John Edwards

This speech titled 2007.03.15.remarks_in_manchester_new_hampshire originally had 3858 tokens. You can view the original text here.

a littl more than three year_ago __PUNCT__ i gave a speech here in new hampshir i call __PUNCT__ in defens of optim __PUNCT__

some of you probabl wonder if i could give a similar speech todai __PUNCT__

after all __PUNCT__ a lot ha happen sinc then __PUNCT__ and a lot of it hasn't been good __PUNCT__ the escal of the war in iraq __PUNCT__ the aftermath of katrina __PUNCT__ health_care_cost rise __PUNCT__ incom stai flat __PUNCT__ mount evid of global_warm __PUNCT__

i could go on __PUNCT__

but as a matter of fact __PUNCT__ i am still optimist __PUNCT__ mayb even more so than i wa then __PUNCT__

i am still optimist that america can be a countri where anyon who work_hard is abl to get ahead and creat a good_life for their famili __PUNCT__

i am optimist that we can restor america moral_author __PUNCT__

the challeng mai be larger __PUNCT__ and we mai have even more work to do to build a countri that live up to our ideal and our potenti __PUNCT__

but we can do it __PUNCT__

i am optimist we can do these thing becaus my own life sai it is possibl __PUNCT__

i am optimist we can do these thing becaus everyth i love about america and our entrepreneuri spirit and sens of decenc sai it possibl __PUNCT__

but most of all __PUNCT__ i am optimist becaus of you and the million of peopl like you __PUNCT__

you don't have to look veri far or dig veri deep to find peopl determin to make the chang we need __PUNCT__

million of peopl ar impati to take control of their own live and to take the respons to get our countri_back on track __PUNCT__

million of peopl who know we can't just wait for the next presid to come in and fix all of our problem or for govern to do what need to be done __PUNCT__

million of peopl who know that america is so much more than just a place __PUNCT__ america is an idea __PUNCT__

and the idea of america __PUNCT__ real __PUNCT__ fundament equal __PUNCT__ equal of opportun __PUNCT__ equal of cultur __PUNCT__ equal of respect __PUNCT__ equal for all __PUNCT__ matter more than ever __PUNCT__

our job is to make the idea of america real for all american __PUNCT__ and to rekindl that idea around the world __PUNCT__

so i want to take a few minut todai to talk about some of the challeng we face __PUNCT__

but i want to spend most of my time talk about the opportun befor us if we have the courag to do what it take __PUNCT__

becaus we have not yet realiz the promis of america __PUNCT__ we still struggl to live up to the idea __PUNCT__

there ar still two america here at home __PUNCT__ on for the power and anoth on for everyon els __PUNCT__

and there ar two america in the world __PUNCT__ the america that we aspir to and ha been a light to the world __PUNCT__ and the on you seen too often on the new late __PUNCT__

here at home __PUNCT__ the countri with the most advanc health_care in the world __PUNCT__ we have more american without health care __PUNCT__ __NUM___million __PUNCT__ not fewer __PUNCT__

in the richest countri in the histori of the globe __PUNCT__ we have more millionair and more billionair that ever __PUNCT__ but we also have more american_live in poverti __PUNCT__ __NUM___million_peopl unabl to fulfil their basic need of food and shelter __PUNCT__ no matter how mani job thei work __PUNCT__ not less __PUNCT__

as someon who grew up in the segreg south it hurt me to sai that more than __NUM___year after the brown decis __PUNCT__ we still have two school_system __PUNCT__ on for peopl who live in the right neighborhood and on for everyon els __PUNCT__

and the truth is that opportun is too often deni to peopl becaus of the color of their skin __PUNCT__ their ethnic background __PUNCT__ their gender __PUNCT__ or their sexual prefer __PUNCT__

and you all know that we ar not lead the world in a wai that live up to the idea of america __PUNCT__ or is good for us here at home __PUNCT__

what we us to call foreign_polici ha such a profound_effect on our everydai live that there realli is no such thing as pure foreign_polici anymor __PUNCT__

trade_polici affect job and wage here and throughout the world __PUNCT__

energi_polici affect climat chang here and all over the world __PUNCT__ and it impact domest and foreign secur __PUNCT__

