Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.05.14.interview_with_charlie_gibson_of_abc_news originally had 2936 tokens. You can view the original text here.

gibson __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ take a __PUNCT__ a practic and realist object __PUNCT__ mayb even cold __PUNCT__ blood view of thi race __PUNCT__ can you win it __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ of cours i can __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ that becaus no on ha won it yet __PUNCT__

there is no nomine __PUNCT__

no on ha reach the __NUM__ number __PUNCT__ which is the __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ number of deleg need to win __PUNCT__ if you includ michigan and florida __PUNCT__ and both senat_obama and i agre that we have to includ michigan and florida __PUNCT__ and get their deleg seat __PUNCT__

so i think that we got some addit contest to go __PUNCT__

we got peopl who ar try to make up their mind __PUNCT__ look at who thei believ would be the better presid __PUNCT__ and the stronger candid against senat_mccain __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ but the math is daunt __PUNCT__

it mai be after next tuesdai that senat_obama will have the major of pledg deleg __PUNCT__ and inde __PUNCT__ superdeleg ar come to him in a rather steadi flow __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ in the last week __PUNCT__ he won more of those than you were abl to pick up in west_virginia __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ ha __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ to reach what is the __PUNCT__ the magic number of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ he not there yet __PUNCT__ and we ar work_hard __PUNCT__

we were thrill by our victori in west_virginia last night __PUNCT__

it wa a great valid of my messag about fight for peopl __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ we go onto kentucki __PUNCT__ and oregon __PUNCT__ and the rest of the contest __PUNCT__ and then we see what happen with michigan and florida __PUNCT__ and by __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we have a clearer idea about where everyon stand __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ you have cite often __PUNCT__ in campaign appear __PUNCT__ i heard you talk about your __NUM__ plu year in polit __PUNCT__

if you were a pundit __PUNCT__ comment object on thi race __PUNCT__ what would you be sai __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i would be sai it on of the most excit __PUNCT__ closest race __PUNCT__ that we ever had __PUNCT__ at least that anyon can rememb __PUNCT__

that million and million of democrat and other american have been energ __PUNCT__ and brought into the process __PUNCT__

that each candid ha __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ drawn __PUNCT__ in the neighborhood of seventeen million vote __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ i slightli ahead in the popular_vote __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__

and that the democrat should be celebr __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ that there is so much interest and excit __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ about their candid __PUNCT__

and like everyth in life __PUNCT__ there is an endpoint __PUNCT__

we not there yet __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ it will be reach __PUNCT__

but to ask someon __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ to stop __PUNCT__ when it so close __PUNCT__ seem to defi polit_histori __PUNCT__ or human_natur __PUNCT__

i never heard of such a thing go on __PUNCT__

you go back and look at __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ polit candid __PUNCT__ peopl went to the convent with nowher near the number of vote thei need __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ senat kennedi kept hi __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ challeng __PUNCT__ to presid carter __PUNCT__ go for a long_time __PUNCT__

obvious __PUNCT__ we go to have a unifi democrat_parti __PUNCT__ when we have a nomine __PUNCT__ but we don't have a nomine __PUNCT__ yet __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ part of the equat __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__ is monei __PUNCT__

and i know you meet with your chief financi peopl __PUNCT__ and chief financi_support __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__

how __PUNCT__ how deepli in debt is the campaign __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we had __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ to compet against __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ a pretti __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ financ war chest __PUNCT__

i rais more monei __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ for a primari elect __PUNCT__ than anybodi ever in american_histori __PUNCT__ except for my oppon __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ from time to time __PUNCT__ for the last month __PUNCT__ he outspent me two __PUNCT__ three __PUNCT__ four to on __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ and as you know __PUNCT__ i lent monei to my campaign __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ we had to __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ sort of forward some monei __PUNCT__ but we go to be fine __PUNCT__

we get the monei we need to compet in these last contest __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ i not entertain ani kind of __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ conclus __PUNCT__ until everybodi ha a chanc to vote __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ the estim ar the campaign __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ is somewher in the neighborhood of twenti_million million_dollar in debt __PUNCT__

is that true __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ charli __PUNCT__ we go to have enough monei to compet __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ i someon who alwai __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ taken care of ani oblig i ever had __PUNCT__ and if we have ani __PUNCT__ we will __PUNCT__ but i hope to be the nomine __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ that be taken care of in due cours __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ given the math of thi elect __PUNCT__ what do you sai to someon about why thei should contribut at thi stage __PUNCT__ to your campaign __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ becaus i would be the stronger candid against senat_mccain __PUNCT__

if you look at the elector map __PUNCT__ i think that the argument in my favor is __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ overwhelm __PUNCT__

