This speech titled 2008.02.27.remarks_at_the_economic_summit_in_zanesville_ohio originally had 15575 tokens. You can view the original text here.
senat_john glenn __PUNCT__ thank you all for be here todai and it is great to be back_home in southeast ohio __PUNCT__ anni and i grew up just down the road in new concord __PUNCT__ as most of you ar awar __PUNCT__
a real pleasur to be here todai __PUNCT__ i don't think if anyth is more appropri than have an econom summit here __PUNCT__ not just becaus of thi part of ohio __PUNCT__ but for the whole countri __PUNCT__ all the thing we talk about ar go to happen or not happen as the economi of the countri dictat on what we can do for the futur __PUNCT__
that why it so import __PUNCT__ and i know there ar lot of peopl to give their opinion on thi todai __PUNCT__ we welcom them all here to ohio __PUNCT__
it my pleasur to introduc to you anoth person from the southern and southeastern part of ohio __PUNCT__ our great governor ted strickland who wa a minist __PUNCT__ a psychologist __PUNCT__ and a great new governor __PUNCT__
ted strickland __PUNCT__
governor ted strickland __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__
as the governor of thi wonder state __PUNCT__ i am so proud to have so mani of our special guest with us todai __PUNCT__
i alwai happi to present ohio and it a great to peopl from outsid of our state __PUNCT__
as i have said mani time __PUNCT__ ohio is a state that is a microcosm of america __PUNCT__
we have incred divers in ohio __PUNCT__ and we celebr that divers __PUNCT__
we have the wonder foothil of the appalachian mountain and we have the great lake eri to the north __PUNCT__ we have natur_resourc that ar immens __PUNCT__
we have racial and ethnic and cultur and religi __PUNCT__ econom and geograph divers like few other state __PUNCT__
ohio is a state with a proud histori __PUNCT__
ohio and ohioan __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ have not just built ohio __PUNCT__ ohioan have built america __PUNCT__ and we ar proud of our histori __PUNCT__
but ohio like mani state is face econom challeng __PUNCT__
too mani of our famili ar face the possibl of lose their home through foreclosur __PUNCT__
too mani of our worker have lost and ar in danger of lose their job __PUNCT__
too mani ohioan __PUNCT__ possibl as mani as __NUM___million ohioan ar without health_care insur or coverag for health care need __PUNCT__
too mani of ohioan ar deploi in thi conflict __PUNCT__ more ohio nation_guard men and women __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ ar deploi todai then at ani time sinc world_war_ii __PUNCT__
and we keep them in our heart and in our prayer __PUNCT__ and prai for a speedi recoveri and a return to their home __PUNCT__
have said that __PUNCT__ it is appropri that the ey of the nation ar focus on ohio __PUNCT__ and that we ar focus on the economi becaus i believ we have a candid in senat_clinton who understand ohio and who understand the econom burden face our peopl and our state __PUNCT__
i have travel thi state with her __PUNCT__
i have sat with her as she ha talk with real_peopl face real challeng __PUNCT__
the reason that i am so excit about thi event is becaus i believ ohio want to hear what is go to be done to creat_job __PUNCT__ to expand opportun and to make a decent life avail to the peopl who live within the border of our wonder state __PUNCT__
so thank you senat for come to thi part of ohio __PUNCT__ and for travel around all of ohio __PUNCT__
we look forward to your leadership todai __PUNCT__ in the week to come __PUNCT__ and onc you ar in the white_hous __PUNCT__
welcom to ohio __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ i am especi pleas to be here and especi to be with two of your nativ son __PUNCT__ senat_john glenn who is so well known and honor across our countri and the world __PUNCT__ and your dynam __PUNCT__ effect governor ted strickland __PUNCT__
thi is a great opportun for us to talk about not just the problem which peopl know pretti well for themselv __PUNCT__ but what kind of solut we can put togeth that will improv the economi __PUNCT__ produc more job __PUNCT__ enabl us to keep the job that ar here __PUNCT__ increas the prosper __PUNCT__ make sure young_peopl can stai_home near their famili in order to make a live __PUNCT__ build a strong and prosper middl_class again __PUNCT__
so i veri excit about be here with distinguish guest __PUNCT__
you meet them in a minut __PUNCT__ thei come from across ohio and america to be right here in zanesvil __PUNCT__ the y bridg citi __PUNCT__
the mayor told me about the y bridg __PUNCT__ and i don't know how mani y bridg there ar __PUNCT__ but just anoth in __PUNCT__ that pretti impress __PUNCT__
senat glenn __PUNCT__ thi is the onli on that car can drive on __PUNCT__ the other on is in germani __PUNCT__ and it is a pedestrian bridg __PUNCT__
thi is the onli on in the world __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well that a great distinct __PUNCT__ congratul __PUNCT__
so we came to a place that is alreadi quit uniqu __PUNCT__ here in the y bridg citi __PUNCT__ to talk about the futur __PUNCT__
we join by distinguish guest from across the state as well as the countri __PUNCT__ elect_offici __PUNCT__ leader from labor and busi and educ __PUNCT__ and some hard __PUNCT__ work ohioan who you hear from __PUNCT__
now we mai have come from differ background but we all here with the same purpos __PUNCT__
and that is __PUNCT__ when it come to our economi __PUNCT__ we know we can do a lot better __PUNCT__
i have been across ohio and across america for more than a year __PUNCT__ actual go back about __NUM___year when i wa first privileg to travel extens in our countri __PUNCT__
thi ha been a great opportun for me to hear firsthand from the peopl who ar worri about their job becaus thei alreadi seen those job be ship over sea __PUNCT__
thei worri about lose health_care __PUNCT__ becaus thei alreadi seen that health care lost __PUNCT__
thei worri about afford colleg becaus thei alreadi seen too mani young_peopl from too mani hard_work work_famili who ar have a hard_time afford the rise_cost __PUNCT__
thei alreadi seen energi_price go up so fast over the last __NUM___year that the averag_famili is pai more then __MONEY__ in energi todai then thei were in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
so peopl ar live with the realiti __PUNCT__ and thei meet them with the grit and determin that we would expect from ohioan and american __PUNCT__
but it time that we had a presid who is go to be a fighter and a champion for the american_peopl again __PUNCT__ who would get up everydai __PUNCT__ who would get up everydai and would sai what ar we go to do togeth __PUNCT__ to the white_hous staff and the cabinet and the govern and the busi and labor_leader in our countri __PUNCT__ what ar we go to todai to improv the live of young hard_work work_american __PUNCT__ what ar we go to do to rebuild a strong and prosper middl_class __PUNCT__ that is my mission __PUNCT__
that is what i would do as your presid __PUNCT__
i see a middl class comeback and i see it start in place like zanesvil __PUNCT__
it won't happen though just by hope for it __PUNCT__ it will onli happen if we ar determin and we have a plan and we implement it __PUNCT__ and we see the result __PUNCT__
and that what i intend to do __PUNCT__
i put forth my econom blueprint for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ it includ a lot of the specif that i been travel around ohio talk about __PUNCT__
we go to rein in the corpor special_interest __PUNCT__ we can take back __MONEY___billion in tax giveawai that the republican and georg_bush have hand out to the oil_compani __PUNCT__ to the drug_compani __PUNCT__ to the health_insur insur_compani __PUNCT__
we go to sai __PUNCT__ wait a minut wall_street __PUNCT__ you had your presid __PUNCT__
now we need a presid for main_street __PUNCT__
and we go to make that happen __PUNCT__
we go to start invest in manufactur again __PUNCT__
i believ you can't have a strong economi unless you have a strong manufactur_sector __PUNCT__
we can't reli on other countri to produc what the american_militari need __PUNCT__
so it not onli a question for our economi __PUNCT__ it a question for our nation_secur __PUNCT__
i believ we could creat at least five million green collar_job with clean renew_energi that would put ohioan to work start soon __PUNCT__
i also know that if we invest in our infrastructur __PUNCT__ more bridg __PUNCT__ tunnel __PUNCT__ road __PUNCT__ water_system __PUNCT__ sanit system __PUNCT__ we would put a lot of peopl to work and we would upgrad our infrastructur for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
in order to do that __PUNCT__ we go to close everi tax loophol that still give on penni of your tax_dollar to ani compani that export a job __PUNCT__
instead we go to put that monei to work here __PUNCT__
we go to address the home_foreclosur and mortgag_crisi __PUNCT__ you hear a littl bit about that todai __PUNCT__
too mani ohioan ar lose their home __PUNCT__ the number ar stagger __PUNCT__ __NUM___home and foreclosur last year __PUNCT__ __NUM__ notic went out in __DATE__ alon __PUNCT__
these ar a lot of hard_work work_peopl who thought thei were go to right thing __PUNCT__
i said we should have a moratorium on home_foreclosur __PUNCT__
let figur out as wai to work out keep peopl in their home __PUNCT__ instead of have vacant hous in neighborhood that will decreas properti valu for everybodi __PUNCT__
i believ we need univers_health_care __PUNCT__ no except __PUNCT__ no excus __PUNCT__ and i know we can achiev that __PUNCT__
we do need afford colleg again __PUNCT__ someth that is on of my highest prioriti __PUNCT__
it is now more expens for a young_person to go to colleg in america than it wa thirti and forti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ that wrong __PUNCT__
through a combin of tax_credit and aid __PUNCT__ rein in the student_loan compani that have been act like predatori lender __PUNCT__ we go to go back to direct lend to help student afford to go to colleg __PUNCT__
and if thei come out with debt __PUNCT__ if thei ar will to do a public_servic servic_job like teach or nurs or law_enforc __PUNCT__ we will forgiv their debt so that thei can be debt free __PUNCT__
we go to start support our union again __PUNCT__ becaus when union were strong we had a strong middl_class __PUNCT__
it not an accid __PUNCT__
it time that work_peopl had a presid on their side again __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we ar go to have trade that lift up our famili __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ worker __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ environ __PUNCT__ pro __PUNCT__ american trade __PUNCT__
