Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.04.01.remarks_at_the_pennsylvania_aflcio_in_harrisburg originally had 5932 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

is labor in the hous __PUNCT__ i am pleas to be in the hous of labor __PUNCT__

i want to thank my friend and your nativ son __PUNCT__ presid mcente __PUNCT__ for that introduct and for more than __PUNCT__ he hate when i sai thi __PUNCT__ for more than __NUM___year __PUNCT__ __NUM__ year of leadership in afscm and the labor_movement __PUNCT__

when you have gerri mcente by your side __PUNCT__ there is no battl too tough __PUNCT__ there is no challeng too great and i am veri grate for hi support and the support of the great union he ha __PUNCT__

i want to salut bill georg __PUNCT__

hi tough and passion leadership of the pennsylvania afl __PUNCT__ cio is legendari __PUNCT__

when bill ask what time is it __PUNCT__ we all know the answer __PUNCT__ it union time __PUNCT__

becaus under hi watch __PUNCT__ more and more peopl ar join union and becom part of the labor movement right here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__

i am veri cogniz of the fact that bill and hi wonder famili have suffer such a loss in the last month __PUNCT__

but i sure she look down and sai __PUNCT__ you look good __PUNCT__ bill __PUNCT__

and we think you look good becaus you make such a differ to so mani peopl __PUNCT__

isn't it nice to have a presid name georg you can actual believ in __PUNCT__ i also want to recogn rick bloomingdal and pat eid __PUNCT__

i know that you alreadi been great to have mayor michael nutter and congressman chri carnei __PUNCT__

we got a coupl of intern presid __PUNCT__ michael goodwin and warren georg __PUNCT__

i know that senat casei wa here earlier and i look forward to invit him to the white_hous to talk about what we will do on behalf of pennsylvania and the american_labor labor_movement __PUNCT__

i start my morn at the william j __PUNCT__ donovan compani where i got to visit with sheet metal worker at a compani that been in busi for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ understand the import of have train worker __PUNCT__ start peopl off as apprentic move toward becom journeymen __PUNCT__

onc again __PUNCT__ i wa remind that american_worker ar the hardest work __PUNCT__ most product_worker in the world __PUNCT__

as i watch these process take place and end up at a part of the factori where it hand work that ha to be done becaus of the precess requir __PUNCT__

a lot of the work is go to pharmaceut_compani and hospit that requir the highest_level of skill __PUNCT__

i ask the gentleman work __PUNCT__ how long ha it taken you to get to the point where you can do thi work that is so specif and where the slightest possibl imperfect could caus a batch of drug to be thrown out for exampl __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ about __NUM___year __PUNCT__

start as an apprentic __PUNCT__ apprent for __NUM__ year __PUNCT__ and now do work that ha no equival anywher in the world __PUNCT__

these ar job that can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

these ar job that go right to the heart of the skill and workmanship of american_worker __PUNCT__

i also think it sai someth that it take a lot of experi befor you ar realli __PUNCT__ realli good to do the job __PUNCT__

i flew into philadelphia yesterdai __PUNCT__ thank to union_member work in the air traffic control tower __PUNCT__

i drove here todai in a car built by union member from steel made by union member __PUNCT__ over road laid by union member __PUNCT__

we pass by school where children ar taught by union member __PUNCT__ by hospit where peopl ar care for by union member __PUNCT__ came to a hotel that is staf by union member __PUNCT__ in a build that wa built by union member __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i stand here with all the union member who ar some of the hardest work __PUNCT__ most compassion __PUNCT__ most patriot american i know __PUNCT__

so when some peopl __PUNCT__ and you hear them __PUNCT__ act like union have no place in america __PUNCT__ i wonder what countri thei ar live in __PUNCT__

union ar america __PUNCT__ and union built america __PUNCT__ and made america the greatest __PUNCT__ richest __PUNCT__ best countri in the world __PUNCT__

