This speech titled 2008.05.28.letter_to_superdelegates originally had 1108 tokens. You can view the original text here.
dear __PUNCT__ the stake in thi elect ar so high __PUNCT__ with two war abroad __PUNCT__ our economi in crisi here at home __PUNCT__ and so mani famili struggl across america __PUNCT__ the need for new leadership ha never been greater __PUNCT__
at thi point __PUNCT__ we do not yet have a nomine __PUNCT__ and when the last vote ar cast on __DATE__ neither senat_obama nor i will have secur the nomin __PUNCT__
it will be up to automat deleg like you to help choos our parti nomine __PUNCT__ and i would like to tell you why i believ i am the stronger candid against senat_mccain and would be the best presid and command in chief __PUNCT__
voter in everi state have made it clear that thei want to be heard and count as part of thi histor race __PUNCT__
and as we reach the end of the primari_season __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___million_peopl have support me in my effort to becom the democrat_nomine __PUNCT__ more peopl than have ever vote for a potenti nomine in the histori of our parti __PUNCT__
in the past two week alon __PUNCT__ record number of voter particip in the west_virginia and kentucki primari __PUNCT__
and with __NUM__ and __NUM___point margin of victori __PUNCT__ it is clear that even when voter ar repeatedli told thi race is over __PUNCT__ thei not give up on me __PUNCT__ and i am not give up on them either __PUNCT__
after seven year of feel invis to the bush_administr __PUNCT__ american ar seek a presid who is strong __PUNCT__ experienc __PUNCT__ and readi to take on our toughest challeng __PUNCT__ from serv as command in chief and end the war in iraq to turn our economi around __PUNCT__
thei want a presid who share their core_belief about our countri and it futur and __PUNCT__ get __PUNCT__ what thei go through everi dai to care for their famili __PUNCT__ pai the bill and try to put someth awai for the futur __PUNCT__
we simpli cannot afford anoth four __PUNCT__ or eight __PUNCT__ year in the wilder __PUNCT__
that is why __PUNCT__ everywher i go __PUNCT__ peopl come up to me __PUNCT__ grip my hand or arm __PUNCT__ and urg me to keep on run __PUNCT__
that is why i continu in thi race __PUNCT__ becaus i believ i am best prepar to lead thi countri as presid __PUNCT__ and best prepar to put togeth a broad coalit of voter to break the lock republican have had on the elector map and beat senat_mccain in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
recent_poll and elect_result show a clear trend __PUNCT__ i am ahead in state that have been critic to victori in the past two elect __PUNCT__
from ohio __PUNCT__ to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ to west_virginia and beyond __PUNCT__ the result of recent primari in battleground_state show that i have strong_support from the region and demograph democrat need to take back the white_hous __PUNCT__
i am also current ahead of senat_mccain in gallup nation track poll __PUNCT__ while senat_obama is behind him __PUNCT__
and nearli all independ analys show that i am in a stronger posit to win the elector_colleg __PUNCT__ primarili becaus i lead senat_mccain in florida and ohio __PUNCT__
i enclos a detail analysi of recent elector and poll inform __PUNCT__ and i hope you will take some time to review it carefulli __PUNCT__
in addit __PUNCT__ when the primari ar finish __PUNCT__ i expect to lead in the popular_vote and in deleg earn through primari __PUNCT__
ultim __PUNCT__ the point of our primari process is to pick our strongest nomine __PUNCT__ the on who would be the best presid and command in chief __PUNCT__ who ha the greatest support from member of our parti __PUNCT__ and who is most like to win in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
so i hope you will consid not just the strength of the coalit back me __PUNCT__ but also that more peopl will have cast their vote for me __PUNCT__
i am in thi race for them __PUNCT__ for all the men and women i meet who wake up everi dai and work_hard to make a differ for their famili __PUNCT__
peopl who deserv a shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__ the chanc to save for colleg __PUNCT__ a home and retir __PUNCT__ to afford qualiti health_care for their famili __PUNCT__ to fill the ga tank and bui the groceri with a littl left over each month __PUNCT__
i am in thi race for all the women in their nineti who told me thei were born befor women could vote __PUNCT__ and thei want to live to see a woman in the white_hous __PUNCT__
for all the women who ar energ for the first time __PUNCT__ and vote for the first time __PUNCT__
for the littl girl __PUNCT__ and littl boi __PUNCT__ whose parent lift them onto their shoulder at our ralli __PUNCT__ and whisper in their ear __PUNCT__ see __PUNCT__ you can be anyth you want to be __PUNCT__
as the first woman ever to be in thi posit __PUNCT__ i believ i have a respons to them __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ i am in thi race becaus i believ stai in thi race will help unit the democrat_parti __PUNCT__
i believ that if senat_obama and i both make our case __PUNCT__ and all democrat have the chanc to make their voic_heard __PUNCT__ everyon will be more like to ralli around the nomine __PUNCT__
in the end __PUNCT__ i am commit to unifi thi parti __PUNCT__
what senat_obama and i share is so much greater than our differ __PUNCT__ and no matter who win thi nomin __PUNCT__ i will do everyth i can to bring us togeth and move us forward __PUNCT__
but at thi point __PUNCT__ neither of us ha cross the finish line __PUNCT__
i hope that in the time remain __PUNCT__ you will think hard about which candid ha the best chanc to lead our parti to victori in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
i hope you will consid the result of the recent primari and what thei tell us about the mindset of voter in the kei battleground_state __PUNCT__
i hope you will think about the broad and win coalit of voter i have built __PUNCT__
and most import __PUNCT__ i hope you will think about who is readi to stand on that stage with senat_mccain __PUNCT__ fight for the deepest principl of our parti __PUNCT__ and lead our countri forward into thi new centuri __PUNCT__