This speech titled 2008.01.24.remarks_on_solutions_for_the_american_economy originally had 6126 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ thank you all so much __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ i am so happi to be back here at furman __PUNCT__
i wa at furman with dick and chucki rilei back in __NUM__ for a speech and a question and answer program there __PUNCT__ and i had such a wonder time __PUNCT__
it great to be here again __PUNCT__ i been at on of the extens build of the univers in thi campaign __PUNCT__ but to be back and talk about the econom challeng_face our countri is a great honor __PUNCT__
i am so sorri to be late __PUNCT__
i apolog for that __PUNCT__
some of it wa us off to a late start __PUNCT__ but there were other thing we had to deal with __PUNCT__ and some of it wa delai in air_travel __PUNCT__ but i appreci your patienc and your willing to be here __PUNCT__
i apolog for everybodi stuck outsid __PUNCT__ we have a long __PUNCT__ long_line of peopl who can't get in __PUNCT__
i not sure that everybodi thought a speech about the economi would draw such a big crowd __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ i apolog to all of you as well __PUNCT__
and of cours __PUNCT__ i want to thank dick rilei for hi year of servic to the state of south_carolina and to our countri __PUNCT__
he is such a uniqu public_servant and a wonder __PUNCT__ great_man __PUNCT__
and i want to thank frank holleman who wa out speak here with you befor __PUNCT__ and lotti gibson __PUNCT__
state_repres fletcher smith __PUNCT__ who i proud to have support me __PUNCT__
i want to thank the confer center here and kai cornelison __PUNCT__ who is the director and all of you who have come __PUNCT__
i particularli want to thank a group of veteran who ar travel throughout the state on my behalf __PUNCT__
we have them all over the state __PUNCT__
we have sever of them here todai __PUNCT__ led by hershel gober __PUNCT__ the former secretari of veteran affair __PUNCT__ hank naughton __PUNCT__ an iraq_veteran and a state_repres from massachusett __PUNCT__ pat lewi __PUNCT__ anoth veteran __PUNCT__ reverend tim brown __PUNCT__ anoth support __PUNCT__
i veri honor to have the support of so mani of our veteran __PUNCT__
we have a lot of work to do on that front __PUNCT__ and if you want to know the detail talk to hershel and the veteran who ar here __PUNCT__ becaus thei can give you chapter and vers about what we need to do to keep faith with our veteran __PUNCT__
but i want to turn to the economi __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ in just a few dai __PUNCT__ on mondai night __PUNCT__ presid_bush will give hi final state of the union_address __PUNCT__
it enough to make you want to burst out in song __PUNCT__
don't worri __PUNCT__ i spare you __PUNCT__
you don't have to listen to me sing __PUNCT__
after seven year of inattent __PUNCT__ neglect and denial __PUNCT__ thi mondai night __PUNCT__ presid_bush mai well actual discuss the seriou econom_problem we face __PUNCT__
and it about time __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ we didn't hear from him when the typic famili_incom drop __MONEY__ over the past seven year __PUNCT__ __MONEY__ for african_american american_famili __PUNCT__
as health_care premium nearli doubl __PUNCT__ ga_price more than doubl __PUNCT__ and colleg cost here in south_carolina rose __NUM__ __PUNCT__ sinc __NUM__ the fastest increas in america __PUNCT__
we didn't hear from him as more than two million foreclosur notic went out __PUNCT__ __NUM__ properti right here in south carolina ar in some stage of foreclosur __PUNCT__
that __NUM___famili that ar face the potenti loss of the american_dream __PUNCT__
we didn't hear from him as unemploy reach a two year high last month __PUNCT__ with south_carolina have the third highest unemploy_rate in america __PUNCT__ or as nearli five million_american fell back into poverti __PUNCT__ __NUM__ in south_carolina alon __PUNCT__
but now __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ the presid mai acknowledg what the american_peopl have known for year __PUNCT__ that the economi is not work for middl_class and work_famili __PUNCT__
and i welcom the presid to thi convers __PUNCT__
becaus it a convers that american have been have and that i been have with so mani peopl everi dai for year __PUNCT__
i listen to the voic of so mani american as i travel the countri __PUNCT__