let not forget __PUNCT__ we know what happen to worker when we don't have union __PUNCT__ don't we __PUNCT__

think about what life would be like here in pennsylvania befor the labor_movement __PUNCT__

back in __NUM__ anoth courag union_leader and great woman by the name of mother_jone led a march of children from here in philadelphia to new york to demand an end to the scourg of child_labor __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ a landmark studi_found more than __NUM__ industri fatal in allegheni counti in on year alon __PUNCT__

and the great steel strike of __NUM__ includ brutal_repress of worker in pittsburgh and protest work week of up to __NUM___hour __PUNCT__

imagin __PUNCT__ __NUM__ hour a week in the danger condit of those steel_mill __PUNCT__

the labor_movement chang america for the better __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ martin_luther_king __PUNCT__ jr __PUNCT__ sum up labor signific befor an afl __PUNCT__ cio gather much like thi on __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ the labor_movement __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ wa the princip forc that transform miseri and despair into hope and progress __PUNCT__

when the wave of union_organ crest over the nation __PUNCT__ it carri to secur shore not onli itself __PUNCT__ but the whole societi __PUNCT__

these word remind us that when dr __PUNCT__ king wa taken from us __NUM___year_ago thi week __PUNCT__ we lost a power voic for justic of all kind __PUNCT__ includ econom_justic __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ king knew that union help make the american_dream a realiti for million of american __PUNCT__

labor help build the middl_class __PUNCT__

we need union not just in good_time __PUNCT__ but in hard_time too __PUNCT__ especi in hard time __PUNCT__

with our economi face a recess __PUNCT__ we need union stand strong becaus your negoti help rais the standard of live for everi american_worker __PUNCT__

when health_insur is out of reach for __NUM___million_american __PUNCT__ __NUM__ million right here in pennsylvania alon __PUNCT__ we need union stand up for the right __PUNCT__ not the privileg __PUNCT__ the right to qualiti afford health_care __PUNCT__

when other countri exploit their own worker to get them an unfair advantag __PUNCT__ we need union stand up for worker right here and around the world __PUNCT__

no on know better than our union what it mean to fight for the underdog __PUNCT__

everi dai __PUNCT__ you ar stand up for worker who need someon to stand up with them __PUNCT__

and i in thi race for the veri same reason __PUNCT__ to fight for everyon who need a champion in their corner __PUNCT__

for me __PUNCT__ thi campaign is not about me __PUNCT__ thi campaign is about all of us __PUNCT__

thi campaign is meant to repudi the polit_philosophi and the govern of the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__

becaus our current presid and vice_presid have a veri differ view of america __PUNCT__

thei honestli believ that somehow it work best for america when we keep give more to those who alreadi have more than enough __PUNCT__ and that we take awai from those who ar struggl just to get to the level of subsist and possibl __PUNCT__

that why thei gave big tax_break to oil_compani make record profit __PUNCT__ while you pai through the roof at the pump __PUNCT__

i met with a group of truck_driver in harrisburg yesterdai __PUNCT__

thei ar pretti fed up with high fuel price and thei were make their opinion known __PUNCT__

who is listen __PUNCT__ i listen __PUNCT__ but it doesn't seem like the white_hous is listen __PUNCT__

the presid is too busi hold hand with the saudi to care about american truck_driver who can't afford to fill up their tank ani longer __PUNCT__

i meet worker all over pennsylvania and elsewher who lost their pension __PUNCT__ thei have seen compani go into bankruptci and discharg their oblig __PUNCT__

we have a vice_presid __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ when he wa ceo of halliburton which now get all these no bid contract __PUNCT__ don't thei __PUNCT__ from the govern __PUNCT__ worker lost___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in pension __PUNCT__

but dick_chenei got to strap on a golden parachut worth___MONEY__ __MONEY___million __PUNCT__

you get tax_break to peopl who don't need them while our children get stuck with the bill __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i never thought i sai thi but ever sinc my husband got out of full_time public_servic __PUNCT__ he actual made_monei __PUNCT__ much to both of our amaz __PUNCT__