that go to be on of my highest prioriti __PUNCT__
i know that nafta ha hurt a lot of ohio famili __PUNCT__
that why i have taken action __PUNCT__ i the onli candid with a comprehens plan to fix nafta __PUNCT__
and i will also crack down on china unfair trade practic __PUNCT__ includ currenc manipul which give them big advantag over our compani and our countri __PUNCT__
we not just here to talk about what i want to do __PUNCT__ i want to hear what peopl have to sai about what we can do togeth __PUNCT__
we have an extraordinari group of peopl __PUNCT__ and i want to hear about the challeng that thei face __PUNCT__
i go to ask each person to introduc him or herself becaus i want your advic __PUNCT__
i will be a presid __PUNCT__ just as i have been a senat __PUNCT__ who listen __PUNCT__
i think you learn more when you listen than when you ar talk __PUNCT__
and what is necessari for zanesvil mai not be the same as toledo __PUNCT__ mai not be the same as san_antonio __PUNCT__ mai not be the same as chicago or new york __PUNCT__
so we need to look close at what will work in commun across ohio and america __PUNCT__
i think that we got some great opportun here __PUNCT__
we hear a lot about the problem and thei ar seriou but i believ for everi problem __PUNCT__ there is at least on solut __PUNCT__
we just have to start act like american again and roll up our sleev and actual solv our problem __PUNCT__
no more whine __PUNCT__ no more finger point __PUNCT__ let get to work __PUNCT__
i like to start our discuss todai by hear from the ohioan who have gracious taken their time out to join us __PUNCT__
i want to start with dave cimperman __PUNCT__
dave and i met at grace grill in parma last week __PUNCT__
david ha work at gener_motor for more than forti_year __PUNCT__ and he see the economi from the front_line of the work_forc __PUNCT__
i want to ask dave if you can share with us what you see as the kei econom challeng_face you and your famili __PUNCT__
dave cimperman __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ on of the big_thing that i see is the univers_health_care __PUNCT__
gener_motor is pai each __PUNCT__ is charg __MONEY__ per vehicl becaus of the health_care that thei give us __PUNCT__
thei compet with automobil compani in japan __PUNCT__
it time we got on __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ obvious i agre with dave and i realli happi he mention thi becaus there ar two veri import reason that we should have univers_health_care __PUNCT__
the first is that it is the moral right thing to do __PUNCT__
i do not believ peopl in our countri should be deni_access to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__
and the second reason is there is no doubt in my mind __PUNCT__ as dave just said __PUNCT__ we have lost job over the last __NUM___year and increasingli over the last seven year where we lost __PUNCT__ in ohio alon __PUNCT__ __NUM___job in manufactur while georg_bush ha been presid __PUNCT__
and on of the main reason is health_care_cost __PUNCT__
becaus as dave said __PUNCT__ gener_motor ha to put __MONEY__ of it monei into ever car __PUNCT__ imagin what a competit disadvantag that is __PUNCT__
other countri don't impos that burden on their compani __PUNCT__ and particularli on their manufactur __PUNCT__
so it econom necessari for us to achiev univers_health_care __PUNCT__
dave __PUNCT__ you been work for gener_motor for quit some time __PUNCT__ ar there other issu in addit to univers_health_care that we have to address __PUNCT__ dave cimperman __PUNCT__ we would like to see a more even trade_polici __PUNCT__
there ar a number of them that we ar allow limit number of vehicl to countri and we take up a lot more come into thi countri __PUNCT__
i must mention __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ that the same forti_year i work for gener_motor __PUNCT__ i wa also a unit auto_worker __PUNCT__ in the union __PUNCT__ i still in the union __PUNCT__
i give you my opinion __PUNCT__ not the union opinion __PUNCT__
but there ar mani __PUNCT__ mani member who feel the same wai i do __PUNCT__ and ar back you __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i work with the uaw for year __PUNCT__ and i know that thei share your commit to univers_health_care and to level the plai_field so that we have a chanc to compet __PUNCT__
american_worker ar the best in the world __PUNCT__ we most product __PUNCT__
we just need to be unshackl so we can compet fairli and that what we ar go to try to achiev __PUNCT__ so thank you veri much dave __PUNCT__
now i like to welcom robert landri and beth dlabai __PUNCT__
i met them in dayton __PUNCT__ and thei driven all the wai from dayton to be with us todai __PUNCT__
on christma_ev __PUNCT__ robert and beth lost their home in a home_foreclosur __PUNCT__
i know what a shock that wa to them becaus i heard them talk about it __PUNCT__
but i want to realli person these statist __PUNCT__
million of peopl have lost their home in the last sever year __PUNCT__
the bush_administr ha taken littl to no action to try to prevent it __PUNCT__
i have a plan to try to stop the home_foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__
but i want you to hear from robert and beth what it mean when you actual face with that __PUNCT__
robert __PUNCT__ why don't you start __PUNCT__ can you tell us how thi happen to you __PUNCT__ and then you and beth tell us how you manag now __PUNCT__
robert landri __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ it just start where you just do your thing __PUNCT__
you work __PUNCT__ you got a decent job __PUNCT__ you pai your bill on time __PUNCT__
all of the sudden you notic on of your payment isn't taken out __PUNCT__
you call the mortgag_compani up and you ask them what go on __PUNCT__
then you find out __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ it lost __PUNCT__ just wait __PUNCT__
okai __PUNCT__
then the next thing you know __PUNCT__ but what you don't know is you be mark late __PUNCT__ thei hit your credit and you find out that you got a predatori loan that go to reset in a coupl month __PUNCT__
the next time you try to pai it on time __PUNCT__ thei do the same_thing __PUNCT__ thei mark you late __PUNCT__
then you cannot refin with a good rate __PUNCT__
and you start freak out __PUNCT__
thi is your home __PUNCT__ your grandkid depend on you __PUNCT__ you got a good_job __PUNCT__
thi can't happen to me __PUNCT__
there law and you call __PUNCT__ you do everyth __PUNCT__
you write the governor and __PUNCT__ not thi governor __PUNCT__ governor ted strickland __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
robert landri __PUNCT__ and he give me a letter sai it not within hi jurisdict __PUNCT__
i didn't know the law __PUNCT__ but i thought well mayb he could make a phone_call or someth __PUNCT__
i don't know __PUNCT__
mayb becaus it not just me __PUNCT__ it happen to a lot of peopl __PUNCT__
you fill a loan __PUNCT__ the bottom drop out of your whole life __PUNCT__
you think your do to right thing __PUNCT__ and then it all over __PUNCT__
thei give you a number to the bar associ __PUNCT__ you get a real_estat lawyer __PUNCT__
you go in there __PUNCT__ thei sai __PUNCT__ well i can research it for four hour and write a nasti letter for __MONEY__ __PUNCT__ and you alreadi paid some late __PUNCT__ thei sai you were late __PUNCT__ thei sai you have late fee __PUNCT__
then you call again __PUNCT__
you got record that your right __PUNCT__ you got everyth __PUNCT__ you did __PUNCT__ your bank gave you print out for month __PUNCT__
you present that to them and thei sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you still late __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you still late __PUNCT__ you still ow us anoth __MONEY__ from when you first start pai two year_ago __PUNCT__ or someth __PUNCT__
you just don't know what to do __PUNCT__
the bottom_line is __PUNCT__ you don't know what to do and you lost __PUNCT__
i final got a hold of fair hous __PUNCT__ miami vallei fair hous __PUNCT__ and thei non __PUNCT__ profit and thei help us out __PUNCT__
but thei made us go through a rigor interview to get involv in their process __PUNCT__
at least after month of them make me go through class to make sure i could pai my bill __PUNCT__ when i alreadi wa __PUNCT__ thei final agre to take us on __PUNCT__
but thei sent out respa letter for me __PUNCT__
you requir by law to answer these letter __PUNCT__ you requir to stop hit a person credit and you have to tell them or everi penni went __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ thei don't answer them becaus it a small fine __PUNCT__
it insignific compar to the valu of your home __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ long stori short __PUNCT__ we just need someon to be there for us and we felt lost __PUNCT__
we vote __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ that the onli thing you can do is vote for chang and we vote for governor strickland __PUNCT__
i almost feel like it work __PUNCT__ my on vote work becaus i sit right next to him __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ beth __PUNCT__ do you want to add anyth to what robert said __PUNCT__ beth dlabai __PUNCT__ it wa just realli difficult becaus __PUNCT__ in the meantim our granddaught that wa live with us had to undergo open heart surgeri and the lender attornei did not want to wait on us to sign the paper __PUNCT__ thei just want us to sign the paper and get out __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we had to travel from dayton to cincinnati and find somebodi els to take care of our other two grandchildren becaus she had to have a pulmonari valv put in __PUNCT__
thei didn't care __PUNCT__
if it hadn't been for the miami vallei fair hous center i realli don't know what we would have done __PUNCT__
and there too mani peopl __PUNCT__ thei can't even help them __PUNCT__
there a lot more peopl __PUNCT__
we got out of it __PUNCT__ we fine __PUNCT__ our granddaught fine __PUNCT__ we go to make it __PUNCT__
we found anoth hous to live in __PUNCT__ we got the kid christma __PUNCT__ we made sure we had a tree up christma_ev even though we had to be out __PUNCT__
i got everyth readi for them and when we went and got them __PUNCT__ thei had christma __PUNCT__
that the import_thing __PUNCT__ i just wish that miami vallei fair hous center could help more peopl like us but thei need the fund __PUNCT__ thei don't get it __PUNCT__
i don't want ani other famili to have to go what we went through __PUNCT__ ever __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ when i first met robert and beth in dayton thei had on of their grandson with them and it wa so impress to me the wai robert explain how he alwai paid hi bill __PUNCT__ he wa rais in a famili where you suppos to pai your bill __PUNCT__
