Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.04.13.remarks_at_the_compassion_forum originally had 6970 tokens. You can view the original text here.

campbel brown __PUNCT__ moder jon meacham __PUNCT__ moder brown __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ we go to spend about half of our time with senat_clinton __PUNCT__ about half of our time with senat_obama __PUNCT__

the order tonight wa decid by coin toss __PUNCT__

senat_clinton won and ha elect to go first __PUNCT__

question will come from jon and me and from some of the faith leader assembl here in our audienc __PUNCT__ so let get start __PUNCT__

without further ado __PUNCT__ pleas welcom the senat from new york __PUNCT__ hillari_clinton __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ nice to see you __PUNCT__

welcom __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

thank you veri much __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ welcom to you __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ jon ha got the first question __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ it wonder to be here __PUNCT__

i want to thank messiah colleg for host thi __PUNCT__

veri good of you to do thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ meacham __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we start with the new __PUNCT__

you have been extrem critic of senat_obama recent comment in san_francisco in which he argu that some hard __PUNCT__ press american have __PUNCT__ econom hard __PUNCT__ press american have __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ gotten bitter and cling to gun or religion or antipathi to peopl who aren't like them or anti __PUNCT__ immigr sentiment or antitrad sentiment as a wai to explain their frustrat __PUNCT__

senat __PUNCT__ you have written of how faith sustain you in bitter time __PUNCT__

mani of us have been sustain by our faith in bitter time __PUNCT__

what exactli is wrong with what senat_obama had to sai __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i go to let senat obama speak for himself __PUNCT__

but from my perspect __PUNCT__ the character of peopl in a wai that realli seem to be elitist and out of touch is someth that we have to overcom __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ to be veri blunt about it __PUNCT__ ha been view as a parti that didn't understand and respect the valu and the wai of life of so mani of our fellow_american __PUNCT__

and i think it import that we make_clear that we believ peopl ar peopl of faith becaus it is part of their whole be __PUNCT__ it is what give them mean in life __PUNCT__ through good_time and bad_time __PUNCT__

it is there as a spur __PUNCT__ an anchor __PUNCT__ to center on in the storm __PUNCT__ but also to guid on forward in the dai __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai live that is part of everyon journei __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ when we think about the legitim concern that peopl have about trade or immigr __PUNCT__ those ar problem to be solv __PUNCT__

and that what i think we should be focus on __PUNCT__

but i am veri confid that __PUNCT__ as we move_forward tonight and beyond __PUNCT__ peopl will get a chanc to get to know each of us a littl better __PUNCT__ and that realli what i want to talk about __PUNCT__

i will leav it to senat_obama to speak for himself __PUNCT__ he doe an excel job of that __PUNCT__

and i will speak for myself on what my faith journei is and what __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ lead me to thi chair here tonight __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you been out there on the stump attack him pretti aggress over thi __PUNCT__

and hi respons ha been __PUNCT__ and he said it pretti bluntli tonight __PUNCT__ shame on you __PUNCT__

you know that he is a man of faith __PUNCT__

thi is what he sai __PUNCT__

and to suggest that he is demean religion is you plai polit __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he will have to speak for himself and provid hi own explan __PUNCT__

but i do think it rais a lot of concern and we seen that exhibit in the last sever dai by peopl here in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ in indiana where i wa yesterdai __PUNCT__ and elsewher __PUNCT__ becaus it did seem so much in __PUNCT__ line with what often we ar charg with __PUNCT__

someon goe to a close __PUNCT__ door fundrais in san_francisco and make comment that do seem elitist __PUNCT__ out of touch and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ patron __PUNCT__

that ha noth to do with him be a good_man or a man of faith __PUNCT__

we had two veri good_men and men of faith run for presid in __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__

but larg segment of the elector conclud that thei did not realli understand or relat to or frankli respect their wai of life __PUNCT__

and i think that is an issu for voter __PUNCT__ as i heard todai from peopl i visit in scranton and elsewher __PUNCT__

so thi is a legitim polit_issu __PUNCT__

and there ar some issu that ar not __PUNCT__

but thi on is __PUNCT__

and i do believ that senat_obama will have a chanc to explain himself tonight __PUNCT__