but i have to confess __PUNCT__ as recipi of all of georg_bush bush_tax tax_break __PUNCT__ i can tell you i didn't need them __PUNCT__ i didn't want them __PUNCT__ i didn't ask for them __PUNCT__

and when i am presid __PUNCT__ we go to take those back from peopl_make over __MONEY__ a year in america __PUNCT__

and ha there ever been in recent_histori a more anti __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ anti __PUNCT__ labor presid and white_hous __PUNCT__ thei ar not just look for the union label __PUNCT__ thei ar look to squash the union bug __PUNCT__

thei want to elimin union and union_worker __PUNCT__ it ideolog __PUNCT__ it person __PUNCT__

after seven disastr year of georg_bush and dick_chenei __PUNCT__ the stake in thi elect couldn't be higher __PUNCT__

and the need to chang cours couldn't be more urgent __PUNCT__

but i am here to tell you __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__ a friend of mine __PUNCT__ someon whose servic to our countri i admir __PUNCT__ is onli offer more of the same __PUNCT__

john mccain admit he doesn't understand the economi __PUNCT__ and unfortun he prove that dai after dai on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__

he look at the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ and he blame consum __PUNCT__

hi plan for the economi is to extend georg_bush bush_tax_cut for billionair and give a __MONEY___billion addit corpor_tax tax_cut __PUNCT__

the bush/mccain philosophi could not be clearer __PUNCT__ it the __PUNCT__ ownership_societi __PUNCT__ which realli mean __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__

if you not a croni __PUNCT__ if you not wealthi __PUNCT__ if you not well __PUNCT__ connect __PUNCT__ you fend for yourself __PUNCT__ the other ar taken care of it __PUNCT__

but don't take just my word for it __PUNCT__

even a republican_senat mel martinez from florida after listen to senat_mccain econom pan gave it an __PUNCT__ incomplet __PUNCT__ and he said __PUNCT__ where i think he fell short __PUNCT__ is the fact that we need to do some thing that can help famili __PUNCT__ that can help peopl __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ duh __PUNCT__

yeah __PUNCT__ we do __PUNCT__

we need to do someth that can help the american_peopl for a chang __PUNCT__ put the middl_class back into the driver seat __PUNCT__

give our famili the opportun thei deserv __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ sometim when that phone ring at __TIME__ in the white_hous it an econom_crisi __PUNCT__

it seem like john_mccain would just let it ring and ring and ring __PUNCT__

well that not good enough for the famili that i have met across pennsylvania __PUNCT__

i wa with a group of famili in harrisburg yesterdai at a diner __PUNCT__ sit around talk __PUNCT__

what were thei concern about __PUNCT__ the high_price of ga __PUNCT__ lose their home to foreclosur __PUNCT__ be abl to afford to send or keep a child in colleg __PUNCT__ wonder where that next job is go to come from __PUNCT__

these ar the stori and concern that ar on the mind of the peopl here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__

i think we had enough of a presid who didn't know enough about econom __PUNCT__ and didn't do enough for the american_middl_class __PUNCT__

we readi for a presid who will meet the challeng of our time __PUNCT__

now i know take on senat_mccain in __DATE__ won't be easi __PUNCT__

republican aren't go to give up without a fight __PUNCT__

and no matter how beauti your rhetor __PUNCT__ the republican ar not go to turn off their attack_machin __PUNCT__ it doesn't have an off switch __PUNCT__

but on thing you know about me is that when i sai i fight for you __PUNCT__ i fight for you __PUNCT__

i know how to fight for you and that exactli what i will do throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__

look __PUNCT__ i know there will be hurdl and setback between now and __DATE__ __PUNCT__

