Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.04.21.interview_with_keith_olbermann_on_msnbcs_countdown originally had 3161 tokens. You can view the original text here.

keith_olbermann __PUNCT__ host __PUNCT__ senat_clinton join us now from harrisburg __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__

thank for some of your time tonight __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

how ar you __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i great __PUNCT__

thank a lot __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ let start with someth that got remark short shrift in last week debat __PUNCT__

is the elect in the fall __PUNCT__ in your estim __PUNCT__ go to be decid on the price of a gallon of ga and is it not true that a presid can't realli do anyth about the price of a gallon of ga __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think it go to be veri much influenc by the economi __PUNCT__

i don't know what els might happen between now and then but it appear to me that the economi is not go to recoveri and in fact the price of ga is go to be a big_issu __PUNCT__

i think oil hit __MONEY__ a barrel todai which is just unbeliev __PUNCT__

when georg_bush becam presid it wa __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__

i do think there ar thing that we can do in the short_run __PUNCT__

i would __PUNCT__ if i were presid __PUNCT__ launch an investig to make sure that there not market manipul go on __PUNCT__

i am still haunt by what we learn dure the enron scandal about those electr trader manipul the market and caus the peopl in california __PUNCT__ oregon and washington to pai such high_price that were not at all relat to suppli and demand __PUNCT__

i also releas some of the oil from the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__

that ha in the past had a good effect on lower the cost at least in the short_term __PUNCT__

and i would do what i could to try to allevi the cost right now if we could come up with a wai to make up for the lost revenu with a ga tax holidai like for exampl __PUNCT__ a windfal profit tax on the oil_compani on a basi to try to fill the highwai trust_fund while we let peopl off from pai the feder ga tax __PUNCT__

i would consid that __PUNCT__

but you right __PUNCT__

ultim we go to have to have an energi_polici that actual move us from our depend on foreign_oil and be liter over the oil barrel with the oil produc countri and compani __PUNCT__

i think if the presid were to make a speech tomorrow __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__ and that the kind of speech i would give right now __PUNCT__ that we ar final seriou __PUNCT__

we had enough of the problem that come from be so depend and not look to ourselv to produc homegrown energi to fuel our vehicl __PUNCT__ try to help our auto_compani and auto_worker __PUNCT__ quickli_move to higher ga mileag car and more biofuel and all of the other solut that ar out there __PUNCT__ you would see the price drop becaus i think the compani and the countri that suppli our oil would be worri that we actual meant it thi time __PUNCT__

and thei would onc again try to lull us into a fals sens of secur __PUNCT__

so i would do all of that and i think it would have an impact and then of cours we have to follow through to make sure that we do everyth we can to take back control over our own energi destini __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ you mention the oil supplier and obvious lead us into someth els that realli flew by dure the debat that seem awfulli import __PUNCT__

in that debat you were ask about a hypothet iranian attack on israel and your hypothet respons as command in chief and you said __PUNCT__ let me read the quot exactli __PUNCT__ i think that we should be look to creat an umbrella of deterr that goe much further than israel __PUNCT__

of cours i would make it clear to the iranian that an attack on israel would includ massiv retali from the unit_state but i would do the same with other countri in the region __PUNCT__

can you clarifi sinc there wa no follow __PUNCT__ up to that which hypothet middl_east conflict would incur massiv retali by thi countri and what constitut massiv retali __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ what we were talk about wa the potenti for a nuclear attack by iran __PUNCT__

if iran doe achiev what appear to be it continu goal of obtain nuclear_weapon and i think deterr ha not been effect us in recent_time __PUNCT__

we us it veri well dure the cold_war when we had a bipolar world and what i think the presid should do and what our polici should be is to make it veri clear to the iranian that thei would be risk massiv retali were thei to launch a nuclear attack on israel __PUNCT__

in addit __PUNCT__ if iran were to becom a nuclear_power it could set off an arm_race that would be incred danger and destabil becaus the countri in the region ar not go to want iran to be the onli nuclear_power so i could imagin that thei would be rush to obtain nuclear_weapon themselv __PUNCT__

in order to forestal that __PUNCT__ creat some kind of a secur agreement where we said __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you do not need to acquir nuclear weapon if you were the subject of an unprovok nuclear attack by iran __PUNCT__ the unit_state and hopefulli our nato alli would respond to that as well __PUNCT__

it is a theori that some peopl have been look at becaus there is a fear that if iran __PUNCT__ which i hope we can prevent __PUNCT__ becom a nuclear_power __PUNCT__ but if thei were to becom on some peopl worri that thei ar not deterr __PUNCT__ that thei somehow have a differ mindset and a worldview that might veri well lead the leadership to be will to becom martyr __PUNCT__

i don't bui that but i think we have to test it and on of the wai of test it is to make it veri clear that we ar not go to permit them if we can prevent it from them becom a nuclear power but were thei to becom some their us of nuclear_weapon against israel would provok a nuclear respons from the unit_state which person i believ would prevent it from happen and that we would try to help the other countri that might be intimid and bull into submiss by iran becaus thei were a nuclear_power __PUNCT__ avoid that state by creat thi new secur umbrella __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ not to equat nuclear conflict or it us as a deterr to the pennsylvania primari but that is the other headlin __PUNCT__ i suppos __PUNCT__ of the dai __PUNCT__