and i sure he will take that opportun __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ let talk about your faith __PUNCT__

and we warn peopl the question tonight would be pretti person __PUNCT__

so i want to ask you __PUNCT__

you said in an interview last year that you believ in the father __PUNCT__ son and the holi_spirit __PUNCT__

and you have actual felt the presenc of the holi spirit on mani occas __PUNCT__

share some of those occas with us __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i have __PUNCT__ ever sinc i been a littl girl __PUNCT__ felt the presenc of god in my life __PUNCT__

and it ha been a gift of grace that ha __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ been incred sustain __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ ever sinc i wa a child __PUNCT__ i have felt the envelop support and love of god and i have had the experi on mani __PUNCT__ mani occas where i felt like the holi spirit wa there with me as i made a journei __PUNCT__

it didn't have to be a hard_time __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ it could be take a walk in the wood __PUNCT__

it could be watch a sunset __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i am someon who ha talk a lot about my life __PUNCT__

you know more about my life than you know about nearli anybodi els __PUNCT__ about __NUM__ book worth __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ some of which ar __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ a littl bit off __PUNCT__ base __PUNCT__

but i don't think that i could have made my life journei without be anchor in god_grace and without have that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ sens of forgiv and uncondit love __PUNCT__

and i am not go to point to on or anoth matter __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ some of my struggl and challeng have been extrem public __PUNCT__

and i have talk about how i have been both guid and support through those __PUNCT__ try to find my own wai through __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ my faith ha given me the confid to make_decis that were right for me __PUNCT__ whether anybodi els agre with me or not __PUNCT__

and it is just such a part of who i am and what i have live through for so mani year that try to pull out and sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i rememb __PUNCT__ i wa sit right there when i felt __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ god_love embrac me __PUNCT__ would be __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ trivial what ha been an extraordinari sens of support and possibl that i have had with me my entir life __PUNCT__

meacham __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ right after new hampshir __PUNCT__ you and i had a convers a coupl of dai after that in which you describ your moment in the set where you said that you work veri hard and it wa seen as a turn_point by mani peopl __PUNCT__

you describ that as a moment of grace __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

meacham __PUNCT__ so that is a specif in __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ jon __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__ it is perhap a reluct on my part that is root in my person reserv __PUNCT__ root in the wai i wa rais __PUNCT__ that i worri and i __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i understand you want to ask a lot of person question __PUNCT__ and i appreci that __PUNCT__

but i also worri __PUNCT__ as i suggest to you in that same interview __PUNCT__ that you have to walk the walk of faith __PUNCT__

and talk about it is import becaus it import to share that experi __PUNCT__

but i also believ that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ faith is just __PUNCT__ it grace __PUNCT__

it love __PUNCT__

it mysteri __PUNCT__

it provoc __PUNCT__

it is everyth that make_life and it purpos meaning as a human be __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and those moment of grace ar on that i cherish and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in ask a specif question about how i felt when i share my belief that polit is not a game __PUNCT__ it is not a who up __PUNCT__ who down __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ it is a seriou search and we ar so fortun becaus we have taken the gift that god_gave us and we have creat thi democraci where we choos our leader and we have to be more mind of how import and seriou a busi thi is __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ therefor __PUNCT__ when i sai polit is not a game __PUNCT__ it is realli come from deep within me becaus i know that we have the opportun to realli give other peopl a chanc to live up to their own god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__ to me __PUNCT__ is the kind of grace note that make polit worthwhil __PUNCT__

becaus __PUNCT__ believ me __PUNCT__ there a lot about it that is not particularli welcom or easi __PUNCT__

but everi dai as i travel around the countri __PUNCT__ i meet_peopl whose faith just knock me over __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ i wa with a woman in philadelphia fridai morn whose son wa murder on the street in philadelphia __PUNCT__ whose grandson wa murder __PUNCT__

and she and i just sat togeth and she told me about how strong her faith is and how it ha sustain her and how she believ __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ god is with her and she doesn't understand why thi happen to her son and her grandson __PUNCT__

