Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.02.16.remarks_at_the_wisconsin_founders_day_gala_in_milwaukee originally had 4793 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all so much __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

oh __PUNCT__ thank you so much __PUNCT__ it mai be a littl cold outsid but it sure is warm with all these democrat make a lot of nois about what we believ in and what we care about __PUNCT__

i am thrill to be with you __PUNCT__

i want to thank lieuten_governor barbara lawton for her leadership and for that realli extraordinari introduct __PUNCT__

i am so grate to her __PUNCT__

i want to recogn and thank governor jim doyl __PUNCT__ who is here as well __PUNCT__ chairman joe winek and the entir wisconsin democrat_parti __PUNCT__

i want to thank also my colleagu in the senat __PUNCT__

but i realli should thank all of you for send herb kohl and russ_feingold to washington __PUNCT__

i don't have to tell you what extraordinari leader thei ar __PUNCT__ how much influenc thei exercis __PUNCT__

we all listen when either on of them speak __PUNCT__

and it is a great person privileg for me to serv with them and consid them friend __PUNCT__

i also want to recogn your congression_democrat deleg __PUNCT__ gwen moor and steve kagen __PUNCT__

thei have been extraordinari in a short_period of time __PUNCT__ and of cours my dear friend and on of my co __PUNCT__ chair tammi baldwin __PUNCT__ thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i know former congressman and now mayor tom barrett is here __PUNCT__ and to all of you who ar support thi event __PUNCT__ rais_monei for thi parti __PUNCT__ commit to not onli do everyth possibl to have a great elect on tuesdai with as big a turnout as we can muster __PUNCT__ but then to make sure we go on to victori in __DATE__ and that wisconsin is in the column of the democrat_presid who we will be elect __PUNCT__

i know we ar readi __PUNCT__

we ar long past readi __PUNCT__ we ar anxiou to take back the white_hous __PUNCT__

and on __DATE__ the next presid of the unit_state will rais hi or her hand and take the oath of offic __PUNCT__ and then will immedi inherit the problem that will be left to us to solv by presid_bush __PUNCT__

now we here tonight to make sure that our next presid is a democrat __PUNCT__ becaus after seven long year of georg w __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__ seven year of incompet __PUNCT__ corrupt __PUNCT__ cronyism __PUNCT__ seven year of thi govern of the few __PUNCT__ by the few __PUNCT__ and for the few __PUNCT__ we have to bring chang to america and put our countri_back on the right track __PUNCT__

i think about that dai becaus obvious i been deepli honor and privileg to have live it in the past with my husband __PUNCT__

i know that after the swear in ceremoni and all of the activ at the capitol __PUNCT__ after the walk down pennsylvania_avenu and the parad __PUNCT__ after the inaugur ball __PUNCT__ the presid will walk into the oval_offic and wait there will be two war __PUNCT__ an economi in troubl __PUNCT__ million and million of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__ includ___NUM__ right here in wisconsin without health_care __PUNCT__ problem that we think we can predict now __PUNCT__ and all of those that we can't even imagin __PUNCT__ an energi_crisi to solv __PUNCT__ allianc to rebuild __PUNCT__ a homeland to protect __PUNCT__

instead of solv our problem we had a presid who ha stood in our wai __PUNCT__

he us fear to divid us and fatal to discourag us __PUNCT__

he want us to believ we can't solv our problem __PUNCT__

he want us to think we shouldn't even try __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ like so much of georg_bush bush_presid __PUNCT__ thi ha done a grave disservic to america __PUNCT__

america charact is strong __PUNCT__ our resili is ever __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__

we will surviv the eight year of georg_bush and dick_chenei and enter the futur with confid and optim again __PUNCT__

unlik our republican friend __PUNCT__ we democrat still believ america is the __PUNCT__ can do __PUNCT__ nation __PUNCT__

we still believ that tomorrow will be better than todai __PUNCT__ and we know it is time we start act like american again __PUNCT__