he sent in the check __PUNCT__ and thi is on of the mani scam that these lender get awai with __PUNCT__ where thei claim you late __PUNCT__
you can show when you sent it __PUNCT__ and thei sai well we didn't receiv it __PUNCT__
and you of cours can't control when thei claim thei receiv it __PUNCT__
then thei us those late payment to forc a higher interest_rate on you __PUNCT__
forc you into refinanc __PUNCT__
it just a terribl abus that doe need to be crack down on __PUNCT__
and robert is right __PUNCT__ the fine is so small it worth a lot of these compani just gambl __PUNCT__
so i think there need to be crimin consequ and much tougher fine to rein in these lender __PUNCT__
as beth said __PUNCT__ we need more help to the organ that ar try to save peopl home and i have a propos where we would put_monei into do just that __PUNCT__ help commun that ar face a high foreclosur rate __PUNCT__
as the governor know so well __PUNCT__ ohio ha on of the highest foreclosur rate in the countri __PUNCT__ i think it like number nine in the whole countri __PUNCT__
thi is a big_issu that affect so mani famili here __PUNCT__
we so lucki to have governor strickland with us becaus he been work_hard to turn around ohio __PUNCT__ and he ha lot of great_idea about how he go to improv the econom live of peopl across the state __PUNCT__
so governor __PUNCT__ i like to ask you to tell us what you think ar the three most press econom challeng that you face as the governor of ohio __PUNCT__
governor ted strickland __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we have huge budget challeng __PUNCT__
we pass a budget not mani month_ago unanim __PUNCT__
everi republican and everi democrat in the senat_vote for it and all but on member of the hous of repres vote for it __PUNCT__ although both chamber ar control by the republican_parti __PUNCT__ we were abl to work togeth to fashion a budget that identifi prioriti for ohio __PUNCT__
we want a budget that would provid health_care coverag for all of our children __PUNCT__ we want a budget that would freez colleg_tuition after ten straight year of annual increas in tuition of __NUM__ __PUNCT__ everi year for ten_year __PUNCT__ make ohio __NUM__ __PUNCT__ more costli for our young_peopl to go to an ohio public colleg or univers than wa the nation_averag __PUNCT__
we did some realli good_thing in a veri bipartisan wai __PUNCT__
but the economi had a downturn __PUNCT__
the nation_economi is affect what happen here in ohio __PUNCT__
and so i been face __PUNCT__ just within the last few week __PUNCT__ of have to make some veri pain decis becaus we had to cut over __MONEY___million out of the budget __PUNCT__
these decis affect real_peopl __PUNCT__ real famili and real children __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ if i were to give you the three thing that i think could be most help to ohio and __PUNCT__ quit frankli __PUNCT__ these ar the reason that i support you __PUNCT__
i known you for __NUM___year but i wouldn't support you if i didn't think you were the best candid for ohio __PUNCT__
in ohio __PUNCT__ as is the case in mani other state __PUNCT__ __NUM___state ar now have to go back and revisit their budget __PUNCT__
__NUM__ state and that number is grow __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ we have huge rise medicaid expenditur in ohio __PUNCT__
so if we had a heath care_system that could provid health_care coverag to everyon in a plan __PUNCT__ fu __PUNCT__ ration wai __PUNCT__ it would make such a huge differ __PUNCT__
i sai to peopl __PUNCT__ can you imagin what life would be like if all of us had access to afford health care __PUNCT__ can we imagin the burden that would be taken off the shoulder of mom and dad know that their love on had access to health care coverag __PUNCT__ what it would do to our busi in term of make them more competit if thei didn't have thi burden __PUNCT__ so senat __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ and i go to sound veri polit here but i go to do it becaus i think it absolut true __PUNCT__ i think you ar the onli candid that can help us realiz a democrat dream __PUNCT__ an american_dream __PUNCT__ sinc the dai of harri_truman we tri to get univers_health_care coverag for the american_peopl and we been unabl to __PUNCT__
we ar final at a place where that can happen __PUNCT__
the physician __PUNCT__ the health_care provid now know it necessari __PUNCT__
the busi_leader in our state now know it necessari __PUNCT__
i think thing ar come togeth __PUNCT__
what we need right now is a presid that is commit to get it done __PUNCT__
i am convinc that the on thing that could be help to all ohioan and to our overal economi is what you will do as presid __PUNCT__ that bring univers_health_care coverag to our peopl __PUNCT__
the second thing we need __PUNCT__ and i be quick __PUNCT__ we need job __PUNCT__
we need job __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__
and i propos a __MONEY___billion bond packag that will creat_job in ohio but i know that you work on that at the feder_level __PUNCT__
you understand that we got to start invest in america __PUNCT__
we got to start build the infrastructur that is necessari to repair our road and bridg and sewer system and water_system to help local_commun build our countri __PUNCT__
that will creat_job and so that the second thing __PUNCT__
and the third thing is certainli educ becaus educ is the ultim hope for our peopl and make sure we have a good __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ qualiti_educ experi for our children from their youngest year through even graduat work and the adult worker up to the time of retir __PUNCT__
these ar the three thing that i think ohio need __PUNCT__
i think thei the thing that you as presid will accomplish __PUNCT__
if we can get that done __PUNCT__ you becom presid and you do those three thing for ohio __PUNCT__ we go to sai you were a pretti_good presid __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you will have a partner in the white_hous to realli tackl all of these challeng becaus thei so import __PUNCT__
and you given us a lot to think about __PUNCT__
on of the issu that i like to get into becaus it relat to what governor strickland said is both an econom_opportun and a wai of give peopl a real shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__ that hous __PUNCT__
what ar we go to do to provid more hous that afford __PUNCT__ and what ar we go to do to deal with thi home_foreclosur crisi __PUNCT__ someon whom i admir so much is current governor of new jersei __PUNCT__ jon corzin __PUNCT__ who with us __PUNCT__
he is also a former unit_state state_senat with whom i serv __PUNCT__
and he wa befor that the chief_execut offic of on of the largest __PUNCT__ most success financi_firm in the world __PUNCT__ goldman_sach __PUNCT__
so he had a lot of experi in both the public and the privat_sector __PUNCT__
so governor corzin __PUNCT__ two question __PUNCT__ specif with respect to the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ how would you have approach a financi challeng like thi when you were in the privat_sector __PUNCT__ and what step do you think we should take both at the state and the feder_level __PUNCT__ and then in addit __PUNCT__ same_question to you that i ask governor strickland __PUNCT__ the three big challeng that you cope with as governor __PUNCT__ governor corzin __PUNCT__
governor jon corzin __PUNCT__ thank you senat_clinton and it great to be here in ohio and be with the great senat glenn __PUNCT__ governor strickland and all the citizen __PUNCT__
i have to sai __PUNCT__ senat clinton __PUNCT__ the stori that i heard alreadi from the peopl here and the problem that governor strickland outlin sound like i back_home in new jersei __PUNCT__
we have peopl that struggl everi dai to make end meet on health_care issu __PUNCT__ on hous issu __PUNCT__ thei worri about their job __PUNCT__
we actual just close right now the last gener_motor auto product plant in our state __PUNCT__
we had five auto product plant __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
we ar go to have no auto product at all __PUNCT__
so these ar real_issu __PUNCT__
the hous_crisi that we have in the countri __PUNCT__ foreclosur __PUNCT__ predatori_lend __PUNCT__ fact that peopl got into __PUNCT__ home_ownership under fals pretens by peopl who sold them more than thei could actual carri ar thing that you were talk about when i wa a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__
predatori_lend wa on of the thing that we work on togeth __PUNCT__
thi is not someth that senat_clinton didn't recogn befor that why i know she the most qualifi individu to be the presid __PUNCT__
and i an old wash up financ person but __PUNCT__ i tell you __PUNCT__ if you got in troubl in a corpor situat you go to your bank and you talk about have a moratorium on debt_payment __PUNCT__
you negoti a new loan agreement __PUNCT__
senat_clinton ha talk about that for the american_peopl that ar have troubl with their mortgag __PUNCT__
we need a freez on the rate of subprim adjust lend that robert talk about __PUNCT__
you can't __PUNCT__ we better to actual get robert to be abl pai someth than noth __PUNCT__
robert landri __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__
governor jon corzin __PUNCT__ it ridicul __PUNCT__ it ridicul and it need to be dealt with __PUNCT__
the second thing is we need to have a moratorium on foreclosur altogeth so that peopl can catch up and make a differ __PUNCT__
senat_clinton propos these thing six month_ago __PUNCT__ not now __PUNCT__
thi is someth she recogn befor the hous_price becam a huge problem __PUNCT__
i think that speak to the kind of presid she be __PUNCT__ not onli about thi issu __PUNCT__ but a lot of issu __PUNCT__ becaus she ha the foresight to see how we ought to be address them __PUNCT__
i have to tell you as a governor __PUNCT__ she also got anoth element of her plan where she want to put __MONEY___billion into fund that actual would get distribut to governor strickland or new jersei or state across __PUNCT__ so that we can actual work with famili more close __PUNCT__
we all struggl with our budget but if the feder_govern doesn't offer a partnership it won't happen __PUNCT__
also i can tell you that both from my busi background and from my life as new jersei governor __PUNCT__ i can tell you that the plan that she laid down ar practic __PUNCT__ thei show real_solut __PUNCT__ thei far more than word __PUNCT__
thei ar the real deal __PUNCT__
thi is how you get out of thi crisi __PUNCT__
