Thank you so much. Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Thank you, Florida. Thank you, Florida Democrats. You know, I could not come here to ask in person for your votes, but I am here to thank you for your votes today. (APPLAUSE) This has been a record turnout, because Floridians wanted their voices to be heard on the great issues that affect our country and the world. I am thrilled to have had this vote of confidence that you have given me today. And I promise you I will do everything I can to make sure not only are Florida's Democratic delegates seated, but Florida is in the winning column for the Democrats in 2008. I want to thank my friends, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Congressman Alcee Hastings, Mayor Manny Diaz, and my great friend of so many years, Senator Bill Nelson. You know, this has been an intense election because people really care about what is happening to our country. So many of the people who talk to me every single day are worried about the economy. They're worried about their health care. They're worried about their college education for their children. They're worried about whether we can restore our leadership and standing in the world. Well, I am convinced that, with this resounding vote, with the millions of Americans who will vote next Tuesday, we will send a clear message that America is back and we're going to take charge of our destiny again. (APPLAUSE) I am so grateful to the countless Floridians who, on their own, organized, worked hard, talked to your friends and your neighbors. You made a very big difference. And we know that, as we move forward in this campaign, all of your voices will go with me, because I am not only going to take my 35 years of experience to the White House. I'm going to take your voices, your concerns, your hopes, your dreams. We have a lot of tough decisions to make, but we're Americans. We can make these decisions. We can meet our challenges and seize our opportunities if we start acting like Americans again, we roll up our sleeves, we set about solving our problems. And I want to ask you: Do you agree with me? Because here is what I believe. I believe everyone who works full-time in America should bring home an income that lifts that person out of poverty and gives them and their children a better chance. (APPLAUSE) I believe that every (inaudible) child has a right to quality, affordable health care. I believe that every child has a God-given potential that we could help to develop if we have universal pre- kindergarten and we have a school system that is not so worried about giving tests as about making sure our kids can learn. (APPLAUSE) I believe that our tax system should be fair for everyone. It is wrong that people making $50 million a year on Wall Street pay a lower percentage of their taxes (inaudible) time for us to begin to bring our troops home from Iraq as carefully and responsibly as we can. (APPLAUSE) I believe it is important we do everything to promote better relations in our hemisphere with all of our neighbors and that we continue to support democracy in Cuba. (APPLAUSE) And I believe that we can, working together, feel pride and progress in our country again. You are giving me a tremendous gift, not only with your votes, but with your trust, because I believe that public office is a trust, and I will get up every single day worrying about you, your families, your future. I think it's time we again had a president who put the American people first, and that is what I will try to do. So thank you. Thank you for this tremendous victory tonight. Thank you for all you did to make it possible. Stay with us, because, starting tomorrow, we're going to sweep through the states across our country to February 5th. And we will together not only take back the White House, but take back our country. Thank you all, and God bless you.