This speech titled 2007.08.06.remarks_in_cedar_rapids_iowa originally had 5249 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__
it good to be back in iowa with all of you todai __PUNCT__
i wa recent here to talk about the fundament unfair at the heart of our economi todai and what we need to do to fix it __PUNCT__
i focus then on our tax_code and how we can reform it to honor work __PUNCT__ not just wealth __PUNCT__
and in the come week i will address the issu of corpor_respons __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk to you about on of the most import econom_issu issu_face america __PUNCT__ trade __PUNCT__ especi it effect on job __PUNCT__
over the past few year __PUNCT__ i travel across thi countri and met with so mani honest __PUNCT__ hard_work work_american __PUNCT__ includ mani right here in iowa __PUNCT__ who been left behind by our economi __PUNCT__
dure on of my trip a coupl of year_ago __PUNCT__ i met doug bishop __PUNCT__
for year __PUNCT__ doug work at the maytag plant in newton __PUNCT__
he work_hard for maytag dai in and dai out __PUNCT__
and then maytag decid to cut_cost by cut doug job __PUNCT__
doug wa lucki __PUNCT__
after eight month out of work __PUNCT__ he back on hi feet now __PUNCT__ a leader in hi commun __PUNCT__
but mani other peopl in newton __PUNCT__ and across america __PUNCT__ haven't been so lucki __PUNCT__
thei as eager to get back to work as doug wa __PUNCT__ but thei still struggl __PUNCT__
these peopl did everyth our countri ask of them __PUNCT__
everyth __PUNCT__
thei had job __PUNCT__ thei work_hard at them __PUNCT__ and thei provid for their famili __PUNCT__ and in return __PUNCT__ thei got the rug pull out from under them __PUNCT__
who wa look out for these worker in newton __PUNCT__ who wa look out for their famili __PUNCT__ not maytag __PUNCT__
and certainli not anyon in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__
it hasn't alwai been thi wai __PUNCT__
worker for gener were at the heart of our countri __PUNCT__
hard __PUNCT__ work_men and women have made america the strongest __PUNCT__ most prosper nation in the histori of the world __PUNCT__
but todai __PUNCT__ washington ha turn it back on our worker and their futur __PUNCT__
more than ever __PUNCT__ worker face an uncertain world where thei feel like no on in washington is do what thei can to help them __PUNCT__
thei right __PUNCT__
washington isn't look out for them __PUNCT__
washington is too busi look out for big_busi and protect irrespons corpor __PUNCT__
trade ha becom a bad word for work_american for a simpl reason __PUNCT__ our trade_polici have been bad for work_american __PUNCT__
washington look at everi trade_deal and ask on question __PUNCT__ and onli on question __PUNCT__ is it good for corpor_profit __PUNCT__ thei don't look at what it will do to worker __PUNCT__ to famili __PUNCT__ to wage __PUNCT__ to job __PUNCT__ or even to the economi __PUNCT__
when it come to trade __PUNCT__ the onli thing that matter in washington is the big_busi bottom_line __PUNCT__
and most of big_busi is onli look out for it profit __PUNCT__ not it peopl __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ thei should be pai_attent to a simpl_truth __PUNCT__ corpor can be success and respons at the same_time __PUNCT__
we need new trade_polici in america that put worker __PUNCT__ wage and famili first __PUNCT__
not fourth __PUNCT__ not third __PUNCT__ not second __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__
what we need is trade without trade __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__
trade without trade __PUNCT__ off for worker __PUNCT__
trade without trade __PUNCT__ off for job __PUNCT__
trade without trade __PUNCT__ off for the environ __PUNCT__
we need trade without trade __PUNCT__ off for america __PUNCT__
corpor __PUNCT__ and the execut who lead them __PUNCT__ need to realiz that creat american_job is not onli the respons thing to do __PUNCT__ it the patriot thing to do __PUNCT__
but that certainli not what is happen todai __PUNCT__
america is bleed job __PUNCT__
sinc presid_bush took offic __PUNCT__ __NUM___million_job have been lost to trade __PUNCT__ includ mani here in iowa __PUNCT__ and __NUM__ million more job mai move offshor within the next decad __PUNCT__