senat_clinton is onto the right track __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ as governor corzin said __PUNCT__ job ar a problem everywher __PUNCT__
some place ar harder hit than other place but the issu realli is how do we keep the job we have and how do we creat more job __PUNCT__ i been pleas the last sever dai to have a number of new yorker travel across ohio talk about the work we done togeth to try to keep and grow job __PUNCT__
i am grate that i been a partner with peopl like gari dougla who the veri activ presid of on of our chamber of commerc in new york who ha been just focus on keep job and bring job to hi part of the state __PUNCT__
it realli import that we zero in on what work __PUNCT__
how ar we go to keep and grow job __PUNCT__ i like to turn now to your lieuten_governor lee fisher __PUNCT__
he is the director of the depart of develop here in ohio and lieuten governor fisher is on the cut edg of try to bring advanc clean_energi job to ohio __PUNCT__
thi is an issu that i am both passion about and veri excit so i would love to hear from lieuten_governor fisher about the step you ar take to try to creat clean_energi job in ohio __PUNCT__
lieuten_governor lee fisher __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ governor strickland ha given me the doubl honor not just to serv as hi lieuten_governor but also to serv as hi director of econom_develop and so i wake up everi singl morn focus on on thing and on thing onli __PUNCT__ and that is job and econom_growth so that everi ohioan __PUNCT__ no matter where thei live __PUNCT__ no matter who thei ar __PUNCT__ ha the econom_opportun that mani of us have had __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ like governor strickland __PUNCT__ have had the opportun to know you for mani year __PUNCT__ in my case __NUM___year __PUNCT__
and i know the governor and i want more than anyth els a partner in the white_hous who not onli will come up with the solut but understand the problem becaus she ha actual dealt with them in her capac not just as an elect_offici but as a privat_individu __PUNCT__
citi like zanesvil and cleveland and toledo ar not new to you becaus you been travel to our citi for __NUM___year and i can tell you that i believ that our greatest strength in our state is the fact that we __PUNCT__ under governor strickland leadership __PUNCT__ ar marri our proud past with an even more dynam futur __PUNCT__
let me explain what i mean __PUNCT__
ohio is known for mani thing but i would sai more than anyth it is known for three thing __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ that we ar the seed __PUNCT__ bed of invent __PUNCT__ entrepreneurship __PUNCT__ innov __PUNCT__ and explor __PUNCT__
the best exampl of explor be none other than u. __PUNCT__ senat_john glenn __PUNCT__
and i think you know that these dai that we measur the strength of our economi not just by the height of our smoke stack or the strength of our back but also by the depth of our innov and the strength of our idea __PUNCT__ which is why what we ar do is take advantag of our strong manufactur_base __PUNCT__
we ar the third largest manufactur state in our countri __PUNCT__
and why we ar take advantag of our agricultur base __PUNCT__ as the largest econom forc in our state __PUNCT__ and actual convert that into the futur __PUNCT__
exampl __PUNCT__ we go from bicycl __PUNCT__ to bio fuel __PUNCT__
we go from glider to turbin engin and lunar rocket __PUNCT__
we go from cellulos and cord and soi bean to ethanol and other biofuel __PUNCT__
we go from a manufactur base to wind_turbin __PUNCT__
just thi afternoon i spoke to a ceo of a compani_call minster machin where governor strickland recent visit __PUNCT__
thi is a compani that began as a blacksmith shop __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
thei ar known as a strong but small manufactur compani __PUNCT__
the ceo __PUNCT__ a year ago __PUNCT__ after governor strickland wa elect __PUNCT__ and i think primarili becaus governor strickland wa elect __PUNCT__ decid to look into do someth new __PUNCT__
thei have start a divis of minster machin call minster wind __PUNCT__
and thei ar right now __PUNCT__ with our help and with the help of other partner __PUNCT__ creat a wind divis and take advantag of the fact that ohio ha got thi suppli_chain of manufactur that can make the gearbox and all the bear and all the compon of windmil __PUNCT__
but thei want to do more __PUNCT__
thei actual want to make the windmil itself __PUNCT__
thei don't just want to be the compon part __PUNCT__
todai we have over __NUM__ manufactur compani that ar help suppli wind_power around the world __PUNCT__
and i believ that under governor strickland leadership and the __MONEY___billion job plan that he recent announc __PUNCT__ we will end up set asid __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ more fund in our state __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ than ani other state in the countri __PUNCT__ perhap even more than new jersei and new york __PUNCT__
for altern advanc energi __PUNCT__ we alreadi set asid __MONEY__ billion in low_interest loan to privat_compani want to get into the wind busi __PUNCT__
and if the governor plan pass thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and i hope with all of your support we have not onli a new presid of the unit_state by the name of hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ but that we also have a new job plan that will set asid __PUNCT__ but that we also have a job plan in __DATE__ that will set asid __MONEY___million abov and beyond what we alreadi set asid for bring ohio into the __NUM___centuri and move ohio to the head of the class __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ that excit __PUNCT__
veri excit __PUNCT__ lee __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ other countri have a head_start on us __PUNCT__
denmark get a lot of it energi __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ from wind __PUNCT__
as a result it been manufactur a lot of the windmil and obvious export them __PUNCT__
germani is get a great_deal of econom_benefit from invest in solar_power and creat hundr of thousand of job __PUNCT__
and thei done exactli what you describ __PUNCT__
the govern said __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ we got to help start the market for thi __PUNCT__
we got to have the low_interest loan __PUNCT__
we have to make the invest __PUNCT__
we have to train the work_forc __PUNCT__
that why i been a strong propon of green collar_job and pass the first train_program to start get peopl equip to do thi work __PUNCT__
but i believ that we can creat at least five million new job in america over the next ten_year __PUNCT__
and that the kind of visionari work that you do __PUNCT__
continu our focu on job __PUNCT__ which is the kei here __PUNCT__ i like to turn to gari dwyer who is the secretari treasur for the ohio state build and construct trade council __PUNCT__
gari dwyer is a __NUM___year member of the iron worker __PUNCT__
he current repres __NUM__ union construct_worker in ohio __PUNCT__
gari __PUNCT__ we would love to hear your view about the best wai to creat good_job here in the state __PUNCT__
secretari treasur gari dwyer __PUNCT__ thank you veri much senat __PUNCT__
and when you sai the titl __PUNCT__ i from the ohio state build trade __PUNCT__
and that what we like to do __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__
we like to build build __PUNCT__ bridg __PUNCT__ everyth __PUNCT__
i want to tell you four brief stori if you let me about what happen to me in my person career __PUNCT__
when i join the ironwork local___NUM__ in cleveland __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__
at local we had __NUM__ ironwork in the steel_mill everi singl_dai __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__
todai i don't even think sometim you can even find __NUM__ ironwork in those mill __PUNCT__
where did those job go __PUNCT__ thei not up in cleveland anymor __PUNCT__
i recent went up to cleveland __PUNCT__ i been awai for over three year __PUNCT__ and on of the biggest job that wa go when i left wa the job of dismantl the steel_mill and send that steel mill to china __PUNCT__
it realli sadden me when i go by that old vacant spot where the steel mill us to be and now it a retail store __PUNCT__
i think we have enough of these strip shop_mall in differ place and we need to get back to our real manufactur_job __PUNCT__ and our base __PUNCT__
on of the highlight of my career as an ironwork wa i wa in charg of the children christma parti everi year and i did it for over __NUM___year __PUNCT__
it wa my job to go out and find union made toi for my __NUM___member __PUNCT__ children __PUNCT__
i would come out and work veri hard and my kid thought i wa the greatest thing in the world when i would go and bui hundr of differ toi __PUNCT__
after a coupl year the list of union made toi start get smaller __PUNCT__
so final i had to go to the second altern and that wa __PUNCT__ made in america __PUNCT__
and i did that for about three or four year and the catalogu that us to be that big start get down and down and down __PUNCT__
some of the name that you know like tonka __PUNCT__ etch __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ sketch __PUNCT__ all these thing that i had bought for mani __PUNCT__ mani year were no longer made in the unit_state __PUNCT__
thei were gone __PUNCT__
onc again __PUNCT__ i told you __PUNCT__ we like to build thing __PUNCT__
other effect when the job go out of town __PUNCT__ we don't build new build and put those compani in __PUNCT__ those manufactur __PUNCT__ my peopl __PUNCT__ we just don't work anymor __PUNCT__
on of the saddest stori i have __PUNCT__
we built a build __PUNCT__ a brand new state of the art build up in cleveland __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ and i sure you heard the name mr __PUNCT__ coffe __PUNCT__
no longer than we even built that build and the next thing __PUNCT__ it wa gone __PUNCT__
thei move to mexico __PUNCT__
after thei were in mexico i think thei move to a coupl other countri and then a coupl other countri __PUNCT__
the price kept go down __PUNCT__ what thei were will to pai for that wage __PUNCT__
but you know what __PUNCT__ when you go in the store to bui that coffe maker __PUNCT__ i never seen the price go down __PUNCT__
it pretti sad __PUNCT__
i not sure what happen to all those build that ar sit vacant __PUNCT__
i us to live on the east_side of cleveland and i can tell you all these horror_stori __PUNCT__
the stori that add addressograph __PUNCT__ multi __PUNCT__ craft __PUNCT__ fisher price __PUNCT__ coit __PUNCT__ all the differ job ar sit up there vacant so when you build thing and you have all these vacant build it not a good_thing __PUNCT__
