This speech titled 2007.07.26.remarks_in_des_moines_iowa originally had 3062 tokens. You can view the original text here.
last week __PUNCT__ i travel nearli __NUM___mile to shine a light on some of the great injustic inflict everi dai on million of our fellow_citizen __PUNCT__
i met health_care care_worker without health_care __PUNCT__ entir neighborhood torn apart by predatori_lend __PUNCT__ and a man who went __NUM___year of hi life without be abl to speak becaus he couldn't afford a __MONEY__ surgeri __PUNCT__
thi wasn't dure the great_depress __PUNCT__
thi wasn't in a foreign_countri __PUNCT__
it wa here __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__
i carri these stori and thousand of other just like them everywher i go __PUNCT__
thei ar a constant remind of what i fight for and the challeng befor us __PUNCT__
thei part of a fundament unfair that is at the heart of our economi and our societi __PUNCT__
thi fundament unfair is also at the heart of the two america __PUNCT__ on for those on top __PUNCT__ the big_corpor and a few veri fortun famili __PUNCT__ and on for everyon els __PUNCT__
we have on america that live by the paycheck calendar __PUNCT__ anoth that never ha to look at the calendar befor write a check __PUNCT__
on america that afraid it won't be abl to leav it children a better life __PUNCT__ anoth whose children ar alreadi set for life __PUNCT__
on america __PUNCT__ middl __PUNCT__ class_america __PUNCT__ long forgotten by washington __PUNCT__ and anoth america __PUNCT__ narrow __PUNCT__ interest america __PUNCT__ whose everi wish is washington command __PUNCT__
if you don't think there ar two america __PUNCT__ let me share with you three fact __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ the typic ceo make more by the end of lunch than an averag_wage wage_worker make all year __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ the incom gap is wider than at ani time sinc befor the depress __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ the top___NUM__ incom_earner in america now make more than the bottom___NUM__ __NUM___million combin __PUNCT__
and third __PUNCT__ in the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__ the number of lobbyist in washington ha tripl to __NUM__ __PUNCT__
that mean there ar sixti regist lobbyist for each member of congress and __NUM___time more lobbyist than peopl in my hometown of robbin __PUNCT__ north_carolina __PUNCT__
that all you need to know to know that washington is the problem __PUNCT__ not the solut __PUNCT__
someth wrong when we have __NUM___million_american american_live in poverti and thi kind of incom_dispar __PUNCT__
when __NUM___million_american can't get health_care __PUNCT__ but corpor can get whatev thei want from congress __PUNCT__
that mai be georg_bush america __PUNCT__ but that doesn't mean it right __PUNCT__
the crowd in charg now hasn't done anyth to fix thi __PUNCT__
the truth is __PUNCT__ washington under georg bush and the republican ha gone out of their wai to make it wors __PUNCT__ deliber circl the wagon around success to ensur that those who have it get even more __PUNCT__ instead of creat opportun to give everyon an equal chanc __PUNCT__
but that doesn't mean it start when thei came into offic __PUNCT__
men in their 30 todai earn less in real dollar than their father did __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__
for an entir gener __PUNCT__ regular worker haven't seen a rais __PUNCT__
with thi realiti stare them in the face __PUNCT__ it not surpris that less than a third of american now believ the next gener will be better off __PUNCT__
it time for us to put our economi back in line with our valu __PUNCT__
it time to end the presid war on work __PUNCT__
and it time to restor fair to a tax_code that ha been driven badli out of whack by the wronghead rule of the washington_establish __PUNCT__ more wealth for the wealthi and more power for the power __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ when the middl __PUNCT__ class make_monei from hard_work thei shouldn't pai higher_tax than when the rich make_monei from monei __PUNCT__
it time for us to fight_back for the american_dream that sai we have opportun for all and special_privileg for none __PUNCT__
that success is base on how hard you work __PUNCT__ not how much influenc you have __PUNCT__