but i also know that i readi __PUNCT__

i know what it like to stumbl __PUNCT__

i know what it mean to get knock down __PUNCT__

but i never stai down __PUNCT__

i never will __PUNCT__

and neither will you and neither will america __PUNCT__

we ar on the comeback trail as a countri __PUNCT__

thi is on of the most import elect we ever had __PUNCT__

there is so much at stake __PUNCT__

you heard as presid_georg talk about what a differ it made to go from a republican_governor and republican_senat and republican member of congress __PUNCT__

but we got to finish the job and it so import that the peopl of pennsylvania have their voic_heard and their vote count __PUNCT__

senat_obama sai he get tire of the campaign __PUNCT__

hi support sai thei want it to end __PUNCT__

could you imagin if rocki balboa had gotten half wai up those art_museum stair and said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i guess that about far enough __PUNCT__ that not the wai it work __PUNCT__

let me tell you someth __PUNCT__ when it come to finish the fight __PUNCT__ rocki and i have a lot in common __PUNCT__

i never quit __PUNCT__

i never give up __PUNCT__

and i know that we ar go to make it togeth __PUNCT__ not just up those stair __PUNCT__ but we ar go to climb that mountain to a better dai for america __PUNCT__

we have so much work to do and we won't get there if we quit or we walk awai __PUNCT__

we get there by stai and fight and stand up for what we believ in __PUNCT__

but i don't need to tell ani of you thi __PUNCT__

no on know better than organ_labor how import it is to have a fighter on your side __PUNCT__

when you send someon to the bargain_tabl __PUNCT__ you need the strongest __PUNCT__ toughest __PUNCT__ most determin person you got __PUNCT__

not someon who is just go to talk about problem __PUNCT__

but someon who will roll up her sleev and get the job done for you __PUNCT__

a presid who get up everydai and ask __PUNCT__ what am i go to do for the american_peopl peopl_todai __PUNCT__ what am i go to do to make sure you got good_job that can't be outsourc __PUNCT__ what am i go to do to make sure we have trade_agreement that ar pro __PUNCT__ american and pro __PUNCT__ worker and make sure that we can compet with anybodi __PUNCT__ anywher __PUNCT__ anytim __PUNCT__ if you give me the chanc __PUNCT__ that the kind of presid i will be __PUNCT__

that what i do becaus that what i alwai done __PUNCT__

alongsid labor __PUNCT__ i fought for and pass an extens of unemploy_insur in the wake of __DATE__ __PUNCT__

i went to the floor of the senat everydai and stood up to the republican and said we ar go to extend and expand unemploy insur until we final got it done __PUNCT__

alongsid labor __PUNCT__ i fight on behalf of the brave and patriot worker who came to ground zero after __DATE__ __PUNCT__

across the entir new york area __PUNCT__ ironwork __PUNCT__ oper engin __PUNCT__ labor __PUNCT__ everybodi drop what thei were do and came rush to see how thei could help __PUNCT__ so mani of them got sick __PUNCT__

thei had to quit work __PUNCT__

the man who could carri hundr of pound __PUNCT__ run marathon could bare walk up stair or breath __PUNCT__

alongsid labor __PUNCT__ i fought for the collect_bargain right of feder_employe __PUNCT__ the depart of health and human_servic __PUNCT__ the depart of homeland_secur __PUNCT__ the depart of defens __PUNCT__ tsa screener __PUNCT__ and public_servant like our firefight and polic_offic __PUNCT__

alongsid labor __PUNCT__ i support the helmet to hardhat program __PUNCT__ to help veteran get those good_job that thei deserv to have after their servic __PUNCT__

i work with my good_friend __PUNCT__ congressman murtha to expand thi program and i am so proud to have jack murtha endors __PUNCT__

there isn't anyon i would rather have in a foxhol for a tough campaign and a tough elect than jack murtha __PUNCT__

and i fought alongsid labor in my home_state of new york __PUNCT__ home to on out of everi seven union_member in america __PUNCT__

i urg ceo to return to the bargain_tabl __PUNCT__ encourag employ neutral in organ_campaign __PUNCT__

