This speech titled 2007.12.16.excerpts_of_remarks_in_ames_iowa originally had 799 tokens. You can view the original text here.
america wa built on an idea __PUNCT__ that all of us ar equal __PUNCT__
the idea that how hard you work __PUNCT__ and what kind of choic you make will determin the kind of life you build __PUNCT__ and what you pass onto your children __PUNCT__ but not the circumst you born into __PUNCT__ never that __PUNCT__
the great of america is that promis __PUNCT__ that everi gener will leav it children a better life __PUNCT__
that is our social compact with the middl_class __PUNCT__ the promis that if you work_hard and do what right __PUNCT__ you be abl to build a better life for yourself and your famili __PUNCT__
but todai __PUNCT__ that compact is be threaten __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ here what happen __PUNCT__ corpor greed and polit_calcul have taken over our govern and sold out the middl_class __PUNCT__
washington isn't look out for the middl class becaus washington doesn't work for the middl class anymor __PUNCT__ that is wrong __PUNCT__
it doesn't sai life __PUNCT__ liberti and the pursuit of endless corpor_profit in the declar of independ __PUNCT__
america is about opportun for you __PUNCT__ and your famili __PUNCT__ your children __PUNCT__
but our govern is sell out their futur at the command of lobbyist and their corpor client and we have to rise up togeth and stop it __PUNCT__
we have to rise up and sai __PUNCT__ no more __PUNCT__
not on our watch __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we need a presid who will take these power on and fight to get you your voic back __PUNCT__ and your govern_back __PUNCT__
we need a presid who is go to fight everi dai to make sure that all american can find good_job __PUNCT__ save for the futur __PUNCT__ and be guarante health_care and retir secur __PUNCT__
we need a presid who is go to lift up the middl_class __PUNCT__
that is why todai __PUNCT__ i am propos my middl class rise agenda __PUNCT__ a comprehens plan to help hardwork famili get ahead __PUNCT__ and make sure that all american have a fair shot at the american_dream __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ none of thi is go to be easi __PUNCT__
i hear all these candid talk about how we go to bring about the big __PUNCT__ bold chang that america need __PUNCT__
and i hear some peopl sai that thei think we can sit at a tabl with drug_compani __PUNCT__ oil_compani and insur_compani __PUNCT__ and thei will give their power awai __PUNCT__
that is a fantasi __PUNCT__
we have a fight in front of us __PUNCT__
we have a fight for the futur of thi countri __PUNCT__
and the chang we need will not happen easili __PUNCT__
we need someon who is go to step into that arena on your behalf __PUNCT__ someon who is readi for that fight __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ i have been in thi fight my whole life __PUNCT__
from the time i wa young __PUNCT__ until when i wa a lawyer __PUNCT__
for twenti_year __PUNCT__ i walk into courtroom repres famili like your against big_corpor and their armi of lawyer __PUNCT__
everi time __PUNCT__ thei look at me and said __PUNCT__ we can win __PUNCT__
but thei didn't __PUNCT__
becaus i beat them __PUNCT__
i beat them __PUNCT__
and i beat them again __PUNCT__
and i learn that it mai not be easi to beat these power_interest __PUNCT__ but if you right __PUNCT__ and you will to stand up __PUNCT__ you can win __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ that what the american_peopl have alwai done __PUNCT__
everi time in our histori that the american peopl have been face with great_challeng __PUNCT__ thei rose up and met them __PUNCT__
thei made certain that thei left america better than thei found it __PUNCT__ thei left their children a better life than thei had __PUNCT__
that what your parent did __PUNCT__
it what your grandpar did __PUNCT__
and it what my parent did for me __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i take it veri person when i see power __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ financ interest take over thi democraci __PUNCT__ and take it awai from regular american __PUNCT__ peopl like my parent __PUNCT__
we have got to reclaim thi democraci for them __PUNCT__
for you __PUNCT__
for your children __PUNCT__
for your grandchildren __PUNCT__
becaus if we don't __PUNCT__ we go to have to look our children in the ey and sai __PUNCT__ we leav thi mess to you __PUNCT__
our parent didn't do that __PUNCT__
our grandpar didn't do it __PUNCT__
twenti gener of american who came befor us didn't do it __PUNCT__
and i tell you someth __PUNCT__ we not go to do it __PUNCT__
we go to make absolut certain that america rise again __PUNCT__