This speech titled 2008.02.20.remarks_at_hunter_college_in_new_york_city originally had 2447 tokens. You can view the original text here.
hrc __PUNCT__ it great to be home __PUNCT__ schumer intro __PUNCT__ hrc __PUNCT__ wow __PUNCT__
thank you so much __PUNCT__
it is great to be here with all of you and it is wonder to be here with my friend and colleagu __PUNCT__ our great senat chuck schumer who know a few thing about wine elect __PUNCT__
i want to thank all of the host who have made thi event possibl and so success __PUNCT__
i want to thank maya dai __PUNCT__
i want to thank hunter colleg and particularli presid raab __PUNCT__
and i want to thank my friend __PUNCT__ all the elect_offici who senat schumer ha recogn __PUNCT__ our labor_leader __PUNCT__ our civic leader __PUNCT__ and mostli all of you for be here with me thi morn __PUNCT__
thi is a great opportun for me to sai thank you __PUNCT__
thank you to the peopl of new york __PUNCT__
thank you so much for everyth you have done __PUNCT__
i want to congratul senat_obama on hi victori yesterdai __PUNCT__
he had a good coupl of week and he run a good race __PUNCT__
we will be squar off in primari in two week __PUNCT__
we go to draw the contrast and make the comparison and give the peopl of ohio and texa and other state a real choic __PUNCT__
campaign ar not suppos to be easi __PUNCT__
thei suppos to be hard __PUNCT__
thei suppos to be challeng __PUNCT__
there isn't ani more import campaign than the campaign for the presid of the unit_state becaus it is the toughest job in the world __PUNCT__
i ask the peopl of america to hire me for a job that requir an enorm_amount of effort and determin and resolv __PUNCT__
it is about the futur of our countri so i am look forward to travel throughout the state that ar upcom to make my case becaus __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ i believ that thi is the most import elect in a veri long_time __PUNCT__
we got to be focus on what kind of choic we actual have befor us __PUNCT__
i don't need to tell thi audienc or anyon in new york for that matter that we had seven year of drift and detour from america destini __PUNCT__
we have had fail polici __PUNCT__ wronghead approach to everi issu you can imagin here at home and around the world __PUNCT__ and we ar pai a terribl price from iraq to afghanistan __PUNCT__ from new york_citi to l.a __PUNCT__
the peopl of thi countri deserv so much better than georg w __PUNCT__ bush and dick_chenei __PUNCT__
our economi is wane __PUNCT__ not gain __PUNCT__
hardwork american ar lose their job __PUNCT__ thei lose their health_care __PUNCT__ thei lose their home __PUNCT__
so much of the pain and insecur is directli relat to the failur of leadership directli from the white_hous __PUNCT__
we have seen __PUNCT__ time and time again __PUNCT__ how presid_bush and the republican have undermin the great of america __PUNCT__ have disregard our valu __PUNCT__ put our constitut in cold storag __PUNCT__ come back and rule with fear and fatal __PUNCT__ that is not america at our best __PUNCT__
we go to onc again demonstr who we ar __PUNCT__ what we stand for and take back our futur __PUNCT__
but it is time to get real __PUNCT__ to get real about how we actual win thi elect and get real about the challeng_face america __PUNCT__
it time that we move from good word to good_work __PUNCT__ from sound_bite to sound solut __PUNCT__
american have a choic to make in thi elect and that choic matter __PUNCT__
it about pick a presid who reli not just on word but on work __PUNCT__ on hard_work __PUNCT__ to get america back to work __PUNCT__ to get america work again for all of our peopl __PUNCT__
we need to make a choic between speech and solut __PUNCT__ becaus while word matter greatli __PUNCT__ the best word aren't enough unless you match them with action __PUNCT__
thi is becom more appar everi dai __PUNCT__
my good_friend congresswoman stephani tubb jone from ohio repres me on on of the tv_program in the last dai or two __PUNCT__ some of you mai have seen her __PUNCT__
and she wa on against someon repres my oppon and for the first time __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ the host __PUNCT__ ask the repres of my oppon to name on accomplish __PUNCT__
that is all we ask __PUNCT__
we ask to compar our record __PUNCT__
we ask to compar our year of servic __PUNCT__
we ask to compar our idea __PUNCT__ our solut __PUNCT__
becaus it not just about my oppon and myself __PUNCT__ thi elect is about you __PUNCT__