but everi dai she grate __PUNCT__ and she is determin to be the person that she believ god meant her to be __PUNCT__

and so when i sit there and i listen to that woman tell me about how it felt and how todai she is still __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ get up everi morn __PUNCT__ ha a smile on her face __PUNCT__ look to go to her daycar busi and take care of all of these children who have been entrust to her __PUNCT__ that a moment of grace __PUNCT__

but it not about me __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ not everi moment of grace is about you __PUNCT__

more often it is about the interact and the relationship __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ grace is that relationship with god __PUNCT__

but it also the relationship with our fellow_human be in which we know grace is present __PUNCT__

and so i just feel veri fortun that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i have been abl to experi that and i wish it for everyon __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ let bring a question in from on of the religi_leader join us tonight __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ joel hunter __PUNCT__ who is senior pastor of the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ member northland church in longwood __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__

dr __PUNCT__ hunter __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ how ar you __PUNCT__ dr __PUNCT__ hunter __PUNCT__ good to see you __PUNCT__

pastor joel hunter __PUNCT__ northland church __PUNCT__ i fine __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

good to see you __PUNCT__

senat __PUNCT__ mani of the issu we go to be talk about tonight __PUNCT__ darfur __PUNCT__ aid __PUNCT__ abort __PUNCT__ tortur __PUNCT__ could present you with choic that will have life and death consequ for countless peopl around the world __PUNCT__

what ar the first principl you fall_back on to make such decis __PUNCT__ ar there certain activ or refer or peopl with whom you consult in order to do what is moral right __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ dr __PUNCT__ hunter __PUNCT__ i think thi is on of the challeng that face ani of us who ar in public_life where liter you do have the author to make these decis that could veri well be life and death decis and thei ar daunt and i do not pretend to know how i will deal with everi singl on of them __PUNCT__

but i do have a sens of the process by which i will try to approach them __PUNCT__

and it realli is root in __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ my prayer __PUNCT__ my contempl __PUNCT__ my studi __PUNCT__

i think you have to immers yourself in advic __PUNCT__ inform __PUNCT__ critic from other __PUNCT__

i don't pretend to even believ that i know the answer to a lot of these question __PUNCT__

i don't __PUNCT__

but i do believ that you have to be will to expos yourself to mani differ point of view and then you have to make that decis __PUNCT__

i think that for a lot of us __PUNCT__ decis ar on that you don't just make and put on a shelf __PUNCT__

to be fair to be constantli struggl and challeng yourself __PUNCT__ you have to keep open up that decis and ask __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and veri often __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ some decis look like thei __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ noth until you actual examin them __PUNCT__

and some decis truli ar right down the middl __PUNCT__ and you not sure which side of the line you will decid upon __PUNCT__

you mention some of the veri difficult decis that we ar go to face __PUNCT__ and there ar countless more __PUNCT__

how do we get out of iraq the right wai __PUNCT__ everyon know there is no easi __PUNCT__ comfort decis __PUNCT__

i believ we got to begin take our troop out of iraq base on my analysi of what i think is the best path forward for us and for the iraqi __PUNCT__

but i am deepli awar that there will be predict and unpredict consequ __PUNCT__

and part of make a decis is have to live with the consequ __PUNCT__

and i have been veri fortun in my life to have peopl whom i feel veri comfort talk to openli __PUNCT__ with total frank __PUNCT__ seek their guidanc __PUNCT__

thei don't all agre with me __PUNCT__ thei don't all share my view __PUNCT__ when i start the convers __PUNCT__ perhap __PUNCT__

but i don't think you can surround yourself onli with peopl with whom you think you will agre __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ be amongst peopl who challeng me __PUNCT__ who make me uncomfort __PUNCT__ to be veri blunt __PUNCT__ is an import_part of my decis __PUNCT__ make_process __PUNCT__

i want to push_back __PUNCT__ i want to argu __PUNCT__ i want to rais other hypothet and throw them back to see what the outcom is __PUNCT__

but at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ sinc we ar run to be the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ you have to be comfort make a decis __PUNCT__ becaus you cannot sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let put it on the back burner and then get back to it some time when it clearer __PUNCT__ for mani of these decis __PUNCT__