the voic of peopl who work_hard all dai __PUNCT__ then sometim addition on the night shift __PUNCT__ but it still not enough __PUNCT__
peopl who whisper to me about the mortgag thei can't afford and the home thei lose __PUNCT__ about medic_bill that wipe them and their save out __PUNCT__
about tuition cost that have cut_short the hope thei had about send a child to colleg __PUNCT__
mani peopl ar simpli overwhelm by the econom_condit thei confront everi dai __PUNCT__
i heard from plenti of peopl who also tell me __PUNCT__ i ok right now __PUNCT__ but what about next year __PUNCT__ or even next month __PUNCT__ the wai thing ar go with peopl lose job and home __PUNCT__ what if my famili is next __PUNCT__ thi is a time of uncertainti and grow anxieti __PUNCT__
we didn't wind up here by accid __PUNCT__
as presid_kennedi onc observ __PUNCT__ econom_polici can result from govern inact as well as government action __PUNCT__
we here in part becaus the presid fail to listen to the voic of peopl who ar hurt __PUNCT__ fail to get involv in the actual work of run the govern __PUNCT__ and fail to act __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ he ha stai at a comfort cruis altitud __PUNCT__ well abov the realiti of peopl_live __PUNCT__ deleg respons to hi advis __PUNCT__ hope the buck would stop somewher els __PUNCT__ anywher els __PUNCT__
in just seven year __PUNCT__ thi administr ha taken us from record surplus into a larg and grow deficit __PUNCT__ from a project __MONEY___trillion surplu to a __MONEY__ trillion debt __PUNCT__
we have seen our grow __PUNCT__ thrive economi that creat___NUM__ __NUM___million_job in the 1990 push to the brink of recess __PUNCT__
and we see the rippl_effect around the world __PUNCT__
thi week __PUNCT__ mani countri saw their largest on __PUNCT__ dai stock_market declin sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__
in thi new centuri __PUNCT__ the stake have never been higher __PUNCT__
the challeng have never been bigger or more urgent __PUNCT__
but the opportun ar also there __PUNCT__ if we get about the busi of seiz them __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ our econom_problem ar admittedli complex __PUNCT__
but there is on thing we know for sure __PUNCT__ the problem with our economi is not the american_peopl __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ the problem is __PUNCT__ in part __PUNCT__ the bankrupt idea that have govern us for the last seven year __PUNCT__
thei have reward the veri few at the expens of the mani __PUNCT__
the american peopl ar actual the solut to our econom_problem __PUNCT__
american ar the hardest work_peopl in the world __PUNCT__ our product goe up everi year __PUNCT__
that mean we work_harder and harder and produc more __PUNCT__
peopl ar innov __PUNCT__ thei ar entrepreneur __PUNCT__ thei take risk __PUNCT__ thei start small_busi __PUNCT__
thei ar constantli think about the futur __PUNCT__
the factori_worker and the ceo __PUNCT__ the farmer or the small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ the scientist in the lab __PUNCT__ or the teacher in the classroom __PUNCT__ everybodi who get up everi dai and get their job done __PUNCT__ support their famili __PUNCT__ that is the strength of the american_economi __PUNCT__
and it time we final had a presid who work as hard for you as you work for america everi singl_dai __PUNCT__
becaus __PUNCT__ in the end __PUNCT__ it is all about peopl __PUNCT__
it is all about the woman in columbia who grab my hand and said that her child wa sick and the insur_compani wouldn't pai for the treatment that wa necessari __PUNCT__
it all about the man in florenc some month_ago who came up to me some month ago and said __PUNCT__ i just keep work_harder and harder and i feel like i fall further and further backward __PUNCT__
but i have a small_busi __PUNCT__ i depend on transport my good __PUNCT__ and the cost of energi just keep go up __PUNCT__
it about the real live of real_peopl right here in south_carolina __PUNCT__
the presid matter more now than ever __PUNCT__
we need a presid who will run the govern and manag the economi __PUNCT__
american_peopl don't hire a presid to talk about our problem but to solv them __PUNCT__ to set a vision for the futur __PUNCT__ and then to roll up our sleev and get about fulfil it __PUNCT__
it time for a presid who believ that lead an econom comeback is a fulltim __PUNCT__ hand __PUNCT__ on job __PUNCT__