poverti is an issu for us here __PUNCT__ i could talk about that all dai_long __PUNCT__ but poverti is also an issu directli relat to the rise of terror and our place in the world_economi __PUNCT__

a well __PUNCT__ known politician from a neighbor_state us to sai that all polit is local __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ all polici is local __PUNCT__

we ar not go to solv these problem with the usual approach __PUNCT__

these challeng ar too big __PUNCT__ too connect __PUNCT__ and too complic to be answer with the same old polit of increment __PUNCT__

meet them requir more than just a new presid __PUNCT__ it requir an entir new approach __PUNCT__

to build the america we believ in requir fundament __PUNCT__ transform chang __PUNCT__

not chang for the sake of chang __PUNCT__ but chang for the sake of get to where we know the countri and the world can be __PUNCT__ should be __PUNCT__ and need to be __PUNCT__

not increment __PUNCT__ babi __PUNCT__ step chang __PUNCT__ but invigor __PUNCT__ uplift __PUNCT__ challeng __PUNCT__ dare __PUNCT__ boundari __PUNCT__ push chang that address the root caus and understand the complex of our challeng __PUNCT__

so if we ar go to lead from thi point in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ we must lead with a bold and confid step __PUNCT__ confid in the great of the american_idea __PUNCT__ and bold in our plan to make it real __PUNCT__

to lead the world in address the challeng of our centuri __PUNCT__ america must restor our moral_author __PUNCT__

restor our moral author isn't just about feel_good about ourselv __PUNCT__

when the world look to america for leadership __PUNCT__ we ar stronger and safer __PUNCT__ and so is the rest of the world __PUNCT__

restor our moral_author mean lead by exampl __PUNCT__ and make_clear that hard challeng don't frighten us __PUNCT__ but call us to action __PUNCT__

to me __PUNCT__ there is no better opportun to make thi clear than the enorm challeng of help the __NUM___million_american who live in poverti __PUNCT__

mayb you heard the phrase __PUNCT__ it expens to be poor __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ it also expens for america to have so mani poor __PUNCT__

we all pai a price when young_peopl who could somedai find the cure for aid or make a fuel cell work ar sit on a stoop becaus thei didn't get the educ thei need __PUNCT__

and don't think for a second that address poverti is chariti __PUNCT__ address poverti make our workforc stronger and our economi stronger __PUNCT__

that is why i set a nation goal of elimin_poverti in the next __NUM___year __PUNCT__ and laid out a detail plan to do it by creat what i call a __PUNCT__ work societi __PUNCT__ build on what we learn to creat solut for the futur __PUNCT__

in a work societi __PUNCT__ we will reward work with a higher minimum_wage __PUNCT__ stronger labor_law __PUNCT__ and tax_credit for work_famili __PUNCT__

we will offer afford_hous near good_job and good school __PUNCT__ and creat a million step __PUNCT__ stone job for peopl who cannot find_work on their own __PUNCT__

we will help worker save for the futur with new work bond and homeownership tax_credit __PUNCT__

and we will all take respons for the problem of poverti and not just leav it to govern __PUNCT__

by build a work societi __PUNCT__ we won't just try the old solut and the old polit __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ we will work __PUNCT__ as a nation __PUNCT__ to chang fundament the cultur of poverti itself and creat the condit that allow peopl to lift themselv up into the middl_class __PUNCT__

rebuild our middl class for the __NUM___centuri also mean get at the root of on of the main obstacl to middl_class prosper __PUNCT__ the cost of health_care __PUNCT__

american spend more than __MONEY___trillion per year on heath care __PUNCT__ more than ani other countri on earth __PUNCT__

despit thi incred expenditur __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___million_american don't have ani health_insur at all __PUNCT__

that not just moral_wrong __PUNCT__

it undercut our person secur and our competit in the global marketplac __PUNCT__

that why i introduc a true univers_health_care health_care_plan to cover everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child in america __PUNCT__ by the end of my first term as presid __PUNCT__

i proud to be the first and onli candid to do so __PUNCT__

we cannot wait to transform our health_care_system __PUNCT__

my plan set up health care market around the countri to give peopl a choic of good_health health_care_plan __PUNCT__ includ a choic between privat and govern_plan __PUNCT__