it about what you can expect __PUNCT__ what your dream will be __PUNCT__ what your futur hold __PUNCT__
right now too mani peopl ar struggl __PUNCT__ work the dai shift and the night shift __PUNCT__ try to get by without health_insur __PUNCT__ just on paycheck awai from actual lose their home __PUNCT__
thei cannot afford four more year of a presid who just doesn't see or hear them __PUNCT__
thei need a presid readi on dai on to be the command in chief of the unit_state militari __PUNCT__
i will be that candid and i will be that presid __PUNCT__
thi is the choic we make __PUNCT__
on of us is readi to be command in chief in a danger world __PUNCT__
everydai around the world __PUNCT__ situat aris that present new threat and new opportun __PUNCT__ situat like the chang of leadership in cuba and the elect in pakistan __PUNCT__
i serv on senat arm_servic_committe __PUNCT__ i repres you and our countri in more than __NUM___countri around the world __PUNCT__
i work with leader __PUNCT__
i stood up to the chines_govern on women right and human right __PUNCT__
i am readi to end thi war __PUNCT__ end the era of cowboi diplomaci and restor our leadership and moral_author in the world without delai and without on the job_train __PUNCT__
on of us ha a plan to provid health_care for everi singl american with no on left out __PUNCT__ no excus __PUNCT__ no except __PUNCT__
i believ health care is a moral right __PUNCT__ not a privileg and i will not rest until everi american ha access to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health care __PUNCT__ and i cannot wait until i can work with the chairman of the wai and mean committe __PUNCT__ our own charli rangel __PUNCT__
my oppon leav out at least __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__
the question is who would you leav out __PUNCT__ would you leav out he man who call me from northern new york who had an insur_polici that wouldn't pai for the oper hi son need __PUNCT__
or the woman who call me from long_island who couldn't get bone marrow transplant for her daughter __PUNCT__ or the mom who said __PUNCT__ what am i go to do with my son who ha congenit heart problem and we don't have insur __PUNCT__ i don't want to leav anyon out __PUNCT__
i am not run for presid to put band __PUNCT__ aid on our problem __PUNCT__ i look to solv them onc and for all __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ crowd chant __PUNCT__ hillari __PUNCT__ hillari __PUNCT__ hillari __PUNCT__ on issu after issu there ar real differ __PUNCT__
on of us ha a plan to address the grow foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__ the other doesn't __PUNCT__
on ha a plan to reviv our economi right now with million of new clean_energi job __PUNCT__
and on of us ha actual taken on the special_interest for year and year __PUNCT__ stand against hem __PUNCT__ fight against them __PUNCT__ make_progress against them __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ on of us ha face seriou republican opposit in the past and on of us is realli to do it again __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ the contrast with our like republican oppon couldn't be more stark __PUNCT__
senat_mccain is will to __PUNCT__ as chuck said __PUNCT__ continu the war in iraq for a hundr_year __PUNCT__
i will start bring our troop_home within sixti dai __PUNCT__
senat_mccain admit he doesn't understand much about the economi __PUNCT__
i have a plan to turn our economi around and creat five million new job __PUNCT__
senat mccain want more of the same __PUNCT__
i will deliv __NUM___centuri solut so that we can get off thi track toward nowher that georg_bush and the republican have place us on __PUNCT__
both senat_obama and i would make histori and i am thrill by that __PUNCT__
i have spent my entir adult_life life_work on behalf of civil right and women right and here we ar at thi moment in american_histori __PUNCT__
but mayb becaus i understand how difficult thi job will be and how lone it is in the oval_offic becaus when all the camera ar gone and the light ar out __PUNCT__ when the advisor have all had their sai __PUNCT__ the presid ha to decid __PUNCT__
we need a presid who is readi to do that __PUNCT__
onli on of us is readi on dai on __PUNCT__
thi campaign is not about a campaign __PUNCT__ thi campaign is not about a person __PUNCT__ thi campaign is about hundr of million of american who ar yearn for leadership again __PUNCT__
peopl who across thi countri do the hard_work that make_america work __PUNCT__
i spent most of my life help peopl who ar try to make it __PUNCT__