and then you have to live with the consequ __PUNCT__

but i hope i will never __PUNCT__ ever find myself be defens or abrupt and dismiss of peopl who disagre with me __PUNCT__

i regret that that often happen in polit __PUNCT__ and mayb it becaus oftentim the decis __PUNCT__ make_process is so exhaust __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ if you a person of faith __PUNCT__ after you prai __PUNCT__ if you a person will to subject yourself to critic __PUNCT__ after you done it __PUNCT__ you just so reliev to make the decis you don't want to revisit it __PUNCT__

but i don't think that a presid can afford to do that __PUNCT__

meacham __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ do you believ person that life_begin at concept __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i believ that the potenti for life begin at concept __PUNCT__

i am a methodist __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__

my church ha struggl with thi issu __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ you can look at the methodist book of disciplin and see the contradict and the challeng of try to sort that veri profound question out __PUNCT__

but for me __PUNCT__ it is also not onli about a potenti life __PUNCT__ it is about the other live involv __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ therefor __PUNCT__ i have conclud __PUNCT__ after great __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ concern and search my own mind and heart over mani year __PUNCT__ that our task should be in thi pluralist __PUNCT__ divers life of our in thi nation that individu must be entrust to make thi profound decis __PUNCT__ becaus the altern would be such an intrus of govern_author that it would be veri difficult to sustain in our kind of open_societi __PUNCT__

and as some of you heard me discuss befor __PUNCT__ i think abort should remain legal __PUNCT__ but it need to be safe and rare __PUNCT__

and i have spent mani year now __PUNCT__ as a privat_citizen __PUNCT__ as first ladi __PUNCT__ and now as senat __PUNCT__ try to make it rare __PUNCT__ try to creat the condit where women had other choic __PUNCT__

i have support adopt __PUNCT__ foster_care __PUNCT__

i help to creat the campaign against teenag pregnanc __PUNCT__ which fulfil our origin goal __NUM___year_ago of reduc teenag pregnanc by about a third __PUNCT__

and i think we have to do even more __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and i am commit to do that __PUNCT__

and i guess i would just add from my own person_experi __PUNCT__ i have been in countri that have taken veri differ view about thi profoundli challeng question __PUNCT__

some of you know __PUNCT__ i went to china in __NUM__ and spoke out against the chines_govern on __PUNCT__ child polici __PUNCT__ which led to forc abort and forc steril becaus i believ that we need to bear_wit against what wa an intrus __PUNCT__ abus __PUNCT__ dehuman effort to dictat how women and men would proce with respect to the children thei wish to have __PUNCT__

and then shortli after that __PUNCT__ i wa in romania and there i met women who had been subject to the communist_regim of the 1970 and __PUNCT__ 80 where thei were essenti forc to bear as mani children as possibl for the good of the state __PUNCT__

and where abort wa crimin and women were liter forc to have physic exam and follow by the secret_polic and so mani children were abandon and left to the orphanag that __PUNCT__ unfortun __PUNCT__ led to an aid epidem __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ when i think about thi issu __PUNCT__ i think about the whole rang of concern and challeng associ with it and i will continu to do what i can to reduc the number and to improv and increas the care for women and particularli the adopt system and the other opportun that women would have to make differ choic __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i want to go to the other end of the spectrum and the end of life and ask you __PUNCT__ do you believ it is compassion __PUNCT__ that it is appropri to let someon who is realli suffer choos to end their life __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ thi is on of those incred challeng issu __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ the terri_schiavo schiavo_case in florida pose that for mani peopl __PUNCT__

and it wa on of those decis to go back to dr __PUNCT__ hunter point __PUNCT__ where there were peopl of good_faith and peopl of strong feel on both side about what should happen to that woman life __PUNCT__

and i don't know that ani of us is in a posit to make that choic for famili or for individu __PUNCT__ but i don't want us also to condon govern_action that would legitim or encourag end __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ life decis __PUNCT__