let me ask you about the campaign and someth you said in pittsburgh todai and again __PUNCT__ let me read the quot about be presid __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ it the toughest job in the world and you have to be readi for anyth __PUNCT__

two war __PUNCT__ skyrocket oil_price __PUNCT__ an economi in crisi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ if you can't take the heat __PUNCT__ get out of the kitchen __PUNCT__

that is almost word for word the narrat of thi new ad that your campaign put out todai __PUNCT__ and that ad flash a veri brief imag of osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__

for nearli six year now sinc senat max cleland wa cut down by a commerci that featur a pictur of bin laden __PUNCT__ that ha been __PUNCT__ that tactic ha been kind of a bloodi shirt for mani democrat __PUNCT__

is it not just __PUNCT__ in your opinion __PUNCT__ as much of a scare tactic for a democrat to us it against anoth democrat __PUNCT__ as it is for a republican to us it in a race against the democrat __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ that ad is about leadership __PUNCT__ and i obvious believ i do have the leadership experi and qualiti to becom the presid and the command in chief __PUNCT__

and as you said in the begin __PUNCT__ lot of time import_issu get short shrift in the back __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ forth in a campaign __PUNCT__

but the fact is that the next presid will be sworn in at a time of veri __PUNCT__ veri difficult world condit __PUNCT__ and here at home __PUNCT__ a lot of challeng __PUNCT__

thi is on of the most seriou elect we ever had __PUNCT__

and as peopl zero in on the choic thei have to make here in pennsylvania and around the countri and the remain contest and then certainli in the fall __PUNCT__ i want peopl to realli understand what a seriou decis it is __PUNCT__

there is noth at all that is in ani wai inappropri in sai __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ presid_face the unexpect all the time __PUNCT__

katrina wa also a part of that ad __PUNCT__

we don't know what the next presid will face __PUNCT__

and i like to ask audienc to consid thi as a hire decis __PUNCT__

if you were to hire the person you thought wa readi on dai on to do the toughest job in the world __PUNCT__ what would you look for __PUNCT__ what kind of resum would you be try to seek out __PUNCT__ i obvious believ that i have a uniqu set of qualif and experi that prepar me for thi moment in time __PUNCT__

i would not be in thi race __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__ i would not be campaign hard across pennsylvania as i have been for the last week if i did not believ i would be the best presid of the three of us still in thi contest __PUNCT__ and that i would be the stronger candid against john_mccain and the republican in the fall __PUNCT__

and i know that nation_secur will be a prime issu when we get to the fall __PUNCT__

i don't think anybodi will be surpris by that __PUNCT__ and no democrat who want to win in the fall should be surpris __PUNCT__

we go to have to go toe to toe with john_mccain on nation_secur __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ we go to have to stand up to whatev the republican throw our wai __PUNCT__

and i do think we ought to get real about some of the big_issu that we go to face in the white_hous start next __DATE__ and certainli dure the campaign lead up to the elect of the next presid __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ the resum of all three of you who ar in thi semi __PUNCT__ final round __PUNCT__ if you will __PUNCT__ of the hire decis came up over the weekend __PUNCT__

senat_obama said all three of the current presidenti_candid __PUNCT__ himself __PUNCT__ yourself and senat_mccain __PUNCT__ would be better presid than is mr __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__

you were critic of him for sai that __PUNCT__ senat_obama that is __PUNCT__ by sai __PUNCT__ we need a nomine who will take on john_mccain __PUNCT__ not cheer on john mccain __PUNCT__ and i will be that nomine __PUNCT__

but earlier in thi campaign __PUNCT__ last month on the __NUM__ of march __PUNCT__ you had also said that you thought it wa __PUNCT__ and again __PUNCT__ thi is a direct quot __PUNCT__ imper that each of us be abl to demonstr we can cross the command in chief threshold __PUNCT__ and i believ that i done that __PUNCT__

certainli senat_mccain ha done that __PUNCT__ and you have to ask senat_obama with respect to hi candidaci __PUNCT__

to some degre __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ in those remark from last month __PUNCT__ hadn't you alreadi cheer on senat_mccain at senat_obama expens __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ not at all __PUNCT__

i think that obvious __PUNCT__ senat_mccain ha militari experi __PUNCT__

he ha a long experi on the senat arm_servic_committe __PUNCT__ where i serv with him __PUNCT__

and i think most peopl in thi countri would look at hi experi in the militari and in the senat __PUNCT__ and on nation_secur sai he doe cross that threshold __PUNCT__

the problem is that he ha the wrong idea __PUNCT__

he would continu the bush_polici on iraq __PUNCT__ which i think is wrong for the countri __PUNCT__

and in fact __PUNCT__ hi statement about hi be will to leav troop in iraq for up to __NUM___year is someth that i absolut reject __PUNCT__

that would be wors than presid_bush __PUNCT__

and when it come to the economi __PUNCT__ hi polici seem to be more of the same __PUNCT__ more of the same fail polici that have brought us to the brink of a recess __PUNCT__ that have brought us huge deficit and an explod debt __PUNCT__