who renew our commit to a strong and prosper middl_class and bring busi __PUNCT__ labor and govern togeth to restor america competit in a fast chang world __PUNCT__
a presid who ha a vision for a twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri economi base on share_prosper __PUNCT__
where we measur our success not by the wealth at the veri top but by how broadli wealth is share __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ with all due respect to a lot of my friend on the other side of the aisl __PUNCT__ i do not believ it is rich_peopl who made america_great __PUNCT__
i believ it is the hard_work work_peopl of america who made our countri great __PUNCT__
we want to get back to reward hard_work __PUNCT__
we want the american_dream to be within everyon reach __PUNCT__
we want to make invest in on anoth that allow us __PUNCT__ particularli our children __PUNCT__ to live up to our god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__
these ar not just econom_issu __PUNCT__ these ar moral_issu about our common_purpos as a nation __PUNCT__
whether peopl can provid for their famili __PUNCT__ whether thei can share in the bless of thi great_countri __PUNCT__ that speak to who we ar as a peopl and what we valu __PUNCT__
the wai we bring our countri togeth is by act on our valu __PUNCT__
true uniti can onli be achiev by find real_solut for the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and then deliv them __PUNCT__
without real_solut __PUNCT__ divis and disappoint __PUNCT__ not uniti __PUNCT__ will be the result __PUNCT__
we been there befor __PUNCT__
presid_bush promis to be a unit __PUNCT__ not a divid __PUNCT__
and we know how well that turn out __PUNCT__
becaus uniti come from take on the tough challeng __PUNCT__ ask us to be bigger than ourselv __PUNCT__ summon up to great __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__
and that is what i intend to do as presid __PUNCT__ on dai on __PUNCT__
i will bring the voic of the american_peopl back to the white_hous __PUNCT__
i will ask all of us to be involv in solv our problem __PUNCT__
otherwis __PUNCT__ here is what i fear __PUNCT__
most of us __PUNCT__ as i look around thi room __PUNCT__ with the except of the student who ar crowd into the foyer and spill out the door __PUNCT__ we have been the beneficiari of the sacrific that came from previou_gener __PUNCT__ from parent and grandpar __PUNCT__ from peopl who fought the war __PUNCT__ and built big_busi __PUNCT__ and did the labor __PUNCT__ who creat the extraordinari success of that america is __PUNCT__
we have to keep faith with all that came befor us __PUNCT__
i don't think ani of us want to be part of the first gener of american to leav our countri wors off than when we found it __PUNCT__
that would be such a breach with what american_histori ha meant to all of us __PUNCT__
so the time for wait is over and the time for talk is over __PUNCT__
too mani famili ar pai the price of inact __PUNCT__ right here and right now __PUNCT__ so i think we need to begin act __PUNCT__ and we can't wait until __DATE__ __PUNCT__
we need both an immedi __PUNCT__ short __PUNCT__ term plan to jumpstart the economi __PUNCT__ and a long __PUNCT__ term_econom vision with strategi to keep the economi go well into the futur __PUNCT__
so let start with the short __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
if i were presid right now __PUNCT__ i would work with the congress to jumpstart the economi by immedi address the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ creat new job __PUNCT__ and get monei_back into the pocket of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
we know that the loss of a home is devast and so mani famili across our countri ar face that __PUNCT__
but it not onli those who ar actual lose their home i worri about __PUNCT__
becaus of thi mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__ everi home owner is lose valu in our home __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have lost more than __MONEY___trillion worth of valu in our home in the last year __PUNCT__ that nearli half the size of the entir unit_state state_govern govern_budget __PUNCT__
and african_american american_famili ar especi hard hit __PUNCT__ subprim_loan ar five time more common in predominantli african_american neighborhood than predominantli white on __PUNCT__
