Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.05.11.remarks_in_grafton_west_virginia originally had 4820 tokens. You can view the original text here.

good afternoon __PUNCT__

oh my good __PUNCT__

thi is just such a pleasur and we ar thrill to be here __PUNCT__

what better place to spend mother dai than here in grafton __PUNCT__ not far from the andrew methodist_church __PUNCT__ where the veri first mother dai wa celebr __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

so thi is the hundredth anniversari and i want to thank all of you for spend part of thi dai with us here at the b and o railroad heritag center __PUNCT__

i want to thank the counti commiss presid dave goebel for be here and all the elect_offici who ar here with us __PUNCT__

it is excit to be here with my daughter too __PUNCT__ becaus whether you a son or a daughter __PUNCT__ or in fact __PUNCT__ a father or a mother __PUNCT__ or mayb a grandfath or a grandmoth __PUNCT__ or even a great grandpar __PUNCT__ you know that you part of an ongo celebr everi mother dai that began as a simpl commemor of a west_virginia woman and that what i think is so special __PUNCT__

when i walk through the home and saw where ann maria reev jarvi live __PUNCT__ and there so much there that is authent and of period __PUNCT__ it realli did touch my heart __PUNCT__

i wa told by tom and oliv who were take us through that peopl come sometim everi mother dai __PUNCT__ thei bring friend and rel from out of the area to experi thi real walk_back through histori __PUNCT__

i wa inspir when i first read about ann maria and how she work so hard to rais her famili like so mani women in those dai __PUNCT__

she had ten children but onli four surviv __PUNCT__

she taught sundai_school __PUNCT__

i also learn that she wa a methodist like i am and her husband wa a baptist like my husband __PUNCT__

for __NUM___year of marriag thei never went to church togeth __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ bill and i have done that a few time __PUNCT__

thei eventu __PUNCT__ under the leadership of ann maria __PUNCT__ organ what were call mother __PUNCT__ work_dai and thei work to improv sanit and health condit and rais_fund for medicin __PUNCT__ and try to care for women with tuberculosi __PUNCT__

thei inspect bottl milk and food and treat wound soldier __PUNCT__ both yanke and confeder __PUNCT__

the upstair bedroom __PUNCT__ which is the guest bedroom __PUNCT__ there is both the grei and the blue on the bedspread becaus thei care for ani wound soldier __PUNCT__ it wa safe passag if thei made it to the jarvi home __PUNCT__

that wa veri inspir to me __PUNCT__

she had a tremend sens of duti and oblig and her stori might have been lost in histori had her own daughter not come forward with the idea of mother dai and to honor her and all mother for the contribut __PUNCT__

so as we look at the mother and the grandmoth who ar gather here todai and as we think about the ten of million of mother across our countri who ar busi take care of their children __PUNCT__ do their job __PUNCT__ support their commun and live live of faith and servic __PUNCT__ we ar remind from gener to gener that our progress often come from the hard_work __PUNCT__ determin and the tenac of women __PUNCT__

i want to begin by salut my own mother who couldn't be here __PUNCT__ becaus my mother __PUNCT__ as some of you mai have heard me sai or read in my book __PUNCT__ didn't have the benefit of a stabl_famili grow up __PUNCT__

her parent were unabl to care for their two young_daughter and were divorc in the 1920 which wasn't veri comment back then __PUNCT__

my eight year old mother and her five year old sister were sent awai on a train all by themselv from chicago to california to live with grandpar who had littl interest in rais them __PUNCT__

so when my mother wa about __NUM__ she left that home and wa hire as a live'in helper by a woman who encourag and support her __PUNCT__

my mom took care of the children in the morn __PUNCT__ got them off to school __PUNCT__ then she could go to high_school __PUNCT__ she would come right back and take care of them when the kid got home from school __PUNCT__

she never had the chanc to go to colleg __PUNCT__ but she wa determin that her own children would have that chanc __PUNCT__

as i grew older and learn more about my mother own stori __PUNCT__ it realli impress upon me more fulli what it took for her to forg ahead in the face of life challeng __PUNCT__

