Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.06.01.remarks_following_the_puerto_rico_primary originally had 2078 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you so much __PUNCT__

i have four word for you __PUNCT__ te quiero puerto_rico __PUNCT__ never befor have these beauti island had such an import voic in a presidenti_elect __PUNCT__

and i have thoroughli enjoi my time here __PUNCT__

i cannot thank you all enough __PUNCT__

bill and chelsea and i ar so grate to the bottom of our heart for your generos and your kind __PUNCT__ and i hope that we have help to draw_attent to the concern of puerto_rico and we have also help to spotlight the beauti and the spirit of thi wonder place __PUNCT__

i am grate for thi show of overwhelm support __PUNCT__

i came to puerto rico to listen to your voic becaus your voic deserv to be heard __PUNCT__

and i hear you __PUNCT__ and i see you __PUNCT__ and i will alwai stand up for you __PUNCT__

i also want to recogn senat_obama and hi support __PUNCT__

our two campaign have turn out record number of new voter __PUNCT__ determin to chart a new cours for america __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ thi primari elect ha been hard fought becaus there is so much at stake and we must elect a democrat_presid __PUNCT__

i am i am overwhelm by thi vote todai and i cannot complet thi journei without your help __PUNCT__

we have two contest left in south_dakota and montana __PUNCT__ and you can make the differ by visit___URL__ and help us make sure we go strong __PUNCT__

everi contribut will help us make our case to the voter who ar go to be head to the poll __PUNCT__

and i want you to know that thi elect is realli about your futur __PUNCT__

you vote even though some tri to tell you that your vote wouldn't count __PUNCT__

you vote for the person you believ will be the stronger nomine and the strongest presid __PUNCT__

and you ar not alon __PUNCT__

you ar join million of peopl across the unit_state __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___million __PUNCT__ plu the vote that we receiv todai __PUNCT__

peopl who don't alwai make the headlin __PUNCT__ who don't alwai feel like your voic ar be heard __PUNCT__

i think about these peopl all the time __PUNCT__ becaus that who i care most about __PUNCT__

the nurs on her second shift who still can't pai her credit_card bill __PUNCT__ the worker who can't afford the ga on the wai to work __PUNCT__ the waitress on her feet without health_care __PUNCT__

the small_busi busi_owner saddl with rise energi_bill __PUNCT__ the colleg_student who can't afford to continu colleg __PUNCT__ the farmer __PUNCT__ the teacher __PUNCT__ the trucker __PUNCT__ the soldier __PUNCT__ the veteran __PUNCT__

the peopl yearn for a presid who will rebuild the economi and a command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief who will restor our leadership and moral_author in the world __PUNCT__

i know that peopl face tough_time __PUNCT__

but what i been impress by is the resourc and resili that the peopl here and across the unit_state us to face whatev challeng thei confront __PUNCT__ becaus thei believ thei can keep work for a better tomorrow __PUNCT__

the american_dream mai bend under the weight of challeng we fail to meet and presid who have fail to lead __PUNCT__

it mai bend __PUNCT__ but it will never break __PUNCT__ becaus that what keep so mani of us go __PUNCT__ the thought of a better life tomorrow and a better futur for our children __PUNCT__

i believ that the peopl of the unit_state need a champion in the white_hous __PUNCT__ someon who will be a presid in their corner and on their side __PUNCT__

i believ you ar vote becaus you want a presid who will stand up for univers_health_care __PUNCT__

who will stand up for action to address the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ who will stand up for better job to protect social_secur __PUNCT__

you want to cut through the speech and the sound __PUNCT__ bite to real_solut __PUNCT__

and so todai you come out strong __PUNCT__

you have defi the skeptic __PUNCT__

more peopl across the countri have vote for our campaign __PUNCT__ more peopl have vote for us than for ani candid in the histori of presidenti_primari __PUNCT__

we ar win the popular_vote __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ there can be no doubt __PUNCT__ the peopl have spoken and you have chosen your candid __PUNCT__

and it import where we have won __PUNCT__

we ar win these vote in swing_state and among the veri swing_voter that democrat must win to take back the white_hous and put thi countri_back on the path to prosper __PUNCT__

togeth __PUNCT__ we won the battleground_state of pennsylvania __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ arkansa __PUNCT__ west_virginia __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__ new jersei __PUNCT__ new mexico __PUNCT__ nevada __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ michigan and florida __PUNCT__

and i hope by my second term __PUNCT__ regardless of what the peopl of puerto_rico decid about the statu option you prefer __PUNCT__ you too will be abl to vote for the next presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ when the vote conclud on tuesdai __PUNCT__ neither senat_obama nor i will have the number of deleg to be the nomine __PUNCT__

i will lead the popular_vote __PUNCT__

he will maintain a slight lead in the deleg count __PUNCT__

the decis will fall on the shoulder of those leader in our parti empow by the rule to vote at the democrat_convent __PUNCT__

i do not envi the decis you must make __PUNCT__ but a decis ha to be made __PUNCT__ and in the final assess __PUNCT__ i ask you to consid these question __PUNCT__ which candid best repres the will of the peopl who vote in thi histor primari __PUNCT__ which candid is best abl to lead to us victori in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and which candid is best abl to lead our nation as our presid in the face of unpreced challeng at home and abroad __PUNCT__ i am in thi race becaus i believ i am that candid __PUNCT__ and i will be that presid __PUNCT__

we ar win the popular_vote becaus we have stood for the core_principl of our parti __PUNCT__ a parti that believ in univers_health_care __PUNCT__ no on left out __PUNCT__