but thi is not just an econom_crisi __PUNCT__ it is truli an american_dream crisi __PUNCT__
your home isn't just your onli greatest sourc of wealth __PUNCT__ it your greatest sourc of secur __PUNCT__
it what anchor us to our neighborhood and commun __PUNCT__
it where we rais our kid __PUNCT__ celebr birthdai and holidai __PUNCT__ and make memori togeth __PUNCT__
i have visit with so mani peopl in their home and i know what our home mean to us __PUNCT__
i know the feel of refug and secur i feel when i walk into my own home __PUNCT__
i know what it like to sit in home where famili haven't had the monei to bui all the furnitur thei need but thei so proud to show off their new home __PUNCT__
and nearli a year_ago __PUNCT__ i call for immedi action to address thi mount mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__
less than two week after that __PUNCT__ the bush_administr told_congress that what i wa call for wasn't necessari __PUNCT__ that the problem wa contain __PUNCT__
sever month later __PUNCT__ the presid assur us that there would be a soft land for the hous_market __PUNCT__
but now we know better __PUNCT__
so all of last year __PUNCT__ i propos polici to help famili keep their home __PUNCT__
i wrote to the regul urg them to take their head out of the sand and do someth for the million of famili at risk of foreclosur __PUNCT__
i introduc_legisl to crack down on abus lend_practic and give state the resourc to help at __PUNCT__ risk famili avoid lose their home __PUNCT__
the result __PUNCT__ a plan from presid_bush that let bank off the hook and leav homeown to fend for themselv __PUNCT__
in the word of on expert __PUNCT__ the presid plan wa __PUNCT__ the bank lobbi dream __PUNCT__
thi administr ha deliv a foreclosur notic on the american_dream __PUNCT__
the presid plan to fix our economi would do next to noth about the foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__
and thei said that my insist on stop foreclosur just doesn't make_sens __PUNCT__
well i sorri to disagre __PUNCT__
the hous_crisi is contribut to rise unemploy __PUNCT__
construct job ar disappear __PUNCT__ and i see a few hard __PUNCT__ hat here in the audienc __PUNCT__
south_carolina alon lost___NUM__ construct job in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
it eras famili __PUNCT__ wealth __PUNCT__ jeopard consum_spend __PUNCT__ which constitut two __PUNCT__ third of our economi __PUNCT__
it caus __MONEY___billion in loss to bank __PUNCT__ make them less like to offer credit to busi and famili that need it __PUNCT__
that why my plan to fix the economi start by do everyth possibl to ensur that we don't lose ani more home and that we stabil the economi when it come to the mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__
i want to start with a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ dai moratorium on foreclosur __PUNCT__
if the bank is about to foreclos on your home __PUNCT__ you should have some breath room to restructur your mortgag __PUNCT__
i call for freez the monthli rate on adjust rate_mortgag for at least five year or until the mortgag have been convert into loan that famili can afford __PUNCT__
if you have an adjust mortgag that about to skyrocket __PUNCT__ you have the chanc to pai it off with afford payment __PUNCT__
peopl sai well isn't thi reward peopl who mayb got in over their head __PUNCT__ well to some extent it is try to stop what is happen that will affect all of us __PUNCT__
if we don't help these famili work out their mortgag now we will have more empti home becaus the hous_market is so low right now __PUNCT__ nobodi is bui __PUNCT__
then we have deterior neighborhood __PUNCT__ then we have decreas tax_revenu for citi and town __PUNCT__ it becom a viciou_cycl __PUNCT__
that why i also would also creat a __MONEY___billion fund to help hard __PUNCT__ hit commun and distress homeown weather the foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__
we need to be sure to shore up our commun so that thei don't begin to also deterior in the face of a loss in the home market __PUNCT__
i also would includ direct tax rebat to work and middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__
we need to target it to those who ar most in need __PUNCT__
the democrat_leadership in the hous and senat along with the white_hous appear to be near a deal and i am hearten to hear that thei ar plan to extend assist to the ten of million of work_american who need it the most __PUNCT__