i saw how hard she work everi singl_dai to support my father and our famili __PUNCT__ to rais me and my brother __PUNCT__ and to be involv in teach sundai_school to help out at the neighborhood school __PUNCT__

my mother didn't have the luxuri to put up her feet and take a breather __PUNCT__

she just kept go __PUNCT__ kept work __PUNCT__ kept meet her respons and pursu her dream for her children so that we could have opportun that she __PUNCT__ and prior gener __PUNCT__ never ever dream of __PUNCT__

she wasn't alon __PUNCT__

judg from the mother i meet across our countri __PUNCT__ i come to believ that hard_work __PUNCT__ determin and resili ar encod in our dna __PUNCT__

we know we have the __PUNCT__ worri __PUNCT__ gene __PUNCT__

we know we have the __PUNCT__ put your coat on becaus it cold outsid __PUNCT__ gene __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we also have the __PUNCT__ stand up and fight for what you believ in __PUNCT__ gene __PUNCT__

take __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__ my grandmoth __PUNCT__ my father mother __PUNCT__ hannah jone __PUNCT__

she wa a formid woman __PUNCT__

she di when i wa quit young but i have vivid memori of her __PUNCT__

she wa the kind of woman who never took no for an answer __PUNCT__

and on time __PUNCT__ when my father and a friend were hitch a ride on the back of an ic truck __PUNCT__ and their feet were dangl over the back of it __PUNCT__ the truck came to an abrupt halt and skid and smash into someth crush my father feet __PUNCT__

he wa rush to the hospit __PUNCT__ word went out to hannah that her son had been serious injur __PUNCT__

she got to the hospit onli to be met by doctor who said that thei had to amput hi feet __PUNCT__

hannah said no __PUNCT__

and she barricad my father and herself in their hospit room __PUNCT__ would not let anyon in until her brother'in'law who happen to be a doctor arriv and then she basic browbeat him into agre to save my father feet __PUNCT__

my father went on to plai footbal in high_school and colleg __PUNCT__

thei did a good_job __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__

but if it hadn't been for that mother sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ you not go to do thi __PUNCT__ my father life would have been so much differ __PUNCT__

so when i think of hannah __PUNCT__ i think of the mother who is work to help her child who is label a failur in school until he final experi success __PUNCT__

i think of the mother who petit the mayor or the citi_council or the polic_chief to demand more protect for children when thei ar outsid plai in the neighborhood __PUNCT__

or the mother who take matter into her own hand and send bodi armor to her son or daughter in iraq when the militari didn't provid it __PUNCT__

thi is not a new phenomenon __PUNCT__

women have been stand up for what we believ in __PUNCT__ defi convent __PUNCT__ and go forward for a long_time __PUNCT__

what about the brave suffragist who didn't abandon their fight for the right to vote even when thei were ostrac and harass and thrown in jail __PUNCT__ what about harriet tubman __PUNCT__ who wouldn't back down in the face of danger as she led slave out of bondag on an underground railroad __PUNCT__ what about dolor huerta __PUNCT__ who help to found the unit farm_worker and work long and veri unglamor hour as a grassroot activist to bring digniti to the live of other mother __PUNCT__ what about salli ride __PUNCT__ who wouldn't give up her dream of soar into space when women were told thei didn't have the __PUNCT__ right stuff __PUNCT__ to becom astronaut __PUNCT__ what about the women around the world like the extraordinari ellen johnson sirleaf __PUNCT__ who becam the presid of liberia in __NUM__ and whose leadership ha liter help to mother a wound and suffer nation __PUNCT__ i find inspir from all of these women and from their stori and i find inspir as i travel around west_virginia and america __PUNCT__

i find inspir from the mother and grandmoth i meet everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

i wa in indiana toward the end of the campaign __PUNCT__ in fact it wa the veri last event we did in evansvil __PUNCT__

we were in a high_school gym __PUNCT__ hundr of peopl were there and after i spoke i wa shake_hand and i came upon a beam glow mother __PUNCT__ stand next to the wheelchair which her son __PUNCT__ who wa incred __PUNCT__ profoundli disabl __PUNCT__

