John Edwards

This speech titled 2008.01.03.remarks_following_the_iowa_caucuses_edwards originally had 1627 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

the on thing that clear from the result in iowa tonight is the statu_quo lost and chang won __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and now we move on __PUNCT__

we move on from iowa to new hampshir and to the other state to determin who best suit to bring about the chang that thi countri so desper need __PUNCT__

becaus what we seen here in iowa is we seen two candid who thought their monei would make them inevit __PUNCT__

but what the iowa_caucu __PUNCT__ goer have shown __PUNCT__ is if you will to have a littl backbon __PUNCT__ to have a littl courag __PUNCT__ to speak for the middl_class __PUNCT__ to speak for those who have no voic __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ if you will __PUNCT__ if you will to stand up to corpor greed __PUNCT__ that messag and the american_peopl ar unstopp __PUNCT__

no matter how much monei is spent __PUNCT__ no matter how much __PUNCT__

and we ar so proud of thi caus __PUNCT__

but i want all of us to rememb tonight while we have all these polit celebr __PUNCT__ that just a few week_ago in america __PUNCT__ natalin sarkisian __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old girl who had a __PUNCT__ need a liver transplant __PUNCT__ and whose insur_compani decid thei wouldn't pai for her liver transplant oper __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ her nurs spoke up on her behalf __PUNCT__

her doctor spoke up on her behalf __PUNCT__

ultim __PUNCT__ the american_peopl spoke up on her behalf by march and picket in front of her health_insur carrier __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ the insur carrier cave in and agre to pai for her oper __PUNCT__

and when thei notifi the famili just a few hour later __PUNCT__ she di __PUNCT__

she lost her life __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ why __PUNCT__ jame low wa born __NUM___year_ago in the unit_state of america with a sever cleft palat __PUNCT__ which kept him from be abl to speak __PUNCT__

and he live for __NUM___year in the greatest __PUNCT__ most prosper nation on the planet __PUNCT__ not abl to speak becaus he didn't have health __PUNCT__ care coverag and couldn't pai for a simpl oper __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ doug bishop __PUNCT__ who actual behind me tonight __PUNCT__ doug and hi famili work at the maytag plant in newton __PUNCT__ newton __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__

for gener __PUNCT__ for gener __PUNCT__ thei work __PUNCT__

thei sacrif __PUNCT__

thei did everyth you suppos to do in america __PUNCT__

and then recent __PUNCT__ thi plant_close __PUNCT__

and the job went oversea __PUNCT__

why __PUNCT__ the reason is becaus corpor greed ha got a stranglehold on america __PUNCT__

and unless and until we have a presid in the proud tradit of teddi_roosevelt __PUNCT__ franklin_roosevelt __PUNCT__ harri_truman __PUNCT__ who ha a littl backbon __PUNCT__ who ha some strength __PUNCT__ who ha some fight __PUNCT__ who will to stand up to these peopl __PUNCT__ noth will chang __PUNCT__

we will never have the america that all of us dream of __PUNCT__

the promis of america __PUNCT__ which ha been avail to so mani of us __PUNCT__ will not be avail to our children and our grandchildren __PUNCT__

and i take thi veri person __PUNCT__

i watch my grandmoth __PUNCT__ who i love dearli __PUNCT__ work year after year after year in the mill __PUNCT__

and we live in the same neighborhood __PUNCT__

she would cook for us __PUNCT__ leav the hous __PUNCT__ walk her wai to the mill __PUNCT__ work her shift __PUNCT__ and come back_home and take care of us again __PUNCT__

my grandfath __PUNCT__ who wa partial paralyz __PUNCT__ would go to work the graveyard shift in that mill and come back in the morn __PUNCT__ when we have breakfast togeth __PUNCT__

my father __PUNCT__ who here with me tonight __PUNCT__ work __NUM___year in the mill __PUNCT__ hard __PUNCT__ tediou work __PUNCT__ hard __PUNCT__ tediou work __PUNCT__

why did he do it __PUNCT__ why did he struggl and sacrific __PUNCT__ why did your parent and grandpar struggl and sacrific __PUNCT__ thei did it so that you could have a better life __PUNCT__

my parent did it so that i could have a better life __PUNCT__

and we __PUNCT__ all of us to whom the torch ha been pass __PUNCT__ we carri an enorm respons __PUNCT__

and that respons transcend polit and transcend elect __PUNCT__

it our respons to ensur that we leav america better than we found it __PUNCT__ that we give our children a better life than we had __PUNCT__