i urg construct compani to hire local union_worker __PUNCT__ and i join worker on the picket_line __PUNCT__

i keep stand with you __PUNCT__ fight for you __PUNCT__ and speak out everi singl_dai as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

becaus i don't think the work end with the elect __PUNCT__ the work begin with the elect __PUNCT__

we have to get into that white_hous __PUNCT__

we go to have to clean hous onc we get there __PUNCT__

i start by end thi administr practic of harass and bureaucrat our labor_organ __PUNCT__ make it imposs for you to do the work that you ar entitl to do __PUNCT__

and how thi for a radic idea __PUNCT__ we actual go to appoint peopl to the depart of labor __PUNCT__ the nlrb __PUNCT__ and throughout the govern who ar actual pro __PUNCT__ labor for a chang __PUNCT__

next __PUNCT__ we go to stop outsourc our govern to privat_compani that ar too often less qualifi __PUNCT__ and less account and actual cost more __PUNCT__

why on earth would we pai a privat_contractor more to do what a govern_employe wa do better for less __PUNCT__ and let me just sai thi __PUNCT__ i am deepli concern about acceler of the outsourc of product for essenti defens materi __PUNCT__

i wa in indiana the last coupl of dai of last week __PUNCT__ everywher i went talk to good hardwork hoosier __PUNCT__ i heard about how compani after compani that us to do defens work had either lost the work or the compani wa gone __PUNCT__

on specif exampl just stuck in my mind __PUNCT__

all of you have seen those pictur of the precis guid missil __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ go down chimnei __PUNCT__ hit target thousand of mile awai __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ the target is depend upon these magnet and the magnet us to be made in indiana __PUNCT__ the compani_call magnequest __PUNCT__

the compani wa bought out __PUNCT__ job were elimin __PUNCT__ product wa move to china __PUNCT__

not onli did we lose job __PUNCT__ we lost essenti __PUNCT__ valuabl inform becaus you not go to tell me that the chines militari doesn't have exactli what it take to make those magnet __PUNCT__

now we ar go to outsourc our refuel tanker __PUNCT__

here what i would do as presid __PUNCT__ i would strengthen our nation_defens that support both our men and women in uniform and american_worker __PUNCT__ and prevent the export of essenti knowledg that keep us safe and enabl us to have the greatest militari in the world __PUNCT__

most import of all we protect the right to organ for a new gener __PUNCT__

thi is a basic right and you know it under attack __PUNCT__

that why i proud to be an origin co __PUNCT__ sponsor of the employe free choic act __PUNCT__

i am proud to stand up for it __PUNCT__ speak out for it and fight for it in the senat __PUNCT__

we go to take our case to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

and when i presid __PUNCT__ i would sign it into law __PUNCT__ and you all invit to the sign ceremoni on the south lawn of the white_hous __PUNCT__

so if anyon ask you if labor will have a seat at the tabl in my white hous __PUNCT__

i hope you know my answer __PUNCT__ of cours you will __PUNCT__

labor built that tabl __PUNCT__

there go to be enough chair around it for everybodi to have a place __PUNCT__

we go to negoti a new american bargain __PUNCT__ for all of our peopl __PUNCT__

let me tell you what it will includ __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ i will fight for everi singl job in america __PUNCT__ we can't save them all __PUNCT__ but we go to save a lot more of them than we have been late __PUNCT__

then we go to creat million of new __PUNCT__ high pai_job that can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

presid_bush ha stood by and watch as we lost___NUM__ __NUM___million manufactur_job sinc he becam presid __PUNCT__

he do noth about the loophol in our tax_code that actual encourag compani to ship job_oversea __PUNCT__

meanwhil __PUNCT__ senat_mccain believ busi as usual on trade is just fine __PUNCT__

he sai that some lost job __PUNCT__ ar not come back __PUNCT__ that seem fine with him too __PUNCT__

well i think it time for a differ approach __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ i am announc an aggress infrastructur agenda will creat at least __NUM___million_job over the next decad __PUNCT__