she introduc me with such love and pride to her son __PUNCT__

and he could be well understood by me but she could understand everyth he wa sai __PUNCT__

she proceed to interpret for him how excit he wa about thi campaign __PUNCT__

and how he knew exactli what i wa sai across indiana __PUNCT__

job __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__ job __PUNCT__

and he said it over and over and over again __PUNCT__

i think of all of these mother who take whatev life throw at us __PUNCT__ get up everi morn __PUNCT__ get the kid readi for school __PUNCT__ doe the laundri __PUNCT__ bui the groceri __PUNCT__ cook the dinner __PUNCT__ help on the homework and mayb work a dai shift __PUNCT__ a nightshift or a doubl shift __PUNCT__

and mother who tell their daughter __PUNCT__ you ar just as smart and capabl as anyon els and don't ever think you aren't __PUNCT__

women who ask the pta __PUNCT__ why don't we do more to get girl into math and scienc class __PUNCT__

women who dare to compet in the board room and the back room __PUNCT__ the locker_room and the newsroom __PUNCT__ the hall of academia and the corridor of polit_power __PUNCT__

through their persever and resili these women ar stand up for the bedrock principl of american_democraci __PUNCT__ the promis of opportun for anyon who is will to work_hard and pursu their dream __PUNCT__

that is a principl and a promis that must alwai includ girl and women __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ if you ar a woman of a certain ag __PUNCT__ as i am __PUNCT__ you have like experienc a moment along the wai when your own sens of limitless possibl collid with a harsher realiti __PUNCT__

for me __PUNCT__ it wa a small moment __PUNCT__

i wa a teenag __PUNCT__ i dream of be an astronaut __PUNCT__

so i wrote to nasa to volunt for astronaut train and find out what you had to do to be prepar __PUNCT__

i got a letter back __PUNCT__ girl were just not accept into the program __PUNCT__

the truth is __PUNCT__ given my poor eyesight and veri __PUNCT__ veri modest athlet abil __PUNCT__ i would have never been accept in ani event __PUNCT__

but the reject __PUNCT__ howev small __PUNCT__ carri a messag __PUNCT__

i hadn't realiz until then that anyon be deni an opportun simpli on the basi of be a girl __PUNCT__

later __PUNCT__ in a class of __NUM___student at law_school __PUNCT__ i wa on of onli __NUM___women enrol __PUNCT__ at that time the largest group ever __PUNCT__

todai women ar the major of student in law_school __PUNCT__

but i rememb when i wa just start my legal career and a colleagu advis me not to be a trial_lawyer becaus __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ i had no wai of get the on thing everi trial lawyer need __PUNCT__

when i ask him what __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ a wife __PUNCT__

i said __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ veri serious he said __PUNCT__ when you in a long trial and you busi __PUNCT__ who go to make sure you have clean sock for court __PUNCT__ i had honestli never thought of that and i had alwai wash my sock myself __PUNCT__

so it didn't seem like it would be that big an obstacl __PUNCT__

thankfulli __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ like gener of women todai __PUNCT__ ar abl to make our own choic becaus other women stood up and demand that for us __PUNCT__

i often think about how much live have chang for women sinc when my own mother wa born in __NUM__ when i wa born in __NUM__ and when chelsea wa born in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

we made an enorm_amount of progress __PUNCT__

women ar now neurosurgeon and nascar driver __PUNCT__ judg and gener __PUNCT__ ceo and cpa __PUNCT__

but it also true that the higher you go up in the rank __PUNCT__ the thinner it becom __PUNCT__ whether it busi __PUNCT__ or law __PUNCT__ or polit __PUNCT__ or other field __PUNCT__

women still face a lot of barrier __PUNCT__ some visibl __PUNCT__ some invis __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ it realli import we recommit ourselv to make sure that our daughter and our son have an equal chanc to lead and serv in the futur __PUNCT__

over the past few dai i gotten email from around the countri from peopl offer word of encourag and advic __PUNCT__

on man from california wrote __PUNCT__ keep fight __PUNCT__

no matter what the outcom mai be __PUNCT__ the fact that you stood throughout the constant up and down in thi race __PUNCT__ on thing is sure __PUNCT__ you never waver and you never gave up __PUNCT__

