Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.05.03.remarks_in_wake_forest_north_carolina originally had 969 tokens. You can view the original text here.

__SYMBOL__ p hillari_clinton deliv the follow remark at a __PUNCT__ get out the vote __PUNCT__ event todai in wake forest __PUNCT__ nc __PUNCT__ someon run for offic __PUNCT__ particularli run for the presid __PUNCT__ ha to be abl to deal with both the immedi __PUNCT__ the urgent __PUNCT__ the long __PUNCT__ term and necessari __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ what i have tri to do in thi campaign is to keep us focus on how we have to plan for the futur __PUNCT__ be prepar to deal with the economi __PUNCT__ with energi __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ our stand and posit in the world __PUNCT__ but also to deal with the date __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ dai __PUNCT__ becaus i have seen veri person the challeng that our famili ar face now __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ these price that ar go up from gase __PUNCT__ ga_price __PUNCT__ to groceri price __PUNCT__ ar realli take a big chunk out of peopl dispos_incom __PUNCT__

i think that it imper that we try to obtain some immedi relief __PUNCT__

and what i have propos would do just that __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and there a big disagr in thi campaign __PUNCT__

you see it in the headlin about where both senat_obama and i stand in take on the immedi crisi that we confront __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ you probabl heard the debat about the ga tax __PUNCT__ becaus my oppon is run ad and hold press_confer attack my plan to try to give you some kind of break thi summer __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ it import to me that we come up with solut __PUNCT__ and in a campaign __PUNCT__ sometim that hard __PUNCT__ becaus of the back and forth in the campaign __PUNCT__

but it is import __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ for you to see clearli what it is i propos and what i would do __PUNCT__

there is no contradict between try to provid immedi relief and have a long __PUNCT__ term vision and a plan for what we must do to lessen our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ and to be move toward more home __PUNCT__ grown fuel __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ so here is what i propos __PUNCT__ i want the oil_compani to pai the feder ga tax thi summer __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ some peopl sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that wouldn't save the averag consum all that much monei __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we figur we save about __MONEY__ for the averag consum __PUNCT__

it would save a whole lot more for truck_driver __PUNCT__ for farmer __PUNCT__ for peopl who commut long_distanc to work __PUNCT__ who reli upon transport the good thei sell for their busi __PUNCT__

and it would probabl save trucker __MONEY___billion in fuel cost __PUNCT__ just for the summer __PUNCT__

and that __MONEY__ billion that wouldn't go into the cost of the food that you go to the groceri_store to bui __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i also believ that we should make it clear that there is someth not right about the wai these price ar go up __PUNCT__ and i would ask the depart of justic and the feder trade commiss to conduct an investig to try to get to the bottom of thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ and here why i believ thi __PUNCT__ and why i am urg the presid and the congress to realli take thi serious __PUNCT__

there wa testimoni by an oil_compani execut just a few week_ago in congress __PUNCT__

when he wa press __PUNCT__ he admit that probabl if it were just market_forc __PUNCT__ the price of oil would be less than __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we know it __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__

anoth investig in the senat found that there about a __MONEY__ premium on the cost of oil __PUNCT__ becaus of market manipul by energi trader __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ we rememb energi trader __PUNCT__

back dure enron __PUNCT__ energi trader deliber drove up the price of electr on the west_coast __PUNCT__

i am convinc energi trader ar drive up the cost of oil and ga right now in the global marketplac __PUNCT__

and we need to close what is unfortun call the enron loophol __PUNCT__ and start regul energi trader again so that thei cannot be basic take advantag of the rest of us __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i also believ we should quit bui oil on the market to put in the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__

the presid of the unit_state run the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__

the point of it is to have a huge reserv of oil in case of some terribl disast __PUNCT__

it is __NUM__ __PUNCT__ full __PUNCT__

we can veri well stop pai for it at these high_price which drive the price up for everybodi els __PUNCT__ and i would even releas some of it to send a messag to the oil_compani and the oil produc countri that we go to be seriou go forward __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ i think if you ar a leader __PUNCT__ you have got to look at both the headlin and the trendlin __PUNCT__

you have in me a presid who get up everi singl_dai and worri about what is go on here in wake forest __PUNCT__

i believ complet that there isn't a problem we can't solv in america if we start act like american __PUNCT__ and that requir us to have a presid who is go to summon us to action again __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ thi issu that we ar face_todai over ga_price __PUNCT__ and the debat that my oppon and i ar have over it __PUNCT__ is realli part of a larger differ between us __PUNCT__

it someth i hope you will think about when you go to vote __PUNCT__ either vote earli todai or vote next tuesdai __PUNCT__