that a child futur doe not depend on hi or her parent __PUNCT__ wealth __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ none of thi happen by accid __PUNCT__
washington is broken __PUNCT__
the system is rig __PUNCT__
cronyism and corpor_interest prevail over fair and the best interest of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
washington put wall_street befor main_street __PUNCT__
pharmaceut_compani befor patient __PUNCT__
agricultur conglomer befor famili farmer __PUNCT__
if you want to think about all thi in a veri simpl wai __PUNCT__ it that washington valu wealth over work __PUNCT__
and it no surpris __PUNCT__ the peopl with wealth and corpor_power ar the same_peopl who keep politician in power __PUNCT__
thei scratch washington back and washington scratch their __PUNCT__
but it doesn't have to be thi wai __PUNCT__
i still believ passion in the american_dream becaus i live it myself __PUNCT__
i came from a famili with veri littl __PUNCT__ my father had to borrow __MONEY__ to bring me home from the hospit __PUNCT__
now i want for no materi_thing __PUNCT__
i know that we can fix the mess we ar in __PUNCT__
i know that we can replac two america with on america __PUNCT__
we can end these divis by recommit ourselv to a govern of __PUNCT__ by and for the peopl __PUNCT__ but it not go to be easi __PUNCT__
there ar power_forc that will resist us __PUNCT__
these ar the same power forc i have fought against all my adult_life __PUNCT__
but i have defeat them befor and we will defeat them togeth becaus no matter how power special_interest america think it is __PUNCT__ there is no on more power than the american_peopl and togeth we can build on america and restor the american_dream we all believ in __PUNCT__
but let me tell you on thing __PUNCT__ it not go to be easi and it go to take all of us togeth __PUNCT__
becaus the peopl with power aren't go to give it up without a fight __PUNCT__
and we can't sit down with them and make a deal __PUNCT__
we can't triangul our wai to big chang __PUNCT__ we can't compromis our wai to big chang __PUNCT__ we need to lead the wai to big chang __PUNCT__
and that start with me be specif __PUNCT__ clear and honest about what i go to do __PUNCT__
fix the economi is a critic part of put our countri_back on track __PUNCT__
we won't be abl to do thi by think small or take babi step __PUNCT__
we go to have to take giant step __PUNCT__
i want to talk to you about my plan to build an economi that reward all work and creat opportun for everi american __PUNCT__
to build and rebuild thi economi we need to __PUNCT__ reform our tax_system to reward work instead of onli wealth __PUNCT__
negoti and enforc smarter trade_agreement that benefit worker and consum __PUNCT__
demand corpor_respons and ensur that corpor treat worker fairli __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ i go to focu on our tax_code __PUNCT__ which is the wai we repres our valu as a nation in our economi __PUNCT__
our tax code ha shift most of the burden onto the back of work_american __PUNCT__
there is simpli no end to the special tax_break avail to big_corpor and wealthi individu who can afford lawyer and lobbyist __PUNCT__
thi is all wrong __PUNCT__
it undermin our core valu of work and fair __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ as we learn in the last nearli seven year __PUNCT__ it slow down our economi __PUNCT__
the great engin of growth in america isn't the special_interest or the monei_manag __PUNCT__ it is the teacher and factori_worker and engin who quietli contribut everi dai __PUNCT__
i will rewrit our tax_code to make sure it is fair and that hard __PUNCT__ work_famili __PUNCT__ like those here in iowa __PUNCT__ can succe __PUNCT__ and so that america can succe __PUNCT__
thi mean that poor and middl_class class_famili who work_hard __PUNCT__ save __PUNCT__ and do right by their famili will pai less __PUNCT__
it also mean that those at the veri top __PUNCT__ who have benefit from special break after special break dure the bush_administr __PUNCT__ will again pai their fair_share __PUNCT__
first todai __PUNCT__ i go to talk about three new tax_cut that will honor valu that make our countri great __PUNCT__ save __PUNCT__ work __PUNCT__ and famili __PUNCT__
start off __PUNCT__ we need to encourag famili to build asset __PUNCT__ so that thei each have a nest_egg to bui a home __PUNCT__ send their kid to colleg __PUNCT__ and retir with digniti __PUNCT__