a woman name linda said __PUNCT__ linda wrote and said __PUNCT__ don't give up __PUNCT__

i support you look at my girl and know that when the go get tough __PUNCT__ you keep forg ahead __PUNCT__

a californian wrote __PUNCT__ for the sake of all futur and current mother everywher __PUNCT__ keep your head up and keep on in thi race __PUNCT__ keep fight __PUNCT__ i am with you all the wai __PUNCT__

but i guess my favorit messag wa from a woman name angela __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ keep strong __PUNCT__ she said __PUNCT__ it not over until the ladi in the pantsuit sai it is __PUNCT__

i share that __PUNCT__ becaus the underli lesson is not so much about me but about all of us __PUNCT__

about whether or not we do stai with what we start __PUNCT__ whether or not we can make_progress if we don't commit ourselv to it and see it through __PUNCT__ unless we ar wile to stand in the face of advers __PUNCT__

the same is true for our countri __PUNCT__

we need to rise to the challeng_face us __PUNCT__ no matter how daunt __PUNCT__ and take care of the unfinish busi befor america __PUNCT__

unfinish busi that reson not onli for women but for all of us __PUNCT__ for children whose live and well'b is affect becaus their mother is paid lower_wage than male counterpart do the same_job __PUNCT__

for husband who share the burden place on a famili when a woman can't get matern leav or get a bank loan or qualifi for a decent pension __PUNCT__

for father who want their daughter to have the same opportun as their son __PUNCT__ to compet at sport __PUNCT__ or be engin __PUNCT__ or fly jet or break ani barrier to be whatev thei dream __PUNCT__ includ presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

it unfinish busi that we see everydai in the headlin __PUNCT__ the supermarket line __PUNCT__ the bank line __PUNCT__ the emerg_room line __PUNCT__

the question befor us as a nation is whether we will forg ahead with that sens of resili and purpos that ha alwai mark america __PUNCT__

will we address the mortgag_crisi so more famili don't lose their home __PUNCT__ will we final achiev health_care so that everi singl american ha qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health care __PUNCT__ will we get seriou about reduc our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__ will we tackl the ga_price that ar go up astronom __PUNCT__ will we stop ship american_job job_oversea __PUNCT__ will we adopt green_energi energi_polici includ clean_coal that will make econom sens and protect us __PUNCT__ and our children children __PUNCT__ will we make colleg afford again for the young_peopl who ar now be shut out of go to colleg __PUNCT__ will we end no child_left behind __PUNCT__ which is not work __PUNCT__ will we bring our troop_home from iraq and end thi war that ha cost thousand of live and billion of dollar __PUNCT__ will we take care of those who have taken care of us __PUNCT__ our veteran __PUNCT__

west_virginia ha the highest proport of veteran anywher in our countri __PUNCT__

i am run for presid becaus i believ we can answer all of those question __PUNCT__

i know we can achiev solut to fix our economi and creat new job and safeguard peopl home from foreclosur __PUNCT__ reliev the burden of soar food and ga_price __PUNCT__

i believ we can bring our troop_home with honor __PUNCT__ follow a strategi that is smart and safe start within __NUM___dai of my becom presid __PUNCT__

i believ we can onc again see good_job with rise incom __PUNCT__ to do more to support children and famili __PUNCT__ especi in place like west_virginia __PUNCT__

and for just a moment __PUNCT__ i like to mention your wonder senior senat __PUNCT__ senat_robert c __PUNCT__ byrd __PUNCT__

mani of you know that senat byrd lost hi mother when he wa onli __NUM___year old __PUNCT__

he grew up in poverti __PUNCT__ but wa fortun to be taken in by an aunt and uncl who gave him the love and foundat of famili __PUNCT__

everi year around mother dai __PUNCT__ senat byrd give a speech on the senat_floor in appreci of mother __PUNCT__

when i came to the senat __PUNCT__ and my mother spent a lot of time with us __PUNCT__ she now live with us __PUNCT__ she us to watch c'span all the time to see if she could catch a glimps of me __PUNCT__ to be veri honest about it __PUNCT__