somehow there ha to be a framework for us to determin how can peopl who ar either abl to make these decis on their own do so __PUNCT__ or if thei ar not __PUNCT__ how best do we creat a decis process for their famili to try to decid __PUNCT__ and now we ar be face with a lot of these difficult decis becaus of what the world we live in todai with modern technolog and so much els __PUNCT__

and we go to have to come to grip with them on wai or anoth __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ we got to take a quick break __PUNCT__ a commerci break __PUNCT__

we be back __PUNCT__

much more with senat_clinton __PUNCT__ right after thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ commerci break __PUNCT__ brown __PUNCT__ welcom back to the compass forum __PUNCT__ everyon __PUNCT__

we here with senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__

and senat __PUNCT__ there ar a lot of american who ar uncomfort with the convers that we have here tonight __PUNCT__

that thei believ religion alreadi ha wai too much influenc in polit_life and public_life __PUNCT__

how do you reassur them __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i understand that concern becaus part of our oblig as leader in america is to make sure that ani convers about religion is inclus and respect __PUNCT__

and that ha not alwai happen __PUNCT__ as we know __PUNCT__

and it is so person __PUNCT__

the spiritu journei that each of us take or doesn't take __PUNCT__

and i think it import that we recogn that for good caus __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ we have been such a vibrant nation when it come to religi experi in larg_measur becaus we alwai protect ourselv against __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ religion go too far __PUNCT__ be too intrus __PUNCT__

so it is a balanc __PUNCT__

and we want religion to be in the public_squar __PUNCT__

if you ar a person of faith __PUNCT__ you have a right and even an oblig to speak from that wellspr of your faith __PUNCT__

but to do so in a respect and inclus wai __PUNCT__

so i understand why some peopl __PUNCT__ even religi_peopl __PUNCT__ even peopl of faith might sai __PUNCT__ why ar you have thi forum __PUNCT__ and why ar you explor these issu from two peopl who ar vy to be presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ and i think that a fair question to ask __PUNCT__

i am here becaus i think it also fair for us to have thi convers __PUNCT__

but i veri consciou of how thought we must proce __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ anoth question from the audienc __PUNCT__

rabbi steve gutow __PUNCT__ who is director of the jewish council for public_affair is with us __PUNCT__

rabbi __PUNCT__ rabbi steve gutow __PUNCT__ jewish council for public affair __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ rabbi __PUNCT__

gutow __PUNCT__ back to china __PUNCT__

china ha continu to persecut and subject to oppress the peopl of tibet __PUNCT__

it continu to be the largest supplier of weapon to sudan and the largest purchas of it oil __PUNCT__

let just sai china is not do all it can to stop the genocid in darfur __PUNCT__

you have said that america need to return to be a moral voic of the world __PUNCT__

is our particip in the beij olymp harm to that moral voic __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ rabbi __PUNCT__ i appreci your ask thi question becaus i think it a question of both polit and moral signific __PUNCT__

and that why last week i call on our presid to decid he would not attend the open ceremoni of the olymp becaus that is a public and veri obviou ratif of our govern approv of the beij govern_action __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ unless the chines began to take veri visibl step to begin to end the suppress of the tibetan and undermin their cultur and religi_belief __PUNCT__ and if we could get more cooper out of the chines_govern with respect to sudan __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ i would welcom even more action on behalf of human right __PUNCT__

but the challeng is __PUNCT__ how do we try to influenc the chines govern __PUNCT__ and i believ we have miss mani opportun dure the bush_administr to do so __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i think it fair to sai our polici toward china is incoher and that ha not been in the best interest of our valu or our strateg_interest __PUNCT__

so i would urg the presid at least to consid and __PUNCT__ therefor __PUNCT__ publicli sai that he will not be attend the open ceremoni __PUNCT__

and let see whether the chines_govern begin to respond becaus that for them would be a great loss of face and perhap we would get more cooper __PUNCT__

we would get the process go that the dalai_lama ha ask for over mani year __PUNCT__

there could be a lot of wai that the chines_govern demonstr it heard our concern __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ a question from reverend william shaw __PUNCT__

he is the presid of the nation baptist convent __PUNCT__

reverend shaw __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ he is __PUNCT__