and don't let anyon tell you it just low __PUNCT__ skill job that we lose __PUNCT__ it also mani of our countri high qualiti servic and technolog job __PUNCT__ job that requir advanc educ such as in comput program __PUNCT__ radiolog __PUNCT__ call_center __PUNCT__ and financi analysi __PUNCT__
but it doesn't begin or end with just the job be outsourc to china __PUNCT__ india and elsewher __PUNCT__
the neg_effect from global ar rip through the economi __PUNCT__
global ha help stunt the growth in wage for american_worker __PUNCT__
worker in america must now compet everi dai with worker oversea earn miser low_wage with no benefit __PUNCT__
and what even wors __PUNCT__ big multin_corpor now us the excus that thei have to ship ever more good __PUNCT__ pai american_job job_oversea in order to compet with the veri low_wage wage_job thei themselv creat there __PUNCT__
in the last few year __PUNCT__ wage have fallen for nearli everi educ group __PUNCT__ all the wai up to master degre __PUNCT__ and corpor_profit have nearli doubl __PUNCT__
rather than creat incom gain for all __PUNCT__ the gain from global ar mostli flow to the most fortun american __PUNCT__
global is a major reason why incom_inequ is at it worst sinc befor the great_depress __PUNCT__
it shouldn't be thi wai __PUNCT__
and when i presid __PUNCT__ i go to tell the lobbyist pull the string in washington and the big_corpor that hire them the same_thing __PUNCT__ their time is over __PUNCT__
the system is rig against regular american to guarante more power for the power and more wealth for the wealthi __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i go to cut the rig down and end the game __PUNCT__
washington valu ar all wrong __PUNCT__ but the american_peopl valu ar exactli right __PUNCT__
we believ in hard_work __PUNCT__ fair and opportun __PUNCT__
just like we alwai have __PUNCT__
and we go to restor those valu to our economi and our govern __PUNCT__
i know the american_peopl want chang __PUNCT__ real chang __PUNCT__
washington isn't work for them __PUNCT__
our economi isn't work for them __PUNCT__
but by unit togeth __PUNCT__ we can fix thi __PUNCT__
we can make sure that work and middl_class class_famili again have the opportun to which thei entitl __PUNCT__
while ceo have been sit in their boardroom and while lobbyist and washington insid have been dine in their steakhous __PUNCT__ i have been on the ground __PUNCT__
meet worker __PUNCT__
walk picket_line __PUNCT__
i walk_past far too mani manufactur plant with lock on their gate and weed in their yard __PUNCT__
i heard firsthand from worker how thei on crisi awai __PUNCT__ on pink slip __PUNCT__ on trip to the emerg_room __PUNCT__ from go over a cliff __PUNCT__
but i also seen firsthand their determin to fight __PUNCT__ for their famili and for our valu __PUNCT__
we need courag and convict and backbon to go up against these power lobbyist and insid __PUNCT__
half measur and babi step won't level the plai_field __PUNCT__
triangul and compromis won't fix anyth __PUNCT__
it won't be easi __PUNCT__ but togeth __PUNCT__ you and me and everyon who is sick of listen to washington sai on thing and do anoth __PUNCT__ we can stand up and chang thi countri for the better __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ and we certainli need chang __PUNCT__ especi in our trade_polici __PUNCT__
for year now __PUNCT__ washington ha been pass trade_deal after trade deal that work great for multin_corpor __PUNCT__ but not for work_american __PUNCT__
for exampl __PUNCT__ nafta and the wto provid uniqu right for foreign_compani whose profit ar allegedli hurt by environment and health regul __PUNCT__
these foreign compani have us them to demand compens for law against toxin __PUNCT__ mad cow diseas __PUNCT__ and gambl __PUNCT__ thei have even su the canadian postal_servic for be a monopoli __PUNCT__
domest compani would get laugh out of court if thei tri thi __PUNCT__ but foreign_investor can assert these special right in secret panel that oper outsid our system of law __PUNCT__
when economist sai that trade help our economi overal __PUNCT__ we need to be honest about the fact that it doe not help everyon __PUNCT__
the true measur of our economi isn't found onli in the size of our gdp or the level of corpor_profit __PUNCT__ it whether middl_class class_famili ar do better or wors __PUNCT__
a sure sign that our trade and econom_polici ar serious out of whack is our trade_deficit __PUNCT__