that what i have been call for and that what i think we have to do __PUNCT__
but i also want to target the need of work_famili that ar realli face tough choic __PUNCT__
we need relief from skyrocket energi_bill __PUNCT__
we need expand unemploy_insur for those who ar struggl to find a job __PUNCT__
but i want to think about the futur __PUNCT__ that why i would take immedi step to spur __PUNCT__ green collar __PUNCT__ job_growth __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ wage __PUNCT__ renew_energi job that ar good for our environ and cannot be outsourc __PUNCT__
i would do thi immedi through a crash weather program that would put_peopl to work __PUNCT__ help to insul home __PUNCT__ and give green collar_job job_train initi to help prepar peopl __PUNCT__
i would also implement my green_build fund to rebuild and renov school and other public build to help make them more energi_effici __PUNCT__
we can creat million of new job in america through clean __PUNCT__ renew_energi __PUNCT__
i know we can do it becaus i seen what other countri have done __PUNCT__
germani decid a few year_ago to make a big bet on solar_power __PUNCT__
thei creat tax_incent __PUNCT__ thei creat train_program to take construct_worker and other to know how to instal solar_panel __PUNCT__
thei have creat sever hundr_thousand new job in three short year __PUNCT__
thei have a smaller economi than our __PUNCT__
if we got seriou about thi __PUNCT__ i know we could do the same __PUNCT__
i realli hope that as part of thi recoveri packag __PUNCT__ we start get seriou about the futur __PUNCT__
we have to stop the crisi but then we have to plan for an economi that will keep gener good new job __PUNCT__ and clean_energi is our best bet __PUNCT__
but jumpstart the economi in the short __PUNCT__ term is just the begin __PUNCT__
we need a long __PUNCT__ term vision to build a strong __PUNCT__ prosper economi for the next gener __PUNCT__
i think it wa winston_churchil who said that __PUNCT__ the differ between a politician and a statesman is that the politician think about the next elect __PUNCT__ while the statesman think about the next gener __PUNCT__
we got to start think about the next gener __PUNCT__
we can't do thi piecem __PUNCT__ we got to start help peopl more __PUNCT__
mayb you want to start save for retir __PUNCT__ but you can't do it becaus your tax ar too high and your wage aren't high enough __PUNCT__
mayb you want to go back to school __PUNCT__ but your health_care premium ar too high so you can't afford tuition __PUNCT__
we live in a complex __PUNCT__ interconnect __PUNCT__ global_economi __PUNCT__
all of our challeng ar all togeth now __PUNCT__
we can't just put band __PUNCT__ aid on on and expect to solv our problem __PUNCT__
what we have to do is have a plan to creat good_job and restor fair to the economi __PUNCT__
we need to renew the promis of america that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ you can get ahead __PUNCT__
we need to return to fiscal_respons __PUNCT__ so that washington onc again live within a budget __PUNCT__ just like you and your famili ha to do __PUNCT__
i believ solv the job crisi over the long_run start with solv the energi_crisi __PUNCT__
that why i will creat a __MONEY___billion strateg energi fund to jumpstart invest in clean_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__
we will creat a green_revolut with invest in biofuel __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ geotherm __PUNCT__ all of the clean_energi and energi_effici chang we need to make __PUNCT__
and as we creat these new job possibl for the next gener we will pai for it by elimin the tax subsidi for the big_oil oil_compani and requir them to pai into the strateg energi fund __PUNCT__ or invest in altern_energi themselv __PUNCT__
thei have made record profit in recent_year __PUNCT__
now it time thei did their fair_share __PUNCT__
i also know that we won't get ani of thi done until the two oil men leav the white_hous but as soon as thei do __PUNCT__ we will start to work on thi long __PUNCT__ term vision __PUNCT__
we also help creat_job by modern and rebuild our crumbl infrastructur __PUNCT__
the tragic bridg collaps in minnesota thi past summer __PUNCT__ a recent leve break in nevada __PUNCT__ and what happen with the leve in new orlean ar pain remind that our infrastructur is in danger disrepair __PUNCT__