hello __PUNCT__ reverend shaw __PUNCT__

good to see you again __PUNCT__

rev __PUNCT__

william j __PUNCT__ shaw __PUNCT__ nation baptist convent __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

current u. __PUNCT__ polici toward develop_countri __PUNCT__ trade_polici __PUNCT__ make it sometim extrem_difficult for poor_peopl to access inexpens gener drug for the treatment of aid and other sick __PUNCT__

how would you shape the polici of your administr to ensur that the poor would have access to and could secur the drug that thei need to improv the qualiti of their live __PUNCT__ of their famili and even the futur of their countri __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ reverend shaw __PUNCT__ i agre with your descript of thi problem __PUNCT__ and i believ that our govern must do so much more to get gener drug and low __PUNCT__ cost drug to peopl suffer __PUNCT__

not onli from hiv/aid __PUNCT__ but the rang of diseas that affect disproportion the poor __PUNCT__

it on of the reason why i vote against the free_trade_agreement with central_america __PUNCT__ becaus there wa a provis that would give even more power to our pharmaceut_compani to prevent exactli do what you ar discuss __PUNCT__

i have been an outspoken advoc in urg that both our great pharmaceut compani __PUNCT__ which do a lot of good __PUNCT__

becaus __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ thei invent the compound and put them togeth that the gener then ar abl to copi __PUNCT__

but we need to do much more to get our pharmaceut compani to work with us to get the drug cost down and to open the pathwai for gener drug __PUNCT__

and that go to take presidenti leadership __PUNCT__

i commend presid_bush for hi pepfar initi __PUNCT__

it wa a veri bold and import commit __PUNCT__ but it didn't go far enough in open up the door to gener and get the cost down __PUNCT__

and as presid __PUNCT__ i will do that __PUNCT__

meacham __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we heard about hiv/aid __PUNCT__

mani peopl here ar concern about darfur and a number of other humanitarian issu __PUNCT__

why do you think it is that a love_god allow innoc_peopl to suffer __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ meacham __PUNCT__ and we just have __NUM__ second __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ that is the subject of gener of commentari and debat __PUNCT__

and i don't know __PUNCT__

i can't wait to ask him __PUNCT__

becaus i have __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i have just ponder it endless __PUNCT__ endlessli __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ but i do want to just add that what that mean to me is that in the face of suffer __PUNCT__ there is no doubt in my mind that god_call us to respond __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ that part of what we ar expect to do __PUNCT__

for whatev reason it exist __PUNCT__ it veri exist is a call to action __PUNCT__

certainli in __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ our __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ in my judeo __PUNCT__ christian_faith tradit __PUNCT__ in both the old and the new testament __PUNCT__ the incred demand that god place on us and that the prophet ask of us __PUNCT__ and that christ call us to respond to on behalf of the poor ar unavoid __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and it alwai been curiou to me how our debat about religion in america too often miss that __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ hi holi __PUNCT__ the pope __PUNCT__ is go to be come to america next week __PUNCT__ and he been a strong voic on behalf of what we must do to deal with poverti __PUNCT__ and deal with injustic __PUNCT__ and deal with what is truli our oblig toward those who ar the least among us __PUNCT__

so mayb __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ the lord is just wait for us to respond to hi call __PUNCT__ becaus thi despair __PUNCT__ thi impoverish of bodi and soul is what we ar expect to be spend our time respond to __PUNCT__ and so few of us do __PUNCT__

even those who ar do wonder work with organ repres in thi audienc __PUNCT__ we ar just not do enough __PUNCT__

and it a person call __PUNCT__ it a famili commun __PUNCT__ religi call __PUNCT__ and it a government call __PUNCT__

and we got to do more to respond to that call __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ brown __PUNCT__ quickli __PUNCT__ just now you brought up the bibl __PUNCT__

we were talk theologi __PUNCT__

do you have a favorit bibl stori __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i have so mani of them __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i wa fortun as a child grow up to be read bibl stori __PUNCT__ to go to sundai_school __PUNCT__ to go to bibl school __PUNCT__