our nation import have increas by a stagger __NUM__ percent in the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__ and instead of a trade balanc __PUNCT__ the unit_state now ha the largest trade_deficit in the histori of the globe __PUNCT__ and it just keep grow __PUNCT__
last year __PUNCT__ our current account_deficit wa more than __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__ which is a stagger __NUM__ percent of our nation entir gdp __PUNCT__ and our trade_deficit with china alon wa __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__
that mean that we ar consum billion of dollar more in import good than we produc __PUNCT__ and we ar borrow heavili to pai for them __PUNCT__
behind all these number and statist ar the face of million of american forgotten in our trade_deal __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ i can tell you that i will never forget them __PUNCT__
i saw what happen when the mill that my dad work in all hi life __PUNCT__ and that i work in myself when i wa young __PUNCT__ close and the job went somewher els __PUNCT__
it wasn't just devast to our commun econom __PUNCT__ it wa devast to the pride and digniti of the peopl who work_hard everi dai try to make a better life for their kid __PUNCT__
let me tell you __PUNCT__ if a ceo think the right thing to do is to ship american_job job_oversea __PUNCT__ to destroi famili and commun __PUNCT__ then i challeng him to go and look those worker in the ey and have the gut to tell them to their face that thei can't compet __PUNCT__
i stood with these worker all across america __PUNCT__ and let me tell you __PUNCT__ thei can compet __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar the best worker in the world __PUNCT__
the trade_polici of presid_bush have devast town and commun all across america __PUNCT__
but let be clear about someth __PUNCT__ thi isn't just hi do __PUNCT__
for far too long __PUNCT__ presid from both parti have enter into trade_agreement __PUNCT__ agreement like nafta __PUNCT__ promis that thei would creat million of new job and enrich commun __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ too mani of these agreement have cost us job and devast mani of our town __PUNCT__
nafta wa written by insid in all three countri __PUNCT__ and it serv their interest __PUNCT__ not the interest of regular worker __PUNCT__
it includ unpreced right for corpor investor __PUNCT__ but no labor or environment_protect in it core text __PUNCT__
and over the past___NUM___year __PUNCT__ we have seen grow incom_inequ in the u. __PUNCT__ mexico and canada __PUNCT__
well enough is enough __PUNCT__
american have paid the price long enough __PUNCT__
we need to chang our fundament approach to trade __PUNCT__
we need to make american valu the foundat of our trade_deal __PUNCT__ and we need to put worker back at their core __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ let me tell you __PUNCT__ no on is ask for ani guarante __PUNCT__
america ha the most open economi in the world __PUNCT__ and no on is suggest that we put up tariff or go back to protection __PUNCT__
ani politician who promis to bring_back the job we lost isn't tell the truth __PUNCT__ no on can bring back those job __PUNCT__
but with a level plai_field __PUNCT__ american_worker can compet with anybodi on earth __PUNCT__
and i absolut not suggest an end to trade __PUNCT__
i am call instead for an end to lip_servic __PUNCT__
our leader in washington sai mani of the right thing __PUNCT__
thei even sai that thei will make sure the gain from trade ar share with everyon __PUNCT__
but when push come to shove __PUNCT__ the trade get push_forward and the share get shove off __PUNCT__
we can and we must chang thi __PUNCT__
i believ we need to follow three principl to make sure global work for everyon __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ trade_deal must benefit worker __PUNCT__ not just big multin_corpor __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ our trade_agreement ar negoti behind close_door __PUNCT__
the multin get their sai __PUNCT__ but when on goe to congress it get an up or down vote __PUNCT__ no amend ar allow __PUNCT__
no wonder that corpor get uniqu protect __PUNCT__ while worker don't benefit __PUNCT__
that wrong __PUNCT__
imagin trade_polici that actual put american_worker first __PUNCT__
we need fair rule for worker __PUNCT__ and we need strong protect for labor and the environ and against currenc manipul __PUNCT__