and she fell in love with senat byrd __PUNCT__

and a few year_ago i took her to have lunch with senat byrd in hi offic and she told him how much she appreci hi mother dai speech __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ he said someth so cogent that i just want to repeat it here __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ that the best mother invest the best of themselv in their famili __PUNCT__ thei ar high'stak broker __PUNCT__ and we __PUNCT__ their famili __PUNCT__ ar the stock on their exchang __PUNCT__

if we simpli try our best __PUNCT__ she will consid the return on her invest to be well met __PUNCT__

on of the poem he read that year wa __PUNCT__ like mother __PUNCT__ like son __PUNCT__

although he bare had a chanc to know hi mother __PUNCT__ to thi dai he still feel her gentl presenc __PUNCT__ her soft urg to do hi best to make her proud __PUNCT__

bill and i often talk about the challeng he face in hi famili __PUNCT__ when after hi father_di befor he wa born __PUNCT__ hi mother had to leav him to go to school to becom a nurs __PUNCT__

he wa left with her parent while she wa awai __PUNCT__

and there is such a poignant pictur of him be taken to go visit hi mother who wa in nurs school in new orlean __PUNCT__

and he is about __NUM___year old and he is all dress up in a littl suit that hi grandmoth had bought for him for the trip __PUNCT__

and i rememb hi mother __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__ tell me that she wa so happi to see him but it wa so heartbreak when he left on the train go back to arkansa __PUNCT__

on of bill earliest memori is see hi mother drop to her knee and just sob as her son left __PUNCT__

but she wa there to get a better educ so she could take better care of him __PUNCT__

i know bill __PUNCT__ like senat byrd and million of son across america __PUNCT__ as well as daughter from coast to coast __PUNCT__ carri their mother love with them everydai __PUNCT__

i think there is more we can do to make sure that young parent ar not so stress out __PUNCT__

it is hard rais_children todai __PUNCT__

there ar so mani demand __PUNCT__ the job don't pai what thei us to __PUNCT__ which mean that usual you have to have both parent work __PUNCT__ don't you __PUNCT__ if you ar a singl_mom __PUNCT__ honestli __PUNCT__ i think you ar a miracl worker to be abl to manag the famili and a job at the same_time __PUNCT__

i think we should do more to help young famili __PUNCT__ i would like to see us experi in our countri with what other countri have __PUNCT__

and that is not onli expand the famili and medic leav act __PUNCT__ so that we protect more famili in time of emerg __PUNCT__

i am veri proud that million and million of peopl have taken advantag of that __PUNCT__ the first bill that my husband sign __PUNCT__

but we need to expand it becaus right now it cut off at __NUM___employe __PUNCT__ we need to bring that down to __NUM__ employe becaus when you have a newborn babi __PUNCT__ or you adopt a babi __PUNCT__ or your spous or yourself is sick __PUNCT__ or your parent is sick __PUNCT__ it is terribl have to make a choic between lose your job and take care of your love on __PUNCT__

i just work to pass_legisl which we have pass to extend the famili and medic leav to the famili of wound soldier __PUNCT__

becaus so mani of them __PUNCT__ when thei ar brought_back to the countri thei need extens and lengthili care __PUNCT__ and thei need their famili by their side __PUNCT__

so we go to make sure we protect their job and i like that to be avail for more peopl __PUNCT__

here in west_virginia __PUNCT__ that would help a lot of west virginian __PUNCT__

i also want to push for someth that is not avail in veri mani place todai __PUNCT__

that is some form of paid leav for limit purpos __PUNCT__ becaus what happen now with unpaid leav is that if you can't afford to go from your job __PUNCT__ you can't take it even if it is avail to you __PUNCT__

if we had a small limit program of paid leav that the feder_govern would work with the state to provid __PUNCT__ __NUM___worker in west_virginia in the privat_sector might be elig __PUNCT__

i also think it is import we look at the end of life and the begin of life togeth __PUNCT__

we need more child'car for famili __PUNCT__

we have __NUM___children under six in west_virginia that don't have good child'car __PUNCT__

but we also have mani __PUNCT__ mani famili take care of love on and thei don't get much help do it __PUNCT__