and bill and i read __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ bibl stori to chelsea __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i have talk about bibl stori and parabl a lot in my life with friend __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ it depend upon what go on in my life at the time __PUNCT__

but clearli __PUNCT__ for me __PUNCT__ the recent purim holidai for jew rais the question of esther __PUNCT__

and i have been __PUNCT__ ever sinc i wa a littl girl __PUNCT__ a great admir of esther __PUNCT__

and i us to ask that that be read to me over and over again __PUNCT__ becaus there weren't too mani model of women who had the opportun to make a decis __PUNCT__ to take a chanc __PUNCT__ a risk that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ wa veri courag __PUNCT__

and so that the on that most recent on my mind __PUNCT__ becaus i have some rabbi friend who send me read that go with the scriptur of the week __PUNCT__

and certainli __PUNCT__ esther is someon who i wish i knew even more about than what we know from the bibl __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ a question from eboo patel __PUNCT__ who is a muslim __PUNCT__ is the founder and execut_director of the interfaith youth core __PUNCT__

welcom __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ hello __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ salamu alaykum __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

question __PUNCT__ my name is eboo patel __PUNCT__

i an american_muslim __PUNCT__ and i lead an organ_call the interfaith youth core __PUNCT__

and it my privileg to watch a rang of faith_commun come togeth around the common valu of compass __PUNCT__

american of all faith and no faith at all genuin believ in compass and want to appli that in address global_poverti and climat chang __PUNCT__

can we do that without chang our standard of live __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i believ there is so much we can do that we not do that would not chang our standard of live as an imposit from the outsid __PUNCT__ but which would inspir us to take action that would impact how we live __PUNCT__

and i don't think we would notic it demonstr undermin our standard of live __PUNCT__ but it would give us the opportun to set an exampl and to be a model __PUNCT__

when i think about the simpl step ani on of us can take __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ turn off light when on leav a room __PUNCT__ unplug applianc __PUNCT__ chang to compact floresc bulb __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ my husband and i have done that __PUNCT__ i don't think it impact our standard of live __PUNCT__ but we feel like we make a small contribut to limit the amount of greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ be more mind of our purchas __PUNCT__

i hope that __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i can model that and lead that effort so that peopl don't feel so threaten by the chang we talk about when it come to deal with global_warm __PUNCT__

in prepar for the pope visit __PUNCT__ i wa read that the vatican is the first carbon __PUNCT__ neutral state in the world now __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ that show leadership __PUNCT__

and i don't think it ha impact the work or the live __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ ambassador flynn __PUNCT__ who wa our ambassador to the vatican __PUNCT__ might know __PUNCT__

but it wa a great statement __PUNCT__

and we can do more __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ and i think that __PUNCT__ with leadership __PUNCT__ peopl will find wai to take those first step __PUNCT__

and then we can take even more __PUNCT__

now there so much that i have to do as presid with the cap in trade_system __PUNCT__ with move awai from our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ but i go to look for wai that will cushion the cost on middl_class and work and poor_peopl __PUNCT__

becaus i don't believ that thei should have to bear more than what thei ar bear right now as we make thi transit __PUNCT__

and i believ we can accomplish that __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ let go to lisa sharon harper __PUNCT__

she is the execut_director of new york faith and justic __PUNCT__

welcom to you __PUNCT__

lisa sharon harper __PUNCT__ n.y __PUNCT__ faith and justic __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

senat_clinton __PUNCT__ underdevelop nation and region that lack widespread access to educ and basic resourc like water __PUNCT__ and thei tend to be some of the most unstabl and danger region of the world __PUNCT__

place like pakistan __PUNCT__ somalia __PUNCT__ sudan __PUNCT__

our nation_secur is at stake __PUNCT__ but our militari is stretch __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ would you consid commit u. __PUNCT__ troop to a pure humanitarian mission under the leadership of a foreign flag __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let me start by sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