a parti that believ hard_work __PUNCT__ middl __PUNCT__ class_famili deserv a fair shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__ a parti that believ we must bring our troop_home from iraq safe __PUNCT__ respons __PUNCT__ and honor __PUNCT__

a parti that cherish everi child __PUNCT__ valu everi famili __PUNCT__ and count everi singl_vote __PUNCT__

we ar win against john_mccain and beat him in the kei state __PUNCT__

we have what it take to get the __NUM__ elector_vote necessari to win the white_hous __PUNCT__

and the major of voter know who is readi on dai on to serv as our presid __PUNCT__

a presid who will bring strength __PUNCT__ knowledg __PUNCT__ and experi to the white hous to solv our toughest problem __PUNCT__

a presid who know firsthand the challeng of the job __PUNCT__ as well as it power to make a posit differ in peopl_live __PUNCT__

that why i in thi race __PUNCT__

ultim it not about senat_obama or me __PUNCT__

it about you __PUNCT__ your hope __PUNCT__ your interest __PUNCT__ your futur __PUNCT__

it about the direct we choos as a nation __PUNCT__

with two war abroad and an econom_crisi at home __PUNCT__ we have to get thi right __PUNCT__

our countri cannot afford four more year of more of the same __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ todai puerto_rican across thi beauti place that i have come to enjoi so much made your voic_heard and your vote count __PUNCT__ and for that __PUNCT__ i want to thank my co __PUNCT__ chair __PUNCT__ senat presid kenneth mcclintock and puerto_rico democrat chair roberto prat __PUNCT__ polit_director rafi rodriguez aguayo and repres jorg colberg __PUNCT__ elect_repres __PUNCT__ repres __PUNCT__ junior __PUNCT__ gonzalez and rene estad __PUNCT__

jose hernandez mayor __PUNCT__ former governor carlo romero __PUNCT__ miguel lausel __PUNCT__ virgilio ramo __PUNCT__ and luisett cabana __PUNCT__

and special thank you to coordin ramon lui lugo __PUNCT__ deputi coordin francisco domenech __PUNCT__ and advisor jeffrei farrow __PUNCT__

and i want to thank all of my volunt __PUNCT__ my staff __PUNCT__ my support __PUNCT__ everyon who wave at us as we caravan all dai yesterdai __PUNCT__

and i want to reiter what i have said across puerto_rico __PUNCT__ togeth __PUNCT__ in my first term __PUNCT__ we will final enabl the statu question to be resolv __PUNCT__ base on the principl that govern should be repres at all level __PUNCT__ and the peopl of puerto rico deserv the opportun to choos from among all of the option __PUNCT__

togeth we will work to ensur that puerto rico is treat equal when it come to medicar and medicaid and the children_health health_insur insur_program __PUNCT__ tax_break for creat_job __PUNCT__ and more __PUNCT__

i will be your champion __PUNCT__

and i want to thank all of my friend in our labor_union __PUNCT__ all of them who have done so much for us __PUNCT__

it ha been a joi to work with everi singl union that ha been here support me __PUNCT__

we would not be here without you tonight __PUNCT__

and i want to sai a special word of thank to the hispan commun __PUNCT__ not just in puerto_rico __PUNCT__ but across the unit_state __PUNCT__

i am so honor you have stood by me throughout thi campaign __PUNCT__

i am grate for your love __PUNCT__ your friendship __PUNCT__ and your support __PUNCT__

what we have seen in thi campaign and what we have alwai known is that hispan_american __PUNCT__ latino from everi part of latin_america __PUNCT__ care_deepli about the futur of the unit_state __PUNCT__

you contribut so much to the great of thi countri __PUNCT__ to busi and academia __PUNCT__ to labor __PUNCT__ to the profess __PUNCT__ to entertain __PUNCT__ to sport __PUNCT__ to everi part of societi __PUNCT__

and you have also contribut greatli to expand the horizon and the divers of our countri __PUNCT__

i am so grate to you __PUNCT__ and i am so proud of the support you have given me __PUNCT__

i also wish to thank my famili for their incred love and support __PUNCT__ bill and chelsea __PUNCT__ my mother __PUNCT__ my brother __PUNCT__ hugh and toni __PUNCT__ my sister __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law __PUNCT__ maria and megan __PUNCT__ and all who ar help here in puerto_rico and south_dakota and montana __PUNCT__

becaus we ar in thi to choos a candid who we know will not onli stand up for us but unit us __PUNCT__

we will be strengthen by the enthusiasm of the million of peopl who have vote and volunt in all of these contest __PUNCT__

we ar propel by thi uniqu moment in histori __PUNCT__

the campaign ha been an extraordinari journei __PUNCT__ and i am grate for everi dai of it __PUNCT__ everi singl_dai someth happen which reinforc my commit and lift my spirit __PUNCT__

it might be a young child who is introduc and sai __PUNCT__ i want to grow up to be presid __PUNCT__

it might be a young mother who sai __PUNCT__ i have no health_insur __PUNCT__

i hope you will help me __PUNCT__

it might be an older_man __PUNCT__ who sai __PUNCT__ i am a veteran __PUNCT__ but i cannot get the help i deserv __PUNCT__

everi stori like that reinforc my commit to what we ar do togeth __PUNCT__

peopl deserv better from their govern __PUNCT__

the peopl of puerto_rico deserv better from the feder_govern __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ i call on you to travel thi final stretch with me __PUNCT__ to join me as we take america back and lead our countri with confid and optim into thi new centuri __PUNCT__

let keep fight for our dream __PUNCT__

let keep fight for what we believ __PUNCT__

let keep fight for on anoth __PUNCT__

let keep fight for america __PUNCT__

america is worth fight for __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you and god_bless_america __PUNCT__