if a deal is good for middl __PUNCT__ class_famili __PUNCT__ it good for america __PUNCT__ if it not __PUNCT__ it not __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ our trade_polici should also lift up worker around the world __PUNCT__
thi struggl over fair_trade is about more that just what at stake for america worker __PUNCT__ it also about what at stake for worker in everi countri __PUNCT__
make sure that worker around the globe ar treat fairli and share in trade gain is the right thing to do moral __PUNCT__ it the right thing to do econom __PUNCT__ and it will make us much safer and more secur __PUNCT__
that what strong labor_standard ar all about __PUNCT__
make sure that worker have the right to organ and earn a fair_wage will not onli prevent a __PUNCT__ race to the bottom __PUNCT__ on labor right __PUNCT__ it will also help build a global middl_class that share in the gain from trade and creat market for u. __PUNCT__ export __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we need to address more than just our trade_polici in order to restor fair and opportun to worker __PUNCT__
i talk earlier about some of the advers effect of global __PUNCT__ stagnant wage and rise_inequ __PUNCT__
to help regular american get ahead and stai ahead __PUNCT__ we need to make sure our children get a qualiti_educ and have the chanc to go to colleg __PUNCT__
we need to rais the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ strengthen union __PUNCT__ and help famili build asset __PUNCT__
and the most import_thing we can do to provid secur to our worker is to guarante univers_health_care in thi countri __PUNCT__
i am proud to be the first major candid to come out with a plan for univers_health_care __PUNCT__
we also need to invest resourc to ensur that our countri keep it competit edg in the world __PUNCT__
we need to creat the job of the futur right here in america and make sure our worker have the skill thei need to fill them __PUNCT__
we need to make the research and experiment tax_credit perman __PUNCT__ invest in life scienc and biomed research __PUNCT__ strengthen math and scienc educ __PUNCT__ and creat a new energi_economi __PUNCT__
there ar so mani thing we can do to put our economi back on the side of the work_men and women who make thi countri great __PUNCT__
our trade_polici have a huge impact on whether regular american __PUNCT__ in iowa and across the countri __PUNCT__ have the chanc to get ahead in our economi or whether thei ar left behind __PUNCT__
we need a new era in trade polici __PUNCT__
we need __PUNCT__ smart trade __PUNCT__ polici that american_worker can sai ye to __PUNCT__ trade_polici that do more than pai lip_servic to their need and that actual make sure prosper is share __PUNCT__
trade_polici that ar as innov as the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and when i presid __PUNCT__ those ar the trade_polici we will have __PUNCT__
and let me be clear __PUNCT__ we will make sure that these polici ar in place befor we pass a singl new trade_deal __PUNCT__
in my first year in offic __PUNCT__ i will spend_time time_work with congress to get our trade_polici straight __PUNCT__ polici which ensur that american_worker final begin to see benefit from the global_economi __PUNCT__
and then __PUNCT__ when we negoti new trade_deal it won't just be big multin_corpor whose interest ar serv __PUNCT__ it will also be the interest of american_worker __PUNCT__ america commun __PUNCT__ and our global environ __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ i will be a tough negoti on new trade_deal __PUNCT__
there ar good trade deal and there ar bad trade deal __PUNCT__ and when i am presid it will be crystal clear that we have a presid who know the differ __PUNCT__
it is not enough for a trade deal to be popular on wall_street or show up in econom statist __PUNCT__
my main measur is just thi on __PUNCT__ after consid the impact on job __PUNCT__ wage and price __PUNCT__ will most famili be better off __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ our trade_agreement will give worker fair and level plai_field __PUNCT__
all our trade_partner must meet basic labor_standard __PUNCT__ such as prohibit sweatshop and child_labor and protect the right of worker to join union __PUNCT__
these condit should be the floor __PUNCT__ not the ceil __PUNCT__