after the fail leve in new orlean __PUNCT__ the tragic bridg collaps in minnesota __PUNCT__ we don't need ani more devast wake up call __PUNCT__

and you don't have to look ani further than the problem you had with i __PUNCT__ __NUM__ to know that we have to take action now __PUNCT__

we try to run todai economi on yesterdai infrastructur __PUNCT__ our bridg __PUNCT__ our tunnel __PUNCT__ our road __PUNCT__ our water_system and so much els __PUNCT__ and we ar jeopard american prosper __PUNCT__

so i will rebuild america by rebuild __PUNCT__ repair and modern our infrastructur __PUNCT__

and i want to salut the work of your great governor __PUNCT__ anoth incred visionari effect leader __PUNCT__ ed rendel on thi issu __PUNCT__

he ha not onli made great stride here in pennsylvania but he lead the wai nation on infrastructur __PUNCT__

i intend to work_close with him as presid __PUNCT__

my rebuild america plan will creat a __MONEY___billion emerg fund to identifi and repair critic_infrastructur problem __PUNCT__

we modern our transport_system __PUNCT__

we got a lot of transport and transit worker here and i proud to have your support __PUNCT__

we go to invest in public_transit and inter __PUNCT__ citi rail __PUNCT__

we go to connect america with a nation broadband infrastructur __PUNCT__

all of our commun worker __PUNCT__ our electr_worker __PUNCT__ we need to have super inform highwai the wai we have an interst highwai_system so everi part of america get connect up __PUNCT__ part of the global_economi __PUNCT__

we creat a nation infrastructur bank and i will us bond author to make these long __PUNCT__ term_invest __PUNCT__

think about it __PUNCT__ in world_war_ii we had war bond __PUNCT__

mayb it time we ask american if thei want to plai a part in rebuild america __PUNCT__

i think million and million of american will make those contribut __PUNCT__

then we go to turn around and put them into project that will strengthen our economi and creat room for that economi to grow __PUNCT__

we can put at least __NUM___million_american to work __PUNCT__

we also go to creat at least __NUM__ million addit job in green_energi __PUNCT__

job make public build more energi_effici __PUNCT__

job weather home to make sure that peopl get more valu for their dollar __PUNCT__ to save on home heat and cool bill __PUNCT__

job that will re __PUNCT__ open shutter factori to build the clean_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__

i wa last night in buck counti at on of the keyston industri port center __PUNCT__ i saw these big wind_turbin be made __PUNCT__ with as i understand it union_worker from the steelwork __PUNCT__ and i saw the futur __PUNCT__ and it is a futur that we can expand __PUNCT__

how will i pai for that __PUNCT__ take the tax subsidi awai from the oil_compani and put them to work in clean renew_energi __PUNCT__

thi is anoth critic differ between me and my democrat_oppon __PUNCT__

my oppon talk about clean_energi on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ but when he had a chanc to do someth about it in the senat __PUNCT__ rememb where i come from __PUNCT__ my dad wa from scranton __PUNCT__ action speak louder than word __PUNCT__ when he had a chanc to do someth about it he actual vote for dick_chenei energi_bill __PUNCT__

i vote against it __PUNCT__

onc again __PUNCT__ when it wa time to turn talk into action __PUNCT__ hi promis were just word __PUNCT__

we have to be smart and tough at the same_time __PUNCT__ it not go to be easi to take on the oil_compani and the oil produc countri __PUNCT__

but i readi to do it and with your help start on __DATE__ that is just what i will do __PUNCT__

we go to make trade work for american_famili __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i been critic by both presid_bush and senat_obama for thi __PUNCT__ but i believ we need a time __PUNCT__ out on new trade_deal __PUNCT__

i been sai that for some time now __PUNCT__

we got to have new trade_polici befor we have new trade_deal __PUNCT__

that includ no trade deal with columbia while violenc against trade_unionist continu in that countri __PUNCT__