__NUM__ i believ strongli that we have to get back to lead on issu like health_care and educ and women right around the world __PUNCT__

i have introduc_legisl call the educ for all act __PUNCT__

and it bipartisan __PUNCT__

i introduc it first in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ and then we reintroduc it on a bipartisan basi in __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and the work that i would want to do to have the unit_state lead the world in put the __NUM___million kid who aren't in school into school __PUNCT__ have us lead when it come to health_care __PUNCT__ particularli in malaria __PUNCT__ tb __PUNCT__ hiv/aid __PUNCT__ but also women_health which ha been woefulli neglect __PUNCT__

i believ we should demonstr our commit to peopl who ar poor __PUNCT__ disenfranchis __PUNCT__ disempow befor we talk about put troop anywher __PUNCT__

the unit_state ha to be seen again as a peacekeep __PUNCT__ and we have lost that stand in these last seven year __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ i want us to have a partnership __PUNCT__ govern to govern __PUNCT__ govern with the privat_sector __PUNCT__ govern with our ngo and our faith_commun to show the best of what america ha to offer __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i realli appreci presid_bush after the tsunami struck __PUNCT__ ask hi father and my husband to repres the unit_state and our concern for the peopl who have been devast __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ the militari wa there deliv suppli __PUNCT__

that sent a loud messag and it wa reson throughout south_asia __PUNCT__ in indonesia __PUNCT__ the largest muslim_countri in the world __PUNCT__

america favor rose dramat becaus we were seen as care and compassion toward those with whom we had veri littl contact or __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ some __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ level of distrust previous __PUNCT__

so i think we have to concentr first and foremost on restor our moral_author in the world and our stand in the world __PUNCT__

and there ar lot of wai that the unit_state militari can be help and can show the better face of america __PUNCT__

after the pakistan earthquak __PUNCT__ we sent in militari team to help peopl __PUNCT__

so i think that is my emphasi right now __PUNCT__

befor we get to what we might do hypothet __PUNCT__ let see what we will do realist to rebuild america moral_author and demonstr our commit to compassion humanitarian __PUNCT__

meacham __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ thi is our last question for you __PUNCT__

to return to faith __PUNCT__ do you believ god want you to be presid __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i could be glib and sai we find out __PUNCT__ but i __PUNCT__ i don't presum anyth about god __PUNCT__

i believ __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ abraham_lincoln wa right in admonish us not to act as though we knew god wa on our side __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ our mission should be on god side __PUNCT__

and i have tri to take my belief __PUNCT__ my faith and put it to work my entir life __PUNCT__

and it ha been gratifi to do the littl i done to try to help other peopl __PUNCT__ which is realli what motiv me __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ that why i get up in the morn and see whether there an individu i can help or a problem i can solv __PUNCT__

and i wouldn't presum to even imagin that god is go to tell me what i should do __PUNCT__

i think that he ha given me enough guidanc __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ through how i have been rais and how i have been __PUNCT__ thankfulli __PUNCT__ given access to the bibl over so mani year __PUNCT__ commentari and the like __PUNCT__

so i just get up and try to do the best i can __PUNCT__

and i think that i see through a glass darkli __PUNCT__

i don't believ that ani of us know it all and can with ani confid sai that we ar go to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ be do god will unless __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we ar just out there do our veri best __PUNCT__ hope that we make a differ in peopl_live __PUNCT__

and that what i am try to do in thi campaign __PUNCT__

that what i would try to do as presid __PUNCT__

and i couldn't be sit here had it not been for the __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ gift of grace and faith that keep me go and __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ challeng me __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ we haven't talk much about the challeng that faith give us individu __PUNCT__

i realli worri when peopl becom veri complac in their faith __PUNCT__ when thei do believ thei have all the answer __PUNCT__ becaus i just don't think it humanli possibl for ani of us to know god mind __PUNCT__

i think we ar just search __PUNCT__

we ar on thi journei togeth __PUNCT__ and we need to approach it with a great_deal of humil __PUNCT__

and that what i try to do in thi campaign __PUNCT__ and we see what turn out __PUNCT__

but whatev happen __PUNCT__ i will get up the next dai and try to continu on my journei to do what i can to try to fulfil what i believ to be god expect of us __PUNCT__

brown __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ it wa a veri differ kind of even __PUNCT__

you been a good sport __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__