and thei should not be in side agreement __PUNCT__ but at the core of the agreement __PUNCT__
i will tie unilater trade prefer and bilater trade_agreement to progress on labor right __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will also push the world_trade_organ to begin to address labor_standard __PUNCT__
and i will build on the preced of the cambodia textil agreement __PUNCT__ which reward progress on labor right with greater market access __PUNCT__
new trade_agreement must also includ strong rule on environment_protect and against currenc manipul __PUNCT__
as the world_biggest custom __PUNCT__ our trade_deal can be vital tool to ensur that progress is made in stop global_warm __PUNCT__
thei can also be tool to ensur that poor environment practic do not creat unfair competit_advantag __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ i will insist that our trade_deal be fairli and fulli administ __PUNCT__
for free_trade to be fair __PUNCT__ it must be base on rule __PUNCT__ and then those rule must be follow __PUNCT__
but right now __PUNCT__ mani major_u. __PUNCT__ trade_partner ar break the rule without ani consequ __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will seek to restor america moral leadership of the world __PUNCT__ and our trade_polici with these countri can help __PUNCT__
but we ar go to be tough in our negoti becaus the overrid oblig of the presid of the unit_state is to put america worker __PUNCT__ economi and nation_interest first __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__ india and certain other nation ar each __PUNCT__ to on degre or anoth __PUNCT__ combin miser low_wage and poor environment practic with tax_break __PUNCT__ subsidi __PUNCT__ tariff __PUNCT__ low __PUNCT__ cost loan __PUNCT__ and currenc manipul to advanc their trade at the expens of our __PUNCT__
all of thi is cost american high __PUNCT__ qualiti job and threaten million more __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ restor fair and balanc trade with china will be a particular prioriti __PUNCT__
it massiv manipul of the yuan ha continu for year __PUNCT__ give it an unfair advantag against u. __PUNCT__ manufactur __PUNCT__ and it labor and intellectu_properti protect ar grossli inadequ __PUNCT__
as a result of the massiv trade_deficit we run with china __PUNCT__ the largest ever between ani two countri __PUNCT__ more than __MONEY___billion last year alon __PUNCT__ china now own __MONEY___trillion in u. __PUNCT__ asset __PUNCT__ give it great leverag over our economi and our secur __PUNCT__
thi is not accept __PUNCT__
we need to persuad china authoritarian govern to commit to the rule that govern the conduct of respons nation __PUNCT__
our trade_polici ar a great opportun for increas leverag over china __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ when i presid i will make it crystal clear that do busi with china should not come at the expens of american_job or our economi __PUNCT__ there must and will be balanc between our nation when we trade __PUNCT__
as for our good_friend india __PUNCT__ which ha achiev remark econom_growth in recent_year __PUNCT__ we still must work_hard to get it to adher to both the letter and the spirit of it trade_agreement with the u. __PUNCT__ and to further achiev our share valu __PUNCT__ while all the while improv the live of it million of citizen __PUNCT__
i know follow the letter of ani law __PUNCT__ let alon trade law __PUNCT__ isn't a prioriti for the bush_administr __PUNCT__ but it will be for mine __PUNCT__
in the edward administr __PUNCT__ the top prosecutor at the depart of justic will be respons for enforc our trade_agreement __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ the trade negoti charg with enforc agreement seem to think their job is done when an agreement is sign __PUNCT__
sign a trade_deal should be the begin of the process __PUNCT__ not the end __PUNCT__
and i will insist that we final begin to prosecut illeg foreign subsidi __PUNCT__ currenc manipul __PUNCT__ and trade practic __PUNCT__
fair term of trade also mean fix our own tax_code so that corpor aren't reward for close plant and ship job to countri like china __PUNCT__
our govern should be encourag busi to invest here __PUNCT__
yet __PUNCT__ on of the starkest exampl that our economi work best for big_busi instead of regular american is that we actual give tax_incent to compani to invest oversea __PUNCT__