it ha been dishearten __PUNCT__ to sai the least __PUNCT__ to see the narrow of horizon __PUNCT__ the loss of opportun __PUNCT__ the sens that the american_dream is reced and erod __PUNCT__

i have been given opportun becaus of thi countri that my parent never had and my grandpar never dreamt of __PUNCT__ opportun that came becaus of peopl who __PUNCT__ gener after gener __PUNCT__ believ with all their heart there wasn't a problem we couldn't solv __PUNCT__ a challeng we couldn't meet __PUNCT__ an opportun we could not seiz __PUNCT__ peopl who built our countri __PUNCT__ who rais the famili __PUNCT__ who march and protest and risk their live becaus thei look into their children ey and thei saw reflect back at them the promis of a better futur __PUNCT__

senat_obama and i stand here tonight becaus of all those who came befor __PUNCT__ who sacrif so much to bring us to thi moment in our histori and it is a moment to celebr __PUNCT__

becaus thi nation gave me everi chanc __PUNCT__ becaus dure my lifetim i have seen the barrier tumbl down __PUNCT__ the obstacl overcom __PUNCT__ i am run for presid becaus i believ we can do the same for everi singl child __PUNCT__

we can __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ have an america where we can sai to everi boi and everi girl that we will give you the opportun to live up to your god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

that __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ is what thi elect is about __PUNCT__

it not about those of us who ar run __PUNCT__ it about your famili __PUNCT__ your futur __PUNCT__ and your countri __PUNCT__

tonight across wisconsin and across america teacher ar grade paper and nurs ar care for the sick __PUNCT__ and thei need a presid who hear their voic and listen to them __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ here in milwauke and in citi across america __PUNCT__ janitor ar clean up __PUNCT__ waitress ar pour coffe __PUNCT__ polic_offic ar stand guard __PUNCT__ and thei need a presid who stand up for them __PUNCT__

tonight famili ar sit down to talk after lose a job or lose a home __PUNCT__

thei need a presid who will deliv solut for them __PUNCT__

earlier todai in kenosha i wa at a town_hall event and i wa remind onc again of why i do thi work __PUNCT__

you heard barbara sai that for __NUM___year start when i wa a young lawyer for the children defens fund __PUNCT__ i have want to be a voic for those who ar voiceless __PUNCT__

i start repres abus and neglect children __PUNCT__ children who were in the foster_care care_system who didn't have educ or health_care opportun __PUNCT__

i work as the chair of the legal servic corpor __PUNCT__ appoint by presid carter to expand legal servic for the poor across our nation becaus i had a passion commit to equal justic under the law __PUNCT__

in arkansa i reform the educ_system so that children in the poorest commun in the delta or in the inner citi would have some shot at find out what thei could do if thei were motiv and would work_hard __PUNCT__

and in the white_hous year we tackl a lot of tough problem __PUNCT__ and on that i work on and help to make_progress on wa to creat the children_health health_insur insur_program __PUNCT__ to give six million kid across our countri a chanc to have health_care __PUNCT__

as i wa shake_hand in the crowd after my event todai in kenosha __PUNCT__ a woman held up a sign and said __PUNCT__ thank you for save my daughter life __PUNCT__

i said __PUNCT__ what did i do __PUNCT__ she said __PUNCT__ the children_health health_insur insur_program __PUNCT__

then i met a young_boi name jacob who ha cerebr palsi but he is do realli well __PUNCT__

he wa stand between hi two proud parent __PUNCT__

thei thank me becaus thei never could afford the oper that he had __PUNCT__

dure the town_hall __PUNCT__ i call on a littl girl __PUNCT__

she said __PUNCT__ what ar you go to do for peopl who don't have home __PUNCT__ i thought like mani children that i talk to across america that the plight of the homeless had realli struck her heart __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ ar you concern about peopl who don't have home __PUNCT__ she said __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ my mommi and me __PUNCT__