i appreci gerri talk about how i did speak out and oppos nafta __PUNCT__ the presid_made a differ decis but whether it presid mcente or david gergen or the peopl that were in those meet in the white_hous __PUNCT__ thei know that i rais a big yellow caution flag __PUNCT__ i said i not sure that thi will work __PUNCT__

and i have a plan to fix nafta __PUNCT__ with the strongest possibl labor and environment standard in the core text of the agreement __PUNCT__

and unlik my oppon __PUNCT__ i will never come to pennsylvania and tell the peopl here on thing while my staff sai someth els to a foreign_govern __PUNCT__

you won't find me sai anyth like that __PUNCT__

when i sai i fix nafta __PUNCT__ i mean it __PUNCT__ and i will back it up with action __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will final get tough on china __PUNCT__

right now __PUNCT__ china steel come here and our job go there __PUNCT__

i testifi befor the intern_trade commiss to try to put the break on the dump of steel in our market __PUNCT__

thei manipul their currenc __PUNCT__ thei give illeg subsidi __PUNCT__ thei abus worker __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

and what do we get in return __PUNCT__ taint fish __PUNCT__ lead __PUNCT__ lace toi __PUNCT__ and poison pet food and pollut pharmaceut __PUNCT__

that is a bad_deal for america __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ china will be a trade_partner not a trade master __PUNCT__

and we go to get that done __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ we go to start invest in manufactur again __PUNCT__

pennsylvania ha lost___NUM__ manufactur_job in the past_year __PUNCT__ nearli on __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ four manufactur_job sinc georg_bush becam presid __PUNCT__

manufactur thrive in pennsylvania throughout the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

it can thrive again __PUNCT__

i disagre with peopl who sai we can't be a manufactur compani again becaus i believ you can't have a strong economi if you don't make_thing __PUNCT__

i don't believ you can support all these other job that you repres worker in if you not gener job from actual produc thing __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ it not just a question of what nice __PUNCT__ it critic and essenti that we bring manufactur back __PUNCT__

we also need it for our defens sector __PUNCT__ as i mention_earlier __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ there go to be a lot of work to be done and we go to have a veri progress_agenda for work_famili __PUNCT__

i will provid health_care for everi bodi __PUNCT__ not leav ani on out __PUNCT__

becaus it is long past time that we had afford health care for everi singl american __PUNCT__

and the big differ between me and my democrat_oppon __PUNCT__

i sure tomorrow he tell you he ha a plan for univers_health_care __PUNCT__ but hi plan would leav out __NUM___million_peopl __PUNCT__ more than __NUM__ here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__

you go to leav out a member of the painter union or a member of their famili __PUNCT__ ar you go to leav out someon who is alreadi sick __PUNCT__ you go to leav out somebodi who is make minimum_wage __PUNCT__ he chose to leav health_care on the bargain_tabl when put togeth hi campaign __PUNCT__

i not just go to talk about univers_health_care __PUNCT__ i go to get it done __PUNCT__

and the reason i am is becaus i am passion commit to make our countri do what we have not done both moral and econom __PUNCT__

i could tell you hundr of stori and i bet all of you could __PUNCT__

you ar so fortun to have health care becaus you a member of a union and peopl negoti for it __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ i wa in ohio __PUNCT__ along the ohio river dure that campaign __PUNCT__ i realli like how that ohio primari turn out by the wai __PUNCT__ and what i heard wa thi typic tragic stori __PUNCT__ the kind of stori i heard for __NUM___year and even longer go back to arkansa __PUNCT__

i wa eat in a mobil with some folk in the area __PUNCT__ the deputi sheriff __PUNCT__

he said i sure hope we can get health_care for everyon and he told me about a young_woman from that town __PUNCT__

she work at the local pizza parlor __PUNCT__

she didn't have anyon repres her __PUNCT__

she got paid minimum_wage __PUNCT__ she didn't have anybodi sai you know __PUNCT__ minimum wage is a poverti wage __PUNCT__ you can't make a live on minimum wage __PUNCT__