everi billion_dollar that we spend fix crumbl infrastructur creat___NUM__ new job __PUNCT__
i have a rebuild america plan to invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year in an __PUNCT__ emerg repair fund __PUNCT__
we need to modern our port __PUNCT__ our rail system __PUNCT__ our airport __PUNCT__ our public_transit transit_system __PUNCT__ our bridg __PUNCT__ our tunnel __PUNCT__ our road __PUNCT__
we need to expand access to broadband across america __PUNCT__ particularli to rural_area __PUNCT__
we need to end thi administr war on scienc and restor america to it right place __PUNCT__
as the innov nation __PUNCT__ i will increas invest in basic and appli research at the nation scienc foundat __PUNCT__ the nation_institut of health and our other govern_agenc and univers __PUNCT__
we becam so success after world_war_ii becaus busi and scienc work hand in hand with govern __PUNCT__
our great univers like furman were on the cut edg of discoveri that we translat into better outcom for peopl __PUNCT__
but creat_job is just the begin __PUNCT__
we need to empow our worker and ensur that our tax_system is fair __PUNCT__
that the second piec of a long __PUNCT__ term plan __PUNCT__
for the past seven year __PUNCT__ the oil_compani __PUNCT__ the predatori student_loan compani __PUNCT__ the insur_compani __PUNCT__ the drug_compani have had a presid who stand up for them __PUNCT__
i intend to be a presid who stand up for you everi singl_dai about how we make_america work better for you __PUNCT__
dure the 1950 and 60 which mani of us look back at with great appreci becaus the economi work so well __PUNCT__ for so long __PUNCT__ for so mani __PUNCT__ we had a much higher percentag of our workforc union __PUNCT__
now it is much lower __PUNCT__
we need to make sure peopl can organ and bargain for good wage and safe work_condit __PUNCT__
we need to be sure that we restor fair to the economi by restor fair to the tax_code __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ some of the peopl i repres in new york_citi __PUNCT__ wall_street invest manag __PUNCT__ make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year pai just __NUM__ __PUNCT__ on their earn __PUNCT__ while a teacher make___MONEY__ pai___NUM__ __PUNCT__
i don't think that right and i been call to rais the tax on those peopl at the top __PUNCT__
as corpor_profit have skyrocket __PUNCT__ the percentag of tax paid by corpor ha fallen __PUNCT__
we have richli reward peopl and i am all in favor of incentiv peopl to do well __PUNCT__
that is part of what america stand for __PUNCT__
but it isn't right that the wealthi and the well __PUNCT__ connect have gotten so mani more benefit than the middl_class and work_peopl have __PUNCT__
we need to extend middl_class tax_cut __PUNCT__ includ the child tax_credit __PUNCT__ marriag penalti relief __PUNCT__
we need to reform the altern minimum tax to ensur it doesn't hit middl_class class_famili with higher_tax tax_rate __PUNCT__
it wa never suppos to do that __PUNCT__
we need to expand the earn_incom incom_tax_credit and rais the minimum_wage to ensur that work pai for all american __PUNCT__
no on who work_full full_time should live in poverti __PUNCT__
if you work_full full_time you shouldn't be in poverti __PUNCT__
we need to give peopl the tool and support thei need to succe in todai complex economi __PUNCT__
that start with recommit ourselv to make colleg afford for our young_peopl __PUNCT__
that especi import here in south_carolina __PUNCT__ the averag student_debt upon graduat is __MONEY__
so you start in a big hole befor you ever go to work on the first dai __PUNCT__
and you know what happen which is realli troubl to me __PUNCT__ america higher_educ educ_system which wa the envi of the world __PUNCT__ we had an open system __PUNCT__ the highest percentag of young_peopl who went to get degre __PUNCT__ but now from japan to south_korea to canada and ireland __PUNCT__ other countri ar educ their young_peopl at a higher_rate than here in america __PUNCT__
the reason for that is the cost ha explod __PUNCT__
it is more expens todai than it wa thirti_year_ago to send a child to colleg __PUNCT__
that why i outlin a comprehens plan to open the door of colleg to young_peopl __PUNCT__
it includ a new __MONEY__ colleg tax_credit that will cover more than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the typic cost of public colleg and univers or the full_cost of tuition and fee for commun_colleg __PUNCT__