so i ask them to come up and her mother talk about be a hairdress __PUNCT__

she said __PUNCT__ my busi is not as good as it wa __PUNCT__

peopl aren't come in as often __PUNCT__

thei ar not will to pai what i need to make a live __PUNCT__

i about to be foreclos on __PUNCT__

i have on of those adjust rate_mortgag __PUNCT__

i gone from pai___MONEY__ a month to __MONEY__ a month __PUNCT__

i don't think we will be abl to stai in our home __PUNCT__

i remind everi singl_dai why i do thi __PUNCT__

it not about speech for me __PUNCT__ it not about the bright light and the camera __PUNCT__ it is about the chang we can make that actual deliv result in peopl_live that give them a chanc to live up and fulfil their own dream __PUNCT__

far from here in thi beauti ballroom __PUNCT__ across the world our men and women in uniform ar serv our countri brave and honor __PUNCT__ some on their second or third or even fourth tour of duti __PUNCT__

thei deserv a command in chief who will bring them home __PUNCT__

all american again want __PUNCT__ need and deserv a presid who will bring your voic and your valu back to the white_hous __PUNCT__

i know we will all breath a sigh of relief when that move van pull up in the back of the white hous and georg_bush and dick_chenei turn over the kei __PUNCT__

but thi elect is not just about the failur of the past seven year or the divis of the present or the excit of the moment __PUNCT__

thi elect must be about the futur we want and how we can make it a realiti __PUNCT__

we all have dream __PUNCT__

we have dream for our famili __PUNCT__ for our futur __PUNCT__

our countri is found on the idea of the american_dream __PUNCT__ that with optim and confid and without fear __PUNCT__ we can make the futur happen by work_hard and take respons __PUNCT__

that what ha alwai made america_great and differ __PUNCT__

thi gener __PUNCT__ like gener befor us __PUNCT__ is call to make it own commit and sacrific __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ can be a great gener to make the american_dream real in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

but to do that we must get real about what it will take to have the futur we dream of __PUNCT__

i onc wrote a book_call __PUNCT__ it take a villag __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i still believ that true __PUNCT__

i will be a presid for all of you but for me to be your presid and for us to reach america promis in thi centuri __PUNCT__ we also have to agre that share opportun and share_prosper requir share respons as parent __PUNCT__ as neighbor __PUNCT__ as worker __PUNCT__ as busi and polit_leader __PUNCT__ as a nation __PUNCT__

thi is about all of us come togeth to stake our claim on what it mean to be an american in thi centuri __PUNCT__

there ar peopl sai that america best dai ar behind us __PUNCT__ that the competit we face from china and elsewher will mean that we can't continu to have a strong middl_class with rise incom and the kind of qualiti of life and standard of live that we have taken for grant __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i reject that __PUNCT__

i know thi will not be easi __PUNCT__

those who claim that it can be done with rel littl effort don't understand what we up against __PUNCT__

we face real challeng __PUNCT__ real_threat __PUNCT__ we have to be readi to summon the experi __PUNCT__ the wisdom and the determin to solv our problem __PUNCT__

it will take more than just speech to fulfil our dream __PUNCT__

it will take a lot of hard_work __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ if we get america back into the solut busi __PUNCT__ if we get real about our futur __PUNCT__ i am confid that we be back here in five year and we will sai __PUNCT__ weren't we on top of it __PUNCT__ didn't we understand what we had to do to make a differ __PUNCT__

becaus togeth there isn't anyth that can stop us __PUNCT__

so let get real about the economi __PUNCT__

we see an america where our economi work not just for the few __PUNCT__ the wealthi and the well __PUNCT__ connect __PUNCT__ but work for all of us __PUNCT__

how will we do that __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we go to start by creat good_job again and by keep the job we have here and prevent them from be export like thei were some dispos commod __PUNCT__

we can do thi __PUNCT__ we have to chang our trade_polici __PUNCT__ we have to chang our tax_polici __PUNCT__ we have to chang our vision and understand about what it will take to creat the job of the futur __PUNCT__