i won the big state that we have to win __PUNCT__

i won swing_state that we have to win __PUNCT__

i have a veri broad coalit __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ if you were to appli the republican rule __PUNCT__ becaus the republican_parti basic conduct their primari more in line with the elector map __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ becaus thei want it to be winner take all in these state __PUNCT__ becaus thei know that a __PUNCT__ a clearer indic of who will like win in the fall __PUNCT__ or at least be much more competit __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i would alreadi be the nomine if we had the republican rule __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we don't __PUNCT__ so we plai by the rule we have __PUNCT__ but when you win the state that i won __PUNCT__ and you put them on an elector map __PUNCT__ i won more than __NUM__ elector_vote __PUNCT__

senat_obama obama_won about __NUM__ __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ in my elector_vote total __PUNCT__ ar some state that i don't think ar go to be easi to win for a democrat __PUNCT__ like texa __PUNCT__ or oklahoma __PUNCT__ or possibl __PUNCT__ indiana __PUNCT__

but there ar mani more state in hi elector map that will be veri difficult for a democrat to win __PUNCT__ like alaska __PUNCT__ and idaho __PUNCT__ and utah __PUNCT__ and the rest __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i think that peopl who ar seriou about us win in the fall __PUNCT__ have to start look at the elector map __PUNCT__ and figur out how we go to have a candid who actual get to the __NUM__ elector vote major __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ but that an interest argument __PUNCT__ and i wonder if you make it to super deleg __PUNCT__

ar you sai __PUNCT__ i can win pennsylvania __PUNCT__ he can't __PUNCT__

i can win ohio __PUNCT__ he can't __PUNCT__

i can win michigan __PUNCT__ he can't __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ what i sai is that base on the evid we have __PUNCT__ i have a much stronger argument to make __PUNCT__ that i can win those state __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ i won them __PUNCT__ number on __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ and i believ that __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ i will win them in the fall __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ and that he won't __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i will win them __PUNCT__

um __PUNCT__ he could __PUNCT__ and he ha to make that case to hi support __PUNCT__ and to other __PUNCT__

but i think my case is a stronger on __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ i not sure much should be made of exit_poll __PUNCT__ but yesterdai in west_virginia __PUNCT__ sixteen percent of the voter in that state __PUNCT__ as thei came out of the poll place __PUNCT__ admit __PUNCT__ admit that race wa the reason thei vote against barack_obama __PUNCT__

doe __PUNCT__ doe that __PUNCT__ in your mind __PUNCT__ expos a fault_line __PUNCT__ in hi campaign __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i think that regrett __PUNCT__ becaus obvious thi is such a histor campaign __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ race and gender ar fact __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ the first african_american __PUNCT__ the first woman __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ but i believ that the vast_major of voter yesterdai __PUNCT__ an overwhelm_major __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ chose between us base on who could be better for the economi __PUNCT__ and healthcar __PUNCT__ and colleg afford __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ that what i think is realli at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__ and i believ that peopl who __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ look at the two of us __PUNCT__ who look at our record __PUNCT__ who look at our plan __PUNCT__ who look at our abil to get thing done __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ ar attract to my candidaci __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ you somebodi who ha work on civil right issu for mani year in your lifetim __PUNCT__

when you see poll result like that __PUNCT__ doe it disturb you __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and what doe it sai about the countri __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it doe __PUNCT__ and it also disturb me when about the same number of peopl in a lot of poll sai that thei wouldn't vote for a woman __PUNCT__

it __PUNCT__ it realli regrett __PUNCT__

we come so far in our countri __PUNCT__ and i think thi campaign ha shatter so mani __URL__ we go to keep shatter them __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ no matter how it turn out __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ becaus after all __PUNCT__ it the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ who ha put forth the two of us __PUNCT__

it the democrat parti who ha put forth candid who ar make histori __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ the vast_major of the voter have __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ taken into account __PUNCT__ obvious who we ar __PUNCT__ but more importantli __PUNCT__ what we stand for __PUNCT__ and what we would do if we were their presid __PUNCT__

and i think that is to the great credit of the voter of thi countri __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ you made refer to the fact that some peopl ar concern still about a femal candid for presid __PUNCT__

just look at the abc poll of thi week __PUNCT__

among white who hadn't gone to colleg __PUNCT__ seventeen percent sai thei be at least somewhat uncomfort with a black_presid __PUNCT__

the same group apt to be uncomfort with a woman presid __PUNCT__ twenti __PUNCT__ on percent __PUNCT__

doe that present a real obstacl for whichev on of you is a candid __PUNCT__ in the fall __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we break new ground here __PUNCT__ charli __PUNCT__

there ar peopl __PUNCT__ as your poll just __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ recit __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ have reluct about a woman __PUNCT__ have reluct about an african_american __PUNCT__

but thankfulli __PUNCT__ those ar a rel small_minor __PUNCT__ and i not sure that those peopl would ever vote for __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ on of us __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ so we just go to __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ make it clear that we run for presid __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ in order to be the presid __PUNCT__ the presid of all the peopl __PUNCT__

