This speech titled 2007.02.25.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation originally had 2148 tokens. You can view the original text here.
schieffer __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ thank you for come thi morn __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ good morn __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ i know you been out on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__
i found it veri interest __PUNCT__ what governor schwarzenegg said __PUNCT__ number on __PUNCT__ about iraq __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ the congress should either cut the fund on iraq or it should let the presid do what he want to do __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ i think we should do the former __PUNCT__
i think the congress should us it author __PUNCT__ it fund author to bring down the troop level an initi __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ out of iraq __PUNCT__ and continu to us that author to redeploi troop out of iraq over the next year or so __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ so you __PUNCT__ you basic agre with governor schwarzenegg __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ on what the congress ought to do __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think he agre with me __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ he agre with you __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i just teas __PUNCT__
i think __PUNCT__ i think that we ar in agreement about that __PUNCT__ as long as he not suggest we let the presid_continu on the cours he on now __PUNCT__ which i do not think congress __PUNCT__ do not believ congress should do __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ he also said the whole debat ought to be elev over and get beyond whether or not hillari_clinton ought to apolog for her vote on the war __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you have talk about that __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__
i __PUNCT__ i think that there ar two issu __PUNCT__
on is what the situat __PUNCT__ difficult situat we in __PUNCT__ in iraq now __PUNCT__ what the right and respons cours __PUNCT__ and tell the american_peopl and the world __PUNCT__ for that matter __PUNCT__ the truth about that __PUNCT__
i also think it import for those of us who were respons for vote on the resolut in __NUM__ to sai whatev the truth is for us about that vote __PUNCT__
for those who vote for it __PUNCT__ includ me __PUNCT__ if we believ we were wrong __PUNCT__ and i believ i wa __PUNCT__ i think it import to be honest about that and to sai it __PUNCT__
but i think that an individu decis to be made by those who were respons __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ you were up in new hampshir yesterdai __PUNCT__ and you told peopl at a health_care forum __PUNCT__ if you don't bring it up __PUNCT__ i will __PUNCT__ talk about the war in iraq __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ is thi whole elect about iraq __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think it about __PUNCT__ i think the domin issu will be iraq __PUNCT__ health care __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__
i think those ar the like domin issu __PUNCT__
there probabl also be a lot of discuss about the continu econom dispar in america between those who do well and those who aren't __PUNCT__
but i think those ar the __PUNCT__ the most import_issu __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ you had been sai that you ar __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ the candid of fundament chang __PUNCT__
but again __PUNCT__ go back to iraq and the public_debat over it __PUNCT__ when i see the unit_state state_senat unabl to get a consensu over whether thei ought to talk about it __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ and debat a nonbind resolut __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ i think it is __PUNCT__
i think it is as long as the presid of the unit_state is inspir american to take respons for their countri and to __PUNCT__ and to join in the debat __PUNCT__ to not just wait for politician to fight with each other in washington __PUNCT__
i think it import for the presid to make the case both on establish america moral leadership in the world and what to do about iraq __PUNCT__ how we transform the wai we us energi in thi countri and get off our addict to oil and deal with thi huge issu of climat chang __PUNCT__ how we move toward a univers_health_care health_care_system __PUNCT__
and i think that case ha to be made __PUNCT__ not just behind close_door to politician in washington __PUNCT__
the case ha to be made to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ becaus i think on all those issu __PUNCT__ the american peopl ar actual readi for seriou transform chang __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ some of your oppon would sai that the fundament chang have been in you and your record __PUNCT__ that you chang your posit on a lot of thing __PUNCT__ not just on iraq __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ what happen is __PUNCT__ for all of us __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ is we evolv __PUNCT__ we matur __PUNCT__
in my case __PUNCT__ there wa a lot of season that gone on __PUNCT__ both dure the last campaign and sinc that time __PUNCT__
i done a lot of work oversea __PUNCT__ for exampl __PUNCT__
and i learn __PUNCT__
i hope we all continu to learn __PUNCT__
and i don't think there been ani chang in me as a human be __PUNCT__ what my fundament valu ar __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ i still want everi american to have the kind of chanc that i had __PUNCT__ come from a pretti modest background to have absolut everyth __PUNCT__
that sort of at the heart and soul of why i want to be presid __PUNCT__
but i think all these piec __PUNCT__ univers_health_care __PUNCT__ chang the wai we us energi __PUNCT__ deal with the war in iraq and elev the wai america view by the rest of the world __PUNCT__ ar thing that i __PUNCT__ that i believ deepli __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let just talk about iraq __PUNCT__ and let try to get past whether somebodi ought to apolog or not __PUNCT__
let sai that you becom presid and you have the opportun to do everyth you want to do about thi __PUNCT__
what would you do __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ isn't there someth to what the presid sai when he sai if we just leav there that __PUNCT__ that you creat thi haven for terrorist __PUNCT__ that thei can oper out of there __PUNCT__ what go to happen if your recommend ar follow __PUNCT__ i guess __PUNCT__ is what i would sai __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