but that what i been do for year __PUNCT__

upstat new york ha a lot in common with wisconsin __PUNCT__

we lost our manufactur_base but i didn't sai __PUNCT__ well that the end __PUNCT__ we can't do it __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ you see __PUNCT__ i don't believ we can have a strong economi and a strong countri without a strong manufactur base __PUNCT__

so i go to work to make sure we get it back __PUNCT__

let get real about our energi_polici __PUNCT__

let see an america that stand up to the oil_compani and the oil produc countri and sai __PUNCT__ you don't need our tax_dollar ani longer to make outrag profit __PUNCT__

let begin to take the tax subsidi awai from the oil_compani __PUNCT__

let impos a windfal profit tax on these outrag profit and put it to work on clean renew_energi __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know we can't do ani of thi until the two oil men leav the white_hous but as soon as thei do __PUNCT__ we go to be readi for a new energi futur with the million and million of job that we can creat __PUNCT__

i think we can creat five million_job in the next ten_year if we do thi right __PUNCT__

and there no reason we can't __PUNCT__

earlier todai i said to the folk at the brat shop __PUNCT__ i said look germani creat_job with solar_power __PUNCT__ hundr of thousand of them __PUNCT__

we have a lot of peopl in wisconsin of german descent __PUNCT__ there ar as mani sunni dai in wisconsin as there ar in germani __PUNCT__ let get busi and creat these job right here in milwauke and in oshkosh and in green_bai and in eau clair and madison __PUNCT__

let get real about health_care __PUNCT__

now we have a choic we have __NUM___million_peopl uninsur and we can continu to think that a terribl problem and do noth about it or we can roll up our sleev and come up with a uniqu american_solut __PUNCT__

that is what i have propos __PUNCT__

you see __PUNCT__ i think it is moral_wrong that you have __NUM___peopl in wisconsin who don't have health_insur __PUNCT__

i think it is a nation disgrac __PUNCT__

ar we sai to ourselv we just can't figur thi out __PUNCT__ we can't take on the health insur_compani __PUNCT__ we can't take on the republican to achiev univers_health_care __PUNCT__ i don't accept that for a minut __PUNCT__

univers_health_care ha been a fundament democrat_parti __PUNCT__ it been part of the progress tradit here in wisconsin for as long as anyon can rememb __PUNCT__

we cannot in anywai cede univers_health_care __PUNCT__ it should be a defin issu in thi gener_elect __PUNCT__

i believ we can win on univers_health_care __PUNCT__

let get real about educ __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we can't continu to have unfund mandat come from washington __PUNCT__ so let figur out what we go to do __PUNCT__

i will do everyth possibl to fulli fund special_educ someth that ha been promis but never fulfil for more then __NUM___year __PUNCT__

and i will end the unfund mandat know as no child_left behind __PUNCT__ it is not work for our kid and our teacher __PUNCT__

and i believ we can make colleg afford again if we take on the student_loan industri and get them out of the wai __PUNCT__ get back to direct lend from the feder_govern __PUNCT__ the wai it us to work let get real about restor america role in the world __PUNCT__

you know as well as i do that our relationship have been destroi __PUNCT__

we have to rebuild our allianc __PUNCT__

we have to be will to find common_ground with the rest of the world again __PUNCT__

and thi is not about get everybodi to like us __PUNCT__ that not what it about __PUNCT__

thi is about have alli to deal with the big_problem we face __PUNCT__ global terror global_warm global epidem __PUNCT__

we can't tackl those on our own __PUNCT__

and you know you can't be a leader if no on is follow __PUNCT__

we got to get into the leadership busi again in the world __PUNCT__

we also have to do everyth we can to make it clear that restor our leadership and our moral_author in the world start with end the war in iraq and bring our troop_home respons and quickli __PUNCT__

i have said that i will start bring them home within the first __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

from my posit on the senat arm_servic_committe i been work to make sure that we ar prepar to do that __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thi administr ha not plan for withdraw our troop becaus thei don't want to do it __PUNCT__

thei ar go to leav it complet to us __PUNCT__

so we have to be prepar to think thi through __PUNCT__ to make sure that we protect our young_men and women as thei depart __PUNCT__