i want to repres all fifti_state __PUNCT__ everi kind of person that we have in the unit_state __PUNCT__

i alwai done that __PUNCT__ throughout my entir life and career __PUNCT__

i believ strongli in bring_peopl togeth __PUNCT__

i been a champion for women right __PUNCT__ and civil right __PUNCT__ and human right __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ so i go to keep do everyth i can to dear down ani artifici barrier that stand in the wai of someon be abl to __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ see __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ the merit of a person candidaci __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ i think we made a lot of progress in the last __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ in thi campaign __PUNCT__ get that job done __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ a coupl of time __PUNCT__ you quot a differ number of deleg that would be need __PUNCT__

most peopl_work on the premis of two __PUNCT__ __NUM__ you __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ includ the number over __NUM__ which would includ michigan and florida __PUNCT__

ar there activ negoti between your campaign __PUNCT__ and barack_obama __PUNCT__ at thi stage __PUNCT__ some sort of a compromis __PUNCT__ that would work out a seat of the florida and michigan deleg __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ both senat_obama and i agre that the deleg should be seat __PUNCT__

it realli not up to us __PUNCT__ and our campaign __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ to make that determin __PUNCT__

it is up to the democrat_nation_committe __PUNCT__ and thei have schedul a meet on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ which i hope will resolv it __PUNCT__

um __PUNCT__ it not __PUNCT__ it not my place __PUNCT__ or barack place __PUNCT__ to dictat how the dnc make that determin __PUNCT__

it is up to them __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ but the import_thing is to make sure thei ar seat __PUNCT__

that why the number is __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ __NUM__ becaus i believ we have to seat michigan and florida __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ i know that senat_obama agre we have to seat them __PUNCT__

it a question of __PUNCT__ in what wai we go to seat them __PUNCT__ but onc the number of their deleg ar determin __PUNCT__ then thei go into the base __PUNCT__ and then you have to get a major of all the deleg __PUNCT__

we can't be send a nomine __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ to our convent __PUNCT__ base on onli forti __PUNCT__ eight state __PUNCT__

that would be a __PUNCT__ a grave error __PUNCT__

and particularli __PUNCT__ these two state __PUNCT__ that ar so import for our elector chanc in the fall __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ and i know that meet is come on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ but i also think that if __PUNCT__ um __PUNCT__ that if you and senat obama_campaign came to some agreement on what should be done about michigan and florida __PUNCT__ i think the parti might take that __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ as a real indic of what ought to be done __PUNCT__

i just wonder if there ar convers underwai __PUNCT__ between the campaign __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ and i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i think i would have to respectfulli point out __PUNCT__ charli __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ the leader of those state have pretti strong_opinion __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ gibson __PUNCT__ hmm __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ some of them ar for me __PUNCT__ and some of them ar for barack __PUNCT__ and some of them ar uncommit __PUNCT__

uh __PUNCT__ but thei don't want anybodi dictat to them __PUNCT__

thei want to __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ do thi on their own __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ in each state __PUNCT__ there been a challeng file by a democrat_nation_committe committe_member __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i think that __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ we not in ani activ negoti __PUNCT__ in part becaus i don't think that that the wai thi will be resolv __PUNCT__

i think it be resolv __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ by the state __PUNCT__ work with the democrat_nation_committe __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ to have ani chanc of win thi thing __PUNCT__ at thi stage __PUNCT__ do you have to beat barack_obama at somewher where he might be favor __PUNCT__ i. __PUNCT__ do you have to win oregon __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ i don't think so __PUNCT__

i think thi is a question of who ha the most vote __PUNCT__ who ha the most deleg __PUNCT__ who the stronger candid __PUNCT__

i go to work_hard __PUNCT__ becaus obvious i valu everi singl on of these remain contest __PUNCT__

and i have been campaign in __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ each of them __PUNCT__

so i go to do the best i can __PUNCT__

but at the end of the dai __PUNCT__ it the total __PUNCT__ uh __PUNCT__ pictur that will be evalu by those who have to make thi decis __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ and the on best argument __PUNCT__ at thi stage __PUNCT__ for hillari_clinton __PUNCT__ is it an issu __PUNCT__ is it experi __PUNCT__ is it elect __PUNCT__ what is it __PUNCT__ clinton __PUNCT__ well i think it is elect __PUNCT__ base on experi __PUNCT__ base on the issu i stand for __PUNCT__ like univers_healthcar __PUNCT__ a core democrat valu __PUNCT__

and base on the state that i won __PUNCT__ the coalit that i have put togeth __PUNCT__ which i believ is a stronger base __PUNCT__ on which to run a win __PUNCT__ gener_elect elect_campaign against senat_mccain __PUNCT__

gibson __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ good to talk to you as alwai __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

clinton __PUNCT__ great to talk to you __PUNCT__

thank __PUNCT__ charli __PUNCT__