it a veri fair question __PUNCT__
i think no on know what go to happen __PUNCT__
what we do is __PUNCT__ what i do is us my best judgment under veri difficult circumst __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ the first thing i would do is sai to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ we cannot predict with ani certainti what will happen __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ what i would do if i were presid todai is draw down __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __NUM___troop out of the north and south __PUNCT__ continu over time a redeploy __PUNCT__ over about a year or so __PUNCT__ a redeploy of our combat troop out of iraq __PUNCT__
i maintain a presenc in kuwait __PUNCT__ probabl redeploi some troop to afghanistan __PUNCT__ where we need some addit help __PUNCT__ maintain a naval presenc in the persian_gulf __PUNCT__
and while i wa do that __PUNCT__ i would engag the iranian and the syrian directli __PUNCT__ both of whom have an interest in a stabl iraq __PUNCT__ particularli with america leav_iraq __PUNCT__
i will sai that i think it also the respons of the presid __PUNCT__ while that is occur __PUNCT__ or whatev path we on __PUNCT__ to prepar a plan __PUNCT__ a strategi __PUNCT__ to deal with contain in case thi thing doe __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ go in the wrong_direct __PUNCT__
becaus it could __PUNCT__
no matter what cours we take __PUNCT__ that could happen __PUNCT__ and we have to be prepar for that __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ when you sai you just don't know what __PUNCT__ what will happen __PUNCT__ can a person run for presid make a statement like that __PUNCT__ i don't know what will happen if we leav __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ it the truth __PUNCT__
it clearli the truth __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ i think the american_peopl know that __PUNCT__
i have __PUNCT__ i guess __PUNCT__ enough faith in our peopl to think thei can accept the truth __PUNCT__
i think it realli import for our next presid to be view as open and honest and decent __PUNCT__ to re __PUNCT__ establish the trust relationship between american and their presid __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ i think it also go to be crucial for that relationship to be re __PUNCT__ establish between the presid of the unit_state and the rest of the world __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ what happen __PUNCT__ how did we get to where we ar __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i think that there ar a lot of differ thing that happen __PUNCT__
what happen in iraq ha obvious been a bleed sore for america __PUNCT__
but i think __PUNCT__ beyond that __PUNCT__ what we seen over the last six or seven year is that raw power alon doe not make you a world_leader __PUNCT__
you actual have to have the moral_author to lead __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ in order for that to be true __PUNCT__ peopl have to see america as a forc for good __PUNCT__ not a countri that thei perceiv __PUNCT__ for right or wrong __PUNCT__ to be a bulli that onli interest in it own selfish short __PUNCT__ term_interest __PUNCT__
so that mean the world __PUNCT__ we have to chang __PUNCT__
we have to tell the truth about iraq __PUNCT__ we have to __PUNCT__ we have to start leav_iraq __PUNCT__ but we have to also demonstr __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ that we will to do thing that ar beyond our own selfish short __PUNCT__ term_interest __PUNCT__ to lead on thing like climat chang __PUNCT__ the genocid in sudan __PUNCT__ in darfur __PUNCT__ the spread of hiv/aid __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ thing that don't on the surfac appear to be in our short __PUNCT__ term interest __PUNCT__ but ar crucial for america to be abl to lead __PUNCT__
and for america to be abl to lead goe to the heart of whether we live in a stabl or chaotic world __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ ar you go to have to rais_tax to pai for your health_care_plan __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__ the tax_cut that georg_bush gave to peopl who make over __MONEY__ a year will have to go awai to pai for my health_care_plan __PUNCT__
my univers_health_care health_care_plan cost __NUM__ __PUNCT__ to __MONEY___billion a year __PUNCT__
i do not believ __PUNCT__ have spent a lot of time on thi __PUNCT__ that you can achiev univers_health_care without __PUNCT__ without find a revenu sourc __PUNCT__ and that my revenu sourc __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ just on the straight polit __PUNCT__ you __PUNCT__ some peopl sai __PUNCT__ ar the on fmr __PUNCT__
sen __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i think it a bunch of silli __PUNCT__
i wa in new hampshir yesterdai __PUNCT__ i met probabl over __NUM__ new hampshir_primari voter __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ in the cours of have a bunch of hous parti __PUNCT__ and you be shock to hear __PUNCT__ the onli peopl who ask me about thi were report __PUNCT__
i didn't have a singl new hampshir voter ask me about thi __PUNCT__
what thei ask about is what ar we go to do about iraq __PUNCT__ what ar we go to do about iran __PUNCT__ what ar we go to do about health_care __PUNCT__ the thing you expect them to be concern about __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ why would you tell peopl thei should vote for you instead of on of those two __PUNCT__ edward __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think i been through thi __PUNCT__
i have the season __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ i hope __PUNCT__ the season and depth and matur that requir to do the job __PUNCT__
and second __PUNCT__ i think it time to move past these increment step __PUNCT__ these babi step __PUNCT__ and have real and seriou transform chang on some of the issu that we talk about todai __PUNCT__ and those ar the thing that i __PUNCT__ i for __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ we want to thank you __PUNCT__ and i hope we see you again down the campaign_trail __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ thank for have me __PUNCT__ bob __PUNCT__
schieffer __PUNCT__ __URL__ well __PUNCT__
good_luck to you __PUNCT__
edward __PUNCT__ happi birthdai to you __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__