it provid access to prevent_care __PUNCT__

it creat effici that don't exist todai by dramat lower administr_cost __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ if you don't have health_care __PUNCT__ you will __PUNCT__

if you have health care __PUNCT__ your cost will go down __PUNCT__

it mai seem complic in it detail __PUNCT__ but i see health care as a simpl matter of right and wrong __PUNCT__

i believ everi singl on of us ha equal worth __PUNCT__ and we should not treat anybodi as better than anybodi els __PUNCT__

everi american __PUNCT__ rich or poor __PUNCT__ no matter which america we live in __PUNCT__ ha the right to health care __PUNCT__

my plan deliv it __PUNCT__

our domest problem ar intertwin with our global challeng __PUNCT__ and nowher is thi truer than at the nexu of global_warm and energi_independ __PUNCT__

global_warm is a problem that is here __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ and not go awai __PUNCT__

the unit_state must lead __PUNCT__ lead smart __PUNCT__ lead courag __PUNCT__ and lead by exampl __PUNCT__

it is time to ask the american_peopl to be patriot about someth other than war __PUNCT__

we need invest in renew_energi __PUNCT__ more effici car and truck __PUNCT__ and a nation cap on carbon_emiss __PUNCT__

by take person_respons for our energi us __PUNCT__ we can all reduc our impact on the environ in big wai and small __PUNCT__

thi week __PUNCT__ i announc that we go to do exactli that in our campaign __PUNCT__ our campaign is go to be carbon neutral __PUNCT__

tackl global_warm through respons and conserv help reduc our relianc on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

and reduc our relianc on foreign oil strengthen our nation_secur __PUNCT__

but we won't stop there __PUNCT__

by creat a new energi_economi __PUNCT__ by transform our energi infrastructur and invest in research __PUNCT__ develop and deploy of altern_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__ we can not onli address global_warm and energi_independ __PUNCT__ we can creat more than a million new job in america __PUNCT__ and lai the foundat for a secur middl_class and a manufactur_base for america in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

our educ_system __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ need fundament chang __PUNCT__

as i said a few minut ago __PUNCT__ more than __NUM___year after brown v __PUNCT__ board of educ __PUNCT__ our educ_system remain shockingli unequ __PUNCT__

there ar nearli __NUM__ high_school where more than half of the student won't graduat __PUNCT__

minor __NUM__ __PUNCT__ grader read at the same_level as white __NUM__ __PUNCT__ grader __PUNCT__

our educ_system shortchang the skill our children need for the futur __PUNCT__ math and scienc __PUNCT__ creativ and critic think __PUNCT__

everi dai you can read report about how we fall behind in math and scienc __PUNCT__ our __NUM__ __PUNCT__ grader ar __NUM__ in the world in scienc educ __PUNCT__

we need to fundament chang the discuss about educ in our countri __PUNCT__ to move beyond a focu on test and get to the issu of educ our children for the challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

we need a seriou __PUNCT__ sustain effort to turn around fail school __PUNCT__

we should invest in our teacher __PUNCT__ the most import_part of ani school __PUNCT__

we need to do more to recruit them __PUNCT__ train them __PUNCT__ and pai them __PUNCT__ particularli in math and scienc and other place where there ar teacher shortag __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ it ha been more than a centuri sinc we made high_school univers __PUNCT__ but high school_graduat from well __PUNCT__ off famili ar five time more like to enrol in colleg __PUNCT__

those who do go to colleg pick up larger and larger debt __PUNCT__

i have a plan call colleg for everyon that will pai for the first year of colleg for anyon will to work_part __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__

and thi is on of the hallmark of the fundament chang we need __PUNCT__ we as democrat __PUNCT__

work and person_respons ar good_thing __PUNCT__ and we should be encourag both __PUNCT__

when we seriou about moral leadership at home __PUNCT__ we have the stand to assert moral leadership in the world __PUNCT__

and i believ we can begin by lead in area that __PUNCT__ at first glanc __PUNCT__ might not seem directli relat to our self __PUNCT__ interest __PUNCT__