we have a lot of good hope with you come on __PUNCT__
we look forward to build our manufactur_base __PUNCT__
and i can tell you that thing ar chang around and it chang in ohio becaus i had the opportun __PUNCT__ and thi is quit uniqu here __PUNCT__ i had the privileg and honor to go with lieuten_governor fisher to japan for a trade mission __PUNCT__
when wa the last time that a labor offici got to go __PUNCT__ myself and two other labor offici got an opportun to go __PUNCT__
and the thing that i came out with __PUNCT__ when we were compet for job and the lieuten governor wa up there talk __PUNCT__ everyon wa sai __PUNCT__ you got to come here i from thi busi __PUNCT__ i from thi busi __PUNCT__
he alwai said the same_thing __PUNCT__ i here with the largest deleg of busi and labor and we want your busi here in ohio __PUNCT__
i want to thank you veri much for that __PUNCT__
we all in thi togeth __PUNCT__
and if we don't think like that __PUNCT__ if we don't continu to have these discuss __PUNCT__ we all go to be go down the waysid by ourselv __PUNCT__
we have start labor manag __PUNCT__ we been talk about them from dai on now __PUNCT__
how do we stai competit and how do we start_talk __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ thank you for listen __PUNCT__
i cannot tell you how excit i wa to be invit to thi panel and then can actual __PUNCT__ and pleas do me a favor __PUNCT__ when you presid __PUNCT__ keep these convers go __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
great_idea __PUNCT__
dwyer __PUNCT__ in close i want to tell a coupl of stori __PUNCT__
i hate to sai it __PUNCT__
i wa not onli a builder but i wa a marin __PUNCT__
so i come from two veri highli whatev you want to call it __PUNCT__
but everi year my ironwork intern would have a train out in san_diego __PUNCT__ california and i wa privileg enough to go out for train __PUNCT__
just a littl gut check __PUNCT__ i would go out to a littl place over there call marin_corp recruit depot san_diego and i would see what these young_men and women protect our countri __PUNCT__ and i would go there and i would just suck in the gut __PUNCT__ get a littl taller and i felt so good __PUNCT__
then on dai __PUNCT__ probabl about four year_ago __PUNCT__ i went there for my regular __PUNCT__ to go bui my marin_corp memorabilia and everyth __PUNCT__
i went into the store __PUNCT__ i bought four shirt __PUNCT__ i brought a coupl back __PUNCT__
i look at the label __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ i tell you __PUNCT__ it sadden me becaus that shirt wa not onli made in america at on time by a compani_call fruit of the loom __PUNCT__ but now wa be made in vietnam and wa be sold in that marin_corp recruit depot __PUNCT__
and i have not ever worn anoth shirt with a marin corp emblem on ever sinc then __PUNCT__
if we can not bui_american __PUNCT__ fix america first __PUNCT__ there someth wrong __PUNCT__
thank you veri much for have me here __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__
thank you so much gari both for your leadership and your passion about what you do becaus you absolut right __PUNCT__
we have to creat a new ethic of patriot __PUNCT__
we got to start be focus on make sure that our countri __PUNCT__ which ha given so mani bless to mani of us __PUNCT__ continu to be abl to do so for year and year and year to come __PUNCT__
unfortun we have a lot of ceo of major_corpor todai in america who seem to have forgotten how fortun thei ar that thei have been given the gift of american citizenship and support for them and their famili __PUNCT__
so we go to call on them too to be part of the solut and to work __PUNCT__ as you point out __PUNCT__ hand in hand to try to get back those job and do it in a wai that we can be veri excit about what it go to mean for our kid and grandkid go forward __PUNCT__
so thank you so much __PUNCT__
now we go to turn to lieuten_governor david patterson from new york __PUNCT__
david is a great friend of mine __PUNCT__
he is an extraordinari public_servant and leader __PUNCT__
he ha been work veri hard on a lot of the same issu that affect ohio in upstat new york __PUNCT__
i often sai that upstat new york ha a lot of similar to ohio __PUNCT__ our citi __PUNCT__ our small_town __PUNCT__ our countrysid __PUNCT__ our farmland __PUNCT__
and i been work veri hard to creat more job in upstat new york and david ha as well __PUNCT__ work with governor spitzer __PUNCT__
david i like you to perhap describ what you do and mayb some of he posit chang and success that you see __PUNCT__
lieuten_governor david patterson __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i wa think of exactli what you sai when i wa read in the columbu dispatch thi morn about a compani that go to pai worker __MONEY__ an hour and creat___NUM__ __NUM___job in lancast __PUNCT__ ohio in fairfield counti __PUNCT__
and thei ar go to begin that immedi __PUNCT__
and we find in new york thi same issu as in ohio __PUNCT__
ohio lost over on quarter of it manufactur_job __PUNCT__ over __NUM___worker out of work sinc the year___NUM__ __PUNCT__
new york ha lost___NUM__ manufactur_job go back to the same_time period __PUNCT__
what governor spitzer is do is the same_thing __PUNCT__ get compani to come into the state __PUNCT__ go around __PUNCT__
you get well the same wai you got sick __PUNCT__ a littl at a time __PUNCT__ try to build back the workforc in upstat new york which is a region struggl for surviv __PUNCT__
it economi is such that almost __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our colleg_graduat move out of new york to greater opportun __PUNCT__
but i think __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ what you have talk about __PUNCT__ can i call you madam presid __PUNCT__ senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ not yet __PUNCT__ david __PUNCT__
not yet __PUNCT__
lieuten_governor david patterson __PUNCT__ i sorri __PUNCT__ i just practic __PUNCT__
i just think that your idea __PUNCT__ just like what governor strickland is do here in ohio with the research and technolog corridor on rout __NUM__ in columbu __PUNCT__ try to take our educ institut like ohio state and then us that to creat new job __PUNCT__
we do it in new york as well __PUNCT__
we do it with medic and scientif_research __PUNCT__
the feder_govern ha shut the door on medic and scientif_research but also with green collar_job __PUNCT__
what you were talk about __PUNCT__ that germani is the world_leader in solar_power __PUNCT__ thei have no more sunlight than the unit_state __PUNCT__
the greatest amount of wind_power job in thi countri were creat last year __PUNCT__
thei actual creat as mani job in the succeed four year __PUNCT__
i think senat __PUNCT__ presid __PUNCT__ whatev we can do to help you when you get to the white_hous is just the fact that the state ar almost fight among themselv and the job_oversea __PUNCT__
we need you to bring american_job job_back to our shore and we need america to prosper in the wai that can from the new technolog __PUNCT__ what would be the new discoveri that can help us __PUNCT__
in our state __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ we had __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the countri popul and we did about __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the countri econom_develop __PUNCT__
we built the eri lackawanna railroad and we built the eri canal __PUNCT__
in those __NUM___year __PUNCT__ new york_state went to do almost half of the econom_develop in the countri and __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the peopl_live there __PUNCT__
the peopl_move where the job were __PUNCT__
now thei ar move awai and we ar struggl more than other state __PUNCT__
state like ohio and new jersei with governor corzin and all the other state have great_idea __PUNCT__ we just need that extra help from washington and we will succe __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you so much __PUNCT__ david __PUNCT__
i think the two exampl david gave of the eri lackawanna railroad and the eri canal ar realli import becaus you heard governor strickland talk about the bond that he is go to bring to you as voter __PUNCT__
when the governor of new york __PUNCT__ back in the begin of the __NUM___centuri said that he want to build a canal from new york_citi to buffalo __PUNCT__ peopl_thought he wa crazi __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ hi name wa clinton and thei call it __PUNCT__ clinton ditch __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ clinton folli __PUNCT__ and all kind of derogatori term __PUNCT__
but he wa a visionari and he said we can't just keep do what we ar do __PUNCT__ it not work __PUNCT__
we have to make big invest to make big chang __PUNCT__
that what abraham_lincoln did with the intercontinent railroad in the middl of the civil_war __PUNCT__
it what he did when he said we go to have land grant colleg __PUNCT__
we didn't even know we were go to keep the union togeth but he wa look at the futur __PUNCT__
it is what franklin_roosevelt did with hi work_program and what dwight_eisenhow did with the interst highwai_system and presid_kennedi with the space_program __PUNCT__
you could look and see how at critic moment in our histori __PUNCT__ our leader made bet on the futur and it time for us to do that again and there ar alwai naysay and peopl who said __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ we don't want to do that __PUNCT__
ask yourself __PUNCT__ what the altern __PUNCT__ we can't keep do what we ar do __PUNCT__ we got to get realli focus on how we go to have a competit economi __PUNCT__ creat new job __PUNCT__
i know we can do that __PUNCT__
i turn now to someon repres on of our oldest continu oper compani in america locat in upstat new york __PUNCT__ corn __PUNCT__ inc __PUNCT__ a compani that start our make glass and now make a wide_varieti of product __PUNCT__
it ha alwai export but ha continu had to reinvent itself __PUNCT__
if it had just stai in the glass busi __PUNCT__ it wouldn't be in busi __PUNCT__
so we have to do the same for our countri __PUNCT__
christin pambianchi is the vice_presid of human_resourc at corn __PUNCT__
i been work veri close with them over the last sever year becaus thei ar the largest employ in a part of new york and obvious we want to make sure those job stai and grow more job __PUNCT__
christin is here todai to offer some insight into how on american_compani is adjust in the face of new econom challeng __PUNCT__
christin __PUNCT__ christin pambianchi __PUNCT__ thank you so much __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__