the averag_famili in america take care of a child with a disabl __PUNCT__ a spous with alzheim __PUNCT__ a parent with parkinson __PUNCT__ will spend at least __MONEY__ out of pocket take care of that love on __PUNCT__

i think we should give a __MONEY__ caregiv tax_credit so that famili ar not put at a financi disadvantag for do what thei ar do out of love and dedic __PUNCT__

i also would like to see us make it easier and less expens to bui long'term care_polici __PUNCT__

it on of the biggest concern famili have what happen if my parent or my grandpar or my spous is no longer abl to take care of him or herself and i physic can't do it ani longer and don't have ani help to do it __PUNCT__

how can we get some long'term care in the home or in some other set __PUNCT__ and i think we should have a long'term care tax_credit __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ so peopl can bui long'term care insur __PUNCT__

on all of these issu __PUNCT__ it realli doe matter whether we ar go to care for on anoth __PUNCT__

and i think it is interest that thi holidai we start todai wa the idea of a woman __PUNCT__ right here in grafton __PUNCT__

anna jarvi prevail against the odd __PUNCT__

if you were to come with an idea right now for a nation_holidai and you persev for nine or ten_year like she did __PUNCT__ it would be a labor of love __PUNCT__

and that is what it sometim doe take to make the chang that ar go to benefit us __PUNCT__

i want to just end by spotlight anoth mother __PUNCT__ becaus thi whole question of equal pai for equal work realli is at the core of my belief that we have got to get to equal in the workplac __PUNCT__

lili ledbett wa a mother who rais her two children while work at a tire factori in alabama __PUNCT__

for almost two decad __PUNCT__ befor she learn she wa be paid far less than her male counterpart do the same_job __PUNCT__

she su under the equal pai act __PUNCT__ which ha been in exist for __NUM___year __PUNCT__

the suprem_court __PUNCT__ control by the new bush chief_justic threw her case out __PUNCT__

thei said she didn't file the complaint soon enough __PUNCT__

the onli problem wa she hadn't known until after all those year she wasn't be paid the same __PUNCT__

you don't go up to your fellow employe and sai show me your pai stub __PUNCT__

you just don't do that __PUNCT__

the inform wa a secret __PUNCT__

so we tri to fix that loophol in the senat a few week_ago but the republican block us __PUNCT__

i want peopl to rememb that in thi upcom elect season __PUNCT__

becaus when women in workplac ar discrimin against __PUNCT__ paid lower_wage than thei deserv __PUNCT__ that affect their husband __PUNCT__ it affect their children __PUNCT__ it affect the famili_incom __PUNCT__

when women make___MONEY__ on a dollar for a man and a mom goe to the groceri_store __PUNCT__ the checkout counter person doesn't sai __PUNCT__ you onli make___MONEY__ so we ar go to cut the cost of the groceri by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that doesn't happen __PUNCT__

so we have got to remedi that __PUNCT__

and there is a lot of other unfinish busi __PUNCT__

but it is excit to know that we ar here on the hundredth anniversari of thi celebr __PUNCT__

and in two dai __PUNCT__ the voter of west_virginia will join the ten of million of american who have alreadi cast their vote for presid __PUNCT__

i am ask for your support so that i can continu to fight for you and fight to finish the work that we have start __PUNCT__

i would not be stand here if it were not for all the women who went befor __PUNCT__

not onli the women in my own life __PUNCT__ like my mother and my grandmoth __PUNCT__ or my wonder daughter whom i am so thrill to have with me here todai __PUNCT__ but it is also becaus of countless women and men whose name we mai never know who realli believ strongli in what thei thought would make their commun and their countri better place __PUNCT__

so i leav you todai with a mother dai messag i receiv a few dai_ago from a __NUM___year old young_women in kentucki __PUNCT__ happi mother dai __PUNCT__ she wrote __PUNCT__ hopefulli i will be wish you on next year as presid __PUNCT__

you have alreadi succeed as the world hardest job __PUNCT__ be a mother __PUNCT__

the second hardest job should be a breez for you __PUNCT__

happi mother dai everybodi __PUNCT__