american_compani set up shop in tax_haven often pai littl or no u. __PUNCT__ tax __PUNCT__
thi is not onli wrong __PUNCT__ it unpatriot __PUNCT__
i will elimin the tax_incent that encourag compani to invest oversea rather than here at home __PUNCT__
these dollar __PUNCT__ if invest in new facil and in retrain worker and rebuild devast commun __PUNCT__ can fuel a dramat expans of our own economi __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we need much more invest in help the worker and commun left behind __PUNCT__
when we sign a trade_deal __PUNCT__ we know which industri and worker will like be affect by greater competit __PUNCT__
we need to restor some honesti to the trade debat and not claim __PUNCT__ like too mani presid from both parti have done __PUNCT__ that trade will help everyon __PUNCT__
thi is simpli not true __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ everi trade_agreement will be subject to not onli an econom assess show how import and export will be affect by the agreement __PUNCT__ but also to a __PUNCT__ commun impact assess __PUNCT__
we need to make sure trade_deal produc real benefit that ar wide_share __PUNCT__ and we need to get a head_start on help ani worker and commun who will be hurt by increas in import or by competit from other countri __PUNCT__
befor i ask congress to approv ani new trade_agreement __PUNCT__ we will have an honest discuss about the real impact of that agreement on town and commun and worker across our countri __PUNCT__
then we can go into disloc commun __PUNCT__ start befor the job ar gone __PUNCT__ and help them diversifi their economi with initi model on the militari_base close commiss __PUNCT__ bring local leader __PUNCT__ employ and union togeth to rebuild local_economi __PUNCT__
we need to be much more aggress about help worker and affect commun __PUNCT__
train is no substitut for good trade_polici __PUNCT__ but we must help worker gain new skill and get ahead __PUNCT__
the problem is that __PUNCT__ too often __PUNCT__ train_program ar complet disconnect from the job_market __PUNCT__
i will creat a broad new train work_program that ti retrain to real_job __PUNCT__
it will support on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job_train train_program through partnership among busi __PUNCT__ union and commun_colleg __PUNCT__
worker will be train on __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ job to make sure the job actual exist __PUNCT__
and to make it worth busi __PUNCT__ while __PUNCT__ and to support high __PUNCT__ wage_job __PUNCT__ we will pai part of worker __PUNCT__ wage while thei ar be train __PUNCT__
all type of worker ar affect by global __PUNCT__ and all type of worker should be elig for help get back on their feet __PUNCT__
but trade adjust assist __PUNCT__ or taa __PUNCT__ now onli help manufactur worker at plant_close __PUNCT__
becaus most unemploi_worker who lose their job aren't even cover by unemploy_insur __PUNCT__ i will help state modern their program __PUNCT__
thi will give secur to __NUM__ more jobless worker a year __PUNCT__ includ more low __PUNCT__ wage and part __PUNCT__ time_worker __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ as we have seen over the last year __PUNCT__ anoth dark_side of trade is the concern over the safeti of the food we eat __PUNCT__ the toi our children plai with __PUNCT__ and even the medicin we take __PUNCT__
now more than ever __PUNCT__ we need to make sure that our trade rule protect_american american_consum __PUNCT__
food_import have doubl in the past_decad __PUNCT__ and american now eat three __PUNCT__ quarter of a pound of import_food everi dai __PUNCT__
howev __PUNCT__ less than __NUM__ percent of import food is inspect __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will enforc mandatori __PUNCT__ countri of origin __PUNCT__ label for food and other consum_product so that american will know who is make the product thei ar bui __PUNCT__
the big meat packer have block thi law for too long __PUNCT__
i will give the fda all the author and resourc it need to keep taint food and product out of our countri and out of our home __PUNCT__
we will strengthen enforc to ensur that safeti_standard ar be met __PUNCT__ and we will enforc __PUNCT__ zero toler __PUNCT__ and immedi freez the specif import of ani food __PUNCT__ toi __PUNCT__ medicin __PUNCT__ or other good that threaten the health of our children and famili __PUNCT__