i also want to increas the size of pell_grant __PUNCT__ someth that former secretari rilei mention __PUNCT__
i want to strengthen commun_colleg __PUNCT__ invest __MONEY___million to support innov __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job_train and apprenticeship program for those who don't go to colleg __PUNCT__
we also have to ensur that everi american ha qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__
here in south_carolina alon __PUNCT__ __NUM___peopl ar uninsur __PUNCT__
i want to ask you __PUNCT__ how mani of you know someon here in south_carolina who is uninsur __PUNCT__ how mani of you know somebodi who mai have insur but it just doesn't pai for what the doctor or the hospit sai you need __PUNCT__ we have two problem __PUNCT__ we have the problem of the uninsur and the problem of the underinsur __PUNCT__
my american health choic plan would insur everi singl_person for what thei need __PUNCT__
it simpl __PUNCT__ if you have insur you like __PUNCT__ you keep it __PUNCT__
there is no disrupt __PUNCT__
if you have a good_polici through your busi or through a union or through a municip __PUNCT__ noth chang __PUNCT__
but if you don't have insur __PUNCT__ or you don't like the insur you have __PUNCT__ you can choos from the same menu of privat_plan avail to member of congress __PUNCT__
and we will provid tax_credit to help you afford it __PUNCT__
my plan also ban insur_compani discrimin __PUNCT__ so you will never be deni coverag becaus of pre __PUNCT__ exist condit or risk factor that you might have __PUNCT__
and we don't requir small_busi to do anyth but it doe provid tax_credit to help small_busi if thei choos to afford to bui_health health_care for their employe __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we have to help more american save for a secur retir __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ fewer than half of all american have ani retir_save save_account at all __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ i want to provid everi singl american with an easi __PUNCT__ automat opportun to save for the futur through __PUNCT__ american retir_account __PUNCT__
these account will take the best of the __NUM__ plan and make them avail to everi work_famili __PUNCT__
and we give famili up to __MONEY__ in tax_cut to help them save __PUNCT__
and final we got to return to fiscal_respons __PUNCT__
year after year __PUNCT__ the presid ha increas_spend at more than doubl the rate of the previou_administr and hand tax_cut after tax cut to multi __PUNCT__ millionair __PUNCT__ oil_compani and other interest_group __PUNCT__
and how ha he paid for all of thi spend __PUNCT__ by borrow_monei from foreign_countri like china __PUNCT__
when peopl ask me __PUNCT__ why is it hard to get tough on china and enforc our trade_agreement __PUNCT__ i tell them __PUNCT__ becaus thei our banker __PUNCT__
we ow them __PUNCT__
how can we truli enforc the trade law against a countri like china __PUNCT__ when our economi depend on china massiv loan to us __PUNCT__ think about it thi wai __PUNCT__ we borrow_monei from china to bui oil from the saudi __PUNCT__
that is a dead __PUNCT__ end strategi for america __PUNCT__
and i go to end that strategi if i have the good_fortun of becom your presid __PUNCT__
becaus i want america to regain control of it destini by move_back toward a balanc_budget and a surplu __PUNCT__
that why i work throughout thi campaign to show exactli how i would pai for everi initi that i have just mention __PUNCT__
not just how i run my campaign __PUNCT__ but run our countri as well __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ some peopl around the world and even some here at home ar basic sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we can't go back to the kind of economi we had befor __PUNCT__
thei act as though the 1990 wa ancient rome __PUNCT__
it work well in the 1990 __PUNCT__
the averag_american american_famili had a __MONEY__ gain in incom in the 1990 __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ everi elect is about the futur but i do think there ar lesson we need to learn from the past __PUNCT__
becaus right now __PUNCT__ we ar on the wrong track __PUNCT__
we ar undermin our secur at home and around the world __PUNCT__
we ar undermin the american_dream here at home __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ great presid have alwai understood the great of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