i veri happi to be here todai to tell you about the great_work that senat_clinton ha done in partnership with my compani corn incorpor to creat_job in upstat new york and not just job __PUNCT__ but green_job __PUNCT__
i think when you hear my stori you will see that thi is an exampl that support the plan that she is lai out that could be done on a nation scale were she to be elect_presid which obvious i am veri hope for __PUNCT__
we ar a glass and ceram research compani __PUNCT__ as senat_clinton mention __PUNCT__
we been around for __NUM___year and we invent materi __PUNCT__
on of the materi that we invent is a type of ceram that can be made into a filter that will actual clean the emiss from diesel vehicl __PUNCT__
in the unit_state todai we have approxim___NUM__ __NUM___million heavi duti diesel truck and school buse that ar on the road and the govern ha pass requir for cleaner emiss of those __PUNCT__
howev __PUNCT__ if we don't retrofit the __NUM__ million vehicl in the exist fleet __PUNCT__ we will not have a clean fleet until the year___NUM__ __PUNCT__
as senat_clinton got to know our countri and some of our technolog __PUNCT__ she also becam awar of and champion caus around clean_air and in particular __PUNCT__ school buse __PUNCT__
our children ride around in school buse and ar veri expos to these harm carcinogen and senat_clinton champion legisl in washington with the epa and put a program in place call the clean school bu usa program __PUNCT__
thi program set asid moni that school_district could appli for to retrofit their school buse __PUNCT__
thi directli support us be abl to creat___NUM__ __NUM___job in our diesel manufactur facil in upstat new york __PUNCT__
we have __MONEY___million invest in invent thi busi and build a manufactur plant to manufactur it __PUNCT__
these ar realli good manufactur_job in upstat new york and that busi ha continu to grow __PUNCT__
in addit to the initi program with the epa for school buse __PUNCT__ senat_clinton ha support retrofit program for the heavi duti diesel manufactur and two other bill in congress and that ha led to the continu growth of the retrofit busi and the continu vibranc of our busi to provid these environment_friendli product __PUNCT__
that on __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ veri concret exampl __PUNCT__
anoth stori i want to share with you todai is we do invent thing __PUNCT__
anoth thing that we invent that you mai not all know is that we actual invent optic fiber and optic fiber is actual glass __PUNCT__
we invent that product and we sell that product around the world __PUNCT__
we have a larg manufactur oper in wilmington __PUNCT__ north_carolina __PUNCT__
with recent growth we been abl to re __PUNCT__ open our facil in concord __PUNCT__ north carolina __PUNCT__
but in the last few year we came under attack in the world_market and in particular in china and local compani in china manufactur fiber sought to have our product either bar from entri to the chines market or levi with signific tariff __PUNCT__ upward in the neighborhood of __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that would made it imposs for us to enter that market and sell our product there __PUNCT__
we obvious were defend ourselv against those potenti harm act and we call on senat_clinton who came to our aid __PUNCT__
she didn't just follow with word __PUNCT__ she actual gave written correspond with the chines_govern __PUNCT__ met with them in person on our behalf and we actual prevail and the chines govern side with us and found that our product should be allow to enter those market free from those veri harm tariff __PUNCT__
that again sustain our invest in our research_center and our busi that we have in optic fiber __PUNCT__
we have a larg research center in upstat new york __PUNCT__
we have __NUM___employe that work in both technician __PUNCT__ as well as phd scientist posit invent product __PUNCT__
if you look at the detail of senat_clinton stimulu_packag __PUNCT__ she call for continu to invest in research and innov and then translat that into manufactur_job that we can keep in the unit_state __PUNCT__
hopefulli these stori ar good exampl of what she done for her current constitu base and i think she would be abl to do for us on a nation scale __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ there is a lot of job about health_care __PUNCT__
you hear from other peopl as well as the senat on that subject __PUNCT__ but it a topic that is veri import to employ __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__
as we look to keep job in america and have america be competit in the manufactur environ __PUNCT__ it veri challeng as an employ to figur out how to combat doubl digit growth in your health_care_cost everi year and then try to keep your manufactur cost balanc so you can be the leader in your market on a global_scale __PUNCT__
i think that senat_clinton understand these issu from a citizen and an employ and the perspect of what i think is best for the countri and i think that she is best equip to work with us on that issu __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i would just like to offer that i am actual a life __PUNCT__ long new york resid __PUNCT__
i wa born in the bronx __PUNCT__ educ in upstat new york and now i work in new york and i would just like to sai that as a citizen of new york i am so proud of what senat clinton ha done for us as our senat and would just offer person testimoni of what i think she could do for the countri __PUNCT__ so thank you __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you christin __PUNCT__
it been realli a great experi work with corn becaus thei ar commit to their commun and thei ar commit to our countri __PUNCT__
i haven't had that experi with everi compani __PUNCT__
i had to have some pretti strong word with some ceo who were go to move job out of new york even though the plan where those job were be perform wa profit __PUNCT__
and the peopl_work in the plant __PUNCT__ some union __PUNCT__ some non __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ thei all gone the extra_mile __PUNCT__
thei cut_back on all of the wai thei could to be more effici __PUNCT__
thei chang work rule __PUNCT__
everybodi felt like thei were on the team togeth and product went up and profit went up __PUNCT__
the compani said we could make more monei elsewher __PUNCT__
that __PUNCT__ to me __PUNCT__ is just so unfair __PUNCT__
what we got to do as we level the plai_field is elimin everi singl tax_break that peopl still get for export job __PUNCT__
then we got to start put some tax break into support new job and give peopl the incent to keep those job right here __PUNCT__
as you heard from christin and from other __PUNCT__ we keep come back to health_care_cost and we do it for a reason __PUNCT__
we cannot continu to pai what we pai for health care and remain a competit economi with a strong and prosper middl_class __PUNCT__
we just can't __PUNCT__
the averag_american american_famili pai___MONEY__ a year for a famili polici __PUNCT__
some pai out of their pocket __PUNCT__ some it share with the employ __PUNCT__ some get more of a share than other __PUNCT__
__MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__
i feel veri strongli about thi issu __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ but i like to bring some addit perspect to bear here __PUNCT__
on of the peopl that came todai you will recogn her compani becaus she is the ceo of weight watcher __PUNCT__
florin mark is in the busi of help peopl lead healthier live __PUNCT__
but she also struggl to help compani provid health_care to their employe __PUNCT__
so florin __PUNCT__ would you give us your perspect as a ceo and as a health advoc __PUNCT__ what do you think ar the most import_thing we should do to fix our health_care_system __PUNCT__ florin mark __PUNCT__ first of all let me sai what an honor it is to be sit here with you and everyon around thi tabl and when i listen to the governor __PUNCT__ talk about their state __PUNCT__ michigan ha been in a recess for a while __PUNCT__
we the home of gm and chrysler and ford and when i hear that there ar no more gm plant in your state governor __PUNCT__ it realli pain all of us __PUNCT__
and we ar work veri hard __PUNCT__
we have a fabul governor __PUNCT__ governor jennif granholm who is work so hard and try to bring in job and try to work with the big three and if i could just do a littl commerci __PUNCT__ pleas bui_american __PUNCT__
pleas bui american __PUNCT__
health_care __PUNCT__
i want to take a differ slant at it becaus i realli come from prevent medicin and what make me so excit about senat_clinton is that she realli believ in prevent medicin and that the kei to it all __PUNCT__
that go to lower our health_care_cost __PUNCT__
she ha a plan which is so veri __PUNCT__ veri __PUNCT__ veri import __PUNCT__
do you know how mani kid ar fail school becaus thei ar fat __PUNCT__ do you know how mani kid ar not get to school becaus thei ar fat __PUNCT__ do you know how mani kid ar dy __PUNCT__ not just grownup but kid who ar dy __PUNCT__
i met a __NUM___year old the other dai who wa __NUM___lb overweight with high blood_pressur __PUNCT__ high cholesterol __PUNCT__ all of these terribl_thing and nobodi seem to be do anyth about it becaus the kid ar sit in front of the comput __PUNCT__
thei ar not realli be motiv to get up __PUNCT__
and the first ting that we cut out when we have to cut out our school_system is physic educ __PUNCT__
so educ is extrem __PUNCT__ extrem import __PUNCT__
i want to tell you that i the mother of five __PUNCT__ the stepmoth of two __PUNCT__ that make me a mother of seven and the grandmoth of __NUM__ gorgeou grandchildren __PUNCT__
sever of them ar in colleg __PUNCT__ i have on that is a third year medic_student and on that is just start veterinari school and i am so privileg to be abl to help these kid and help pai for their school __PUNCT__
you have no idea how high it is __PUNCT__
i think my medic student is __MONEY__ per year to go to medic_school __PUNCT__
just think of how mani potenti einstein and clinton and jona salk and edison that ar out there that will never have an opportun to go to school __PUNCT__ to go to colleg __PUNCT__
therefor your plan on educ excit me __PUNCT__ make me feel safe becaus when i think of presid __PUNCT__ excus me __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ i think of the word safe becaus i know she is kind __PUNCT__ good __PUNCT__ smart __PUNCT__ tough __PUNCT__ she is brilliant __PUNCT__ she is nurtur __PUNCT__ she ha a sympathet part about her __PUNCT__ an empathet part about her __PUNCT__ who will do for the countri what she is go to do for my children and my grandchildren __PUNCT__ hopefulli my great grandchildren and my great __PUNCT__ great grandchildren __PUNCT__
