heart __PUNCT__
i want to thank my entir famili __PUNCT__ particularli my mother __PUNCT__ who is watch tonight __PUNCT__
i want to thank the extraordinari team here in new hampshir that never falter on minut __PUNCT__
that team had a great staff __PUNCT__
it had volunt and support from across the state and thi countri __PUNCT__
i want to thank the young_peopl across new hampshir who came out __PUNCT__
thei ask the hard question and thei vote their heart and their mind and i realli appreci it __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i want to sai how much i respect our democrat_candid __PUNCT__
senat dodd and biden who were in the race earlier have given great_servic to our countri __PUNCT__
governor richardson __PUNCT__ congressman kucinich __PUNCT__ senat edward and senat_obama __PUNCT__
thei all have put themselv on the line dai and night on behalf of thi countri we love so much __PUNCT__
thi campaign will transform america becaus we will take on the challeng __PUNCT__
we will seiz the opportun __PUNCT__
everi singl_dai __PUNCT__ i am not go out there on my own __PUNCT__
i am go out there accompani by million and million of peopl who believ __PUNCT__ as i do __PUNCT__ that thi countri is worth fight for __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__