i talk about global_poverti __PUNCT__ primari educ __PUNCT__

but i believ if you look close __PUNCT__ it clear that these area ar in fact directli relat to our present and futur nation_secur __PUNCT__

we know that terrorist thrive in fail_state __PUNCT__ and in state torn apart by intern conflict and poverti __PUNCT__

and we know that in mani african and muslim_countri todai __PUNCT__ extrem_poverti and civil_war have gut govern_educ educ_system __PUNCT__

so what take their place __PUNCT__ the answer is troubl __PUNCT__ but fill with opportun if we have the courag to seiz it __PUNCT__

a great portion of a gener is be educ in madrassa run by milit extremist rather than in public_school __PUNCT__

and as a result __PUNCT__ thousand and thousand of young_peopl who might onc have aspir to be educ in america ar be taught to hate_america __PUNCT__

when you understand that __PUNCT__ it suddenli becom clear __PUNCT__ global_poverti is not just a moral_issu for the unit_state __PUNCT__ it is a nation_secur secur_issu for the unit_state __PUNCT__

if we tackl it __PUNCT__ we will be do a good and moral thing by help to improv the live of billion of peopl around the world who live on less than __MONEY__ per dai __PUNCT__ but we will also begin to creat a world in which the ideolog of radic terror ar overwhelm by the ideolog of educ __PUNCT__ democraci __PUNCT__ and opportun __PUNCT__

if we tackl it __PUNCT__ we have the chanc to chang a gener of potenti enemi into a gener of friend __PUNCT__

now that would be transform __PUNCT__

but the challeng is great __PUNCT__ gener struggl requir gener solut __PUNCT__ so we must meet the challeng with an audaci plan __PUNCT__

as presid i would implement a four __PUNCT__ point_plan to tackl global_poverti __PUNCT__ and improv the nation_secur of the unit_state __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ we would launch a sweep effort to support primari educ in the develop_world __PUNCT__

more than __NUM___million young_children have no school at all __PUNCT__ deni even a primari educ to learn how to read and write __PUNCT__

educ is particularli import for young_girl __PUNCT__ as just on exampl of the rippl_effect __PUNCT__ educ mother have lower_rate of infant_mortal and ar __NUM__ percent more like to have their children immun __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will lead a worldwid effort to extend primari educ to million of children in the develop_world by fulli fund the millennium_develop goal of univers primari educ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

the u. __PUNCT__ will do it part by bring educ to __NUM___million million_children in poor_countri __PUNCT__ and we will ask our alli to step up and do the rest __PUNCT__

it not just good for our secur __PUNCT__ it good for their __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ we will support prevent health_care in the develop_world __PUNCT__

women and children bear the burden of poverti and diseas in the develop world __PUNCT__

women in our poorest_countri have a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ chanc of dy dure childbirth __PUNCT__

more than __NUM___million million_children die each year from prevent diseas __PUNCT__

mani of these diseas ar prevent with clean_water and basic sanit or afford immun __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will conven a worldwid summit on low __PUNCT__ cost invest in clean drink_water and sanit __PUNCT__

under my plan __PUNCT__ the u. __PUNCT__ will increas it invest in clean_water six __PUNCT__ fold __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ we can get to the root of global_poverti by increas opportun __PUNCT__ polit opportun and econom_opportun __PUNCT__

democrat right allow poor citizen to forc their countri to creat more progress law __PUNCT__ fight oppress and demand econom stabil __PUNCT__

econom initi like microfin and micro __PUNCT__ insur can spark entrepreneurship __PUNCT__ allow peopl to transform their own live __PUNCT__

and fourth __PUNCT__ i would appoint an individu in the white_hous __PUNCT__ report directli to me __PUNCT__ with the rank of a cabinet member __PUNCT__ to overse all of our effort to fight global_poverti __PUNCT__

despit it import to our nation_secur __PUNCT__ the unit_state still lack a comprehens strategi to fight global_poverti __PUNCT__

we need to embrac the vision of john f __PUNCT__ kennedi __PUNCT__ who recogn that __PUNCT__ the nation_interest and the caus of polit_freedom requir __PUNCT__ american effort to lift up the world poor __PUNCT__