so educ __PUNCT__ prevent medicin __PUNCT__ get peopl to understand how to eat __PUNCT__ how to be healthier __PUNCT__ that veri import __PUNCT__
educ is veri import and i tell you on other thing __PUNCT__
i will onli feel safe if thi woman becom presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
i feel that if god_forbid __PUNCT__ that phone __PUNCT__ that red phone in the white_hous ring __PUNCT__ i want her there to answer it __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ we go to put a moratorium on compliment __PUNCT__
i veri grate for those veri kind remark __PUNCT__ but i realli feel that what you done in emphas prevent is kei __PUNCT__
we can save_monei if we actual prevent diseas __PUNCT__ there is a lot of evid __PUNCT__ increas evid that if peopl in health_insur insur_plan ar encourag to quit smoke __PUNCT__ to get more exercis __PUNCT__ to eat right __PUNCT__ to take their vitamin __PUNCT__ have their exam __PUNCT__ to do what is necessari to make sure thei ar healthi __PUNCT__
we will actual save_monei as well as live __PUNCT__
that what florin tri to do everi singl_dai but we have to do it on a broader scale and we need everybodi involv __PUNCT__
busi __PUNCT__ labor __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ everybodi ha got to be focus on thi __PUNCT__
so that we will be part of the bulli pulpit becaus i rememb when i wa in grade_school and junior_high __PUNCT__ we us to have these presid physic fit award __PUNCT__
i don't know if anybodi rememb those __PUNCT__ rememb that __PUNCT__ onc a year we be taken to the gym and we have to run and jump and do all sort of thing __PUNCT__
i wa never veri good at it __PUNCT__ but i wa there __PUNCT__
and even though i wasn't veri good at it i would get thi certif and it wa sign by the presid and i realli thought presid_kennedi wa sit in the white_hous sign each and everi on of our certif __PUNCT__
i thought that wa just the greatest thing and i still have them in some scrapbook somewher __PUNCT__
we need to be do that again and on of the real exampl of physic fit __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ is john glenn __PUNCT__
john glenn ha been extraordinari all of hi life __PUNCT__
senat_john glenn __PUNCT__ you note that i sent here next to florin hope that a littl of thi impact would rub off on me __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ i just thrill that we ar talk about prevent becaus it is so import __PUNCT__
i want to turn now to maril martinez steven __PUNCT__
she is from texa __PUNCT__
she is chairman of the new america allianc which is an organ of latino busi_leader who ar devot to the econom advanc of the latino commun and she doe a lot of work develop small_busi and support small busi __PUNCT__
small busi is realli under pressur when it come to health_care __PUNCT__
so maril __PUNCT__ can you tell us how health care issu ar affect the small_busi that you work with in texa __PUNCT__ maril martinez steven __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ thank you veri much for bring small busi to the tabl becaus i think a lot of peopl ar leav small busi out of the discuss __PUNCT__
as you know __PUNCT__ small busi emploi more peopl than larger corpor and yet we ar not often at the tabl of discuss __PUNCT__
small busi ar __PUNCT__ as you also know __PUNCT__ overburden in a lot of area and what we ar look for __PUNCT__ what i wa so excit to hear about __PUNCT__ is that you ar look for wai to partner with small busi on how to help them becom less burden and help them hire more peopl and grow __PUNCT__
becaus as most of us know that the economi function realli on the back of small busi __PUNCT__
if small busi is grow healthi __PUNCT__ the economi of the unit_state is healthi and grow __PUNCT__
on of the challeng __PUNCT__ and i see a lot with small_busi as we ar plan __PUNCT__ health_care is a huge __PUNCT__ huge burden __PUNCT__
small_busi want to help and to creat health_servic for their employe __PUNCT__
we do __PUNCT__
the issu is __PUNCT__ and the reason is __PUNCT__ becaus most of us work with the same_peopl over and over either relat or over mani year so thei ar like famili to us __PUNCT__
it is heartbreak when we see that certain peopl like our employe cannot get that care __PUNCT__
i tell you a terribl stori about on of my client that had a young ladi that wa have troubl at work and my client came and said thi employe is wonder __PUNCT__ she alwai been the backbon of my compani __PUNCT__
she be kind of back __PUNCT__ pull_back __PUNCT__
and i knew her veri well and i ask her and she had a veri sick child and she wa tell me that her medic wa go to cost___MONEY__ two treatment a week so that she could breath __PUNCT__
she had some kind of pulmonari problem and i said oh my good __PUNCT__ how can it get that expens __PUNCT__ and she said __PUNCT__ we miss on appoint __PUNCT__ becaus it would cost __MONEY__ but now i don't know what i am go to do __PUNCT__
everi time i think about it i get choke up becaus i a mom and i know most of you ar parent and how do you deal with that __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ you can't concentr on work __PUNCT__ you can't do what you want to do becaus you got thi respons to your famili and i start now sever year_back work with small_busi to find differ solut on how to provid the need health_care for their area __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ there ar a lot of thing in the tax_code that doe allow for some type of reimburs with small_busi but noth cover catastroph problem __PUNCT__
for instanc __PUNCT__ a major accid __PUNCT__ just drive __PUNCT__ you run that risk __PUNCT__
long_term diseas __PUNCT__ someth that you didn't know wa come and those kind of thing you can't afford to even help out __PUNCT__
in my case __PUNCT__ the employ wa abl to figur out __PUNCT__ i can help you with that and she thought __PUNCT__ i didn't know you could do that __PUNCT__
but when you talk about hundr of thousand of dollar __PUNCT__ even the most care employ can't help __PUNCT__
we ar so excit that you ar look for wai to partner up and look outsid of the realm of how __PUNCT__ especi the idea you talk about with colleg __PUNCT__
graduat ar come out and thei have larg debt and how can we creat_incent for them to start a type of busi __PUNCT__
most of you have heard of pre __PUNCT__ paid legal __PUNCT__
i think we need to look at pre __PUNCT__ paid medic so that we can start with the less expens __PUNCT__
so if i have a cough __PUNCT__ if my child ha a cough i can do and i know that it not go to be hundr of dollar and i can get hi medic and i don't have to wait until later on when it is pneumonia and you need more expens equip and more expens medic that can't be afford __PUNCT__
so we look for wai to have real health_care and not diseas manag __PUNCT__ which is extrem expens and small_busi can't afford it __PUNCT__
so i am realli __PUNCT__ realli excit that you ar invit us to the tabl and look for solut like that so that the small busi can continu to be the backbon of the unit_state __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ you ar absolut right __PUNCT__
small_busi is the backbon and it ha creat the most job in america in the last twenti_year and under my health_care_plan __PUNCT__ small_busi would not be requir to provid health_care to employe but would be given benefit if thei chose to help __PUNCT__
the problem is if you ar in a small_busi __PUNCT__ insur_compani can realli discrimin against you __PUNCT__
i think it unconstitut for insur compani to discrimin __PUNCT__
i think thei should not be permit to do that __PUNCT__
the best wai to get the cost down is to get everybodi in the system becaus if you ar in a small_busi with ten __PUNCT__ twenti peopl __PUNCT__ it imposs if somebodi get sick __PUNCT__
there is no wai you can continu to afford that group insur __PUNCT__
if you ar in a system with million of peopl then you ar go to be abl to afford it __PUNCT__ so that why we need for small busi __PUNCT__ also to be part of the univers_health_care health_care_system and we can make that happen with the right kind of tax_credit and limit on payment and end insur_compani discrimin __PUNCT__ which is on of the part of my health_care_system becaus until we get control over insur_compani __PUNCT__ we ar not go to be abl to get the cost down so thei have to be part of the solut __PUNCT__
whether thei ar enthusiast about that or not __PUNCT__ it time that we had doctor and nurs and health_care profession and busi and labor and leader at all level of govern_work togeth to make these chang that the insur_compani will have to go along with __PUNCT__
that what we go to do if we have a chanc to implement it __PUNCT__
final topic is educ and work_forc develop __PUNCT__
and zanesvil mayor butch zwell __PUNCT__ the mayor of the y __PUNCT__ bridg citi __PUNCT__ i know you ar work_hard to improv the skill and the train of worker here in your citi and that you have had some success in bring some new busi even though you have lost some __PUNCT__ it been someth you work realli hard on __PUNCT__
could you talk about some of what you learn about educ workforc develop __PUNCT__ mayor butch zwell __PUNCT__ thank you so much and thank you for be in zanesvil __PUNCT__ ohio and bring the outstand peopl that you have brought __PUNCT__ we appreci and welcom all of you to zanesvil __PUNCT__
we have felt the brunt of much of everyth we have talk about here todai __PUNCT__
incident __PUNCT__ my friend florin here set me straight __PUNCT__
i said wa the senat save the best for last __PUNCT__ and she said __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ alphabet order __PUNCT__
anywai __PUNCT__ we have lost some industri __PUNCT__
as part of the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ we lost all __PUNCT__ american home __PUNCT__ __NUM___job in manufactur __PUNCT__
we have lost job from the lear corpor who reloc in mexico __PUNCT__
we have lost some job at the longaberg compani __PUNCT__
but we ar not whine around about __PUNCT__ we ar do someth about it __PUNCT__
we have an outstand port_author and the counti commission and the citi_hall work togeth although we not all the same polit __PUNCT__ we ar on the same page __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__
we have an outstand director of the port_author and we have brought in in the past_year the bilco compani from connecticut __PUNCT__ the aamco compani from belgium and avon is present build a __MONEY___million distribut_center right here in zanesvil __PUNCT__