and then we have to ask ourselv __PUNCT__ what do we do with the __NUM__ plu civilian who ar there __PUNCT__

see __PUNCT__ i think about thi becaus i imagin what the respons will be like sit alon in the oval_offic __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the advisor have given you their advic but ultim it up to you to decid __PUNCT__

and what do we do about the iraqi who help us __PUNCT__ the translat who made the differ between life and death for our soldier and our marin __PUNCT__

we ar an honor countri and we have to withdraw in a wai that keep faith with the sacrific of those who have been lost __PUNCT__ with those who have been injur __PUNCT__

and we must make it clear there is no militari solut __PUNCT__ bring our peopl home and tell the iraqi thei have to take respons for their own futur __PUNCT__

and as we bring them home __PUNCT__ we have to take care of them __PUNCT__

you know in kenosha again __PUNCT__ a young_man reach out hi hand __PUNCT__ he had a t __PUNCT__ shirt on which said us marin_corp __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ take care of my buddi __PUNCT__ a lot of them ar still over there __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ and then will you pleas help take care of me __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ i can't get an appoint for month to get my problem taken care of at the v.a __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i think when young_men and women sign up to serv america __PUNCT__ we sign up to serv them __PUNCT__

thei deserv the health_care __PUNCT__ the compens __PUNCT__ the servic thei have earn __PUNCT__

obvious to do all of thi we have to take on the power_structur in washington __PUNCT__

i alwai a littl amus when someon sai __PUNCT__ we go to go after the special_interest __PUNCT__

there isn't anyth more import then rein them in __PUNCT__

but we got to do it in a wai that bring the american_peopl along with us __PUNCT__

it not enough just to impos rule on them __PUNCT__ which senat feingold ha been such a leader on __PUNCT__ we got to figur out how we prevent them from take advantag of the american peopl with higher prescript_drug cost __PUNCT__ with higher energi_cost __PUNCT__ with lost job that go oversea __PUNCT__

thi is a job for all of us __PUNCT__ not just for our next presid __PUNCT__

we have to have a coalit that take on all of these interest __PUNCT__

i have an aggress agenda that will save the american_peopl at least __NUM___billion billion_dollar a year __PUNCT__

if we impos that windfal profit tax __PUNCT__ if we get aggress in go after the oil_compani who alwai seem to be rais the price no matter what els is go on __PUNCT__

if we rein in health_insur __PUNCT__ rein in drug cost __PUNCT__ we can begin to end these subsidi that have unfortun shift so much wealth awai from the middl_class __PUNCT__

that the kind of america that we have to build again __PUNCT__

it not go to be easi but it doabl __PUNCT__

it go to take strength and experi __PUNCT__ someth that goe along with the job __PUNCT__

chang is go to happen __PUNCT__

the question is __PUNCT__ ar we go to get the right kind of chang __PUNCT__

becaus what i interest in is not just chang for the sake of chang __PUNCT__ but progress __PUNCT__

the kind of progress that will make a differ in the live of the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__

and we know pretti well what the republican will do becaus thei like nomine will be senat_mccain __PUNCT__

he a man whom i consid a friend and whom i deepli respect for hi lifetim of servic to our countri __PUNCT__

he a good_man with the wrong idea __PUNCT__

and i believ we need a nomine who can go toe __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ toe with john_mccain to make the differ absolut clear to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

he want to keep troop in iraq for __NUM__ to __NUM___year __PUNCT__

i start bring them home within __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

he admit he doesn't understand the economi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i have a strategi to end the hous_crisi __PUNCT__

when that young_girl and her mother came up __PUNCT__ i told them i been push on a moratorium on home_foreclosur __PUNCT__

end the home foreclosur for __NUM___dai __PUNCT__

let peopl_work out a chanc to stai in their home __PUNCT__ have the lender understand that somebodi pai___MONEY__ is better than an empti hous becaus thei couldn't pai __MONEY__

senat_mccain won't deliv univers_health_care __PUNCT__

i the onli candid left in either parti with a plan to cover everi singl american __PUNCT__