she got pregnant and she wa have troubl so she went to the nearest hospit __PUNCT__

and i don't blame the hospit __PUNCT__ but thei said __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ we can't do anymor free care __PUNCT__

you from a neighbor town __PUNCT__ there wa no hospit in her counti __PUNCT__ you have to give us a __MONEY__ befor we exam you __PUNCT__

she didn't have __MONEY__

she went home __PUNCT__

a littl while later __PUNCT__ she wa still have troubl __PUNCT__

she went back to the hospit and thei told her the same_thing __PUNCT__

the third time she went to the hospit __PUNCT__ she wa in an ambul __PUNCT__

the doctor __PUNCT__ the nurs in the emerg_room tri to help her __PUNCT__ but thei couldn't save the babi and the babi di __PUNCT__

and she wa in such distress __PUNCT__ thei had to airlift her to the nearest big_citi in columbu __PUNCT__ take her the medic_center __PUNCT__

in the intens care unit for __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ doctor and nurs and the hospit personnel did everyth thei could to save her life __PUNCT__

sit there in that mobil_home listen to that stori wa just upset me so much __PUNCT__

i think it moral_wrong in our countri __PUNCT__ a young_women and her babi di becaus she didn't have health_insur __PUNCT__

i think it is so econom wrong __PUNCT__

and for the lack of __MONEY__ to examin her and do what wa necessari to save her and her babi __PUNCT__ hundr of thousand of dollar were spent __PUNCT__

we can do so much better than that __PUNCT__

i will not rest as your presid until we final have qualiti __PUNCT__ afford __PUNCT__ health_care for everi singl american __PUNCT__

there a lot of work to be done __PUNCT__ and i prepar to do that work __PUNCT__

i apprent and i learn how to do it __PUNCT__

i have watch it be done for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

i been on both end of pennsylvania_avenu __PUNCT__ and i know veri well what it take for the presid and the congress to actual make the chang we need __PUNCT__

i go to propos cut middl_class tax by __MONEY___billion and i think we can get it done __PUNCT__

becaus that monei is go to go toward help you afford colleg __PUNCT__ help you afford to take care of an elderli rel __PUNCT__ help you to afford health_care __PUNCT__

i go to stand up again to presid_bush ill __PUNCT__ advis polici __PUNCT__ and i go to end the unfund mandat known as no child_left behind and we go to start anew with the kind of partnership we need from a presid __PUNCT__

we go to give american a secur retir and we go to make sure social_secur is safe and solid __PUNCT__

none of thi would be easi __PUNCT__ but noth worth do is easi __PUNCT__

i wa think about that look at the sheet metal worker todai __PUNCT__

how mani mistak were made befor that perfect wa reach __PUNCT__ how much work had to be done befor you felt confid in trust that new assign or that young sheet metal worker __PUNCT__ we could go through ani kind of work ani of you do and sai the same_thing __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ it true about our govern too __PUNCT__

it not go to be easi __PUNCT__ but we can make it happen __PUNCT__

again __PUNCT__ as dr __PUNCT__ king said __PUNCT__ either we go up togeth __PUNCT__ or we go down togeth __PUNCT__

and gerri __PUNCT__ he spoke those word __NUM___year_ago thi week __PUNCT__ the sanit worker on strike in memphi __PUNCT__ member of afscm local___NUM__ __PUNCT__ he urg them to move on __PUNCT__ and that what i urg us __PUNCT__

there isn't anyth we can't do as american onc we start act like american again __PUNCT__ onc we roll up our sleev and we get to work __PUNCT__

some of you have heard me sai thi befor __PUNCT__ and i sai it again it took a clinton to clean up after the first bush __PUNCT__ and it take a clinton to clean up after the second bush and with your help __PUNCT__ that is exactli what we go to do __PUNCT__

thank you and god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__