yet becaus our tax_code give the biggest save break to the peopl at the top __PUNCT__ most famili todai don't have the necessari incent to save __PUNCT__
i go to turn that around __PUNCT__
i will help million of american_famili build a better life by provid each of them a dollar __PUNCT__ for __PUNCT__ dollar match on up to __MONEY__ a year of their save __PUNCT__
we call them get ahead account __PUNCT__ and thei give million of famili the chanc to do just that __PUNCT__
in my case __PUNCT__ that chanc to go to colleg meant everyth __PUNCT__
no young_person should be deni that chanc becaus of lack of monei __PUNCT__ and pile more and more loan onto student is not the answer __PUNCT__
that why i propos a nation __PUNCT__ colleg for everyon __PUNCT__ initi base on the program we start in a rural counti in north_carolina __PUNCT__ which will help pai for the first year of colleg for ani student who agre to work_part __PUNCT__ time and stai out of troubl __PUNCT__
in north_carolina __PUNCT__ student who never thought thei would have the chanc to go to colleg ar now get readi to start thi fall __PUNCT__
to help famili save for colleg __PUNCT__ i also let famili deposit their child tax_credit into colleg save_account __PUNCT__
we ar also go to do more to honor work and work_famili in our tax_code __PUNCT__
i help low __PUNCT__ incom worker get ahead by creat work bond that match their save and by let everyon open a modest save_account tax __PUNCT__ free __PUNCT__
we improv and expand our most import tax_break for work_famili __PUNCT__ the earn_incom credit __PUNCT__ by cut the marriag penalti that still hit low __PUNCT__ incom_famili and by stop singl worker from be tax deeper into poverti __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we will expand the child_care tax_credit so that it cover half of the averag child_care care_cost __PUNCT__ and expand it to make it much more valuabl for million of work_famili __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ these get ahead account __PUNCT__ work bond __PUNCT__ expand earn_incom incom_tax_credit __PUNCT__ and expand child_care credit will put america work_poor and middl_class back where thei belong __PUNCT__ at the heart of our prioriti __PUNCT__
while these four signific improv in the fundament fair of our individu tax_system will clearli come at a cost to the treasuri __PUNCT__ i will pai for these benefit for the lower earn and middl_class taxpay by close the loophol and abus which ar now benefit onli the wealthiest in our societi __PUNCT__
the place to start is unearn incom __PUNCT__ capit_gain and dividend __PUNCT__
studi after studi ha shown that low capit gain rate appli to the wealth of the wealthiest don't add anyth to our economi __PUNCT__
thei just add to our deficit and take awai resourc we veri much need elsewher __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will repeal the bush_tax_cut for famili_earn more than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__
i will also rais the top capit_gain rate to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ while protect the save and invest of regular famili __PUNCT__
a __NUM__ percent capit gain_tax tax_rate will help make sure that the wealthiest of american pai their fair_share of tax __PUNCT__
if we truli believ in a tax_code that valu work instead of wealth __PUNCT__ then we cannot complet elimin the estat_tax __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will elimin estat tax for the middl_class __PUNCT__ for small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ and for famili farmer __PUNCT__ but i will keep these tax on the few hundr_thousand extrem wealthi famili with veri larg estat abov __MONEY___million in valu __PUNCT__
if we want a truli fair_tax tax_system __PUNCT__ then we also have to end the injustic in our system that allow mani wealthi peopl and corpor to avoid tax altogeth __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will declar_war on offshor tax_haven __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we need to end the special break for insid __PUNCT__
the wealthi shouldn't be given hand out while work_peopl struggl to get a leg up __PUNCT__
we need to close loophol like the on that let hedg_fund and privat_equiti manag treat most of their incom as capit_gain __PUNCT__
these sever action __PUNCT__ when taken togeth __PUNCT__ will better respect the worker of america __PUNCT__ restor fundament tax fair __PUNCT__ and bring opportun and advantag to everyon across america __PUNCT__ includ here in iowa __PUNCT__