and these ar big differ __PUNCT__

so wisconsin democrat have a choic on tuesdai __PUNCT__

it not an easi choic __PUNCT__

i recogn that __PUNCT__

it kind of a good problem to have in a wai becaus either senat_obama or i will make histori and we make histori becaus of all that we ar abl to exemplifi __PUNCT__ everyth that wa done to bring both of us to thi point __PUNCT__

but the question is not who will make histori __PUNCT__ but who will chang america __PUNCT__

who will bring about the posit differ __PUNCT__ the __NUM___centuri solut that we so desper need __PUNCT__ i think that the choic is realli whether we go to have a fighter __PUNCT__ a doer and a champion again in the white_hous __PUNCT__ somebodi who get up everi singl_dai with determin __PUNCT__ backbon and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ tough __PUNCT__

i know some peopl have said that i am tough __PUNCT__

you know what __PUNCT__ we need a tough presid becaus we have tough problem wait for us __PUNCT__

when i sai i stand with you __PUNCT__ i will stand with you __PUNCT__

when i sai i will fight for you __PUNCT__ i will fight for you __PUNCT__

that what i done my whole life __PUNCT__

when i start my career fight for abus and neglect children and children with disabl __PUNCT__ i wa stand with the children who had drawn the short straw in life __PUNCT__

well i still stand with them todai __PUNCT__

when i went to beij as first ladi __PUNCT__ i stood up for the core american valu that women right ar human right and human right ar women right __PUNCT__

i took that messag to more than __NUM___countri __PUNCT__ to women who couldn't vote or own properti or earn a salari or send their daughter to school __PUNCT__

and i still stand for women right and human right __PUNCT__

when i took on the special_interest to try to bring health_care to everi american back in __NUM__ the insur_compani and the lobbyist came at me with everyth thei had __PUNCT__

but i still here and i still stand up to the special_interest and i am still stand and fight for health_care for everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child __PUNCT__

when the republican come after our nomine __PUNCT__ and you know thei will __PUNCT__ now i person believ thei should be so embarrass by the fail record of presid_bush that thei should sai thei won't field a candid __PUNCT__ but i afraid thei will __PUNCT__ and so onc again we know exactli what thei will do __PUNCT__

thei throw everyth thei got at whichev on of us is nomin __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i been through it __PUNCT__ i beaten it __PUNCT__ i still stand and i will beat them again if i am your nomine __PUNCT__

if you stand with me on tuesdai __PUNCT__ then come __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ i will be stand on the step of the capitol and i will be express for all of us our passion commit to thi countri and what it stand for __PUNCT__

our belief that we mai have been on a detour from our destini but we ar back on the right track and that with all of us togeth we can turn thi countri around __PUNCT__

we ar a nation of idealist __PUNCT__ hold_fast to our deepest valu __PUNCT__ that we ar all creat_equal __PUNCT__ that thi gener of american is destin for great __PUNCT__ that everi child deserv to fulfil hi or her god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

it the ideal that is inscrib on the base of the statu of liberti __PUNCT__ the word that give voic to america embrac __PUNCT__ give me your tire __PUNCT__ your poor __PUNCT__ your huddl_mass yearn to breath free __PUNCT__

ladi liberti ha overlook the new york harbor through war and depress and the dark __PUNCT__ dark_dai of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ a constant remind that here in america we face our challeng and we embrac all of our peopl __PUNCT__

so tonight __PUNCT__ let us sai with on voic __PUNCT__ give us the child who want to learn __PUNCT__ give us the peopl in need of work __PUNCT__ give us the veteran who need our care __PUNCT__ give us thi economi to rebuild and thi war to end __PUNCT__ give us thi nation to heal __PUNCT__ thi world to lead __PUNCT__ thi moment to seiz __PUNCT__

i know that the peopl of wisconsin and america ar readi to meet that challeng __PUNCT__

thank you all veri __PUNCT__ veri much and god_bless you __PUNCT__