i know we have a moratorium on compliment and i have a million i could give to you but i want to tell these peopl in zanesvil and our distinguish visitor that much of the credit for the busi __PUNCT__ the manufactur that ha come to zanesvil __PUNCT__ bilco __PUNCT__ aamco and avon __PUNCT__ wa with the cooper and help of governor ted strickland and lieuten_governor lee fisher __PUNCT__
on of the thing that i think that you ar go to be veri sensit about is commun_develop and block_grant find __PUNCT__
we have been cut __PUNCT__ cut __PUNCT__ cut under the bush_administr __PUNCT__
we lost___NUM__ __PUNCT__ of that fund sinc __NUM__ and i spoke befor a congression sub committe a coupl of year_ago when presid_bush wa threaten to cut the whole program out as a wai to balanc hi budget __PUNCT__
presid bush doesn't understand that thi is the tip of appalachia __PUNCT__ that there ar peopl in thi area that do not have water and sewer and he doesn't have a clue about that __PUNCT__
i know that you do and we ar so excit about your come to the white_hous to do someth about that becaus that involv infrastructur __PUNCT__ waterlin __PUNCT__ sewer line __PUNCT__
that involv job __PUNCT__
we have to have that kind of monei in order to oper as a commun __PUNCT__
we have a __MONEY___million budget __PUNCT__
half of it goe to health_care and payrol __PUNCT__
there is no fat in our budget whatsoev __PUNCT__
we ar constantli do someth about it __PUNCT__
we appreci the help that we have in columbu __PUNCT__
we also have a great congressman __PUNCT__ zack space who help us and is by our side fight everi battl with us __PUNCT__
we have a great friend in sherrod_brown and georg voinovich in the unit_state state_senat and we just got friend in the right place except on __PUNCT__
we look forward to have that friend __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ in the white_hous __PUNCT__
thank you for come todai __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ mayor __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
you will have a friend and a partner __PUNCT__
that someth that i look forward to and i also appreci your mention the commun_develop block_grant __PUNCT__
the wai that the feder_govern under presid_bush and the republican_congress ha cut a lot of the aid that came to commun ha put extra burden on your tax payer and that is someth that we will definit address becaus it veri hard for you to manag a lot of the need you have if you ar just reli upon your own resourc __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ laura meek who is the presid of jefferson commun_colleg __PUNCT__
she is also the chair of the ohio appalachian center for higher_educ __PUNCT__
some of you mai not know that appalachia goe up into new york __PUNCT__ so i have work with the appalachian region council __PUNCT__ i work with my colleagu __PUNCT__ the senat from the state that ar consid in appalachia __PUNCT__
there is a tier of counti in southern new york that have veri similar problem to what we ar talk about here in ohio __PUNCT__
laura __PUNCT__ you see peopl everi singl_dai in ohio who ar eager to get job __PUNCT__ who ar entrepreneuri __PUNCT__ thei ar invent __PUNCT__ thei have great_idea __PUNCT__ thei ar go to work realli hard __PUNCT__
so what the best wai to make sure that these hardwork ohioan have a chanc __PUNCT__ how do we best make them readi and train them so that we can have a real match between the job we can creat and recruit and the worker right here in thi area __PUNCT__ laura meek __PUNCT__ thank you senat_clinton __PUNCT__
speak on behalf of __NUM__ commun_colleg in the nation __PUNCT__ you ar a friend of commun colleg __PUNCT__
we know that __PUNCT__
as a matter of fact __PUNCT__ you get it __PUNCT__
you open your comment by sai about higher_educ __PUNCT__ we need to make sure it is access and afford for all __PUNCT__
the other dai we had a snow dai __PUNCT__
it wa on of those great_thing sometim you get to have __PUNCT__
i don't know if you have snow dai in zanesvil but we had on at jefferson in steubenvil the other dai __PUNCT__
i wa by myself work and i heard someon and i look up and there wa a young_woman __PUNCT__ a young_girl and her grandfath wa with her __PUNCT__
i thought it wa her father __PUNCT__
he explain to me that thi young_woman lost her father about a month_ago and he said __PUNCT__ thi is my granddaught __PUNCT__ here is her applic __PUNCT__
thi girl came in the snow to make sure that we had thi applic and her grandfath said __PUNCT__ i a retir steelwork __PUNCT__ had a good live but my granddaught need to make sure she goe to colleg __PUNCT__
i took her applic and i found her a cd catalogu and gave her a catalogu becaus that what she want and i promis her i would get it in the next dai when everyon wa there __PUNCT__
when i look at her __PUNCT__ she touch that catalog and it realli becam real to her __PUNCT__
i look back on my life when i wa twelv_year old my father lost hi busi __PUNCT__
he had a feed store __PUNCT__ grind feed for cattl and it burn __PUNCT__
he becam a truck_driver and my mom wash dish in a nurs_home for twenti_year __PUNCT__
thei made a good live but thei taught me someth import __PUNCT__ and it a lesson that all of us in higher_educ in ohio understand __PUNCT__
it that you have to get an educ to get a better job and everydai we know that __PUNCT__
what make it difficult for us is the high_cost of tuition and in ohio we do have a high cost __PUNCT__
i am so honor to sai that we have a governor __PUNCT__ governor strickland __PUNCT__ who froze tuition for the state of ohio for two year and he did that at a great price __PUNCT__
when we talk about keep the cost of tuition low __PUNCT__ we need to make sure that we keep that low __PUNCT__
you right on __PUNCT__ you get it __PUNCT__
the other thing i like to sai is that __PUNCT__ we have a lot of work_ethic __PUNCT__ we have peopl with strong work ethic __PUNCT__ we have a will to work __PUNCT__
we have a fiber of higher_educ that can train peopl to work __PUNCT__ what we need ar the job __PUNCT__ and you know what __PUNCT__ we have them __PUNCT__
we have the opportun where we live we have smoke stack __PUNCT__ steel_industri __PUNCT__
we also have energi_compani __PUNCT__
we have first energi and also cardin __PUNCT__
aep and thei clean __PUNCT__ thei us resourc to put in clear __PUNCT__
those ar some veri good_job __PUNCT__
youngstown state_univers and jefferson commun_colleg have a partnership __PUNCT__ we ha __NUM__ class with __NUM__ graduat __PUNCT__ graduat in power technolog who will go out and make at least __MONEY__ start wage __PUNCT__
we have realli good_job in the energi_industri in ohio __PUNCT__
engin job and we have some hope of get as coal liquefact compani that might come near us __PUNCT__
i just want to sai keep do it __PUNCT__ keep appreci your higher_educ educ_system in the unit_state __PUNCT__
thank you for understand the power of a commun_colleg __PUNCT__
we have the will and we want to go to bed everi night wake up in the morn know that someon in the white_hous share our vision and our dream __PUNCT__
that everydai in higher_educ we try to make the live of peopl better for famili in america by give them a better chanc for a better job __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ oh great __PUNCT__
that so great __PUNCT__
i just have to emphas what you said about commun_colleg __PUNCT__ thei ar so import for our economi __PUNCT__
i wa at columbu state commun colleg a few dai_ago talk about the program thei have in order to train peopl for these new clean_energi job and we can do thi __PUNCT__
we absolut can do thi __PUNCT__
and i know __PUNCT__ gari __PUNCT__ you been work in some of the apprenticeship program __PUNCT__ helmet to hard hat __PUNCT__ a program that i support __PUNCT__
so thi need to be joint effort __PUNCT__ busi __PUNCT__ labor __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__
all of us have to be on the same team __PUNCT__ the american team __PUNCT__
if we start onc again plai on the american team __PUNCT__ nobodi can beat us __PUNCT__
that what i believ __PUNCT__
i realli appreci everyon come out todai __PUNCT__ becaus we want thi to be an ongo convers __PUNCT__
there ar lot of good_idea that peopl have and we been work to come up with what will make a differ __PUNCT__
what might work in ohio might not work in texa __PUNCT__ and so we got to have a varieti of approach __PUNCT__
the feder_govern need to be a partner __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ that mean we got to listen and we got to be avail __PUNCT__
it what i believ we do best if we actual roll up our sleev and get to work togeth __PUNCT__
i put out thi __PUNCT__ solut for america __PUNCT__ econom blueprint __PUNCT__ you can pick up copi on the wai out __PUNCT__
it an abbrevi version __PUNCT__ but it put out some of the idea that i believ could make a differ __PUNCT__
at the end of the dai we have to decid what kind of futur we want __PUNCT__
it doesn't happen by accid __PUNCT__
what laura wa sai __PUNCT__ you just don't stai at home and sai i think i dream my wai to a higher_educ __PUNCT__ you got to put on your boot __PUNCT__ you got to walk through the snow __PUNCT__ you got to deliv the applic __PUNCT__ you got to attend the class __PUNCT__ you got to be qualifi __PUNCT__
that true in life __PUNCT__ and it true in a countri __PUNCT__
so it our chanc now to seiz the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
i am absolut convinc that our best dai can be ahead for america __PUNCT__
that all of the concern we have __PUNCT__ we can handl them __PUNCT__
but we go to have to be seriou about how we do it __PUNCT__
there no doubt in my mind as i travel across ohio that peopl in ohio ar readi __PUNCT__
you have governor __PUNCT__ a lieuten_governor __PUNCT__ who i know ar make a differ __PUNCT__
we just need to stai with you __PUNCT__
we can't get discourag __PUNCT__ we can't get into fad __PUNCT__ try thi and don't do it __PUNCT__
build the eri canal took __PUNCT__ david __PUNCT__ how mani year __PUNCT__ about eight __PUNCT__ twelv_year __PUNCT__ chang doe take consist __PUNCT__ concert effort __PUNCT__
but the real_question for us is not whether chang will happen __PUNCT__ chang is go to happen whether we want it or not __PUNCT__
chang is a part of life __PUNCT__
it whether progress will happen __PUNCT__
whether we see the kind of progress here in ohio and texa and america that the peopl of our countri deserv __PUNCT__
so i veri confid and optimist about what we go to do togeth __PUNCT__
and i veri grate that we would have thi opportun with so mani distinguish ohioan and visitor from around our countri to talk about what we go to do to make ohio as import and prosper and success to america_futur as it wa __PUNCT__ governor __PUNCT__ to america past __PUNCT__
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__