we will not let them in until we know thei ar safe __PUNCT__ becaus the health and welfar of our children ar more import than cheap toi __PUNCT__
we must make sure that trade is not onli smart and good for america_economi and worker __PUNCT__ but safe for american_famili __PUNCT__
regular famili __PUNCT__ their safeti and their best interest __PUNCT__ should come befor the interest of multin_corpor __PUNCT__
that what safe and smart trade is about __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ some peopl as thei listen to my new smart trade vision for america will accus me of be a protectionist or anti __PUNCT__ trade __PUNCT__
thei would be wrong __PUNCT__
i believ in smart and safe trade __PUNCT__ just not trade that help american multin but hurt america __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ let me tell you __PUNCT__ you can protect the interest of american_worker and still trade __PUNCT__
we can grow our economi __PUNCT__ and creat good_job and trade respons __PUNCT__ fairli and safe __PUNCT__
with smart trade_polici __PUNCT__ we can make sure american_worker compet on level plai_field __PUNCT__
with smart trade_polici __PUNCT__ we can creat a new futur where even more worker and their famili have a chanc to achiev the american_dream __PUNCT__
i know we can make trade and our economi work for regular worker __PUNCT__ but real chang must first begin with end __PUNCT__ onc and for all __PUNCT__ the influenc lobbyist have on trade_polici and on our govern __PUNCT__
it time washington work for the american_peopl __PUNCT__ not for lobbyist and insid __PUNCT__
it time that the presid stood up and fought for american_worker __PUNCT__
it time to have a presid that alwai __PUNCT__ alwai __PUNCT__ put the interest of the american_peopl first __PUNCT__
so todai __PUNCT__ i again call on all feder officehold and candid from all polit_parti to join me in put an end to the monei game in washington by simpli_refus to accept ani form of campaign_donat from feder lobbyist go forward __PUNCT__
it realli just that simpl __PUNCT__
we need to send a messag to all of the lobbyist in washington __PUNCT__ your monei is no good here __PUNCT__ and we not go to take it anymor __PUNCT__
we don't need you __PUNCT__ we got the american_peopl on our side __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ what i just said todai isn't go to be popular with the special_interest_group __PUNCT__ lobbyist or washington insid __PUNCT__
but thi isn't about be well __PUNCT__ like __PUNCT__
thi is about do what right __PUNCT__
thei go to try to distract you and me from the issu that matter __PUNCT__ issu like health_care __PUNCT__ poverti __PUNCT__ job and econom fair __PUNCT__
and it these insid in washington who ar go to attack us to try to keep peopl like me from speak out __PUNCT__ but thei won't succe __PUNCT__
becaus i go to fight with everi breath i have __PUNCT__
becaus thi isn't about me or them __PUNCT__ it about you __PUNCT__ your famili __PUNCT__ your children __PUNCT__ and how those who run for presid ar go to fight for real chang to creat a better america where all of us can go as far as our hard_work and god __PUNCT__ given talent will take us __PUNCT__
that the kind of presid i will be __PUNCT__
as harri_truman said __PUNCT__ the ultim test of ani presidenti decis is __PUNCT__ not whether it popular at the time __PUNCT__ but whether it right __PUNCT__ if it right __PUNCT__ make it __PUNCT__ and let the popular part take care of itself __PUNCT__
we know we don't have to live in an america where hard __PUNCT__ work_men and women ar struggl to get by __PUNCT__
where we pass trade_deal after trade deal that rip apart commun __PUNCT__
where good_peopl like those who work at maytag do right by their countri and ar still left out in the cold __PUNCT__
that not our america __PUNCT__
our america sai if you work_hard __PUNCT__ you have the chanc to get ahead and leav your kid a better life __PUNCT__
that the on america we fight for __PUNCT__
that our america __PUNCT__
and togeth __PUNCT__ i know we can make our on america a realiti becaus the real_power of america isn't in washington __PUNCT__ it with the american_peopl __PUNCT__
it with all of you __PUNCT__
and that is why when i presid __PUNCT__ real chang is come __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
god_bless_america __PUNCT__