and thi is what i see in america_todai __PUNCT__

i see an america where last year __PUNCT__ the ceo of on of the largest health_insur insur_compani in america made hundr of million of dollar __PUNCT__ in on year __PUNCT__

i see an america where exxonmobil __PUNCT__ nyse __PUNCT__ xom __PUNCT__ profit were __MONEY___billion just a coupl of year_ago __PUNCT__

record amount __PUNCT__ record profit __PUNCT__

all of that happen at the same_time that thi pictur of america emerg __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ __NUM___million_american will go to bed know that if their child get sick __PUNCT__ thei have to go to the emerg_room and beg for health_care __PUNCT__

tomorrow morn __PUNCT__ women will go to their doctor and be diagnos with breast_cancer __PUNCT__ just like elizabeth wa __PUNCT__

but unlik elizabeth __PUNCT__ thei have no health_care coverag __PUNCT__

and as a result __PUNCT__ thei know that thei can't go to the emerg_room and get chemotherapi __PUNCT__

what ar thei suppos to do __PUNCT__ what ar thei suppos to do __PUNCT__ you can liter see the fear and terror in their ey __PUNCT__

tomorrow morn __PUNCT__ __NUM___million of our own peopl will wake up liter worri about feed and cloth their own children __PUNCT__

i went to a shelter here in de_moin just a few week_ago __PUNCT__ where thei took singl_mom with their children who had no place to live __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ do you ever have to turn peopl awai __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ a few month_ago __PUNCT__ thei had to turn___NUM__ to __NUM___famili awai in on month __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ these ar mom with kid __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ some of them with three or four children __PUNCT__

and i said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ where did thei go when you sent them awai __PUNCT__ thei went back to the street __PUNCT__ back to their home __PUNCT__

thirti __PUNCT__ five million_peopl in america went hungri last year in the richest nation on the planet __PUNCT__

and tonight __PUNCT__ __NUM___men and women who wore our uniform proudli and serv thi countri courag as veteran will go to sleep under bridg and on grate __PUNCT__

we better than thi __PUNCT__

the unit_state of america better than thi __PUNCT__

and what happen tonight is the iowa_caucu __PUNCT__ goer said __PUNCT__ we want someth differ __PUNCT__

we ar go to stand up __PUNCT__ we ar go to rise up __PUNCT__ we go to creat an america that all of us believ in __PUNCT__

becaus the truth is __PUNCT__ when we speak up __PUNCT__ when we speak up for jame low and the million like him who live in the dark __PUNCT__ when we speak up against corpor greed and for the __NUM___million_american who live in poverti __PUNCT__ when we speak up for singl_mom who have no place to live with their children __PUNCT__ when we speak up for hundr of thousand of veteran who serv thi countri proudli and ar homeless with no place to live at night __PUNCT__ when we do that togeth __PUNCT__ as a nation __PUNCT__ and iowa_caucu __PUNCT__ goer did it tonight __PUNCT__ when we do it __PUNCT__ america a better place __PUNCT__

it sai someth about who we ar __PUNCT__

it sai someth about our charact __PUNCT__

becaus when we do __PUNCT__ america rise up __PUNCT__

america becom what it capabl of be __PUNCT__

and what began __PUNCT__ and it is not over __PUNCT__ what began tonight in the heartland of america is the iowa caucu __PUNCT__ goer said __PUNCT__ enough is enough __PUNCT__

we ar better than thi __PUNCT__

we ar go to bring the chang that thi countri need __PUNCT__

and you have creat and start a wave of chang __PUNCT__ a tidal_wave of chang that will travel from here to new hampshir to nevada to south_carolina __PUNCT__ all across thi countri __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ becaus we know the torch ha been pass to us __PUNCT__

we stand proudli on the shoulder of our parent and grandpar and all those gener who came befor us __PUNCT__

and we take our respons serious __PUNCT__

and thi tidal_wave of chang that began tonight in iowa and that will sweep across america __PUNCT__ when that wave is finish __PUNCT__ when it is done __PUNCT__ everi on of us ar go to be abl to look our children in the ey and sai __PUNCT__ we did what our parent did for us and what our grandpar did for us __PUNCT__

which is __PUNCT__ we left america better than we found it __PUNCT__ and we gave our children a better life than we had __PUNCT__

that what thi is about __PUNCT__

that what thi chang is about __PUNCT__

continu on __PUNCT__

thi march of chang continu on __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__

thank you for everyth you done __PUNCT__

stai with us in thi fight __PUNCT__

we ar in thi fight togeth __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__