and i think that wrong as well __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ you can have a licens to practic law __PUNCT__ but that doesn't necessarili mean that somebodi should hire you to perform certain servic and take on certain case __PUNCT__

and i don't think that senat_mccain is the presid or command in chief that we will need __PUNCT__

and i don't want to in ani wai sai he would be better __PUNCT__

it would be hard to be wors than georg_bush __PUNCT__

i said sever year_ago i think he is the wors presid we had __PUNCT__

and i think you echo that sentiment on mani occas on your show __PUNCT__

so i don't think that he would be better than georg_bush __PUNCT__

i think he more of the same of presid_bush __PUNCT__ and i don't think the countri can afford that __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ presid buchanan support ar still argu that point with both of us __PUNCT__ but we see ey to ey on it __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ olbermann __PUNCT__ on thing about the __PUNCT__ thi ha been touch on __PUNCT__ i sai onc an hour dure the entir campaign __PUNCT__ thi histor natur of both your candidaci and senat_obama __PUNCT__

and it ha so mani import and posit thing for thi countri __PUNCT__

but there a __PUNCT__ necessarili an unfortun flip_side to thi __PUNCT__

and i see it in person with some protest out here on the plaza next to thi veri studio in the last coupl of week __PUNCT__

do you believ __PUNCT__ as some of them seem to __PUNCT__ that critic of your campaign is necessarili sexism or larg sexism __PUNCT__ or sometim sexism __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think the histor natur of the campaign is caus a lot of cognit disson among so mani peopl __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__

and a few of them ar in the media __PUNCT__ i believ __PUNCT__ becaus no matter what happen in thi elect __PUNCT__ the fact that senat_obama and i ar in thi close race for the democrat_nomin mean that forev forward __PUNCT__ everi littl girl __PUNCT__ and everi african __PUNCT__ american child __PUNCT__ will be told that __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ you too can grow up to be presid __PUNCT__

i think that is not just histor __PUNCT__ i think it wonder __PUNCT__

but there have been __PUNCT__ and you report on some of them __PUNCT__ moment when peopl have said thing __PUNCT__ or express opinion __PUNCT__ that ar certainli not mine and certainli not senat_obama __PUNCT__

speak for myself __PUNCT__ i know that i try to break the highest and hardest glass_ceil that exist in our countri __PUNCT__

i take on that challeng willingli and gladli __PUNCT__ becaus i think it the right thing to do __PUNCT__

but i also believ that peopl have to take a look at us individu __PUNCT__

and i hope that what thei ar do __PUNCT__

that thei ask themselv who will do the best job under difficult circumst __PUNCT__

and we go to break some real barrier as we alreadi have in thi campaign __PUNCT__

and i hope that that will push our societi beyond some of the remnant of discrimin on the basi of race or gender that we still see from time to time __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ on thing about thi particular primari in pennsylvania __PUNCT__ a lot of us who felt that you and presid_clinton were sore mistreat in the late __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to sai noth of the constitut be sore mistreat thought that the phrase that you introduc to that sad convers __PUNCT__ the vast right __PUNCT__ wing conspiraci __PUNCT__ wa pretti apt if not perfect __PUNCT__

and we thought __PUNCT__ mayb i just speak for myself __PUNCT__ i don't know __PUNCT__ but on of the few utterli unforgiv individu in that entir equat wa richard mellon scaif __PUNCT__ among other thing is the publish of the __PUNCT__ pittsburgh tribun __PUNCT__ review __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ serious __PUNCT__ to some degre __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i quit thi job the first time around becaus of richard mellon scaif and peopl like him __PUNCT__

and i realiz you have a primari to win but why on earth did you meet with richard mellon scaif and why did you accept or at least not reject hi endors of you over the weekend __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__ nobodi wa more surpris than i when i wa invit to the editori_board and i wa veri open to meet __PUNCT__ and frankli __PUNCT__ i wa veri curiou __PUNCT__

i had onli onc the gentleman onc in my life in a receiv line __PUNCT__ just in a matter of second __PUNCT__

obvious i wa on the receiv of quit a bit of hi activ dure the nineti __PUNCT__

much to everyon dismai __PUNCT__ most certainli mine __PUNCT__

but i wa curiou and he ha a lot of interest peopl who write for that peopl and work for him __PUNCT__

and it wa a fascin question __PUNCT__

a lot of give and take __PUNCT__

thei certainli don't agre with me on mani of my posit and i wa dumbfound both to have been invit and then to have been endors __PUNCT__

but i do believ in redempt __PUNCT__ keith __PUNCT__ i believ in deathb convers and i think it possibl for anyon to see the error of their wai __PUNCT__

so i bring_peopl togeth as we speak __PUNCT__

anyon who doubt my abil to bridg the most incred chasm can point to those recent remark __PUNCT__

olbermann __PUNCT__ i leav the remark about the deathb convers when there more time __PUNCT__

senat_clinton __PUNCT__ thank you for your time and safe travel __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

it great to talk with you __PUNCT__