our current effort ha plenti of bureaucraci __PUNCT__ over __NUM__ separ u. agenc ar involv in the deliveri of foreign assist __PUNCT__

what it lack is effici and account __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i chang that __PUNCT__

accomplish these goal __PUNCT__ end_poverti in america and transform our approach to poverti around the world __PUNCT__ creat a new energi_economi __PUNCT__ bring health_care to everi american __PUNCT__ and build an educ_system that help to build and support the middl_class of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ will not be easi __PUNCT__

and attempt them will requir a chang in our polit __PUNCT__

we can no longer accept have the cours of our countri dictat by a rel few peopl who push onto the rest of us polici that suit their particular interest __PUNCT__

we need leader who insist that all voic ar heard __PUNCT__ leader who will take the role harri_truman defin so clearli __PUNCT__ a presid who is the lobbyist for all the peopl who don't have __PUNCT__ don't want __PUNCT__ and can't afford on __PUNCT__

but thi is not just about the leader __PUNCT__

it is also about you take respons for your own countri __PUNCT__ for your own govern __PUNCT__ for your own commun __PUNCT__ for your own famili __PUNCT__

i wa onli in the senat for __NUM___year __PUNCT__ but that wa more than enough time to learn firsthand what i fear and what you know __PUNCT__ if you see a problem __PUNCT__ you can't wait for the govern to fix it __PUNCT__

we ar at on of those rare moment in histori __PUNCT__ a time when two path ar clear befor us __PUNCT__

on on side is the path we have been on __PUNCT__

it is a path in which we argu over fuel standard while global_warm get wors __PUNCT__ where the senat_pass non bind resolut on the war in iraq while the war escal __PUNCT__ where the middl_class shrink and disappear while tax_cut for the wealthiest set in __PUNCT__ a path where the two america is still there and still wrong __PUNCT__

on the other side is that futur which we have all long imagin __PUNCT__ a futur in which america moral leadership onc again make us strong and secur __PUNCT__

a futur in which the gulf between the have and have __PUNCT__ not is fade becaus we ar activ work to lift our fellow_human be up from poverti __PUNCT__

where everi american ha health_care __PUNCT__

where america lead the world in creat a new global_economi power by clean_energi __PUNCT__

where women around the world enjoi the same opportun as men __PUNCT__

a futur in which we recogn that our secur is not just measur by our militari might __PUNCT__ but by our abil and determin to build a more peac __PUNCT__ more prosper __PUNCT__ more stabl world __PUNCT__

i believ that futur is our for the take __PUNCT__

we can make it real __PUNCT__

we know that __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ the american_peopl __PUNCT__ have chang the world befor __PUNCT__

nearli __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ anoth gener of american face a world darken by insecur __PUNCT__

the storm cloud of fascism and totalitarian were gather over europ and asia __PUNCT__

we were struggl to emerg from the depth of the great_depress __PUNCT__

and it wa easi to think then that our problem at home were too big for us to try to tackl the problem mount abroad __PUNCT__

yet that gener of american saw in the challeng of their dai not a caus for despair __PUNCT__ but a call to great __PUNCT__

and thei answer it __PUNCT__

not meekli __PUNCT__ not uncertainli __PUNCT__

but proudli __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__ and with convict __PUNCT__

becaus thei had what we have __PUNCT__ the idea of america __PUNCT__

it right here __PUNCT__

and in answer that call __PUNCT__ not onli secur freedom for the peopl of europ and asia __PUNCT__ thei laid the foundat for a new american_economi that produc the greatest expans of the middl_class and the sharpest reduct of poverti in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

thei turn the __NUM___centuri into the american_centuri __PUNCT__

now it is our turn __PUNCT__ to see the challeng we face with an unblink ey and onc again to answer the call __PUNCT__

proudli __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__ and with convict __PUNCT__

it is our respons __PUNCT__

as abraham_lincoln onc call us __PUNCT__ we ar still the __PUNCT__ last best hope of earth __PUNCT__

if america doe not lead __PUNCT__ who will __PUNCT__ i believ we ar up to the task __PUNCT__

i am certain of it __PUNCT__

after all __PUNCT__ i am an optimist __PUNCT__