i know who you ar __PUNCT__
you pour coffe in the corner restaur __PUNCT__ you fix peopl hair __PUNCT__ you ring up the cash_regist __PUNCT__ you deliv the mail __PUNCT__ you put out fire and patrol our street grade paper after your kid have gone to sleep __PUNCT__
you stand on the wall late at night defend our nation so the rest of us can sleep __PUNCT__ you the nurs who tend to the sick __PUNCT__ the caregiv who care and give __PUNCT__
you the parent on the front_line of daili_life __PUNCT__ determin to achiev the american_dream for your famili __PUNCT__
you the foundat __PUNCT__ the famili __PUNCT__ the commun and the countri we love __PUNCT__
you truli ar the miracl that make_america what it is __PUNCT__
other might be join a movement __PUNCT__
i join you on the night shift __PUNCT__ on the dai shift and i ask you to join me to shift america into high gear again __PUNCT__
to ensur that we build a strong and prosper middl_class __PUNCT__ that we do all in our poor into prosper and opportun __PUNCT__ that we recogn that the divis among us ar noth compar to the uniti that america can have __PUNCT__
the result that i been part of produc for the last __NUM___year ar root in my dream for a better futur __PUNCT__
we all carri dream in our heart and we need to keep dream __PUNCT__
dream keep us hope __PUNCT__ it lift our spirit __PUNCT__ it set our sight high __PUNCT__
without dream you can't aspir to be great but without action __PUNCT__ we cannot turn those dream into realiti __PUNCT__
i want you to fulfil your dream and i want america to fulfil our __PUNCT__
it will take hard_work and resolv and determin but there isn't anyth we can't do onc we set our mind to it __PUNCT__
i intend __PUNCT__ as your presid __PUNCT__ to make sure that america doe fulfil all of our dream __PUNCT__
i judg the result of my public_servic on whether peopl ar better off when i stop than when i start __PUNCT__ whether our children will be abl to live up to their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__ whether america is make_progress in move toward that more perfect_union that our founder promis __PUNCT__
i readi to do thi work and i readi to bring our countri togeth __PUNCT__
i know that if we onc again start act like american __PUNCT__ we will see result __PUNCT__
we will believ in ourselv __PUNCT__
we will feel that pride that come at the end of hard_work that produc posit chang __PUNCT__
there ar big differ in thi elect between me and senat_obama and between me and senat_mccain __PUNCT__ whether we favor speech or solut to move our countri forward __PUNCT__ or more of the same old republican polici __PUNCT__
thi is a debat that the voter deserv to have __PUNCT__
we cannot achiev uniti that last __PUNCT__ uniti that is real __PUNCT__ unless we accept that sometim peopl disagre __PUNCT__ not just to be disagre or to plai polit game but becaus thei have honest and principl differ __PUNCT__
peopl ar entitl to defend those strong_opinion __PUNCT__ but then we got to come togeth to reach consensu __PUNCT__ to honor our differ and to work through them __PUNCT__
we won't achiev uniti or fulfil our dream by run awai from honest discuss and debat __PUNCT__
we cannot achiev the kind of chang we want by vote present on controversi issu or by meet behind close_door with corpor_interest to water down legisl or by cave in when the pressur mount __PUNCT__
the american_peopl deserv better than that __PUNCT__
so ye __PUNCT__ let get real __PUNCT__
let get real about thi elect __PUNCT__
let get real about our futur __PUNCT__
let get real about what it is we can do togeth __PUNCT__
let get real about whether or not our young_peopl peopl_learn becaus teacher can teach and not just test __PUNCT__
let get real about whether our brave veteran ar given the care and the respect thei deserv __PUNCT__
let get real about not just talk famili valu but valu famili by strengthen the middl_class __PUNCT__ creat good_job __PUNCT__ prove univers_health_care __PUNCT__ make colleg afford __PUNCT__ take care of our senior_citizen __PUNCT__
my campaign is about an america of share opportun __PUNCT__ share_prosper and share respons __PUNCT__
i do believ we ar all in thi togeth and we ar go to demonstr loudli and clearli that our countri is worth fight for __PUNCT__ our countri is worth stand up for __PUNCT__
and thi campaign goe on and thi campaign move_forward __PUNCT__
and thi campaign __PUNCT__ with your help __PUNCT__ will take our countri_back __PUNCT__
thank you all and god_bless you __PUNCT__