think about presid franklin_roosevelt __PUNCT__
face with a depress __PUNCT__ grave threat to america freedom __PUNCT__ he respond with bold solut __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ thei were sometim controversi __PUNCT__ but we rose from econom chao and despair and at the time he di we were month awai from win a world_war __PUNCT__
he didn't paint a rosi scenario __PUNCT__
he didn't ignor the tough challeng __PUNCT__
he urg us to confront them __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we have a great mani problem ahead of us __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ and we must approach them with realism and courag __PUNCT__
he believ we could tackl our greatest_challeng __PUNCT__ and i believ exactli the same __PUNCT__
we have to overcom the fear and fatal that presid_bush ha us to divid us and set us against on anoth __PUNCT__
when i sometim here the presid or the vice_presid __PUNCT__ i don't hear america talk __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ we can't solv the energi_crisi without wreck our economi __PUNCT__ we can't provid afford qualiti healthcar without wreck our healthcar_system __PUNCT__ we can't have an economi anymor that creat a rise_standard of live for everybodi will to work_hard __PUNCT__
sinc when did america becom the can't __PUNCT__ do countri __PUNCT__ that is not the america we know and love __PUNCT__
we ar go to face the futur with our optim __PUNCT__ with our faith __PUNCT__ our belief that we can overcom ani challeng __PUNCT__
i am optimist __PUNCT__
i know we ar face some tough __PUNCT__ tough issu __PUNCT__
i think about it everi dai __PUNCT__
i ask the peopl of south_carolina to take a chanc on me __PUNCT__ just like i ask the peopl of new york to take a chanc on me back in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i came and said __PUNCT__ if you will give me a chanc __PUNCT__ i will work my heart out for you __PUNCT__
you will have someon who get up everi dai __PUNCT__ think about you __PUNCT__
i am not a show hors __PUNCT__ i a work hors __PUNCT__ and i will go to work for you __PUNCT__
but i not go to do it alon __PUNCT__
i can't do it alon __PUNCT__
we all have to be in thi togeth __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ when i talk about a clean __PUNCT__ green renew_energi futur __PUNCT__ i go to ask all for you to be more energi_effici __PUNCT__ to think about what it mean when you keep the light on __PUNCT__ when you drive more than mayb you need to __PUNCT__ make three trip to the mall instead of on sensibl on __PUNCT__
i want you to think about everi time you fill up the ga tank __PUNCT__ or leav those light on __PUNCT__ you send monei to oil_compani and oil produc countri that don't alwai have our best interest at heart __PUNCT__
when i sai we need a new approach to healthcar that provid qualiti __PUNCT__ afford healthcar for everi american __PUNCT__ i go to ask you to take better care of your health and the health of your children __PUNCT__
becaus we can have the best health_care_system in the world but we got to be healthier __PUNCT__
we need a system of well __PUNCT__ not on that just interven with sick __PUNCT__
we got to be onc again the american_peopl that ar on the front_line of chang and progress togeth __PUNCT__
we ar the oldest democraci in the world for a reason __PUNCT__
becaus whenev time ar tough __PUNCT__ whenev the challeng ar big and the stake ar huge __PUNCT__
we alwai respond __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ winston_churchil also said that the american_peopl final get around to do the right thing after try nearli everyth els __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we tri nearli everyth els over the last seven year __PUNCT__ and i think we learn our lesson __PUNCT__
so now what we need to do is face the futur realist __PUNCT__ courag __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__ and optimist __PUNCT__
i know we can do thi togeth __PUNCT__
i need your help in the primari on saturdai __PUNCT__
i need you to vote not just for me but for yourselv __PUNCT__ your famili __PUNCT__ and your futur __PUNCT__
i am readi to lead on dai on __PUNCT__ and if you give me that opportun __PUNCT__ we will restor pride and progress in our countri togeth __PUNCT__
thank you all veri __PUNCT__ veri much __PUNCT__