the higher capit gain rate on the highest incom bracket will pai for the new tax benefit i propos todai __PUNCT__
all of the step i have propos will rais well over __MONEY___billion a year to be reinvest in health_care __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ and other critic prioriti __PUNCT__
invest in american and in america unleash the potenti of gener and made thi countri great __PUNCT__ but we lost our wai when we sacrif our nation to the privat wealth accumul of a few __PUNCT__
it time to stop promot the wealth of the wealthi and to start make sure that everi american who work_hard ha the chanc to move up the econom ladder __PUNCT__
with these step __PUNCT__ our tax_code will be fairer and our economi stronger __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ we talk about how we need to chang out tax code __PUNCT__ and in the come dai __PUNCT__ i be talk about trade and corpor_respons __PUNCT__
let me just sai a word about each todai __PUNCT__
trade is someth i don't have to read about in a book or listen to economist spin theori about __PUNCT__
i seen the effect of bad trade_deal up close __PUNCT__
i saw what happen when the mill that my dad work in all hi life __PUNCT__ and that i work in myself when i wa young __PUNCT__ close and the job move awai __PUNCT__
when thi happen __PUNCT__ it wa not just devast to our commun econom __PUNCT__
those weren't just job that move awai __PUNCT__
it wa devast to the pride and digniti of the peopl who work_hard everi dai try to make a better life for their kid __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ it a stori that is still happen all over america __PUNCT__
the labor of the american_peopl ha made our countri great and we need to honor that labor in our trade_polici __PUNCT__
i will soon be outlin detail about how we can do that __PUNCT__
job aren't the onli thing we lost in thi gener __PUNCT__
a gener_ago __PUNCT__ corpor_america gener view their respons as be equal split among their sharehold __PUNCT__ employe __PUNCT__ commun and the nation __PUNCT__
compani that had a strong_sens of oblig to the countri gave american_worker the tool to out produc the rest of the world __PUNCT__
compani prosper and so did our worker and the economi __PUNCT__
soon __PUNCT__ i also be talk about specif thing we can do to get corpor back in line with our valu __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ how we structur our tax_code and how we treat our worker sai everyth about the kind of societi we ar __PUNCT__
ar we a countri where the few decid the fate of the mani __PUNCT__ ar we a countri where ceo and execut have a lower_tax tax_rate than their worker and most of the nation taxpay __PUNCT__ ar we a countri that onli valu greed __PUNCT__ profit and cronyism __PUNCT__ thi is not our america __PUNCT__
we ar better than thi __PUNCT__
the unit_state of america is better than thi __PUNCT__
washington think the american_peopl don't care about the two america __PUNCT__
is thi true __PUNCT__ do we care __PUNCT__ the american peopl care __PUNCT__
i know thei care __PUNCT__
as i travel the countri __PUNCT__ i seen that thei care __PUNCT__
if we want to live in a moral and just and fair america __PUNCT__ an america where everyon is equal __PUNCT__ an america where everyon pai their fair_share __PUNCT__ an america that valu hard_work __PUNCT__ if we want to live in thi america __PUNCT__ then i need you __PUNCT__
i have decid what i go to do with the rest of my life __PUNCT__
i go to fight everi dai for the million of american whose voic ar ignor by washington __PUNCT__
my question to you __PUNCT__ and the question i would ask you to ask yourselv __PUNCT__ is what ar you go to do __PUNCT__ how much ar you will to do __PUNCT__ how much do you love_america __PUNCT__ becaus if we want to build on america __PUNCT__ if we want to put our economi back in line with our valu __PUNCT__ if we want to make american believ in the dream again __PUNCT__ then we need you __PUNCT__
we need you to speak out __PUNCT__
we need you to take action __PUNCT__
the great movement in thi countri didn't start in the oval_offic __PUNCT__ thei start with the american_peopl __PUNCT__
i believ we can build on america __PUNCT__ and i know that togeth we will __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
god_bless_america __PUNCT__